Divorce Strategies For Divorced Movie Queens

Chapter 96

Chapter 95 – Let’S Sell Pancakes Together

What Ji Chenli said was sincere, but Minghong felt that the blurry figure in front of her was filled with sarcasm, no matter how affectionate and sincere she said, it became pity, sympathy, and guilt in her ears. Ming Lang wanted to refuse subconsciously, the word “no” stuck in her throat, and she was almost about to say it.


Finally swallowed it back.

Ming Lang couldn’t say no to Ji Chenli’s words, especially her words were so alluring, even if Ming Lang was full of sympathy and pity in Ji Chenli’s eyes, she couldn’t refuse.

After Ji Chenli said what she wanted to say, she just looked at Minglang so steadily, Minglang couldn’t see, but she could feel the eagerness in Ji Chenli’s sight, her hand was still being held by Ji Chenli, touching Ji Chenli moved her dry and delicate fingertips, and with a smile on her lips, she said with a determined voice, “Okay.”

Ji Chenli held Minghong’s hand tightly, and happily said, “Really?”


Ming Lang cared a lot about her eyes, but didn’t care about her eyes that much. If she had undergone surgery back then, the success rate would have been very high. No one could understand why Ming Lang had always refused to undergo surgery.

She is afraid.

The probability of 50% is not low, but what if? Failure is 100%, Minglang is afraid, she can’t see everything, she has to use her eyes to look at Ji Chenli again.

After four years of half-blind life, Ming Lang is not so unacceptable to being completely blind. Besides, she finally saw Ji Chenli, who is alive and kicking four years later, even if there is really only darkness left in the days to come. One piece, because of Ji Chenli’s promise, she even had a little bit of expectation about being blind.

Ji Chenli obviously doesn’t think so, 20% hope is also hope, she hopes that Minglang will get better and can look at herself with dark and bright eyes. Depression is not suitable for Ming Lang, Ji Chenli used to hope that Ming Lang would become a normal person, now that she has finally become a normal person, Ji Chenli greedily hopes that Ming Lang can regain her former radiance.

Ji Chenli couldn’t wait to tell Xu Luyang the news that Ming Lang was willing to undergo surgery. On the way back, he couldn’t help being excited, the corners of his mouth kept upturned, and he even started humming. Ming Lang was sitting on the co-pilot, listening to Ji Chenli humming, he couldn’t help laughing, “I’m going to become really blind, are you so happy?”

Ji Chenli’s good mood was half ruined by Ming Lang’s joke. He glanced at her and said angrily, “You know you’re blind before the surgery is done? Why, why are you still working as a fortune teller?”

“I’m just reminding you that it’s too late to regret it now.”

Ji Chenli snorted, “Whoever regrets is the grandson!”

She was driving well, when suddenly a car came up from behind and said goodbye to her, she honked the horn and cursed viciously: “Did you drive so fast to get reincarnated?”

Sitting on the co-pilot, Ming Lang reminded unhurriedly: “The most important thing to avoid when driving is anxiety. If you are angry with me, you don’t need to ask others to vent it.”

“I’m not angry with you.” Ji Chenli suppressed his anger, stepped on the accelerator, and the car turned around a fork in the road. Ji Chenli sighed, the car slowed down, and said, “Well, I’m really angry with you.”

“Minglang, I want to see you get better.”

Ming Lang raised her eyebrows, “Then you don’t have to fulfill your promise to take care of me for the rest of your life?”

Seeing that Ming Lang was clearly showing passive resistance, Ji Chenli didn’t bother to explain to her, “Forget it, I’ll take you back.”

Ji Chenli was upset because of Minghong’s attitude, so he didn’t stay any longer after sending her back, and drove back to the orphanage. After going back, it was already past lunch time, Tao Yuan didn’t know that Ji Chenli was coming back, he ate lunch in the cafeteria, and didn’t leave any food for Ji Chenli, Ji Chenli consciously ordered a bowl of noodles to eat, and then went to Taoyuan office. Standing at the door of the office, hesitated for a long time, knocked on the door three times with guilt, only to hear Tao Yuan say: “Please come in.”

Ji Chen’s heart skipped a beat, he gritted his teeth and pushed open the door to go in, with a smile on his face, “Sister, I’m back.”

Tao Yuan looked up at her, responded, then lowered his head again, “Have you eaten yet?”

“Eat.” Ji Chenli smiled dryly, and found the silly bird nestling behind the curtain basking in the sun, walked over and squatted beside it, and reached out to stroke the fur on its back, “Silly bird, do you miss your mother?”

The silly bird turned around lazily, meowed at Ji Chenli, continued to bask in its sun, and didn’t want to talk to Ji Chenli at all.

Tao Yuan said: “It needs to take a nap when it’s full, don’t make trouble with it.”

Ji Chenli crouched next to the cat and gave it a hard look, silly bird, I used to love you for nothing! She stood up and walked across to Tao Yuan’s desk, hehe said: “Sister, are you still angry with me?”

Tao Yuan sneered, “Now that your wings have grown hard, how dare I be angry with you?”

Ji Chenli lay down on Tao Yuan’s desk, propped his chin with his hands, and drooped his eyebrows aggrievedly, “Sister, I was wrong, I was really wrong, you adults don’t care about villains, don’t be angry?”

“Where did you go wrong?”

“I shouldn’t be staying out at night.”

“anything else?”

“You shouldn’t drink.”

“anything else?”

“Anything else?” Ji Chenli was shocked, did Tao Yuan even know about the suspected drunken **** between himself and Minghong? Her complexion changed, and she tentatively asked: “Shouldn’t you drink at Minglang’s place and stay out at night?”

She anxiously waited for Tao Yuan’s reaction, Tao Yuan put down his pen and asked, “What’s wrong with Minghong’s eyes?”

Ji Chenli smiled weakly, “Sister, so you know.”

“I met her some time ago, and I was hesitant to tell you. I didn’t expect you to know it first.”

Ji Chenli stopped laughing, eyes darkened, “The left eye is completely blind, and the right eye is severely amblyopic. She agrees to the operation, but the success rate is only 20%.”

Tao Yuan was silent.

Ji Chenli said again: “Sister, I told Ming Lang that if she goes blind, I will take care of her for the rest of her life.”

“What if she gets better?”

Ji Chenli paused for a few seconds, then smiled resignedly, “Then I’ll tie her back to Nancheng and sell pancakes with me.”


“It’s decided.” Ji Chenli smiled wryly, “Sister, after all these years, I still love her, my heart is still moved when I see her, and my heart hurts when I see her not doing well, anyway, I will never fall in love with anyone else again , without her in this life, one would be blind alone, but with her…then two of them would be blind together.”

Tao Yuan was spinning her pen in his hand, staring at the nimble pen between his fingers, and didn’t speak, but Ji Chenli knew that Tao Yuan had listened to her words.

Tao Yuan was probably scolding himself for being stupid, Ji Chenli smiled, and laughed at himself: “I know, I don’t have a long memory, and I forget the pain when the scar is healed, but I have been so virtuous since I was a child, it’s not bad. Once.” It’s better for the scar to heal than to be **** all the time.

Tao Yuan held the pen in her hand and patted it lightly on the table, “That’s right, you have such a dead virtue since you were young. You are thirty years old this year. People say that you are old at seven years old. The virtue brought out of the mother’s womb, Mo Say thirty years old, maybe eighty years old can’t change.”


“Thinking about how time flies, the time when you were sent to the orphanage is still flashing in front of my eyes. In the blink of an eye, you are already thirty years old.” Tao Yuan sighed, “Thirty years old, you are already thirty years old.” It’s an age where you’re starting to get old.”


“Then let’s go.” Tao Yuan paused for a while, and suddenly said this sentence without beginning or end.

Ji Chenli was stunned for a moment, but didn’t understand.

“After Ming Lang has finished the operation, you take her, and your silly cat, back to Nancheng. Your life is in Nancheng, not here.”

Ji Chenli blinked, and said in a daze, “So you’re not angry with me anymore?”

“I’m not angry with you at all.” Tao Yuan smiled angrily, and sighed, “You are thirty years old, and you stand at thirty, Chenchen, I believe you have a sense of proportion. I also support your decision. “

“I still don’t like Minglang, even though she saved my life, but,” Tao Yuan paused, looking into Ji Chenli’s eyes, “I support your decision.”

Ji Chenli’s eye circles were instantly red, and he choked up and called “Sister”, not knowing what to say, so he ran to the other side of the desk and hugged Tao Yuan tightly, “Sister…”

From childhood to adulthood, from the last life to this life, no matter what Ji Chenli does, Tao Yuan is the one who silently supports her behind her. If she succeeds, Tao Yuan applauds Ji Chenli. Always open to Ji Chenli, Ji Chenli thinks that meeting Tao Yuan is really the luckiest thing in his life.

“Thank you, sister.”

“The family doesn’t talk about this.”

Ji Chenli hugged Tao Yuan tightly and nodded desperately.

As long as Ming Lang relaxed and agreed to the operation, things would be much easier. The day before the operation, Ming Lang had a meal with his family. Wen Yuxiu was worried about the success rate of the operation, but Ming Guangwen was very calm. Always serious, but for the first time at the dinner table, he said a few words of encouragement to Ming Lang, “Relax, your mother and I will be by your side for everything.” Lack of confidence.

Sure enough, Ming Lang just smiled, nodded and said, “Thank you Dad.” She seemed calmer than Wen Yuxiu.

Ming Guangwen sighed, and secretly reflected on himself, they were both raised together, what went wrong, and why the two sisters, Minghong and Mingyan, have so different personalities.

Ming Guangwen used to be very proud of having such a sensible daughter as Ming Lang, who was decisive and decisive. She was born to be the heir of the Ming family, so Ming Guangwen didn’t bother to discipline her at all, but the older she got, the more Ming Guangwen felt that she would rather Ming Lang and Ming Yan have the same temper Live easier too. But it was too late to say anything now, he was so estranged with his daughter, Ming Guangwen didn’t know what else to do except sigh.

On the day of the operation, Ming Guangwen, Wen Yuxiu and Ming Yan were all accompanying Ming Lang outside the operating room, even Han Xinyuan put aside the matter at hand and rushed to the hospital, Ji Chenli also went there, seeing those people from afar She turned around and left the hospital again. It was Han Xinyuan who spotted her with sharp eyes and followed her out.

“Ji Chenli!” Han Xinyuan shouted behind her.

Ji Chenli stopped, turned around, Han Xinyuan chased after him, Ji Chenli smiled, “Mr. Han.”

Although Ji Chenli lives in a remote town, he likes to surf the Internet and read gossip when he has nothing to do, so he has heard a little about Han Xinyuan’s situation in the past few years. Han Xinyuan is now the CEO of Minghan Film and Television. The old lady of the Han family passed away two years ago. She officially took over the position of the head of the Han family, more and more elegant and calm demeanor of a superior, finally reunited with Han Xinyuan from the previous life in Ji Chenli’s memory.

“Just call me by my name.” Han Xinyuan shook hands with Ji Chenli, “Are you here to see Ah Lang?”

Ji Chenli remembered that a few years ago, Han Xinyuan and Ming Lang had a very unpleasant quarrel because of his troubles, and then he left. Han Xinyuan has matured a lot in recent years, and Ming Lang has become like this again. The relationship for many years seems to have gradually reconciled, so Han Xinyuan called “Ah Lang” naturally, and Ji Chenli is not surprised.

Ji Chenli nodded and admitted without hesitation, “Yes.”

“Why don’t you go in?”

Ji Chenli laughed softly: “Forget it, it’s not me who performed the operation on her, it doesn’t make any difference whether she goes in or not, as if she is definitely going to go blind if I don’t go in.” Only she knows, she said this My palms were sweating.

“That’s right.” Han Xinyuan followed suit with a smile. Ji Chenli’s past few years have been getting better and better every year, and he is especially beautiful when he smiles. Han Xinyuan seems to have seen the way he was attracted to her at the beginning, and said jokingly: ” Looking for a place to sit? I haven’t seen you for so many years, I miss you.”

“Forget it.” Ji Chenli waved his hand, and said seriously: “Some things are over when they are over, so there is no need to mention them again, Mr. Han, the intersection between you and me is all because of Mingyu, and what is fake will always be fake. I thought you understood better than me.”

“I understand.” Han Xinyuan had a look of regret on his face, and he pretended to sigh with remorse, “Chen Li, sometimes I think, if I persisted for a while, maybe you would fall in love with me.”

“No.” Ji Chenli shook his head firmly, “Han Xinyuan, you are not in love with me, and I will never fall in love with you.”

“So sure?” Han Xinyuan smiled playfully, “No way? How am I worse than Ah Lang?”

Ji Chenli thought for a while, then shrugged and smiled, “You are not as beautiful as her.”

“…Although I don’t want to admit it, it seems to be the case.” Han Xinyuan laughed, the last bit of regret in her heart dissipated with the joke of you coming and going. She didn’t ask Ji Chenli what she planned to do with Minghong in the future, it was the two of them This matter has nothing to do with Han Xinyuan.

The two were speechless, Ji Chenli hesitated and said, “Then… goodbye?”

Han Xinyuan also said, “Goodbye.”

Ming Lang’s operation went well, but whether her eyes can recover depends on how well she recovers after removing the bandages. During her hospitalization, she was taken care of by her family members, so Ji Chenli never came to visit her once. Even Xu Luyang was a little anxious. Wang seemed to be very indifferent, chatting with Wen Yuxiu when she was around, and turning on the TV to pass the time when she wasn’t around.

Xu Luyang took the remote control and turned the TV to silent, and asked, “Minglang, are you not in a hurry at all? What if Ji Chenli runs away again this time?”

“Xu Luyang, at this time you should be trying on wedding dresses with Gao Yi.” Ming Lang said helplessly, “You let him go again?”

“I’m in the mood to try on a wedding dress now that you’re like this. Don’t change the subject! Aren’t you worried that Ji Chenli will abandon you again this time? Not worried at all?”

“Whoever abandons me, can’t keep the day of yesterday.” Minghong felt that he was quite humorous, and was amused by himself, so he stopped smiling and said, “I hope she abandons me.” Minghong shook his head, “But she She’s a silly girl with a solid heart.” Her tone was helpless and happy, and a little resigned to her own fate, Xu Luyang knew that Minglang was entangled in her heart, and there was no way to persuade her about the relationship, so she shook her head helplessly.

“Forget it, Gao Yi and I went to try on the wedding dress, what are you doing with Ji Chenli’ai?” After all, the relationship is a matter between two people, Xu Luyang saw that it was useless to worry, “By the way, Gao Yi and I I’m getting married next month, and I don’t plan to hold a wedding, but you have to give me a big red envelope, it’s up to you whether the relationship is deep or not, you can decide for yourself.”

“Really? Congratulations.” Ming Lang said with a smile, “It must be a big red envelope, don’t worry.”

On the day Ming Lang took off the bandages, the three members of the Ming family, Han Xinyuan and Xu Luyang all arrived. During the waiting process, Wen Yuxiu held Ming Guangwen’s hand tightly. He was about to have a heart attack. Ming Guangwen was also very nervous, and Ming Yan was even more Pacing up and down in a hurry, Xu Luyang’s eyes were dizzy, “Mr. Ming, are you going to stop? My eyes are dazzled.”

When the bandage was removed, Ming Lang opened her eyes. Ming Yan couldn’t wait to run up to Ming Lang, stretched out five fingers and swayed in front of Ming Lang’s eyes, “How is it? Sis, can you see it?”

Ming Lang’s eyes were sore, he blinked, his right eye gradually cleared up, and he said with a smile, “Ah Yan, why does a thirty-year-old still have pimples?”

“Sister, can you see it?” Mingyan’s eyes turned red with excitement, “It’s great! I knew the operation would be successful!”

Wen Yuxiu was so happy that she couldn’t speak, “Ah…Ah Lang…”

Ming Lang looked at Wen Yuxiu and smiled gently, “Mom, I made you worry.”

“It’s good if you can see it, it’s good if you can see it…” Wen Yuxiu couldn’t help crying in Ming Guangwen’s arms as she spoke.

Ming Guangwen was also very excited, but he was not used to showing his emotions in front of Ming Lang, so he turned his head and quietly wiped away his tears.

Ming Lang can see it, this is a great happy event, Wen Yuxiu has told the cook to cook a large table of dishes, waiting for Ming Lang to go home for dinner, who knows that Ming Lang sneaked out of the hospital while they were not paying attention , when Wen Yuxiu found out, there was only one empty bed with Yu Wen left, and a note written by hand, neat and powerful.

[Mom, I have something to do, you guys go back. ]

Wen Yuxiu was in a hurry, “What’s the matter with this child? Luyang, please help me, go and get Ah Lang back.”

Xu Luyang smiled, “Auntie, don’t worry, Minghong really has something to do.” She thought to herself, well you Minghong, you have something to trick your friends, but the smile on your face is getting bigger and bigger.

The weather is so nice, Xu Luyang took a deep breath, even the smell of disinfectant in the air was fragrant.

Ming Lang slipped out of the hospital, and couldn’t help but look left and right along the way, seeing the world again, from a completely unfamiliar perspective, she couldn’t restrain her excitement, she just wished that the taxi could grow wings and fly, and fly to Ji Chenli went to the side.

“Sir, please drive faster.” Ming Lang urged.

“It’s driving too fast and something will happen, where is the beauty in a hurry to go?”

“To find a lover, it’s too late when it’s too late.”

“Yo, it really is a big deal!” The driver smiled and drove towards the orphanage at a faster speed.

Ji Chenli knew that Ming Lang took off the bandages today, and she was restless in the room all morning. She was worried about what to do if Ming Lang was really blind. It’s fine to go to the hospital by yourself, you shouldn’t pretend to be reserved, and blame that Xu Luyang why he didn’t tell himself the result so late.

“Silly bird, what if your stepmother is really blind?” Ji Chenli hugged the cat and said to himself, “If she is really blind, you have to take good care of her and not bully her, you know that?”

“Meow.” The silly bird licked its mouth and yawned.

“By the way, she also brought you a younger brother. It’s a bit noisy. If you don’t like that guy, you can scratch it!”

“Meow.” Sha Niao licked his chest hair.

“You can bully your younger brother, but you can’t bully your stepmother, do you know that?”

At this time, a laughing voice came from the window, “Who dares to bully me?”

Ji Chenli was startled. She turned her head to look at the window, only to see that Ming Lang was still wearing a hospital gown, one foot was already on the window sill, and she neatly jumped into Ji Chenli’s room, standing in front of Ji Chenli, condescending, almost greedily watching She smiled: “Chenli, you are so pretty.”

“You…” Ji Chenli only said one word, and Ming Lang had already leaned over, her eyes were covered by a huge black shadow, and her lips were grabbed by Ming Lang.

Ming Lang’s face is close at hand, and his dark and bright eyes are also close at hand. Ji Chenli is fascinated by watching, and he doesn’t realize that at some point, he has already been lying on the floor. The sudden kiss was still deepening, and Ji Chenli’s hands were wrapped around Minghong’s neck at some point.

“Ming Lang… that’s enough… that’s enough…” Between kisses, Ji Chenli begged for mercy in a low voice, Ming Lang squeezed her lips and gave a muffled laugh, then licked her lips unsatisfactorily, and then let go, pressing on her lips On her body, with her head buried behind her ear, she smiled quietly: “Chen Li, I can see now.”

“Yeah.” Ji Chenli lay on his back on the floor, looked dizzy at the ceiling above his head, and also smirked.

“I can see it. Do you still remember what you said that day?”

“What words?”

“Be my eyes forever.”

“Do the math.” Ji Chenli nodded, his heart was about to explode with great joy, and he grinned, “Minghong.”


“Would you like to sell pancakes with me?”

Ming Lang kissed the base of Ji Chenli’s neck, and also laughed, “I wish for it.”

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