Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 10 Is there something wrong with Lan Qi's magic card?

Chapter 10 Is there something wrong with Lan Qi's magic card?

Bright lights illuminate the card workshop, reflecting on magical instruments and vessels.

Those utensils exude a simple atmosphere, as if they have witnessed the glory of many card makers on their way to rise.

At this moment, Lan Qi was already concentrating on the workbench.

He counted the basic materials carefully, took out a grid plate, and took some of the materials he needed.

Put them one by one into the grid of the grid.

Talia frowned subconsciously as she watched his material selection.

What is this guy doing with so much material?
While Talia was puzzled, Lan Qi gradually completed the preparations.

Thalia, who has been thrifty and downtrodden for a long time, almost forgot that she was once rich.

Lan Qi rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, his face was full of anticipation, and he was ready to practice making some magic cards.

He seemed a little clumsy and began to mix the already ground non-attribute magic crystal powder and magic core liquid, and used a measuring instrument to detect the magic power fluctuations during the blending.

Lan Qi, who is not yet very good at using his own magic power to synchronize with the deployment of ink, can only temporarily use magic props to assist.


In fact, this is not difficult, but you can't do it just by reading a book, and you need someone to teach him.

Thalia watched Lan Qi's rookie operation without any waves in her eyes.

However, she has no interest and absolutely no need to point out this human boy who has no magical talent.

See here.

Even if Talia didn't have to read on, she already knew what card Lankey wanted to do.

Because Lan Qi opened the magic scroll that will be used to extract, intercept, and engrave next.

This scroll is impressively a first-order spiritual spell [Mental Disturbance].

Compared with the magic scroll that will be scrapped once used, if it is made into a magic card, this spell can be used repeatedly——

【mental interference】

[Category: Spell Card]

[grade: blue precious]

【Level: 1】

[Effect: Only effective for enemies within 3 meters, making them unable to move for a very short time.Mana consumption and duration of influence are determined according to the spiritual gap between the two parties.Cooldown time 120 seconds. 】

In most cases, the magic cards produced using only this magic scroll as the basis will have similar effects, at most there will be slight fluctuations in the control time.

If the card maker is skilled, it may be possible to produce a higher-level [purple rare] quality.

Then the effect will become more powerful, or a little more additional effect.

of course.

Even if it's just a first-order magic, it's [Blue Precious] quality is very challenging for new card creators.

It would be nice to be able to avoid exploding cards, or to make a degraded version of [White Normal] quality.

Thalia is still unable to comment on the talent of this teenager and what kind of card he will make.

However, it is too late for ordinary talented humans to start learning card making now.

Lan Qi's family is obviously not bad.

If you are talented, you should invest in the best resources and start learning early.

It's not just now that I am interested in groping for card making by myself.

"Tata, do you know how to make cards?"

Lan Qi stared at the scroll in his hand, as if he felt Thalia's sight, he asked suddenly.

To him, having someone in the workshop to talk to seemed like a good idea.


Thalia ignored him, but just looked away indifferently.

She didn't want to lie about such a small thing, and she didn't want to let the human know what he didn't need to know.

Lan Qi smiled tactfully, and stopped talking to Thalia.

Just like the Card Creators Association's attitude towards him, if he is a businessman, he still has good trading value.

But if it is as a card maker, you can't see any value at all.

In other words, the only people who are optimistic about him so far are Mr. Hans, the housekeeper, and Francine, the maid.

While Lan Qi thought to himself, he continued to pour the adjusted magic ink into the engraving pen.

Next, he can no longer be distracted, because he will enter the most critical step of making magic cards——

Rewrite and finalize the magic structure and circuit.

The first-order spiritual magic is almost all mental interference with a small effect, and the strong control type of spiritual magic often requires a relatively short distance to be activated.

If you want to rewrite the effect, you not only need a strong ability to create magic, but also need many experiments and improvements, which is far more difficult than normal production.

Lan Qi concentrated all his energy in front of his eyes.

As the engraving pen in his hand moved slightly, he slowly integrated his mana into every magic circuit.

The magical structure of the card is not something that any magician or magician can draw. It is a process of understanding, creation and casting.

If you don't have a thorough understanding of outstanding talent, even if you can draw something like it, you won't be able to give it the power it deserves.

Lan Qi held his breath and seemed to have entered the moment of greatest challenge.

The biggest trouble in engraving is the circle of fine magic runes that need to be engraved on the card. These distorted existences look like ants crawling around. Without enough eyesight, it is impossible to understand them, let alone write them. come out.

He frowned and burned slowly.

It's like a painter painting a beautiful work.

Every stroke is extremely delicate, but full of sense of stability.

This made Thalia on the side couldn't help but take her eyes on Lan Qi a little more seriously.

Let's not talk about how low-level cards Lankey is making, and how inexperienced he is.

At least at this moment, Lan Qi's temperament is not like a jerky card making apprentice, but a great artist with extremely superb skills!

Tens of seconds passed like this.

Accompanied by a burst of explosion sound.


Thalia: "..."

In the faint and pervasive smoke, she shook her head undetectably.

Sure enough, he is a mediocre waste of money.

Even if she doesn't know much about the spell recording of human magic text, she can roughly see that Lan Qi is doing some very confusing operations——

He doesn't seem to be satisfied with producing [Spiritual Disturbance], but tries to extract and engrave it while rewriting it into a more complex spell, and then directly encapsulates it to produce it.

Just like beginners should first find a way to learn to walk and then master running, and Lanci wanted to go beyond walking and running to try flying from the beginning.

will do this kind of thing.

Either a genius with a huge ego.

Or you're an overly ambitious idiot.

"Why did it explode..."

Lan Qi looked at the magic card that exploded like a firecracker in his hand in a daze.

It seemed that everything came too suddenly and shattered his dream of making cards.

Fortunately, the light barrier in the card workshop protected him from harm.

In the next second, Lan Qi ran out of the card making workshop as if thinking of something.

"This guy……"

Thalia frowned and muttered to herself.

Even if the employer is in a bad mood after being hit, if he wants to leave, he shouldn't throw her away like this in a fit of temper.

The thing she hates the most is anyone leaving her behind.

Just as Thalia was about to leave the card making room with a displeased face, Lan Qi ran back again, rushed to the workbench and began to quickly record something with a pen.

"Aren't you going?"

Talia asked.

"Don't go, this is just the beginning! I just asked Mr. Deacon to bring me something more."

Lan Qi answered naturally.

He didn't seem to be hit at all, but enthusiasm and expectation shone in his eyes, as if he was full of endless desire to explore this field of card making.

Thalia didn't say anything more, and sat back in her original position.

She is very patient, and she doesn't hate being paid £3 a day just to sit here.

Just don't know how often this human will give up because of repeated failures.

Soon, the deacon sent Lan Qi a few books and some materials that were not used before.

Lan Qi took the book and flipped through it obsessively at the long table.

All afternoon, he was constantly exploding cards and recording failure data, checking and studying.


That's how it went for two whole weeks.

Lan Qi and Thalia would come to this card making workshop every day. One would fry the cards and one would look at them. They would stay almost all day.

But Lan Qi still hasn't made a decent [Mental Disturbance].

Thalia was still sitting in her chair, holding the book gently in her hands, flipping through it slowly, completing her job of protecting her employer.

However, she no longer pays much attention to Lan Qi's card making process, and only reads human books to pass the time.

In her view, Lan Qi's failure is normal.

Even if a beginner trains with such high intensity regardless of loss like Lan Qi, most of them need to experience repeated failures if they want to produce a blue precious quality.

Lankey does not seem to have much talent.

If you are talented, you may have made a few usable Tier [-] magic cards by now.

There are even geniuses who can directly produce blue precious quality when they are new to card making.

Unlike Lan Qi, who has been producing waste for half a month.

A faint bright light surged along with the edge of the line of sight.

Even if she focused on the book in her hand, Talia knew that there would be a sound of magic cards exploding soon.

Because Lan Qi no longer knows how many times he failed at this step.


As the light intensified until it went out, this time there was no sound as usual.


Thalia couldn't help but move her gaze away from the page a little bit.

She saw that Lan Qi was very focused, like a craftsman completing the last step of a masterpiece.

And the magic card in his hand began to spread out a misty halo.

It seemed to be a success, Lan Qi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, a magic card that can be called a finished product was successfully born with the mist!
Lan Qi showed a relieved smile and stared at the face of the card.

He seemed very satisfied with the quality of this card, even as a card maker, he couldn't help admiring it for a while.

I saw that the card was glowing with amethyst-colored light.

Even Thalia couldn't help but stare sideways at Lan Qi.

In the case of self-taught, the first card is purple rare quality?
For most card makers, only those who have reached Tier [-] and Tier [-] and then come back to make Tier [-] and Tier [-] cards can hope to make rare quality cards.

Although Lan Qi did spend too much time and cost, it is not that there are more exaggerated geniuses in the Demon Race.

But what surprised Thalia was that a human being she met by chance had such a talent...

Sure enough, even fate is on the side of mankind.

An inexplicable sense of powerlessness filled her heart.

This situation and the situation only made her feel that in this human generation favored by the gods, the restoration of the demon clan seemed like a bubble, out of reach.

"Tata, look at my masterpiece!"

Lan Qi's cheerful voice raised Talia's drooping eyes.

Actually for her.

The first-order purple card is not a rare thing.

And compared to the materials Lan Qi wasted, the value of this card can't even cover a fraction of the loss.

Even the purple-quality [Spiritual Disturbance], after all, it is just a relatively low-consumption spiritual magic, not a necessity, not even a general-purpose card.

Compared with remote occupations, more melee occupations will take it.

However, when thinking about it like this.

Thalia identified the effect of the card in Lankey's hand, and finally frowned.


She saw that the effect of this [Mental Disturbance] improved magic was——

【Basic Etiquette】

[Category: Spell Card]

[Grade: Purple Rare]

【Level: 1】

[Effect: Only effective for enemies within 3 meters, make the opponent kneel down.Mana consumption is determined according to the spiritual gap between the two parties.Cooldown time 120 seconds. 】

[Remarks: Sir, please don't look at people through the crack of the door, let alone get carried away. 】


She wondered if this kind of card usually has the effect of freezing the enemy for half a second after getting close?
Although Lan Qi made a similar effect... Maybe it is indeed slightly longer than the control time of [Mental Disturbance].


There are some things she can't say well.

"Do you sell this card?"

After thinking about it, Talia finally asked.

This was the first time she took the initiative to talk to Lan Qi.

With the tens of pounds she earned from Lan Qi now, it is not difficult to buy a lowest-level purple rare quality magic card.

Of course, it's only for ordinary cards.

Lan Qi's original spell card does not exist in the market, and the price cannot be inferred.

Its value is not at all in whether it is good or not.

But it must not be used by others.

So it is better to control it yourself!

"Oh no, I want to keep this one for myself, it's a good life-saving card."

Lan Qi looked at Talia in a little surprise, as if surprised by her appreciation, and then shook his head and refused with a smile.

Thalia: "?"

A good life card?

...Are you sure this card can be used to save lives?

Maybe you wouldn't die in a fight.

But with this card that comes with powerful enrage and taunt effects, it's hard to say.


(End of this chapter)

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