Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 52 Lankey: Hello

Chapter 52 Lankey: Hello

The lights on both sides of the street outside Gera Square began to light up in rows, like a flowing river of light. In the distance, you can see the iconic skyline of Icarite, and the towering buildings look even more spectacular in the night sky.

But stand on the way.

"Damn it, how come it was opened by humans."

Thalia clenched her fists, secretly hating.

There must be a lot of knowledge that is extremely valuable to her in this unknown history of the Demon Realm Shadow World.

However, this film world will only scroll out clips in carousel, and cannot watch the whole process on the public magic screen on campus.

More comprehensive and specific information will only be retained by the challenger's [Shadow World Recording Program].

It seems that today I can only take a look here.

Just as Talia was thinking this way, her brows frowned.

Because she discovered that the challenger in this shadow world is her underworld student!
"This guy……"

Although Thalia couldn't figure out why the things in the netherworld turned into demons, they would be a radiant demon instead of an abyssal demon.

But now she just feels very pleasantly surprised.

Lan Qi is like a mystery shop, and she is going to buy new goods for her again.

And anything Lan Qi has in hand, she may trade it for it!

For example, all the information in Lan Qi's [Shadow World Recording Program].

Thalia now really feels that Lan Qi can bring her what she wants every time, just like her lucky star.

If she didn't always suspect that this kid likes to think about some damn things, she might have a slightly better attitude towards Lan Qi.

But the present moment.

When Thalia saw the beloved poet whose face was exactly like hers on the screen, her eyelids immediately collapsed, with an expression of wanting to kill Lan Qi.

She immediately turned around and walked away quickly, lowering her head and biting a small bite of the cheesecake viciously, for fear that the students of the Icarite Academy here would find out that she resembled this hell summoner.

This guy is really more damned.


The corridors of the Demon Academy also look classical and gorgeous, dimly lit, full of ancient wood-like aromas, as if there is a magic from the depths of time, the end of the road in the distance seems to be swallowed by darkness forever, accompanied by unfathomable of mystery.

The dark marble floor is painted with golden patterns, and the middle is covered with a carpet with demon flower patterns. On the walls, weird portraits and mirrors appear every few steps, as if looking at the students on the road.

Just in this corridor, several demon students with terrified or dignified expressions rushed past. The sound of footsteps echoed in the empty corridor, piercing the original silence, like the prelude to chasing and fleeing.

They fled at a high speed, and they looked even more terrified under the dim light, as if they had just escaped from some unspeakable nightmare.

Although they couldn't see the purpose of their actions for a while, but the panic looked like they just wanted to stay as far away from that crazy examination room as possible!

However, at the end of these figures, two demons with less flustered expressions also mixed in, and they were not noticed by the demon students in front at all.

Now that Lan Qi and Huberian are not sure about the rules of this demon academy for the time being, and they dare not attack other demon students rashly, they all agree that there is a risk in arresting students forcibly and interrogating them.

Being stared at by paintings and mirrors in this hallway is always creepy, and it's anyone's guess whether some underlying mechanism will be triggered.

So the best strategy is to follow the group of better-quality students in front of them for the time being, find the best survival strategy at the moment, find a better opportunity and try again without doing anything, just convincing others with virtue.


Huberian turned her head to look at Lan Qi.

She just stretched out her hand and handed to Lan Qi the few thick coins she just picked up from the corpse. She believed that Lan Qi, who had a lot of tricks, would be in charge of the team's accounts.

Lan Qi didn't say anything, nodded and accepted the mysterious coins.

Although Huberian would feel at ease following Lan Qi, it seemed that the safest place in this academy was near him.

But she was in a very complicated mood at the moment. She wanted to ask Lan Qi something, but hesitated whether to speak.

Originally, she was just worried that after Lan Qi knew her demon blood, this friendship would end.

But now she was a little bit worried that after learning that she was really a demon, Lan Qi would turn into a demon hunter and torture her like the students and examiners in the demon examination room.

"Lankey, what do you think of demons?"

While running, Huberian finally lowered her voice and asked tentatively.

Lan Qi was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

"It can live for a long time, even if it is hundreds of years old, it will look like a girl."

Lan Qi couldn't help but sneered and replied, if Huberian wanted to ask this, he wouldn't be sleepy.

He wanted to speak freely for a long time, but no one had ever talked to him about this topic.

It turns out that Huberian is also interested in demons!


Huberian felt that Lan Qi's words offended her a little.

Although she is indeed a genuine teenager, her lifespan as a mixed-blood demon must be longer than that of humans, and Lan Qi's words will slander her in a hundred years.

No, why is his focus so strange?
"Then if you encounter a demon in this world, will it be the same as before?"

Huberian still asked a little nervously.

Lan Qi just looked at her without saying a word.

The silence speaks.

"Do you think I'm an old birthday star who eats arsenic and hates my life?"


"Let's not talk about the danger of provoking the demons. The demons may have good guys. Huberian, please don't discriminate against the demons."

Lan Qi advised earnestly.


Huberian was startled when she heard the words, then lowered her head and pursed her lips, and said softly.

For some reason, the heavy stone that had been pressing on her heart seemed to have disappeared because of Lan Qi's serious words.

She never thought that one day someone would tell her to "don't discriminate against demons".

Although Lan Qi's words have a sense of the Virgin.

But Huo Bolian believes that Lan Qi is not the kind of hypocritical Madonna whore.

But the real Madonna.

Because he is indeed able to make a bowl of water level - not only for demons, but also for torturing people.


In just a few tens of seconds, some of the devil students who fled in the corridor fled as if they were still looking for something, and some chose the classroom again and ran in regardless of the risk.

From this point of view, the corridor is also a scary place that is no less dangerous than the classroom, otherwise these students would not be so actively looking for classes.

"It's about time we looked for a chance to strike."

If possible, Lan Qi would not be willing to enter any classroom and use the mechanism to waste time. The most urgent task now is to inquire about the information of the Demon Academy.

Only by understanding the rules can you act with confidence and boldly, and even try to find a way to speed up and find the "ancient demon magic that modifies hairstyles" that you want to learn.

Huberian naturally understood what Lan Qi meant.

Right now, there is only one student in the front left. It seems that we can have a good communication with him.

She quickened her pace and swiftly and silently grabbed the lucky student.

"You step on...!"

After being grabbed by Huberian's shoulders, the demon with green scales around his neck turned his head fiercely and raised his hand to push towards Huberian.


When his pupils focused in the next moment, he saw Lan Qi, the proctor standing behind Huberian.

Fear from the soul swept across the Green Scaled Demon's heart like a tide, and his hands hung in the air motionless, as if there was nowhere to put them.


Lan Qi opened his lips slightly in surprise when he saw the appearance of the green-scaled demon.

It turned out that what they caught was the one that Lan Qi selected with [Basic Etiquette] earlier, was frightened by the dragon demon and the owl for tens of seconds, and finally escaped with his life under their noses That devil examinee!

What kind of fate is this, Lan Qi couldn't help showing a slight smile when he looked at him.

Even if Lan Qi hasn't said anything yet.

The green-scaled demon student was already trembling with fright.

Lankey: "Hello."

Just a simple hello.

It made the devil seem to hear the call from hell, and he felt that his ancestors were calling him to reunite.

"Student, what should I call you?"

With his hands behind his back, Lan Qi still looked like an examiner, walked to the side of the green-scaled demon student, and asked with a smile.

"B... Bacher..."

The green-scale snake-eyed demon student tremblingly obeyed his survival instinct to answer, his skin turned pale and bloodless from fear, his legs were weak, as if he would kneel down at any moment.

(End of this chapter)

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