Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 802: It's not Black Sun Lord, it's Crazy Love Lord

Chapter 802: It's not Black Sun Lord, it's Crazy Love Lord
Four days later.

In the northern part of the Holy Polante Empire, the capital city of Helsharem has finally returned to peace from a turmoil.

Immediately afterwards, the city-state of Hersharem began to prepare busily for the grand coronation ceremony.

This troubled country is about to welcome a new leader.

Below the Pope's Hall at the top of the terrain, the city-state's buildings are mostly in dark gray or white classical style. The air is filled with the fragrance of flowers and deep music, and the clean and spacious streets are full of merchants, knights and priests in gorgeous clothes.

On the streets, citizens gathered in groups of three or four, discussing in low voices the news coming from the southern Horning Empire.

"I heard that the situation in the Horning Empire is very bad now, with chaos and massacres everywhere."

"It is said that he is a man in a black robe, commanding several incredibly powerful black-robed demons. He is like a demon slayer from heaven, truly the Tai Sui God on earth..."

Some citizens said cautiously.

Another person interrupted him quickly.

"Don't talk nonsense. The source of Horning's troubles is the evil side of our previous Pope Lanclos..."

Before he could finish his words, he was scolded by others.
"Watch your words! Our current pope is His Majesty Sigra Saint Anastasius!"

If Sieglei had not defeated and expelled the mad Lanclos, it is very likely that the citizens of Helsarem would have been slaughtered indiscriminately.

At least in this matter, the residents of Hersharem were all grateful.

As soon as the catastrophe passed them by, the whole city was immersed in a festive atmosphere.

Ribbons of flowers adorned every street and window-sill of every house, and people, inside and out, were talking about the coming event.

Although the news of the changes coming from the Horning Empire in the past two days made them realize that the upcoming four-year anniversary of the peaceful revival of Seville would probably not be held, no matter whether war would break out again in this world, they would not be as desperate as they were more than a decade ago.

Success is not the end, failure is not the end, only the courage to move forward remains.

The fire in their hearts had been ignited many years ago, and it was just a matter of letting it burn again in desperate circumstances.

And now the Saint-Polant Empire is not without pillars.

That's what they believe in.

The most magnificent and important building in the Holy Roman Empire, the Hershalom Papal Hall, is where the coronation ceremony will be held today.

After days of diligent cleaning and repair, the scars left by the battle have been completely erased, and the Papal Hall has regained its former glory.

Outside the hall, the priests in white cloaks with blue edges had already lined up, in uniform and majestic.

The leading paladin held high the flag of Saint Polante embroidered with the unicorn emblem, which fluttered in the wind.

Before the ceremony officially began, the square in front of the Pope's Hall and the streets several kilometers away were already crowded with people.

Thousands of people came from all directions, filling the square to the brim, just to witness this historic moment.

In the center of the square stands a circular platform covered with a bright red carpet. Surrounding it are three rows of white marble columns wrapped with purple and green ribbons. In the middle stands a statue of the Moon Goddess, holding a staff and draped in gauze. On both sides of the stairs in front of the platform, knights stand upright, ready for battle.

They were dressed in silver-white armor, with blue feathers flying on the top of their helmets, and the spears in their hands flashed cold light, like an indestructible steel wall. The church's musicians were located under the steps, ready to play celebratory music at any time.

Until the clock hand on the clock tower in Hersharem pointed to noon.

The bells rang and cheerful music suddenly sounded.

Accompanied by melodious tunes, a procession of bishops marched out of the Pope's Hall. Under the gaze of the crowd, they surrounded Sigler, who was dressed in gorgeous clothes, and walked slowly toward the platform.

She was tall, with long light-colored hair scattered behind her waist. Her eyes were like stars shining in the night sky, or like violets blooming in spring. She had an ambitious aura as strong as the queen of this land.

The moment they saw her, many ordinary citizens couldn't help but be shocked.

"Her aura is completely different from that of the old Pope."

Anyone could see that she was not content with controlling what was in front of her, but wanted to conquer everything within her sight.

"She is much more fierce than the old and conservative Pope. She really seems to want to conquer the world all the way south. People will be afraid of her on a biological level."

"Legend has it that Saint Sigler is a powerful but gentle woman. Why does it feel like she is more pope than the Pope?"

"Otherwise, what kind of person do you think can drive the old Pope out of office..."

The citizens in the distance were talking quietly.

But they couldn't see that there was a hint of loneliness in Siglei's eyes.

"Such a beautiful scenery, but you can't share it with me."

Sieglie looked at the grand spectacle and murmured in silent words.

She still remembered that when she first abducted the Son of God to her collection hall, Lanqi wanted to take her with him to sneak into the Branch of Nirvana, so he asked her, when she reached the top, she found that she was always alone, no one talked to her, and the lonely winter made her shiver. What was her purpose in being up there?

She did not admit that after finishing her busy work she could only appreciate her collection alone. No matter what achievements she made, no one could share the joy with her.

At that time, I was vaguely aroused by that boy, and then I couldn't stop myself. When I came to my senses, I understood the reason for standing in a high position.


It was nice to experience the ceremony of reaching the top, but without Lanqi to accompany her, she didn't know what the point was.

She loves the country, but she loves beauty more.

We should marry Lanqi first.

Then I have to plan to go to Wilford's house to meet his parents after returning to the present world.

But there is no rush, let’s meet the Son of God first and give him a surprise reunion.

Lanqi would never have dreamed that not long after she said goodbye to Archbishop Sigrid in the shadow world, she would see her again in the real world after a while.

"I heard that... the dimensional branch has a spell that can directly teleport over long distances, but the longer the teleportation distance and the higher the target's teleportation level, the greater the mana consumption... I really want to see the Son as soon as I return to the world."

Sigrid sighed inwardly.

If the Son of God came out of the shadow world, he would suddenly hear a knock on the door as soon as he sat down at home.

When I open the door again, I can see her leaning against her luggage.

What a romantic thing that is.

The intelligence navigation and passport for her trip to the southern continent were basically a one-stop service provided to her by the Dimension Branch.

As for the most advanced space teleportation, you basically don't have to even think about it.

It's not about money.

The mana required for the ultra-long-distance teleportation of her, a peak eighth-level cardinal, is too great. Even the only space mage who can do it, the Dimension Bishop, will lose his combat capability after using a teleportation spell of this scale. The cunning Toliado will not be stupid enough to use up all his mana in front of another cardinal.

The dream time ended, and Sigrid's thoughts were brought back to reality by the roar of Helsarem.

Behind her, the double doors of the Papal Chamber were opened, and the midday sun shone through the rose windows, casting mottled shadows on the red carpet on the ground, like a road to heaven.

Bells rang, cheers were heard, and the people welcomed their new Pope from the bottom of their hearts.

Sieglie smiled and waved to the crowd, thanking her people for their support.

In this era, the world is getting smaller and smaller as you see it.

she thought.

"Glory to the Goddess! Praise our Pope!"

The Knights Templar quickly formed a tight human wall around the platform to ensure the smooth progress of the coronation ceremony.

Bishops in white robes followed closely behind. They saluted Sieglery respectfully and then lined up neatly on the right side of the steps, indicating that the Church of St. Paul would unite as one to assist the new Pope in governing the country.

As Sigler walked, hymns echoed over the square.

Sigler walked slowly onto the stage, and the cheers of the people below intertwined into an inspiring melody.

Coming to the platform, Siglei raised her right hand slightly, signaling the people to be quiet.

The square gradually fell silent, and everyone was holding their breath, waiting for the new Pope's coronation speech.

"Dear people of Saint Polante, today, I swear in the name of the goddess of fate and all the people that I will do my best, with a sincere heart and a blazing soul, to inherit the will of the first pope and lead the country to a better future."

Siegler spoke slowly, her voice strong and powerful.

"After all the hardships, we finally ushered in the dawn of a new life. But the real test may have just begun. Let us move forward hand in hand, carry forward the legacy of our predecessors, and create a better tomorrow for Saint-Pierre!"

He said this to himself.

In her heart, she actually thought that this kind of thing should be done by the Son of God.

The Son of God is better at public speaking.

Previously in the Northern Continent, she liked to leave these matters to the Son of God most of the time, and she supported him from behind.

As expected, even after they got married, they were a perfect match in their careers.

When the oath was taken, the applause was like thunder and the cheers were like waves.

"Long live Sigray Saint Anastasius!"

"Long live Saint Polante!"

The shouts gathered into an overwhelming torrent, countless flowers and ribbons fluttered like dancing butterflies, the bells rang loudly, the hymns floated, and the light beams under the colorful glass windows gave the solemn hall a layer of dreamy colors.

"Be diligent and responsible, win people over with virtue, and rule the world with justice! Let Saint-Pierre return to its former glory!"

Sigler's voice resounded through the sky, every word ringing loudly.
“The great disaster will pass, and the dawn will come. This country, which has suffered so much, will surely move towards a brighter and more glorious tomorrow.”

Amid deafening cheers, thousands of white doves flapped their wings and flew into the blue sky, turning into a white cloud and soaring in the golden midday sun.

The ceremony makes time fly.

Until it ended successfully, the setting sun gradually sank into the horizon, and everything was shrouded in a rosy sunset.

The noise of the bustling Hersare faded away, and Sigra, the new Pope of Saint Polante, returned to her throne room.

Behind the heavy oak door is a magnificent scene. The frescoes on the towering dome of the Church of St. Paul have been recast, and the walls are inlaid with emeralds and amethysts in colors chosen by the new Pope himself.

"I have done all the work that needs to be done. I am truly a son of God who can command a bishop."

At the end of the stairs is the unchanging throne of Pope Saint Pontiff.

Sigrid sat on the throne, closed her eyes gently, and prayed silently in her heart.

"Come on, the rest depends on you."

Maybe from now on she will never have nightmares about this era again.

It must have been Lanqi who put an end to it for her.


Hours passed, on the other side.

The southern part of the Honing Empire.


St. Trix.

On a foggy night, the blood moon above the city was scarlet, illuminating the ancient and beautiful holy city below.

The outline of the building complex was looming in the night, and the spire of the Moonlight Tower and the spiral stone tower were cast long shadows by the moonlight.

The carriage was driving on the cobblestone street with its curtains closed. There were faint shadows swaying inside the carriage. The closed shops and shut windows on both sides of the street made the air a little quiet and uneasy.

Viewed from a thousand meters in the air.

The golden fireflies are like bright spots reflected on the mirror of the city.

This high place, where you can overlook St. Terrick at night, seems like the eye of a typhoon.

Their figures streaked across the night sky of Saint-Terrick like shooting stars.

The surrounding clouds were like silk, brushing past them. Every time they passed through the clouds, the city lights below were like countless stars reflected on the ground, paving a glittering path for their landing.

They were falling in the sky, and as they got closer to the ground, the city became clearer and clearer. They were surrounded by an endless night scene. The twinkling stars turned into pearls scattered on the black ribbons, and the blood moon emitted a red glow to illuminate them.

After a long time.

boom! !

On the streets late at night, when the shadows falling from the sky landed one after another, the noises they created turned into sudden loud noises, echoing in the busy streets.

The wide road surface of the street was left with deep marks due to the impact of their landing, and the air around them was filled with slight vibrations amid the flying dust.

The sudden noise quickly attracted the attention of passers-by in St. Trik.

This is an area adjacent to the South Bank and can be considered quite prosperous.

Originally, landing from a high altitude is a dangerous behavior, but this group of mysterious figures seemed to have bad intentions.

The streets were sparsely populated.

"what is that……"

When citizens saw the figure falling from the sky, they instinctively felt a sense of danger.

"It's the demons! The demons have come to Saint Trik!"

People instinctively felt something was wrong and ran away in panic, shouting loudly for the St. Trinian guards.

This group of uninvited guests were shrouded in black cloaks, their faces hidden in the shadow of the hoods, with only their eyes flashing with cold light.

The black-robed man at the head looked at the city-state silently.

This was clearly the first time I arrived at this place of decisive battle where the blood moon destroyed the world, but it felt like I had seen it many times.

[Mission Objective 1: Read the letter from old friend Kaliela; go to the Demon Realm Purgatory City Pascual & protect the little spark left by Kaliela; comprehend the Mirror of Tiberius; write the ending of the Blood Moon Era. (Completed)]

[Mission Objective 2: Understand the state of mind of Lanclos of the Black Sun: 49.32%. (Completed)]


As shown in the mission information of Shadow World, they have less than an hour left.

Since Lanqi's departure time in the shadow world was later than the three simulations, and more than half a day later than the last simulation, he had the help of many great demons along the way to annihilate the province and rush to Saint Trick at full speed, and it was almost coming to an end.

But that's enough time.

After three simulation experiences, Lanqi was already familiar with the route and time planning, which were all within his estimation.

"Destroy this castle?"

On the dark city road, Lanqi was accompanied by several companions wearing black cloaks, emitting violent magic power, like demons coming to collect debts.

"No, we will be entertained soon."

Lanqi answered, his indifferent eyes seemed to be looking far away.

"To be honest, I'm a little scared after killing so many Horning people along the way."

The scorpion-tailed witch Merogasi, who was leading the group beside him, laughed at herself.

She has a graceful figure, and the curves outlined by the tight leather jacket are faintly visible under the black cloak, like a taut bowstring, with a deadly poisonous arrow at the end that can be shot out at any time.

Lord of Blasphemy Merogas had never killed the Horning people like this even during the war.

The killing of hundreds of millions of people really opened her eyes to the world.

The Pope allowed them to start slaughtering indiscriminately from the south. Even they, who are demons, felt a little nervous. Would they really not be punished by the goddess of fate for doing so?

"I promise that you are all my familiars now. All the merits will be counted to the mastermind. You don't need to have any psychological burden."

Lanqi promised the big demons,
“The outside world is corrupt, and the so-called ‘plunder’ and ‘cruelness’ are all lies they weave. Only we have the true revelation because we know the truth of love.”

He explained to the demons with a kind look on his face.

"Lord Black Sun, it's such a pity that you couldn't continue to work with us in the Demon Realm. You are truly cruel and cold-blooded, the role model for our generation."

Several figures were laughing and praising.


Only after hearing what Lanqi said, Melogas felt something was wrong.

She observed Lanqi, her scorpion-like eyes seemed to be able to penetrate his heart, and the misty purple lipstick looked particularly charming in the darkness. She licked her lips gently, and her every move was charming, but it was difficult to hide the cruelty in her bones.

What Melogas didn't expect was that the Pope didn't think this was deducting merit, but adding merit?

Sure enough, this madman was very special. In front of the Pope, Melogas felt like a normal devil.

"Hello, Pope."

She touched the Pope with her scorpion tail like a light whip.

"Melogas, what's wrong?"

Lanci looked back at her.

"I say, after we finish killing people in the capital of Horning, you can't go back to the Holy Spirit Kingdom anyway, so why not consider coming to Naika..."

At this moment, a sudden red light enveloped them, and the dazzling red illuminated the face of every figure in the darkness.

Before Merogas could finish his words, the space gravity of the barrier on the ground appeared out of nowhere, bursting out with dazzling flames and deafening roars, engulfing them.

Before Lanqi and the big demons could react, they felt a force of gravity coming and then fell suddenly!

The space twisted and deformed, sometimes extending, sometimes compressing, and the sound of wind whistling in my ears was as if tens of millions of evil spirits were roaring and screaming.

The surrounding scene fell upward rapidly, and countless colorful colors suddenly appeared in the originally dark void, rotating and changing like a kaleidoscope.

The buildings were like a Rubik's Cube embedded in the darkness, constantly passing by, some upside down, some crooked, completely ignoring the laws of gravity.

Gorgeous wooden buildings and castle-like stone walls are intertwined, flashing bright and scarlet light, forming a twisted and strange world.


Melogas' voice was particularly sharp and piercing in the wind, and he stretched out his hand to the Pope, trying to reach him.

She was the great demon closest to the Pope when he was trapped in the barrier. The other great demons had disappeared without a trace at this moment.

"Melogas, don't worry."

Ranch shouted in response.

There is no absolutely strong barrier separating Blood Moon City. It is only dispersed when passing through different space barriers while falling. If there are no other vampires to block the Great Demon Clan, they will be able to reunite in no time.

Due to the large number of intruders this time, Blood Moon City has turned into a siege mode instead of the siege mode as last time.

The vampire ancestors can fully utilize the Blood Moon City's home defense advantage by dispersing the enemies, sending the enemies to a more suitable opponent's home ground and defeating them one by one.

Unless there is only one enemy that breaks in rashly, they will gather all together to surround and kill the enemy.

The planner must be the seventh ancestor, Helithiel.

As a vampire astrologer, she will match the great demons who fall into Blood Moon City to different branch halls, and the vampire marquis will fight in them.

The entrance to Blood Moon City is on the west side. The center is the Blood King's Palace, and the other directions of the east, south and north are all branch palaces ruled by the blood clan marquis.

The weak Pope Saint Polante will be sent to the most dangerous Blood King's Palace to fight one-on-one with the third ancestor Lachar.

"You must win! Only I can take your head!"

Merogas shouted, giving Ranch a lame victory blessing.

Her scorpion tail instinctively wanted to hook onto the corner of Lanqi's clothes, but the gravity in the barrier was chaotic, and the space that could distort everything separated the two of them in an instant, like two fallen leaves blown away by a strong wind.

They disappeared from each other's sight.

"Thank you, Merogas."

Lanci continued to fall alone.

The buildings around him were becoming more and more dense, and one inverted city after another was pressing towards him.

"Your Holiness, why are you here?"

The teasing voice echoed around like a declaration from God.

This voice was too familiar to Lanci. He had heard it too many times in the Mirror of Tiberius and even missed it a little.

"Why, you don't welcome me?"

The black-robed Pope hung upside down with the silver-white mask pressed against his face, and fell freely towards the Blood King's Palace.

He had removed his disguise and was ready for battle.

Just think of it as a rehearsal for the siege of Blood Moon City in the Kremlin Empire.

Although you cannot find such a luxurious lineup of great demon generals in the real world, and because the Krelian Empire is in its heyday, the real difficulty mode of Blood Moon City may be the real difficulty mode of the real world.

But Lanqi was already familiar with the dilapidated Blood Moon City at the end of the Blood Moon Desolation.

"Haha, of course you are welcome, but I wonder if His Holiness the Pope will still be as aggressive as he is now."

The First Ancestor's voice sounded in the darkness like a phantom.

Suddenly, a magnificent sliding door opened in front of him.

Lanci crossed without hesitation, and the fall began to slow down.

It is here.

The final place where the blood moon destroys the world, the Blood King’s Palace.

He looked around, and when his feet finally touched the ground, he saw that he was slowly landing in the center of a circular plaza.

The square is paved with black and white marble and has thirteen stone pillars that are a hundred meters high.

The jokes echoed around.

"Welcome to Blood Moon City, Pope Saint Polante."

The sound came from the bottomless fog at the edge of the square.

The figure walked out slowly, wearing a pure black velvet dress with the golden Horning noble family crest embroidered on the lapel.

He looked to be only twelve or thirteen years old, with porcelain-white skin and soft brown hair that fell to his shoulders.

"I didn't expect you to come here. I have lived a peaceful and law-abiding life in the Horning Empire for so many years."

The third ancestor, Duke Lachar, showed a playful smile and spoke in a relaxed tone, reminiscing about the past with an old friend.

But his eyes were full of sarcasm and disdain, mocking Lanqi's stupidity and ignorance.

"But since you are here, let's have a good chat, Your Holiness the Pope of Saint Polante."

Lachar gracefully performed an ancient aristocratic salute, placing his right hand on his chest, taking a step back with his left foot, and leaning forward slightly, as if he was saluting a distinguished guest.

"Lachar, you're still in the mood to chat with me?"

Lanqi stood alone in the center of the square and asked the third ancestor Lachar.

He knew that it was undoubtedly an irony that Lachar used the etiquette of the Horning Empire to entertain Lanclos, a Horning man who had been deprived of his hometown.

"What else? Do you want me to personally kill you, who are now so weak that they are only at the sixth level, or do you want me to just wait for the last minute of your life to run out, and then feel my own powerlessness?"

Rachel's tone was still so gentle.

"To be honest, I don't even have the heart to fight with you."

Lachar narrowed his eyes and opened his hands.

But there was arrogance and unruliness in his actions.

That is the declaration of an absolute winner.

The three vampire marquises and the palaces in the east, south and north are all operating normally. He will even benefit from the extremely high damage reduction of the Blood King's Palace. Even if the Pope has some backup plans and can fight a short life-and-death battle, he cannot be threatened.

"Lachar, why doesn't your true king want you anymore?"

Lanqi looked at the third ancestor Lachar with concern, ignoring what Lachar was saying, and asked without any connection.


In an instant, the blood vessels near Lachar's temple began to twitch.

Veins popped out of his forehead.

"……What did you say?"

Lachar's red eyes gradually became ferocious, and then almost crazy, as he asked word by word.

"Are you guys the abandoned failures?"

Lanqi stared at the third ancestor Lachar in confusion and asked sincerely.

"Lancross, you're looking for death!!!"

Rachel shouted at the top of his lungs.

His raised palm controlled the blood mist, and countless crimson tentacles stretched out from the mist, sweeping towards Lanci like poisonous snakes, trying to drag the dry bones of Pope Saint Polante in the tomb into the blood abyss from which there would be no escape!


On the south side of Blood Moon City, dozens of kilometers away.

The Hall of Annihilation, which is governed by the eighth ancestor Somerset.

The battle between the Blood Marquis and the Great Demon Clan has already broken out.

This palace is like a boundless arena, surrounded by dark rocks. The bright red gems on the rock walls sparkle with eerie light in the dim light.

The blood gems were engraved with the blood and bones of those who had been defeated by the eighth ancestor, the Marquis of Somerset, and the air was filled with a suffocating smell of blood.

The open battlefield in the center of the hall was covered with winding cracks, from which bright red magma oozed, flowing on the ground, and the earth was shaking because of the battle.

The two great demons were standing back to back, engaging in a skirmish with the strongest warrior of the vampire clan, the eighth ancestor, Marquis Somerset.

"Be careful, the terrain of the Temple of Extinction can allow him to hide his tracks."

Mercury Lord Mishio's skin is silver all over, like a liquid metal life, but she has the body of a normal demon female.

Skilled in alchemy and healing, she stood in front of the Lord of Skeletons, Damongate, always on guard against the eighth ancestor, the Marquis Somerset, who might attack from any direction.

Behind her, the Skeleton Lord Damon Gate was tall and slender, wearing a black suit with silver cracks embroidered on the hem. His black hair was as smooth as satin, fluttering gently in the wind in the hall. The skeleton under the goat's horns clung to his cheeks like a mask.

"Mixia, just take care of yourself, you don't have to help me block it."

Lord Skeleton Damongate had a handsome and stern face. He communicated the thoughts of the demon clan with Lord Mercury Michio, glancing at the dim surroundings and the ancestor of the blood clan who was good at sneak attacks.

Although Mercury Lord Mithio can make her liquid to resist many physical attacks and give her excessive vitality, they are both civil servants of the demon world after all, so Mercury Lord Mithio will lose his combat ability.

At the moment the wind blew, Lord Skeleton Damongate raised his hand, and immediately the undead summons in the black fog surging on the ground began to revive, and the entire army was lined up in formation. The magic power of Lord Mercury Michio also entangled the skeleton army, forming the mercury flesh and blood of the undead, blocking the fist of the eighth ancestor, Marquis Somerset, and rushing towards him madly.

"You have the strength of a general, but you chose to launch a sneak attack."

The Lord of Skeletons stared at the Eighth Ancestor Somerset as if he were trash.

In front of them was one of the most powerful warriors of the vampire clan, the Marquis of Somerset, who was blocked by the Skeleton Legion.

He was tall and sturdy, nearly two meters tall, and his muscles were as hard as iron.

"Haha, only the winner has the right to speak."

The eighth ancestor Somerset's fists were pierced and covered with protruding meridians.

Each of his punches carried a tremendous force, and the red light and shadow accompanied by the sonic boom blew away the mercury undead legions summoned by the two great demon officials.


Faced with such a formidable opponent, the pressure on Lord Mercury Michio and Lord Skeleton Damongate began to double.

They still relied on the intelligence given to them by Lord Black Sun before the war to guard against the attack pattern of the eighth ancestor, Marquis Somerset.

But even so, it would be difficult for the two of them, who were more of an auxiliary type of civil officials, to confront the eighth ancestor, the Marquis of Somerset.

If Somerset succeeds in a surprise attack, the situation will be unimaginably bad.

After falling into Blood Moon City, their civil officials should have cooperated with the general to achieve the best combat effect.

The ancestor of the blood clan would naturally not let them get their wish.

The space barrier sent the two civil officials to the Hall of Extinction, where they faced the eighth ancestor, Marquis Somerset, who was the most difficult to deal with among the magic professions.

Mercury Lord Michio separated her magic power, and blue light shot out from her fingertips, covering the skeletons summoned by Skeleton Lord Damongate, providing continuous treatment and protection for the summoned creatures. Skeleton Lord Damongate could hardly hold out for too long under Somerset's attack.

With a solemn look on his face, Damon Gate sprinkled pieces of undead magic on the ground.

The accumulated corpse energy fills the ground, as if it can connect the space channel to the abyss of hell at any time, swallowing up everything around it, and even light cannot escape, like a black hole.

As for creatures below level seven, once they are swallowed, only bones will be left in the next second.

Even though it continued to corrode the eighth ancestor Somersette, it could not cause any substantial harm to the immortal him. He used his own regenerative power to withstand the accumulated corpse gas and approached the Skeleton Lord Damongate.

"Weak, too weak!"

The eighth ancestor, the Marquis of Somerset, laughed loudly toward the sky, and his voice echoed in the Hall of Extinction like thunder.

He leaped forward so fast that it was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye.

The next second, he appeared in front of Mercury Lord Michio and punched her in the face.

Mercury Lord Michio instinctively summoned up magic power to resist, and Skeleton Lord Damongate's skeleton shield was also deployed in front of her.

But Somerset's fist seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, easily shattering the shield and hitting Mercury Lord Michio heavily.

Mercury Lord Michio only felt a huge force coming, and his whole body was blown apart, turning into mercury that was scattered in all directions.

Upon seeing this, Lord Skeleton Damongate immediately summoned the Abyss Chains to restrict the actions of the eighth ancestor, Marquis Somerset, giving Lord Mercury Michio time to gather.

In less than the blink of an eye, the mercury spirits scattered by Xing Liyu had initially gathered into several small mercury spirits, which launched a counterattack against the Marquis of Somersette, and pierced him instantly with silver needles.

"That's interesting. It looks like I can still play with you for a while."

Somerset couldn't help but narrow his eyes when he saw that Mercury Lord Michio was still able to stand up.

This is a sure win.

The fact that it didn't end so quickly made him enjoy it even more.

It's all enjoyment.

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of the eighth ancestor, Marquis Somersette, disappeared again, and the next moment he appeared behind Lord Skeleton Damongate.

His fist smashed towards Daemongate's back. Daemongate felt a strong wind coming. None of the emergency summons could stop the attack. He was smashed like a cannonball onto the cliff of the Hall of Extinction and sank deeply into it.

"Diamond Gate!"

Mercury Lord Michio screamed and quickly cast a protective magic.

But the Eighth Ancestor Somerset's pursuit was too fast. The Skeleton Lord Damongate stood up while enduring the severe pain. Before he could launch a counterattack, he saw the Eighth Ancestor Somerset coming in front of him.


At this time, on the east side of Blood Moon City.

Another fierce battle was also taking place in the Chehan Palace guarded by the seventh ancestor, Marquis Helitier.

The palace is located on a frozen lake, with cold winds blowing all around and ice crystals flying in the air.

The ice on the lake is several meters thick, and the surface is as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the graceful silhouette of the palace.

However, there are countless undercurrents hidden beneath the ice, which can drag invaders into the abyss at the bottom of the lake at any time.

The hall itself is a bloody ice sculpture, with the vast space dotted with crystal clear icicles, the outer circle like sharp spears and the inner circle like graceful butterflies.

"Get out of my way, Lord Heriter!!"

Lord of Blasphemy Merogas kept waving her metal claws, leaving afterimages in the air, trying to pierce her scorpion tail into Helitier's body and suck out her blood.


The seventh ancestor, Helitiel, simply remained in a virtual state, raised the black staff, and drew a star map in the air.

She ignored the anger of Lord Merogas, the Blasphemer, and did not confront Merogas head-on, but only aimed to delay her.

The more anxious Merogas was, the more flaws he would find.

The star map began to rotate slowly, and stars flew out of it, circling around Lord Blasphemy Merogas.

Whenever Merogas swung his scorpion tail, the stars would automatically adjust their positions, guiding Helithir to the best evasive route while breaking Merogas' balance.

And when the scorpion tail needle of Melogas attacks, the stars will release dazzling light to offset the venom of the scorpion tail.

"Obviously, I should be by his side, so that he can see my strength!"

Lord of Blasphemy Merogas couldn't help but roar when he saw his attacks fail again and again.

Her eyes exuded a crazy murderous intent, which was getting faster and faster, almost turning into a purple poisonous shadow.

"Shouldn't you want to kill the Pope? Why are you so eager to protect him?"

Heritil looked grim.

Although her divination power is strong, the mana consumption is also very high.

It was more difficult to hold back Melogas than expected.

Moreover, Melogas shouldn't go berserk. Only when his emotions reach an extreme level can Melogas become stronger.

"He is my prey, and I am his prey. Before we kill each other, you vampires are not allowed to disturb us!!"

Lord of Blasphemy Merogas screamed, and the scorpion's tail came at him as if it was cutting through space, going straight to Helitir's heart at such a fast speed.

Helitiel swung her staff, a silver light flashed, and the scorpion's tail was deflected.

But at this moment, Merogas's sharp claws stabbed from the other direction, as fast as a meteor.

Helitiel felt a chill on her shoulder and when she looked down, she saw that a piece of flesh on her shoulder had been taken away by the Lord of Blasphemy.

Blood gushed out from the wound, instantly staining her skirt and sleeves red, and she immediately retreated.

"The blood race tastes really good, of course, maybe it's just that you are sweeter."

Melogas put her hand into her mouth and took a sip, swallowing Heritil's flesh and blood, as if only this could relieve her hatred.

"After enjoying your flesh and blood, I have to give you some of your body fluids so that we can have a balanced nutrition. This is the way to return the favor."

Lord of Blasphemy Merogas shook her scorpion tail, and the dark purple venom on the tip was dripping.

"If I can help it, I really don't want to face something like you."

Helitiel endured the severe pain from the wound and the nausea in her heart, and raised the black staff again.

Fighting against the Demon Regent Merogas not only means facing the strongest pressure from the Demons today, but also causing physical discomfort due to the endless desire and lust of this opponent.

The Seventh Ancestor also knew that he could not defeat Lord Blasphemy Merogas in a head-on battle.

Her mission was to hold back Merogas in Chehan Palace and give the advantage to the Extinction Palace, the Soul Palace, and the most critical Blood King Palace.

The seventh ancestor Helitiel waved his staff, and the four walls of the hall suddenly began to move. Countless icicles protruded from the ground and walls, and the ice cone array kept changing positions, covering Merogas.

"I'm not in the mood to fight you right now! If you know anything, get out of here!"

Merogas sneered and swung his scorpion tail. A purple magic cannon surrounded by an electric cocoon exploded from the scorpion's tail, instantly smashing the ice cone array into pieces.

But at this moment, the ground suddenly cracked, and cold air gushed out from the cracks, instantly enveloping Merogas.

Merogas felt as if his whole body was cut by countless sharp ice knives. The cold was so piercing that even his bones were shaking.

Her movements gradually became slower and slower, as if she were frozen.

When Helitiel saw Merogas's frozen state, she knew that Bloodmoon City's defense mechanism had taken effect.

She struggled to stand up. The blood moon on the dome of Chehan Palace emitted a soft blood light, covering Helitier.

Under the shining of the blood moon, Helitiel's magic power began to recover and her face gradually regained its color.


On the north side of Blood Moon City, the Soul Palace has become a Shura battlefield.

Inside the dark hall, countless wandering souls were wailing and groaning, the walls were hung with rusty chains and shackles, and white bones were scattered on the ground.

Outside the palace was a barren land covered with charred cracks, as if the earth could not bear the resentment here.

The darkness in the sky obscured all light, leaving only a blood-red moon, which turned into an evil eye, looking down on the world.

The hall itself is a tomb, its walls and floor made of pitch-black stones, carved with distorted faces, and blood-red ghost lights flickering in the darkness.

In the center of the hall, the altar radiated a strange purple light. In the center of the surrounding black stone pillars hung an iron bell. The bell was covered with rust and cracks. Every time it was struck, the invader would be weakened by half.

It was in this Soul Palace that the Ninth Ancestor, Marquis Bernhard, and Lord Wanwei Ogrin fought a desperate battle.

Lord Wanwei Ogrin is a sword master of the demon clan who wears light chain mail armor and carries dozens of weapons. He specializes in slashing attributes and adds other characteristics through weapons.

"General Ogrin, let's see who has more skills. I have long wanted to see the strength of the current commander of the First Army of the Demon Tribe!"

When the ninth ancestor, Marquis Bernhard, transformed into a monster covered with eyeballs, the entire Soul Hall began to shake, the ground began to crack, and the stones on the walls began to fall off.

Countless ghosts poured out from the ground and the walls, emitting miserable screams and hovering over the hall.

The runes on the altar became brighter, and purple lightning flashed through them, crackling in the air. The stone pillars around the altar began to shake, and the chains wrapped around them rattled, making a harsh sound.

"The power you gain by devouring others does not belong to you after all."

The demon swordsman Ogrin drew a translucent dagger from his waist.

Every time he swung the blade, it was as if he was tearing space apart. Where the blade passed, reality almost cracked, and countless distorted scenes could be seen, like broken mirrors.

No matter how the Ninth Ancestor Bernhard's undead spirits rushed towards Wan Weiqing, the Wanwei sword energy blew them all away and could not hurt Wan Weiqing at all.

"Lord Wanwei! In my opinion, you ascetics are the most foolish. Give me your power."

The Ninth Ancestor, Marquis Bernhard, had densely packed eyeballs all over his body, and each of them was constantly moving. He opened his arms, and countless wandering souls poured out from his body and condensed, turning into a giant mouth and pouncing towards the great demon general, Lord Wanwei Ogrin.

"How can you bear my power?"

The weapon in Lord Wanwei Ogrin's hand has turned into a hammer, which is silver-white in color, and the tip of the hammer is flashing with lightning.

Facing Bernhard's dozens of demon eyes, he remained unshakable. He simply swung the blunt weapon down in the middle, sending lightning flying everywhere.

Every bolt of thunder can break the earth.

The ninth ancestor, Marquis Bernhard, was forced to slow down his offensive while in a state of paralysis and dizziness in order to prepare for the fatal counterattack that could be launched at any time by Lord Wanwei.

But the ninth ancestor Bernhard had endless innate spells to use, and soon he summoned several giant eyes in the sky again, and the cross-falling rays surrounded Ogrin.

Lord Wanwei Ogrin put the blunt weapon of thunder back to his waist and drew out a red sword. His skin turned deep red and his body seemed to be set on fire by the sword.

The flame on the sword in his hand also became extremely fluttering, and the blade flashed with a blazing red light, as if it was forged by flames.

Lord Ogrin of Ten Thousand Mights swung his sword, creating a burst of heat that raised dust and gravel for several kilometers in a straight line and turned them into black ash.

His attack was like dancing, yet it unleashed unimaginable destructive power.

The ninth ancestor Bernhard dodged Ogrim's attack, his eyes moving quickly around him, constantly looking for opportunities to attack. Whenever he found a flaw in Wanweiqing Ogrim, the ninth ancestor Bernhard would shoot out corrosive light rain from his eyes to attack Wanweiqing's vital points, but they were all blocked by Wanweiqing again and again.

"Ogryn, do you feel yourself getting weaker?"

Bernhard laughed wildly and suddenly opened his bloody mouth.
"Don't forget that this is my home Soul Palace."

Countless black tentacles stretched out from the mouth of the ninth ancestor, Marquis Bernhard, and madly wrapped around Lord Wanwei Ogrin like octopus tentacles. Each tentacle was covered with suction cups and barbs, emitting a foul and rotten smell.

Ogryn swung his Silver Moon Scimitar to cut off several tentacles, but more tentacles wrapped around him, scratched through his chain mail, and frantically sucked Ogryn's blood and vitality.

"So what? I can't kill you on your home turf."

Lord Wanwei Ogrin was finally hit by the ninth ancestor, Marquis Bernhard, and the wounds on his body festered instantly and continued to bleed.

But he didn't feel any pain. He frowned. He knew that if this trait of the ninth ancestor, Marquis Bernhard, was delayed for too long, it would be very disadvantageous to him.

He had to end the fight as soon as possible.

"Haha, no matter what, this is not the main battlefield that will decide the final victory or defeat."

The ninth ancestor Bernhard showed a cruel smile when he saw the state of Lord Ogrin of Wanwei.

He knew that if he delayed a little longer, Ogryn would completely become his prey and his eternal slave.

As long as the weak Pope Saint Polante is defeated by the third ancestor Duke Lachar, everything will be settled.


The central square of Blood Moon City.

The Blood King's divine fire that spread out from the Blood King's Palace danced wildly, but it could not harm the White-robed Pope at all.

Before he came here, he had already drunk a mouthful of wolf blood with violent vitality. As if under the protection of the Moon Goddess, he transformed into a wolf shadow to dispel the Blood King's divine fire for him, protecting him from the flames.

Perhaps the Wolf Wizard would have a better way to protect against the Blood King's Divine Fire, but the Wolf Warrior knows almost no magic. If one wants to use the power of a high-level Wolf Warrior to resist the Blood King's Divine Fire, the only way is to drink it directly.

Lachar wanted to kill the Pope from the beginning and tortured Pope Saint Polante to death.

Thousands of black mists poured out from the Blood King's Palace, circling in the air as if they had life. In the center of the vortex, dark red lightning crackled, illuminating Lachar's cold face.


Facing Lachar's attack, Lanqi was not moved at all. He was enveloped by the storm and was absolutely immune to Lachar's ninth-level magic attack.

He was dressed in the holy robes of the Pope, and his silver mask reflected dazzling light.

When possessed by Talia, he can exert a strength slightly stronger than the seventh level.

But it is still not enough in front of the third ancestor Lachar.

Lachar's eyes were like two black holes, bottomless, emitting endless evil and madness.

"Pope, is this all the strength you have left?"

The corners of his mouth curved up, as if he was mocking Lancroce's powerlessness.

As expected, the Pope still has some tricks up his sleeve that can allow him to have a brief resurgence.

But he believed that the Pope would not have to use this defensive measure many times.

And there are many more ninth-level magic attacks to come!
He couldn't think of any chance that the lonely Pope Saint Polante could turn the tables.

"Lachar, have you heard the story of the legendary sealer Asksan?"

When Lanqi was about to lose soon after entering the Blood King's Palace, he still did not burst out any power of the Pope, but just muttered to himself.


Lachard didn't understand what riddle Pope Saint Polante was speaking in.

The Pope's aura was still low, and there was no sign of the invincible Pope Saint Polante at all. The defensive barrier around him quickly collapsed, and it looked like he was doomed to fail.

But at this moment, the four magic cards in Lanqi's sleeves also disappeared with the wind.

In the Blood King’s Palace Square, thunder and wind rose!
In the void behind him, four bolts of lightning reached the sky. In the next moment, everything could happen.

The orange light was blindingly bright, transforming into the first ray of light at dawn. The ancient covenant was awakened, and unparalleled power was born from the darkness.

In the black fog and lightning storm, the true forms of the four great demons appeared.

In the black fog, they looked like living beings and phantoms, and their shadows were extremely tall and terrifying. Only the gaze directed at the third ancestor, Lachar, was particularly clear and full of contempt.

Both are evil.

They come from a purer source of evil.

Four great demons appeared out of nowhere, and Ranchi behind them stood in front of a throne, looking down at Duke Lachar.

The blood mist was blocked by ice walls, and the compound barrier covering it caused it to shrink. The enemy mage's inverse operation was like an invisible net, entangled in Lashar's magic, deconstructing it layer by layer and turning it invisible. Finally, the remaining embers were swallowed by the abyss magic.

Although Lachar's attack was fierce, it was successfully resolved with the joint resistance of the four nobles.

Every step is the most correct choice.

The commander among the four great demons completed the analysis instantly and distributed the instructions to the other three great demons.

They stood in front of Pope Saint Polante in different postures, ready to fight with the third ancestor, Duke Lachar.

"Sinora, do you still need to close your eyes? Our Pope is wearing a mask."

Lord Pranay, who was finally awakened, was wearing a well-tailored demon world dress. The silver-gray pocket watch in her hand shone with a soft luster. She looked at her sister beside her.

"Little boys are the most disgusting."

Lord Sinora closed his eyes slightly, perhaps in deep thought, and did not hide his disgust for the Forefather of the Blood Clan.

"What if that black-haired, green-eyed Heng Heng turned into a child? Would you want to commit a crime?"

The Guardian Lord Antanas, with her striking burgundy short hair, joked with Shinora in a playful and lively manner.

Antanas was wearing a tight leather hunting suit as usual today, paired with knee-high boots.

Being sealed into a magic card made her feel depressed.


Shinola hesitated.

She believed that as she was brought up in a prestigious demon family, she could just watch from afar without desecrating anything, but she was afraid that Talia would commit a crime in the name of tutoring.

Shinola has discovered that Talia's self-control is worse than they imagined.


The eyes of Lord Ice and Snow Artemis were as pale as ice blue. He stared at his enemy, Duke Lachar, and did not participate in the conversation between the other three great demons.

She's the only one who's serious.

She didn't understand the relaxation of these three old friends.

After all, what they are facing is a hidden ultimate powerful enemy from the shadow world, whose strength is far beyond the limit that they, the great demons, can normally handle.

Four days ago, Lanqi found the four of them after arriving at the Demon King's City Nakalis.

Except for the necessary Great Demons left behind to guard the Demon King's Castle, or the Great Demons that even Merogasi did not trust, the rest of the reliable Great Demons have been mobilized in full force to participate in the operation to exterminate the vampires.

Lord Skeleton, Lord Mercury, and Lord Wanwei are all the core members of the Merogas faction.

The four of them, the great demons that Ranchi was most familiar with, were transformed into summoned creatures using traditional ancient methods, and sealed and hidden in Ranchi's body, so as to deal with Lachar in the end and prevent Ranchi from being alone.

Even though the four of them combined could easily defeat one general and could hold off two generals, defeating a ninth-level general was an unprecedented challenge.


The third ancestor, Lachar, saw the four great demon figures clearly and smiled with his head tilted.

He really didn't expect that the Pope had hidden four great demons on his body in a strange way.

But Lachar did not show any panic. Instead, he looked more relaxed, as if everything was under control.

"Lanclos, are you only able to rely on external aid?"

Lachar laughed sarcastically.

"Even if you still have a few great demons hidden in your body, what does it matter? They are all the weakest great demons, and you have fallen to the sixth or seventh level. I'm afraid you will die soon."

He could tell at a glance how powerful the four great demons were.

Too weak.

Only the Ice Demon has the combat power similar to that of the Skeleton Lord and the Mercury Lord, the other three are all passing demons.

His third ancestor, the ninth-rank duke, was an absolute superior, and the magic power of the eighth-rank demons could not escape his presence.

"I'm afraid you haven't noticed that there's something different between me and Lanclos?"

Lanqi asked like a friendly reminder to Rachel.

"He doesn't seem to realize the seriousness of the problem."

Talia's voice spoke into Lanqi's ear.

She was embarrassed to wear Kaliela's new clothes to meet her four old friends, fearing that they would see through her, or that this state of being connected to Lanqi's soul was too embarrassing.

She was afraid that if she couldn't explain herself clearly, her friends would misunderstand her.

It just so happens that Lanqi only needs protection now, and she doesn't need to show up.

Talia, who had used the Mirror of Tiberius three times, knew that only Lanclos's attacks could cause damage from the power of the sun.

In Lachar's eyes, if it was the eighth-level Lancros, he might be able to fight against the ninth-level third ancestor Lachar for a while by relying on special attacks.

The only threat, Lancros, was now too weak to fight.

So it stands to reason that Lachar is going to win.

In order to threaten Lachar, the joint efforts of at least three or more great demon generals are required.

"Can you still be reborn before you die, Lord Black Sun?"

Lachar looked at the absent-minded Pope.

A feeling of doubt, a sense of frustration as if things went against one's will, and a feeling of being fooled as if he was boxing with the air made Duke Lachar smile.

Lancroix is ​​indeed a little different.

Not only did he openly announce that the true king no longer wanted them, but he also acted inexplicably calmly at all times. All of this made Lachar's blood pressure fluctuate.

"I said, I'm not Lanclos. If you really think you can deal with me the same way you dealt with Lord Black Sun, you will make an irreparable mistake."

Lanqi talks to Rashar calmly.

Rachel got anxious when he said a few words.

Later on, Talia's magic sound should have no problem working against Lashar's high mental resistance.

"That's good. I can just catch all of you remnants of the demon world in one fell swoop, so I don't have to go to the Demon King's City to settle accounts with you later."

As he spoke, the figure of the third ancestor, Lachar, suddenly left a long afterimage in the air, and the phantoms brought up by his palm covered the demons in front of him, at such a fast speed, like the call of the god of death in the dark night!
Finding four civil officials to deal with him is too desperate!
The red in Lachar's ferocious eyes became deeper, so deep that it almost swallowed up all the light.

In the storm that surged again, the immunity field not only sheltered the four great demons, but light began to emerge from the dark singularity.

The palm of Lanqi's hand was entangled and condensed like the void at the birth of the universe. In an instant, the dazzling light of the midday sun instantly filled the entire Blood King Palace Square, dispelling the dark night and transforming it into a pure white world of light!
The light was so blazing that it seemed to break through the glass, causing the rose windows of the Blood King's Palace to burst out. Even the Blood King's Palace castle was covered with a layer of rainbow light.

The moment the sun shone its dazzling light over the Blood King's Palace Square, the entire Blood Moon City was dazzled by it.

Even in the Extinction Palace, Chehan Palace and Soul Palace in the southeast and north of Blood Moon City, which are dozens of kilometers away, the faint light of the sun can be clearly felt.

Blood Moon City's Annihilation Hall.

The eighth ancestor, Marquis Somerset, and Lord Mercury, Lord Michio, Lord Skeleton, Diamond, are in the middle of a fierce battle.

The sound of rocks breaking and magic exploding was endless, and the entire hall seemed like it would collapse at any time.

But at this moment, a faint light suddenly came through the arena.

Although the light was dim, it seemed particularly abrupt in this usually dim hall.

The Marquis of Somerset was keenly aware of this natural light, which was like a natural enemy.

He turned his head sharply, his face full of disbelief.

"What's this?"

murmured the Marquis of Somerset.

The Light of Lanclos——

How is it possible to shine so far?
Although this distance would not affect Somerset, he instinctively felt fear.

It was like dawn had broken at the end of the distant horizon, and an unstoppable sun was about to rise.

The great demon tribe's Mercury Lord Michio and Skeleton Lord Damongate, who were both seriously injured in the battle, were also very surprised, but there was a hint of understanding on their faces.

"It looks like the outcome over there is about to be decided."

Mercury Lord Michio said to himself with a sense of relief.

"Haha, Marquis Somerset, who do you think is holding whom back?"

Lord Skeleton Damon Gate nodded, a playful gleam in his eyes.

When the eighth ancestor, Marquis Somerset, heard what the two said, his face instantly turned gloomy.

"No, that's impossible!"

Somerset said this through gritted teeth, his voice full of reluctance and anger, and he roared towards Lord Mercury and Lord Skeleton as if to give himself courage.

The Soul Palace in the far north.

When the ninth ancestor, Marquis Bernhard, saw the light, a trace of fear flashed across his originally ferocious face.

He subconsciously took a step back, as if the light would burn him.

Just a moment of surprise made Lord Wanwei Ogrin chop off his head.

East side of Blood Moon City.

The battle between Marquis Helitier of Chehan Palace and Merogas was also paused due to the sudden light.

Marquis Helitier looked at the light, despair constantly emerging in his look of doubt and uncertainty.

She can feel it.

The light contained a power she had never seen before!

To astrologers, anything that is beyond comprehension is out of control.

Lancros was obviously going to die soon.

How could a new sunrise glow bloom at this moment?

"Okay, you successfully blocked me, and I've let it go."

Lord of Blasphemy Merogas clenched his palms, cracking his knuckles.
"Why don't I just stay here and stay with you and we can love each other. I've always heard that the Marquis's body is very strong and can't be damaged no matter what you do..."

Her expression was like that of a demon as she walked towards Marquis Helitier.


A ball of light like the sun rose above the entire Blood King's Palace Square.

Under its blessing, even the cold earth becomes warm.

"Lachar, my name is not Lanclos. I will be the one who fights you again here tens of thousands of years later. I hope you can make me happy then."

The glowing white light illuminated Lanqi's face, and also heard his words.

Duke Lachard felt that his brain was about to be shattered by this deafening calm sound, as if he was at noon when day and night were reversed!

He couldn't believe how Lancros could summon such a large-scale solar power at midnight!
"You are not Hei Ri Qing, who are you?!"

At this moment, although Duke Lachar would rather believe that the light that hurt his eyes was just an illusion, the cruel fact was that his strength instantly weakened to only one tenth.

The power is very similar to that of Lancros, yet completely different.

It can be said to be an isomorph of Lancros.

The intelligence gap between the two is particularly fatal.

"If I were a demon, my title... should be..."

Lanqi thought for a while before answering.

Because all the marks he left on the Great Love Poet were swallowed by Talia, Talia became the Crazy Love Demon King.

If he could reveal the true name of the demon clan.

That's probably -

"Crazy love."

He snapped his fingers.

"Crazy Aiqing... What is Crazy Aiqing?!"

The third ancestor, Lachar, had never heard of such a demon race in history.

He did not approve of such an absurd and strange existence!
(End of this chapter)

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