Divorce Strategies For Divorced Movie Queens

Chapter 9

Chapter 8 – Vulgar Powder

People will change, Ming Lang read this sentence silently, then laughed softly with unknown meaning, probably because of the wrong position at some point after rebirth, Ming Lang in this life is more different than the Ming Lang in Ji Chenli’s impression. There are quite a few differences, for example, he talks more, his stinky hair is less, and the expression on his face is more vivid.

“Then you have a good rest. Go to the company to see the director tomorrow, and I will ask the driver to pick you up.” Ming Lang said and stood up, fastened the two collar buttons he had untied, and smoothed out the wrinkles on the clothes, looking like ready to go out.

Ji Chenli was a little stunned, “You want to go out?”

“Yeah.” Minghong nodded, and joked with a sense of humor, “If I stay here again, I’m afraid you’ll have nightmares when you sleep.”

For such a serious person like Ming Lang, the jokes he made were not funny at all, Ji Chenli didn’t even realize that it was a joke, and nodded seriously, “It is indeed.” So Ming Lang couldn’t laugh again.

“Then you rest.” Ming Lang put his hand on the doorknob and opened the door.

Ji Chenli waited happily behind her for her to leave, but Minglang dawdled for a long time, then turned around and asked as if to confirm: “Are you really planning to keep me?”

“…” Ji Chenli forced a smile, “President Ming is busy, so it’s better not to waste time with me.”

After saying that, he pushed Ming Lang out and closed the door, and finally leaned against the door to let out a sigh of relief, and finally left.

Probably because of the different timelines, Minglang in this life is abnormal, simply too abnormal.

After Ming Lang left, Ji Chenli glanced at the torn script on the coffee table, with a wry smile on her face, she acted in this movie in her previous life, it was too exhausting, after the movie was finished, Ji Chenli felt as if she was following her character As if she had died once, let Ji Chenli repeat it again, and she started to feel apprehensive before she even opened the script.

However, if the reward is to get rid of Minglang completely, then such a price does not seem to be a big deal.

Holding the script, Ji Chenli began to dream of leaving Minglang.

If you really divorced, what should you do in the future? Ji Chenli has accumulated a small amount of money in the past three years as an actor. As long as he is not extravagant and manages it properly, he will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life.

How about opening a flower shop? Ji Chenli thought, or cake shop coffee shop or something, no matter how bad it is, just buy a canteen in front of the primary school, it doesn’t matter if it is more expensive, maybe I can get acquainted with the school leaders and build a relationship, so that the children in the orphanage are difficult to enroll. One piece is solved.

Speaking of the orphanage, Ji Chenli thought of Tao Yuan again. Now Tao Yuan was probably so angry that he wanted to hang himself up and beat him up. By the way, he wanted to set aside a dowry for Tao Yuan. In his previous life, Tao Yuan hadn’t talked The target is… In this life, Ji Chenli will depend on her to find someone she can rely on for life.

No wonder God wants to do it all over again, Ji Chenli thought, life without Minglang could be perfect like this.

The next day, Ming Lang’s special car stopped downstairs and waited for Ji Chenli. The driver was a man of few words, and he safely delivered Ji Chenli to the office building of Minghan Film and Television Company. The agent had already been waiting at the door for a long time. .

“Oh, my sister Chenli, you’re here!” Ji Chenli got out of the car, and the manager grabbed her wrist with tears in her eyes, “I called you so many times and you didn’t answer, I thought it was I didn’t do well and you asked Mr. Ming to fire me!”

The manager’s name is Feng Cai, and she’s as noisy as in her previous life. She’s a young girl who just graduated, and she’s pretty. I’m afraid she didn’t even think that seven years later, she would become one of the most flattering managers in the entertainment industry.

Ji Chenli had a good impression of this little girl, let her hold her wrist, and said with a smile: “Ah Cai, you speak with conscience, have I ever treated you badly after you came with me? Why did you get fired.”

“Okay, Miss Chenli, I know you’re a good person, okay?” Feng Cai dragged Ji Chenli onto the elevator, took out a box of foundation from her bag, and touched up Ji Chenli’s makeup, “My dear sister, Why don’t you put on some makeup before going out? Who are we going to meet today? It’s Xie Qinglan, Director Xie! If you look like this and leave a sloppy impression on others, don’t you want to hang out in the circle…”

Since it was appointed by Ming Lang, she would definitely not be eliminated. Feng Cai didn’t understand, but Ji Chenli knew it very well. She choked on Feng Cai’s powder puff and coughed a few times: “The director is looking at me. acting skills, not makeup…”

The elevator stopped on the twentieth floor, Feng Cai pulled Ji Chenli and walked towards the meeting room, just at the door, he ran into Ming Lang who had just come out of the meeting room, Feng Cai was a little afraid of this unsmiling big boss, stammered Called “Mr. Ming”, but Ming Lang watched Feng Cai’s movement of tightly grasping Ji Chenli’s wrist, Feng Cai felt cold from her, so he quickly let go, Ming Lang then nodded in satisfaction, “work Time forbids pulling and pulling.”

“Yes yes yes! Don’t worry, Mr. Ming, you must abide by the company’s rules and regulations!” Feng Cai nodded vigorously, almost concussed.

When Ming Lang walked away, Feng Cai patted his chest with lingering fear, “Women in love are really jealous, it’s too scary…”

Ji Chenli didn’t hear clearly, and asked her: “What are you muttering all by yourself?”

“It’s nothing! I mean, sister Chenli is really happy, and she has a loving relationship with Mr. Ming! Hehehe…”

Feng Cai didn’t know that her flattery was slapped on the horse’s leg, so when Ji Chenli’s face turned black without warning, she didn’t know how she offended the wife of the president.

am i easy me? Feng Cai followed Ji Chen’s departure and wanted to cry without tears. It is difficult to be a manager, and it is even more difficult to be the manager of the president’s wife!

Pushing open the door of the conference room, there is a woman sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone. The woman is wearing a black baseball cap, casual clothes, and sneakers. She looks like an ordinary woman. A type that you can’t find in the crowd, but Ji Chenli knows that this woman is Xie Qinglan, who is known as a ghost director.

Feng Cai approached attentively, “Director Xie, hello, I am…”

Before she could finish speaking, Xie Qinglan raised her palm to make a stop motion, looked at the time on the phone, squinted at the two people who were still standing, and said contemptuously: “You are five minutes late.”

“I’m sorry, Director Xie, I actually encountered something on the road. You have a lot of adults, a lot of adults…” Feng Cai pretended to be a grandson with Xie Qinglan, but Xie Qinglan looked at Ji Chenli and sneered, “I can’t even be punctual. Be an actor in whatever play, just go back and be your president’s wife.”

Any genius-type character probably has some flaws that are different from ordinary people in character. Ji Chenli knew Xie Qinglan’s virtues in her last life, so she tried to hide as much as possible after filming, but she couldn’t hide now. She wanted something big Little things turned into nothing, but Xie Qinglan’s words annoyed Ji Chenli, Ji Chenli slapped the table on the spot and snorted coldly: “I just don’t want to act, why don’t you tell President Ming, the big director, to ask her to change actors?”

Xie Qinglan is proud of her talents, few people hate her like this, her expression is ugly, “I really don’t know why Minglang has a crush on you.”

Ji Chenli has been nurturing with Tao Yuan for many years. He has cultivated the ability since he was a child. He has never lost a fight with others. Sitting on the conference table and hugging his shoulders, he deliberately thanked Qinglan, “I just fell in love with me shameless, why, Han Xinyuan Don’t you have the ability?”

Others don’t know, but Ji Chenli knows very well that Xie Qinglan and Han Xinyuan are college classmates, and they have a good relationship. It’s useless to provoke Xie Qinglan himself, but if you mention Han Xinyuan, you will definitely be sure.

Sure enough, Xie Qinglan slapped the table and stood up, “What did you say?”

“Thank you, Director!” Feng Cai quickly ran to Xie Qinglan to cheer her up, “The director calmed down, Sister Chenli didn’t mean that, don’t be offended, calm down…”

Xie Qinglan lowered her head and glanced at the little manager who was helping her, and said with a dark face, “Hey.”

“Ah?” Feng Cai looked up at her.

“Why did you hit my chest?”

“Ah? Ah!” Feng Cai jumped far away in one step, with his hands still raised in mid-air, so embarrassed that he didn’t know where to put them.

Can this be her fault? Who made the director so flat! Feng Cai complained in her heart, alas, it’s hard to be a manager, and it’s even more difficult to be the manager of the president’s wife…

Ji Chenli couldn’t be happier watching from the side, his stomach cramped from holding back his laughter, why didn’t he notice it before? This talented director Xie is much more interesting than Han Xinyuan.

The result that Ming Lang had already decided in the morning, meeting the director was just a meaningless ceremony. No matter how arrogant Xie Qinglan was, she would not be against money. After Chenli left, Xie Qinglan was so angry that she ran to Minglang’s office and had a fight with her.

“Just because of such a vulgar fan, you overturned the script that has been polished for three years? Minglang, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey?”

The conference room was equipped with a camera, and Ming Lang watched the whole process of what happened in the conference room in the office. She seemed to have regained the energetic Ji Chenli from before, watching her make Xie Qinglan speechless and indifferent There was a slight smile on her face, until Xie Qinglan pushed the door in, the smile on her face was still gone.

“You’re here, what’s the matter?” Minghong asked with raised eyebrows, Xie Qinglan’s anger was blocked in his chest, and suddenly he couldn’t express it.

It was the first time she saw Ming Lang smiling like this, even when Ming Lang first took over the position of the Patriarch of the Ming family, she only curled the corners of her mouth, never had such a deep and obvious smile.

“Minglang, I don’t understand.” Xie Qinglan sighed, “Didn’t you marry this actor just for Xinyuan? Why, did you really fall in love with her?”

“This is my business.” Ming Lang said, “She’s not an actress.”

She thought about it, and added, “It’s not a vulgar fan either.”

Although Ji Chenli took over the film, the filming will not start immediately, there are various supporting roles and the formation of the working team, etc., at least it will take a month or two, Ji Chenli has savings and is not in a hurry, but Feng Cai and the others always have to make money to make ends meet, so Ji Chenli accepted a few commercials and endorsements during the spare time, the money they earned was not much, but it was enough to spend, and they used the rest of the time to research what Ming Lang gave her. script.

Contrary to Ji Chenli’s expectation, the script framework of “Unreachable” has not changed, but the plot inside has undergone a major change. Although they all start from the school days, the plot direction is completely different. The only similarity is Probably because Ji Chenli’s character couldn’t ask for it.

This movie tells the emotional entanglement between the female number one and the female number two played by Ji Chenli from childhood sweethearts to entering the society for 20 years. Twenty years of time are condensed in a two-hour movie , Ji Chenli spent one night reading the script, and when she read the words at the end of the whole play, she felt a sense of déjà vu. She probably substituted the feelings she had loved Minghong for ten years. Much deeper than the previous life.

By the time the casting of the supporting roles was completed, it was already November. The filming will start in November and will be released next year. Just in time for next year’s International Film Festival, the staff members have joined the team one after another. Everything is ready and the opening ceremony has been held. Even if “Unreachable” was officially launched, another leading actor joined the group at the same time. Ji Chenli was not surprised when he saw it. Just like in his previous life, the other leading actor was Mingyan.

To Ji Chenli’s surprise, Han Xinyuan also joined the team when the machine was officially launched the next day.

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