Divorce Strategies For Divorced Movie Queens

Chapter 25

Chapter 24 – Friends Get Together

“Changed?” Mingyan was puzzled, “No, what changed?” It was still as strict as before, no, it was even stricter than before, Mingyan touched her knee, as if it was still faintly sore.

“You don’t think she…” Ji Chenli thought for a while, and Mingyan couldn’t explain this clearly for a while, so he waved his hands and said, “Forget it, it’s okay.”

Mingyan thought, if her sister had changed, it would only have changed one thing. Before she got married, she was very annoyed with Ji Chenli, but after she got married, she suddenly became a treasure. evil.

But Mingyan dare not tell Ji Chenli these words, she has been taught a lesson by Minglang, and now she is afraid of this sister-in-law who looks like a bully, she is the one who knows people’s winks best, and Minglang used to treat her well. When Ji Chenli was indifferent, she let Xie Qinglan mess around, and she watched the excitement from the sidelines. Now that Minghong obviously has a heart for Ji Chenli, she naturally respects Ji Chenli a lot more than before, at least she dare not Belittle her no more.

Thinking of this, Mingyan laughed like she was flattering Ji Chenli: “Chenli, don’t worry, no matter how my sister changes, her love for you will never change!”

Ji Chenli: “…”

The two sisters have such great differences in personality, and it is unknown who has mutated.

Ji Chenli thought that Ming Lang came to visit a class on a whim, and left the next day. After all, the Ming family runs more than a small film and television company. A lot of things are waiting for Ming Lang to make a decision, and Ming Lang can’t delay time because of a small movie.

But this time Ji Chenli was wrong. Not only did Ming Lang not leave, but he seemed to be following the crew. He had been in the crew for several days, eating and living with the crew every day. It’s pretty good.

“Hey, how long is that guy going to stay?” During lunch, Fang Shi squeezed his lunch beside Ji Chenli and muttered unhappily.

Fang Shi used to admire Minghong quite a lot, thinking that if she could let her fledgling newcomer direct such a big investment drama, she must really trust her talent as she said, but then there was Ji Chenli’s “birthday” day, Regardless of her director’s objection, Ming Lang forcibly intervened in the crew’s affairs. Fang Shi felt that this was not the case at all. Where did Ming Lang fancy her talent? It was clearly because Fang Shi was a newcomer and couldn’t resist her decision. , and when he suddenly realized the relationship between Ming Lang and Ji Chenli, his chest was depressed, and his former admiration for Ming Lang disappeared. Now how do you think this big boss is so unpleasant.

“You ask me, who am I asking?” Ji Chenli said with a smile. After that day, she went out of her way to talk to Fang Shi. To be honest, Ji Chenli liked Fang Shi’s character, and she was full of vigor, and she was a little skeptical. , but she is serious and scheming, and being friends with her is actually quite comfortable, at least you don’t have to worry about the other party stabbing you in the back at any time, so the relationship between the two of them is actually closer than before.

Fang Shi chewed the rice grains in his mouth and complained, “Why do you think she is so idle as a big CEO, she is here all day like a supervisor…”

“Who told people to pay for it?” Ji Chenli wiped his mouth after eating the meal, “Resign yourself to fate, little sister, capital determines everything, talent in this era must be compromised with capital.”

She patted Fang Shi’s shoulder, with a look of someone who came here to teach you, Fang Shi laughed angrily, opened her hand and scolded, “No wonder you smell like copper, it’s all about compromise.”

Ji Chenli patted Fang Shi’s head lightly with the palm of his hand, and also laughed, “Fuck you, little boy is not sensible, when you have no money, you will know what it means to be stumped by a penny.”

“…” Fang Shi only felt that Ji Chenli’s palm was cold and soft, and it was actually a little gentle when he patted it on his head, and his face blushed inexplicably.

Not far away, Ming Lang watched Ji Chenli and Fang Shi hide in an inconspicuous corner, chatting and laughing while eating, you hit me and I pushed you, it was very flirtatious, her mouth The food seemed to have turned into sand and stuck in the throat, making it hard to swallow.

“Sister, have you been here for so long this time, are you okay with the company?” Mingyan asked while eating, but Minghong didn’t respond for a long time. Mingyan looked up and found that her sister was staring at her sister-in-law. The chopsticks were almost broken, Mingyan smiled meaningfully, nudged Minghong with her elbow, and approached playfully, “Sister, are you jealous?”

Ming Lang glanced at her, then returned his gaze to Ji Chenli, pursed his lips and said nothing.

Mingyan said again, “Sister, what on earth are you thinking? Before you got married, you still looked down on others, and after you got married, you gave in like a baby, in case they didn’t know why you, President Ming, love your wife? It’s not me, you Isn’t this face changing too fast? Sichuan Opera’s face change is not as fast as yours!”

Ming Lang just watched Ji Chenli and Fang Shi talking and laughing, but remained silent.

Ever since she got married, Ji Chenli had never smiled with Minglang like this. The relationship between her and Minglang was always mixed with guard and hostility, and her smile was full of yin and yang, which only made people feel upset.

“Sister, do you really like sister-in-law?” Mingyan asked again.

Ming Lang hummed.

“What about Xinyuan? She has followed you like a follower since she was a child, and I have seen with my own eyes that he has liked you for so many years.” Mingyan said, Han Xinyuan grew up with them, so Mingyan naturally likes Han Xinyuan more. If it weren’t for this sister-in-law who killed her halfway, in the eyes of outsiders, Ming Lang and Han Xinyuan would be a match made in heaven.

Ming Lang glanced at the girl he had grown up with since he was a child, “I said that Xin Yuan’s position in my heart is the same as yours, do you believe it?”

“I believe.” Mingyan nodded, “Ke Xinyuan doesn’t believe it, she has liked you for so many years, and now you say that you treat her as a girl, she must collapse.”

Ming Lang shook her head, smiled, and soon disappeared, “She doesn’t like me.”

She spoke so firmly, Ming Yan was taken aback for a while.

“Forget it.” Mingyan put down her chopsticks dejectedly, “Your affairs are a mess, it’s better for me to meddle less, so as not to make you unhappy and have to kneel down.”

“By the way, my sister-in-law told me today that you have changed. I thought it was nothing at the time. Thinking about it now, why do I feel that you seem to have changed?” Mingyan scratched her head, but she couldn’t tell exactly what changed.

Ming Lang’s eyes moved slightly, “What else did she say?”

“No, just say you’ve changed.”

Ming Lang looked at Ji Chenli again, and chuckled, “If you say it has changed, who hasn’t changed?”

“Sister, when are you going back to the company? The assistant sister has complained to me many times…” Before Ming Yan could finish her sentence, Ming Lang had already walked in the direction of Ji Chenli without looking back. “Hey sister? Sister, give me an accurate word! Sister…”

On the other side, Ji Chenli and Fang Shi.

“Don’t worry, aren’t we going to go into the mountains after we shoot two more scenes? The conditions in the mountains are difficult without electricity and internet, even if you ask Minglang to come, she may not be willing.” When Ji Chenli comforted Fang, they were in the city. The scene in the film has basically come to an end, and the rest are exterior scenes, not particularly deep in the mountains and old forests, but the road is also very difficult to walk, but the scenery is very good, the scenes taken out are very beautiful, Ji Chenli has been to many filming scenes in his previous life Second-rate.

“I hope so.” Fang Shi was sullen, “What do you think she’s messing around with as a layman? It’s just adding chaos.”

“Who would let someone be the boss?” Ji Chenli put a piece of ice in her mouth, and her face trembled several times due to the cold. This is the reason why she didn’t want to film out of seasons. There is heat in her mouth when filming in winter. Talking out of the white mist is considered to be wearing a bag, so you can only hold ice in your mouth beforehand. In winter, with ice in your mouth, your facial muscles are frozen hard.

“Director Fang, I want to talk to my partner, please avoid it for a while?” Ming Lang walked in front of Ji Chenli and Fang Shi, and the other party said that she specially emphasized the pronunciation of “partner”, which was a bit ostentatious. means dominance.

Fang Shi’s face darkened on the spot, “I’m sorry Mr. Ming, I have no relatives in the crew, and Chenli and I still have to talk about the show, please go back.”

Ji Chenli secretly sighed that Fang Shi really didn’t suffer. I don’t know how powerful Ming Lang is. She and Fang Shi are a little friendly. I don’t want to watch Fang Shi die, so I have to find a reason to send her away, and take the script to the other party. Shi said: “Director Fang, what, you only told me about this scene, and you haven’t told Mingyan that you want to change it, have you? Hurry up and tell me, don’t delay the shooting progress.”

Fang Shi: “…”

Ji Chenli winked at the other party from time to time, but Fang Shi couldn’t tell, so he could only say: “Then you should be careful.”

Ji Chen is happy, what did Minghong do to this child, why did Minglang become a devil in her heart?

Fang Shi left aggrieved, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that she was really useless as a director, and anyone could call her around.

Don’t you just bully me for my lack of qualifications? Fang Shi thought sullenly, you wait! I must direct an unprecedented masterpiece to show you what it means not to bully the young and poor!

“What are you eating?” Ming Lang asked Ji Chenli, and sat down in Fang Shi’s seat just now.

Ji Chen was so cold that he was too lazy to speak, so he directly handed the ice tray to Ming Lang.

“What are you eating this for?”

Ji Chenli crunched the ice in her mouth and swallowed it. It was as if her internal organs were frozen. She opened her numb mouth and said, “Don’t wear it.” Much less.

Ming Lang also took a piece of ice and put it in his mouth, holding it like eating candy, without blinking, as if he didn’t feel how cold it was at all.

“When are you leaving?” Ji Chenli asked.

“Is that why you don’t want to see me?”

Although Ji Chenli admits that this is partly the reason, another more important reason is that she is almost annoyed to death by Minglang’s assistant.

That elder sister took advantage of Minghong’s absence every day to talk to Ji Chenli Xiaozhi with reason and affection, saying why the company can’t do without Minglang, which means that the family can’t live without Minglang, so Ji Chenli must help her persuade her Ming Lang hurried back to work, Ji Chenli’s brain ached from hearing this, so he had to persuade Ming Lang to leave quickly, so he could try to clean himself up.

“Is it plausible that you, a big boss, Lao Lai, is on our small crew?” Ji Chenli sneered, “It can’t be that the Ming family went bankrupt and you lost your job, right?”

She was a little gloating while she was talking, Ming Lang saw her treacherous smile and felt a little painful, so he also smiled, “Chen Li, so you care about me so much.”

When Ji Chenli heard this, his smile disappeared instantly, “Thinking too much.”

However, Ming Lang didn’t stay in the crew for long. Firstly, Mr. Ming’s official business could not allow her to delay for such a long time. Secondly, the crew collectively wanted to go to other places to shoot location scenes. It was a bit unrealistic for Ming Lang to follow. Ming Lang left. Before she left, the assistant sister was so grateful to Ji Chenli that she almost knelt down for her, which made Ji Chenli a little embarrassed.

“Chenli, my sister is gone, don’t worry, I will take good care of you, tell me if you have anything to say! You are welcome!” Mingyan is a familiar person, even if Ji Chenli maintains a polite manner towards her, she You can also approach me without any grievances. As the saying goes, you don’t hit a smiling face with your hand. She is a rich lady and a real big guy. She treats you like this. Ji Chenli really doesn’t know how to refuse.

But it’s not Ji Chenli’s turn to enjoy Mingyan’s care, so she takes care of Mingyan first.

It turned out that the road into the mountain was very bumpy, and they chartered a car into the mountain non-stop as soon as they got off the plane, Mingyan felt unwell and started to get motion sickness, she lay on Ji Chenli’s lap and moaned along the way, looking terribly pitiful, Ji Chenli was taking care of her At the same time, I couldn’t help laughing in my heart, just taking care of others, it would be good not to let people take care of me.

“Sister-in-law…I feel bad…” Mingyan hummed.

“You lean against me to sleep for a while, and you won’t feel uncomfortable when you fall asleep.” Ji Chenli said while supporting Mingyan in his arms. She sighed, she probably owed the Ming family in some lifetime.

After finally arriving at the destination, the film crew had hired a few nearby farmhouse residents in advance. After arriving, they found that there was another film crew here. It turned out to be a reality show crew. The only female guest on the show, scary! Isn’t it Han Xinyuan?

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