Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 797 Sigrid's Review after Half a Year

Chapter 797 Sigrid's Review after Half a Year

Outside the French window of the principal's office of Purgatory Corridor Academy, the starlight from the demon world poured into the room, overlapping with the fire to form a coral reef.

They hugged each other and cried with mixed feelings of sorrow and joy, crying and laughing, as gorgeous as if they were dancing a duet, and as funny as if they were walking like crabs.

"I'm really sorry to have to separate you early."

Lanci walked guiltily to the sofa and sat down and whispered, waiting for Hyperion and Sigra to finish saying goodbye.

Perhaps for Sieglie, she did not realize that they were people from outside this era and might never see each other again in the future, but farewell would come sooner or later.

Life is like this, one encounter at a time.

Every separation may be permanent.

Just making this distinction clear makes it harder for people to accept.

He actually couldn't bear to part with Sigley.

Siglei is an impeccable good child and a trustworthy companion who can entrust her life to. She is honest and brave, and her qualities shine like gold.

Fortunately, Hyperion left a voice recording for Siegfried as a commemoration of their sisterly relationship. When Hyperion returns to the present world, she can see Siegfried's appearance and hear her voice again based on the recording of the Shadow World recording program.

It’s the only consolation.

It took a long time for Sigra and Hyperion, who were stuck together in the principal's office, to let go of each other.

"Sister, we want to be good sisters for life."

Sigra grabbed Hyperion's arms and said.

"Well, my love for you will never change, woo woo, my Sigley."

Hyperion answered with tears in her eyes and a sobbing voice.

Sieglie hugged Hyperion one last time and let go of the soft and tall demon girl's body.


Sieglie looked towards the gray-haired female phantom at the window.

As soon as she let go of Hyperion, they all ran towards Calliela.

Talia looked at her in astonishment, not knowing what to say when they parted. She could only instinctively open her arms and let Sieglie fall into her arms.

"Kaliela, I can't eat the food you cook anymore... You must eat well and sleep well every day, live happily, and never worry about the demon world again."

Sigra buried her head in Kaliela's face and gave her instructions.

"Don't worry, Sieglei. I've let go of the demon world a long time ago."

Talia was also extremely reluctant and closed her eyes with mixed emotions.

"Woo, Kaliela..."

Sigra choked up and gradually became unable to speak, just like Hyperion just now.

"Don't cry, don't cry. How about I leave you a message so you can listen to it when you miss me in a foreign country."

Taliyah suggested as she stroked Sigra's hair to comfort her.

Compared to the feelings between Sigra and Hyperion when they said goodbye, Talia actually felt that Sigra was more reluctant to leave her.

It was a genuine sadness, just like Sigra and Hyperion were only saying goodbye for a short time, but it was a long separation from her.

"it is good."

Sieglie immediately thought of something and took out the phonograph orb.

At first, she had not thought of leaving a voice record for Calliela, but only wanted to use it to play a trick on Hyperion later. Now she realized that she could also leave a voice record for Calliela and bring it back to the world as a permanent collection.

"My baby, I will love you forever."

Talia said to Sigra softly, sincerely, and with all her blessings.

Parents and their children are destined to be together for life. May the memories of Kaliela and Sigile over the past decade always be the source of Sigile's soul to face the ups and downs.

“Wow, Mom!”

Finally, Sieglie couldn't stop crying. She hugged the gray-haired witch tightly and shouted out what she had been thinking in her dreams for a long time.

Sigra was about to melt into a puddle of water, using Kaliela as her pillow.

"I'm here."

Talia responded to Sigra's call.

"Alas, goddess of fate, you have done evil."

Lanqi sat on the sofa and watched them say goodbye, and couldn't help but be moved.

I originally thought that they could stay for another five days, but now everyone has to go their separate ways.

Waiting to return to the present world.

Hyperion will probably be sad for a long time in Ikerit, Talia will miss him for a long time in Brillda, and Siegfried will become the Holy Emperor in this projection world of different time and space.

There will never be a chance to stay under the same roof like this again.

"Goodbye, then."

Xutasi chatted for a long time at the window of the principal's office, and they finally finished saying goodbye.

They understood that Lanqi didn't rush them just because he was considerate. It didn't mean that time in the Shadow World was not precious. Lanqi might have something important to say to Sigley.

"Then let's go to the Devil's Royal Restaurant first. Don't let Siglee get lost in the Purgatory Corridor later."

The gray-haired witch came to the door, opened the door of the principal's office, and reminded Lanqi.

Talia had witnessed in the Mirror of Tiberius that Lanci entrusted Siegler with a mission in the principal's office that only Siegler could accomplish.

Naturally, she wouldn't bother Lanqi any more.


Lan Qi nodded.

The three demons disappeared in front of the principal's office.


Hyperion looked at Lanqi and Sigra reluctantly at the door, and closed the door with determination.


As the night deepened, only Lanqi and Sigley were left in the principal's office.

Lanqi sat on the sofa, looking at the starry night sky of the demon world for a long time.

Sigrace stood in front of the wide brown wooden table, stroking the surface with her fingers.

The atmosphere in the house changed from the previous lively and cheerful atmosphere to quiet and peaceful.

"What to drink? I think you need a refreshing drink."

Sieglie walked to the cabinet on the side of the principal's office, picked up the glass skillfully, and spoke to break the silence.

"Tea...never mind, coffee."

Lanqi replied, then changed his words.

He remembered that there was a kind of wine in the demon world called Naika Island Iced Tea, which originated from the Demon King's City Naikaris.

It looks exactly like black tea, but it is actually alcohol. Naika Island Iced Tea prepared according to its original recipe can have a very high alcohol content.

Therefore, Lanqi always remembers that it is best not to touch black tea when the blood moon comes to destroy the world.

Lanqi didn't have to wait long before Sigley came over with a tray and a porcelain cup, poured a cup of coffee for Lanqi, placed it on the coffee table in front of him, and then sat down next to him.

On a winter night in the demon world, the hot coffee in the glass exuded a rich aroma that filled the principal's office. Lanqi felt calm just by smelling it.

Of course, it could also be because of Sigler's silent company.

Unknowingly, twelve years had passed, and the little girl had become a strong and reliable wolf who could stand on her own.

"Sieglie, I have to ask you a favor."

Lanqi said to Sigley with a hint of guilt in his voice.

Seeing Sieglie's miserable look at the end of the Mirror of Tiberius, Lanqi felt very sorry for her.

But in this era, the only one who can help him put an end to the blood moon's destruction is Siglei. She is an indispensable part.

"No problem."

Sigra replied innocently.

"I haven't told you what I want to ask of you yet."

Lanqi was stunned and looked at her.

This reaction was also very different from what he had shown in the Mirror of Tiberius, when he was talking to Sieglie in the principal's office.

In Tiberius's illusion, he called Sieglie to the principal's office. Sieglie could tell at a glance that he was going to confess something not very good, but she still forced herself to hold back her sadness and agreed to him.

"Maybe you're going to do something big, and then leave the rest to me."

Sieglei spread her hands indifferently, and could also read his thoughts at a glance. Anyway, she trusted the Son of God unconditionally.

"Now that you know, aren't you sad?"

Lanqi suspected that this Siglei had changed, and spoke to her honestly.

"There's nothing to be sad about. I won't stop you from doing what you think is right."

Sigra moved closer to Lanci and answered while staring into his eyes.

Sieglie looked very open-minded.

She knew that this was the Shadow World, and the Son of God would definitely not die. It was not like the countdown in the Shadow World where his fate was about to end.


Lanqi's brain processor short-circuited a little.

He began drinking water to cover up the fact that he was confused about the situation and looked away.

Is the Mirror of Tiberius broken?

It can't be so different.

He and Sieglie should have a good relationship, but it seems that Sieglie doesn't care as much about his life or death as the Sieglie simulated by the Mirror of Tiberius.

If even the basic information in Tiberius is unreliable, then more consideration needs to be given to the deviations in its simulation of the future.

"However, if you die, I will definitely remain a widow for your whole life, so you should also cherish your life."

Sigra added, lowering her voice.


Lanqi almost choked on his coffee.

Sure enough, the Sieglie in the shadow world and the Sieglie in the Mirror of Tiberius are particularly similar in some ways.

But the way this person speaks is a bit too straightforward.

"No, Sigley."

Lanqi put down the glass, not knowing what to say to Sigra.

I haven't seen this girl for twelve years, and it turns out that our feelings haven't faded, but have deteriorated.

He was now somewhat worried that Siegler's previous indifference to gender was just a deliberate act of stupidity.

"Then you go back to the Holy Spirit Kingdom first. I will give you all the tokens. You take my letter to find Grand Justice Elm and Queen Keshia. Then, follow the method I taught you to get evidence that I was affected by the Mind Wound. Then, convince the Chief Paladin and the Chief Judge respectively, and directly occupy the Pope's Hall to create the illusion that I was defeated and escaped."

Lanqi returned to the principal's desk as if escaping, sat down, and began to write a letter by hand.
"I will go to the Demon King's City Nakalis first, and then I will go straight to the Honing Empire. I will not return to Helsarem this time. Time is tight. I will lead the big demons to the central and southern parts of the Honing Empire to cause chaos. By then, you can suppress me in public opinion outside the Church, and use my crazy deeds to prove your correctness and orthodoxy inside the Church."

He was talking about serious matters.

With the experience of three Mirrors of Tiberius, Lanci was able to make slight adjustments to the actual reenactment.

The main problem was that there was less time for actual operations, and he did not have Lanclos' ninth-level strength to stage a real fight in the Pope's Hall in Hersarem, so he might as well re-arrange the power-grabbing drama.


Sigrid watched Lanci's attitude with interest.

It is indeed fun to tease the Son of God.

Whether accompanying the Son of God, tempting the Son of God, or speaking directly to the Son of God, it is certainly impossible for him to respond to Sigler's feelings.

"Sieglie, I'm telling you the truth. I think you've probably guessed it. It's probably going to be hard for us to meet again. In every sense, you've always been a precious partner to me..."

Lanqi sealed the letter on the table with wax, put the keepsake in order, and spoke to Sigler in a deep voice.

He thought for a long time before deciding how to say goodbye to Sigley.

If Sigra really had the same thoughts about him as in the Mirror of Tiberius, then he wouldn't be able to say goodbye as gently as Hyperion and Calliela, which would only make Sigra more sad in the future.

In order to make her less painful in the future, it would be better to explain the funeral arrangements as clearly as possible now.

"No problem. I will gladly accept your position as Pope."

Sigley walked to the principal's desk, took Lanqi's handwritten letter and the several token keys handed to her, and said bluntly.

"Sieglie, I'm talking about something very serious."

Lanqi looked up at Sigley's overly relaxed attitude across the table and stared at her with a complicated expression.

"I know we are saying goodbye, and we can say goodbye happily so that we can be more relaxed when we meet again next time."

Sieglie met his gaze seriously and nodded.
"But since we may never see each other again, can you please grant me a wish? I have to pay you more for doing so many things for you."

She folded her arms in distress and bargained.


Lanqi asked with a slightly bad feeling.

According to his understanding, Sigley was the type who would take advantage of others' misfortunes.

"Here, come here."

Sigley turned her cheek and silently pointed her index finger at her fair face, meaning that Lanqi should kiss her.

"This won't work, change to something that can be achieved."

Lan Qi shook his head.

Now he would not be fooled by Sigra's childish attitude.

"You must have misunderstood something. This is not a request. This is an instruction to you. Now I am the Pope, not your saint. Our positions have been reversed."

Sigler sat sideways on Lanqi's desk, holding the Pope's token and letter in her hand, and instructed Lanqi,
"If you ask the boss to do something, of course you have to make the boss happy."

She had stopped acting and had become the overbearing person in a higher position, completely different from the lively girl Sigley from before.

Although it's still meant as a joke.

But the way she spoke didn't seem like Sigley at all to Lanqi.

Lanci increasingly suspected that the Mirror of Tiberius was broken.

"I'll count to three. If you don't kiss me, I'm going to kiss you."

Sigley couldn't help laughing and pretended to be the Big Bad Wolf, continuing to tease Lanqi.

She herself could hardly continue acting.

She definitely wouldn't really kiss him, but now Lanqi's reaction every second was very interesting.

"Sieglie, this is the principal's office, don't mess around."

Lanqi warned with a calm look in his eyes.

Looking at Sigley's expression, it's possible that she could force herself on him.

Siglei, who was able to defeat Lord Blasphemy, actually had no ability to resist at all.

The only way to scare her is with the Pope’s ninth-level majesty.


"You are still as good at bluffing as ever. I was almost fooled by you."

Sieglei seemed to have completely seen through Lanqi's pretending master, just like when he protected her on the snowy plains, which made her pout.

"By the way, you will be promoted to level seven soon after the Shadow World ends, right?"

Siglei leaned over the desk, close to Lanqi, looked at Lanqi and asked quietly.

"What are you talking about..."

Lanqi stopped talking in the middle of his sentence.

He looked up at Sigley in confusion.

How could Siglei know that this is the Shadow World?

Even if we take a step back, everyone here would naturally think that Pope Saint Polante is a ninth-level person who is hiding his true abilities and pretending to be a sixth-level person to play around in the world. How could anyone be sure at a glance that he is really a sixth-level person?

However, he only saw Sieglie smiling, but the voice had become quite similar to that of a very familiar person.

"You are stronger than me now, dear."

Siglei narrowed her eyes into crescents, curled the corners of her mouth meaningfully, exhaled a little sweet smell of wine at him, and blew him a kiss.

Lanqi's pupils trembled, and he raised his hand and pointed at the figure in front of the desk.


Where is Sigley?
It's totally Catholic!
Wouldn't it be an epic explosion if she and Hyperion were close to each other?

"Fuck, Sigrid!!!"

Ranch yelled.

(End of this chapter)

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