Divorce Strategies For Divorced Movie Queens

Chapter 23

Chapter 22 – Gaffe

Ji Chenli has two birthdays, not many people know about it, except for her parents who have been in the soil for many years, only one person knows, that person is Tao Yuan, Ji Chenli once thought about telling Mingyu, at first she kept looking for If he didn’t have a chance, then he gradually let it go, and with Tao Yuan’s death, Ji Chenli gradually passed his birthday, let alone tell others.

The birthday on her ID card is today, the end of December, the twelfth lunar month of winter. In fact, this is the oolong left by Ji Chenli’s father when he registered for her. At that time, there was no Internet system as developed as it is now. Sometimes oolongs happen. For example, when Ji Chenli was in primary school, there was a classmate in his class whose parents named him Li Shan. As a result, the police officers typed one more word and it became Li Shanshan.

Ji Chenli’s name was not mistaken, but her date of birth was mistaken. She was born at the end of February, when winter turns to spring, when the most vitality is, but when the date was entered, the policeman’s hands trembled, and she lost an extra 1. It turned into a certain day in the cold winter months, and Ji Chenli became almost a year younger. This was what she heard from her parents when she was very young.

At that time, she just started to remember things. Her parents were hawkers selling breakfast on the street. Ji Chenli remembered that life at home was hard, but she was very happy. Her father liked to make jokes to make her mother happy. He always teased him about Ji Chenli’s birthday. At this time, his father would hold Ji Chenli on his lap, kiss the little Ji Chenli with a bearded face, and laughed heartily: “It’s good to be small.” Ah, it seems that we Chenchen have stolen a little more years than others, Chenchen said, right?”

Ji Chenli was tickled and giggled. He didn’t understand what his parents were saying, so he laughed too. In the small rental house less than ten square meters, every corner was filled with laughter.

Later, Ji Chenli entered the circle and started acting. The official information filled in the wrong date of birth on Ji Chenli’s household registration book. No one remembered her real birthday except Tao Yuan.

I can’t remember, it’s not a big deal, Ji Chenli doesn’t have many fans, even if there are a few so-called true fans, they don’t like Ji Chenli, they just use Ji Chenli’s appearance to fill their brains The image that came out was just an image that satisfied them, so Ji Chenli was only Tao Yuan who was really willing to celebrate her birth in this world.

“Today is your birthday.” Ji Chenli heard Ming Lang say this.

So she paused, turned her head and looked at the beautiful and tall woman behind her, who could hardly find a fault. The woman used a fake date that could be found by a random search on the Internet, and told herself that she remembered It’s her own birthday, and she still tries to celebrate her own birthday, as if the day Ji Chenli came to the world is really a great thing for her.

Ji Chenli wanted to laugh a little, laughing at what was wrong with him in his previous life. He had spent seven years for such a person who had no self in his eyes.

So Ji Chenli really laughed, leaning back and forth from laughing, thanking Minglang with his stomach sore from laughing: “It’s hard for you to remember my birthday, thank you.”

Ji Chenli laughed too hard, out of breath, Ming Lang didn’t expect it, she stood there at a loss, she felt that she seemed to have done something wrong, but she didn’t know what was wrong , a little embarrassed, she wanted to ask why Ji Chenli was smiling, but she didn’t even know how to ask, so she said with a straight face: “Stop laughing.”

Ji Chenli really put away his expression, the emotion in his eyes faded, his gaze met Minglang, at that moment, Minglang suddenly felt that Ji Chenli looked a bit like himself, Minglang himself hadn’t recalled himself for a long time, Young and indifferent, with some vision for the future.

“Ming Lang, today is my birthday, do you have a birthday present?” Ji Chenli asked suddenly.

Ming Lang touched her coat pocket, there was a small hard box inside, she originally wanted to give the contents of the box to Ji Chenli as a birthday present, but now she suddenly couldn’t get it out, she thought this thing Maybe it will make Ji Chenli a little moved, but now it seems that what is moved, it is only herself who is moved, and it is self-defeating to bring Ji Chenli in front of her.

“No.” Ming Lang shook his head, “Whatever you want, I will supply it to you next time.”

“You agree to whatever I want?” Ji Chenli asked.

Qingming nodded, then thought for a while, and said, “Except for divorce.”

Ji Chenli smiled, as expected, this person still won’t allow anyone to take advantage of any loopholes, “Then ask for a promise.”

“What promise?”

“Promise me a question, you must not lie about this question.” Ji Chenli laughed before he finished speaking, “Of course, only you know whether to tell a lie or not.”

“What’s the problem?” Ming Lang asked again.

“I haven’t figured it out yet. I’ll tell you when we get divorced.”

“it is good.”

Everyone in the production team knows that today is Ji Chenli’s birthday, and the pastry chef brought by Ming Lang specially made a three-tiered big cake, and sprinkled a lot of rose petals on it, all of those guys knew it by heart Ji Chenli’s face turned dark from seeing the sober expression.

In the end, I didn’t eat much of the cake, it was all wasted in the cream fight, Ji Chenli actually felt sorry for it, such a big cake, I took it back and gave it to the children in the orphanage to share their happiness for a week! These wicked rich people!

The production crew had been making noise all day long and didn’t stop until early in the morning. Although Ji Chenli was still young physically, her mental age was not young after all, and she couldn’t stand the noise of these children, but she was The protagonist of the night drank a few more glasses, was dizzy and was escorted back to the hotel by Feng Cai, and lay slumped in the big soft bed, not even bothering to take a shower.

“Sister Chenli, I’ve put some water for you, take a bath before going to bed, you’re bound to catch a cold tomorrow.” Feng Cai tried to pull Ji Chenli who was buried under the quilt up to take a bath.

“Don’t move…let me…let me sleep…” Ji Chenli shook off Feng Cai’s hand and moaned on the bed.


Ji Chenli just felt dizzy, unable to think, Feng Cai’s voice was rumbling in her ears, making her sleepless, she closed her eyes and begged for mercy: “Good A Cai… just let me sleep for a while… I Sleepy…” His voice gradually lowered, and his breathing became even.

“Sister Chenli…” Feng Cai stood helplessly beside the bed, listening to Ji Chenli’s even breathing, there was nothing he could do about this person who had already fallen asleep.

Just when she was at a loss, there was a knock on the door, “Who is it?” Feng Cai asked.

“I, Ming Lang.”

When Feng Cai heard that it was Ming Lang, her expression immediately eased a lot, and she opened the door like a sigh of relief to let Ming Lang in, “Thank God, Mr. Ming, you’re here.”

“Chenli drank too much at night, so I cooked her a bowl of hangover soup.” Ming Lang said, “What’s wrong?”

“It’s not Sister Chenli.” Feng Cai looked at Ji Chenli who was lying on the bed soundly asleep with a sad face, “No matter what, she refuses to take a bath. Can you sleep well at night if you don’t take a bath?”

Ming Lang put the hangover soup on the low cabinet next to the bed, “It’s okay, you can go get busy.”

“Really?” Feng Cai became happy, “That’s right, Mr. Ming, it’s more convenient for you to take care of Sister Chenli, hehe, then you guys slowly…cough cough, cultivate your relationship slowly, I’m leaving!” Feng Cai finished speaking As if afraid of Minghong’s repentance, he went out and closed the door in one go, without even giving Minghong any time to react, he slipped away.

Feng Cai’s thoughts are also quite simple, she has been with Ji Chenli for two years, she has been watching Ji Chenli for these two years, and others don’t know about his feelings for President Ming, how can Feng Cai not know ? It was not easy to achieve a positive result, and the two got married and had a legal relationship. Although Mr. Ming seemed to ignore Ji Chenli’s love before getting married, Feng Cai was still sweating for Ji Chenli. After getting married, looking at it, Mr. Ming is actually quite concerned about Sister Chenli. Feng Cai’s heart is finally put back in his stomach. As the saying goes, it’s hard for an upright official to break up housework. It’s good to leave the couple’s affairs to them. Feng Cai is just a Little manager, don’t dare to meddle in Mr. President’s family affairs.

After Feng Cai left, Ming Lang sat next to Ji Chenli, she didn’t wake Ji Chenli up, she just silently looked at the sleeping person lying on the bed.

Ji Chenli was the protagonist of the evening dinner. She was poured alcohol one after another, most of which were blocked by Ming Lang, but she still drank a few more glasses, her cheeks were unnaturally rosy, and her lips were stained brightly. The water color is like a dewy cherry, opening and closing with her breath, Ming Lang stared at those two bright lips for a long time, only felt that the temperature of the air conditioner in the hotel room was a bit too high, which made her mouth dry Dry tongue.

God knows how much Ming Lang wants to hug Ji Chenli. She has endured it for so long that she can’t make up for it for a lifetime. She just wants to tie her and Ji Chenli together with a rope, and they will never be separated for the rest of their lives. But Ji Chenli Chenli is not willing, Jichenli is eager to hide from her as far away as possible, the farther the better, it is best not to see her for the rest of his life.

“Chenli…” As if afraid of alarming Ji Chenli, Ming Hong gently and slowly lowered his upper body, his chest pressed against Ji Chenli’s shoulder blades, and covered his entire upper body on Ji Chenli’s back On the top, and Ji Chenli face to face, greedily inhaling the faint smell of alcohol on Ji Chenli’s body, closing his eyes and sighing contentedly, “Chenli…”

“Ah Cai, don’t make trouble…” Ji Chenli was sound asleep, thinking that Feng Cai was playing a prank, he waved his hand to open Ming Lang’s approaching face and muttered.

Ming Lang was so frightened that she didn’t dare to breathe out, she put her hands on Ji Chenli’s side, and she was relieved when she confirmed that Ji Chenli was talking in her sleep. Looking at Ji Chenli, he still felt dissatisfied, so he gently lifted Ji Chenli’s chin, and kissed that water-colored lips.

The sweet and slippery touch, as well as the faint smell of alcohol, Minglang’s dry heart finally got a little water, she lost control, desperately absorbing the taste between Ji Chenli’s lips and teeth, only a slight sucking sound remained in the air.

Ji Chenli couldn’t breathe, so he hummed uncomfortably, raised his hand in a daze and slapped Minghong’s face, there was a crisp slap, Minglang’s movements froze, and then he woke up.

Ming Lang felt that she had overestimated her drinking capacity, she drank too much and couldn’t control her emotions at all.

“Chenli, congratulations, we’ll all have to call you Jiying Queen from now on, come on, let’s drink this cup first!”

A glass of wine was handed over from nowhere, Ji Chenli’s eyes were blurred, she couldn’t see who the person toasting was, she didn’t care who it was, picked up the glass and touched that person, tilted her neck, the spicy liquid slid down down the throat.

I don’t know how many glasses of wine Ji Chenli has drunk. Her footsteps are sloppy, her stomach is filled with burning alcohol, and she seems to hear the sound of alcohol sloshing in her stomach even if she moves a little. After waking up for a while, squinting his eyes, he smiled and apologized to the blurry figure in front of him: “Director Liu, I’m…sorry…Everyone, drink…I’ll go…to fix my makeup…”

While talking, Ji Chenli fumbled to pull her stool away. She was wearing high heels, tripped over the leg of the chair, twisted her ankle and fell to the ground, the people at the banquet laughed cheerfully, and Ji Chenli also laughed , stood up with the help of the wall, staggered out of the box, and hid in the bathroom.

Ji Chenli sat on the toilet in the bathroom for a long time before recovering from drinking a little. She took out her mobile phone from her wallet, and it was a quarter past zero. The call that had been waiting for a whole day still did not come. The expectation of making a phone call was not very high, but she really didn’t move, and she was still inexplicably disappointed.

The stomach filled with too much wine was aching, and Ji Chenli felt nausea in his throat. He vomited out the wine in his stomach, and finally healed up. His stomach was still cramping, but it was better than being wobbly just now. I feel much better, and the dizziness in my head is not so severe.

Today is the most glorious day in Ji Chenli’s life. The best actress, the shining statuette is holding in her hand, the weight is heavy, her work mobile phone number is about to be blown up, everyone she knows doesn’t know , It was all congratulations, but except for a call from Tao Yuan in the morning, there was no movement on the private mobile phone until now, when the day was almost over.

Ji Chenli was a little desperate, she wondered if she had done something wrong at the beginning, how long would it take for the days without hope to end.

Few people know that today is Ji Chenli’s birthday, but almost everyone knows that today is Han Xinyuan’s birthday.

Han Xinyuan is very popular in the circle. Almost everyone in the circle attended her birthday party, and Ming Lang was there too. It was much more lively than Ji Chenli’s celebration. The two banquets, one in the east and the other in the west, did not interfere with each other. Not to spoil anyone’s happiness.

Ji Chenli sat in the bathroom for ten minutes. At 23:59, she finally couldn’t help dialing the phone number, eleven digits, subconscious dialing movements, no need to recall, those numbers came naturally appears on the phone screen. Ji Chenli pressed the call button, the phone beeped twice, and finally a sweet mechanical female voice came, “Sorry, the person you called is busy, please call later. Sorry,…”

Ji Chenli re-dialed again without giving up, this time the phone hung up faster, and was cut off after only a beep, leaving no time for Ji Chenli to react.

The pain in the stomach became more and more frequent, Ji Chenli did not give up and dialed for the third time, this time the phone was simply turned off.

Really decisive, Ji Chenli thought with a smile.

But she thought again, what’s the point of being decisive, Ji Chenli, you asked for it yourself.

In time for the last second of zero, Ji Chenli didn’t wait for Minghong’s blessing, the time on the phone jumped to a brand new day, Ji Chenli looked at the woman with bloodless face in the mirror, and let out a mouthful. With pale teeth, he smiled and said, “Ji Chenli, happy birthday.”

“Although today is not your birthday.”

“Life is still long, Ji Chenli, you treat her well, she is not made of stone, she will know.”

“She may not love you, but she knows that you are good to her, and that is enough.”

But Ji Chenli covered her face with her hands again, she didn’t know how long she could last, she was a little tired, why no one told her that loving someone is so hard.

The banquet lasted until midnight, when Ji Chenli went back drunk, only one dim yellow floor lamp was still on in the house, it didn’t play any role of lighting in the dark night, but added a bit of permeating atmosphere. The whole house fell into a deep sleep, the housekeeper dutifully waited at the door, and let Ji Chen leave the door with some complaints.

“Oh, why did you come back so late? Miss Ji, I’m not talking about you. You are the wife of the Ming family. Our lady’s status is based on that. You go out like this all day long to show your face to those dubious people. what?”

The butler is an old man of the Ming family. He has been a housekeeper in the Ming family since Minglang’s father, Ming Guangwen, and took care of two generations of the Ming family’s head. However, he did his best to the Ming family, and Ming Lang knew his fault, so he didn’t say much.

The housekeeper has always looked down on Ji Chenli. If it wasn’t for this poor man who killed him halfway, Ming Lang would have married a well-matched and excellent man. Together, he would lead the entire Ming family to a higher level, instead of the current situation. Becoming the laughing stock of celebrities in the entire C city—what do you think, a woman married another woman, and she is still a dubious woman, tsk tsk tsk. Thinking about it this way, the butler looked at Ji Chenli who was like a drunk, and the contempt in his eyes became even worse, “Miss Ji, the Ming family has its own rules, next time you’re like this, just sleep on the road, why come back?”

Ji Chenli was used to his sarcasm, so he didn’t really care, he just leaned against the door frame with a drunken smile and asked, “Is Minglang back?”

“Miss has already gone to bed. She has no leisure all day long, and she has to worry about both at home and outside. Miss Ji, I advise you to be more peaceful. The Ming family has given you a lot of money. What else do you want?”

“Hey…no…not that good…” Ji Chenli gasped for alcohol and smiled flatteringly at the butler, “Go to sleep, I’m sorry to trouble you…”

The housekeeper took advantage of Ji Chenli’s honorific title, straightened the collar of his suit, raised his chin and said, “You can walk more slowly later, Miss Jueqian, don’t be ignorant and disturb her.”

“Understood, you are busy…you are busy…”

After seeing off the yin and yang butler, Ji Chenli walked up the stairs in a nonchalant way, leaning on the wall. Her room was at the end of the left turn of the stairs, but she turned right after going upstairs, lying on the door of Ming Lang’s study, knocking on the door repeatedly.

Ji Chenli knew that Ming Lang was in there, and they have been sleeping in separate rooms since they got married. Ming Lang’s master bedroom is very close to Ji Chenli’s bedroom, so she didn’t even go back to the master bedroom. She packed up a few clothes and set them up in the study. made a bed.

“Minglang…Minglang, please open the door…” Ji Chenli called the door with a drawn out tone, she was very drunk and couldn’t speak clearly, but the tone was very long, “Minglang…why didn’t you answer my phone…you open… You open the door…”

She leaned against the door and sat on the ground, with her face pressed against the door, muttering to herself, “Minglang…how about you meet me…I miss you…”

“I…I miss you…” Ji Chenli chuckled, with a bit of bitterness in his mouth, “I stewed your favorite…mutton soup…that thing…hehe…it’s so unpalatable…”

She was leaning against the door of Minglang’s study, giggling to herself, smiling, getting drunk, she just leaned against the door and fell asleep in a daze, and after an unknown amount of time, the door of the study really opened, Ji Chenli woke up in shock, only to see Minghong standing at the door against the light, the expression on his face could not be seen clearly in the strong light, “What are you doing here?”

“Minglang…hehe…” Ji Chenli raised her hand, she wanted to hug Minglang’s calf, but Minglang took a step back to avoid it, Ji Chenli fell forward on the ground with her forehead hitting the solid wood floor, boom There was a muffled sound, but she didn’t feel the pain, and hurried into Minglang’s study, as if she was afraid that Minglang would throw her out, she lay cross-legged on the floor and did not leave.

“I’m very happy to see you.” Ji Chenli sat on the floor silly, “Minglang, I’m so happy today.”

“Minglang, today is Han Xinyuan’s birthday, right? Hee hee, don’t try to lie to me, I’ve seen the cake the chef made for her, and there are roses on it…It’s so beautiful…It must be delicious too… “

“Minglang, did you just give me a piece of cake? Me too…I want to eat cake too…”

“Minglang, can you also say happy birthday to me? Please…”

Ming Lang condescended to squat next to Ji Chenli, frowning in disgust, “Ji Chenli, what tricks are you playing?”

“No… no tricks…” Ji Chenli was afraid that Minghong would not believe him, so he shook his head desperately, almost shaking his head from his thin neck, “Really no… how can there be any tricks… I don’t have any tricks… are you… are you? Do you want bone marrow? Minglang, you smoke my bone marrow! You go save Han Xinyuan! You… just take a look at me, okay…”

Ji Chenli’s only bargaining chip is the bone marrow that she and Han Xinyuan slightly match. Now that Han Xinyuan is healed, she doesn’t have any tricks to play.

Ming Lang said: “Ji Chenli, why did you become like this.” Such a drunken humble and cowardly person is not at all like the bright and bright Ji Chenli when Ming Lang first met, not even the life that used Han Xinyuan The resolute and brave Ji Chenli when she was negotiating with her as a bargaining chip, in such a short period of time, she has become a look that Ming Lang looks down upon.

But Ji Chenli didn’t answer her, Ji Chenli just smiled wryly, and murmured: “Minglang, can you wish me a happy birthday too? Please…”

Ji Chenli’s entire face was completely red from the smell of alcohol, even her eye circles were red, she looked straight at Ming Lang, “Ming Lang, how did I become like this?”

Ji Chenli touched his cheek, his eyes widened in disbelief, “How did I become like this? Why am I so bad?”

She stared, tears leaked from her fingers, “I don’t want Han Xinyuan to die… I’m not that bad… How could I be so bad…”

She grabbed Minglang’s arm and asked her as if asking for help: “Minglang…Han Xinyuan doesn’t love you…why don’t you look at me…”

“Minglang, you love me a little too, okay…”

Ming Lang showed a stern and determined smile, she opened Ji Chenli’s fingers one by one, and Ji Chenli watched the distance between the man and her getting farther and farther.

“Ming Lang, don’t go away—” Ji Chenli ran forward and chased, but she couldn’t catch up. She knelt in the darkness, her head drooping on her neck, repeating those words nervously.

“You love me a little too, okay?”

“A little is enough.”

“Why don’t you look at me?”

“Happy birthday to me…”

Ji Chenli looked up, and suddenly it began to rain in the boundless darkness.

Ming Lang carried Ji Chenli into the bathroom.

The water in the tub that Feng Cai put just now was already a bit cold, she sat on the edge of the bathtub, let Ji Chenli sit on her lap, with her head resting on her shoulder, then drained the cold water in the bathtub, and refilled it with hot water , took off Ji Chenli’s clothes, and slowly carried her into the bathtub.

Ji Chenli’s skin is very fair, soaking in the water reveals an almost translucent warm texture, like finely crafted jade, Ming Lang has never seen Ji Chenli’s body before, this is the first time he has seen it today , as if obsessed, and greedily wanted to touch every inch of her body.

As soon as her hand touched Ji Chenli’s body, Ji Chenli suddenly moved, her legs soaked in the bathtub twitched, then her lips opened and closed slightly, uttering a few syllables with unknown meanings, Minglang leaned forward Go and listen, Li Jichenli didn’t say anything again.

Ming Lang sighed, dipped some shower gel with a bath ball, rubbed out bubbles, and lightly bathed Ji Chenli. It was the first time she served others like this, and she actually looked good, and she knew how to drag Ji Chenli Her shoulders kept her from slipping into the water.

Ji Chenli didn’t know what dream he was having, the dream was dishonest, he kept twisting and turning in the bathtub, Minglang had no choice but to hold her in his arms, the woolen sweater was mostly wet, and it was uncomfortable to wear, He simply took it off, and was only wearing a white shirt, so Ji Chenli’s naked body was almost unhindered and stuck into Ming Lang’s arms, and Ming Lang became a little distracted looking at the sleeping person in his arms.

Ming Lang touched her, wanted to hug her, wanted to do intimate things with her that she had never done before, Ming Lang regretted all the time she wasted in the past, she couldn’t help but hug Ji Chenli tightly, and wanted to kiss her, but Ji Chen Li’s chin rested on Minglang’s shoulder, and she suddenly asked a question, humble and desperate, she said: “You also love me a little bit, okay?”

The voice is so low, the confidence is so low, and Ming Lang can only hear it when she is so close to her, so Ming Lang’s unscrupulous throbbing was suddenly extinguished by a basin of cold water in front of her. She hugged Ji Chenli, feeling that she The body is a little cold.

Ming Lang doesn’t know what kind of dream Ji Chenli had, it’s probably not a happy story, otherwise Ji Chenli’s sleep talk would be only those few sentences over and over again.

Ming Lang washed off the foam on Ji Chenli’s body, wrapped her whole body with a big bath towel, and carried her back to the bedroom. Ji Chenli had a serious illness some time ago, and her body has not recovered well. He is not fat, and his stomach is not very good. Except for the fat around his waist that has been accumulated by sitting for a long time, his body is actually very thin. With such a tall figure, it is not difficult for Ming Lang to hug him.

Ming Lang put Ji Chenli on the bed and covered him with the quilt, and heard Ji Chenli murmuring in his dream, “Why am I so bad.”

“I don’t want Han Xinyuan to die.”

“Happy birthday to me.”

She closed her eyes tightly, frowned deeply, the eyeballs under her eyelids rolled back and forth, her legs twitched a few times, and she returned to calm.


Ming Lang hugged Ji Chenli with the quilt in his arms, pressed his lips against her hair and sighed: “Chenli, you are not bad.”

But Ji Chenli couldn’t hear it, she just blamed herself for being so bad, or asked Minglang to wish her a happy birthday.

“Happy birthday.” Ming Lang said, “Chen Li, but you don’t want to hear me say this anymore.”

Ming Lang recalled that Ji Chenli liked her so much in the past, she looked at her eyes almost adoring, and she would be happy all day if she raised the corners of her mouth to her. Before they were married, Ming Lang liked such a younger than herself. Sometimes Minghong came to visit Han Xinyuan who was filming on the set, and took a turn to see her. The moment Ji Chenli saw Minghong, his whole body brightened up, his eyes were crooked with a smile, like a little sun , as if it could melt an iceberg.

But now Minglang can’t find her shadow in Ji Chenli’s eyes anymore, she looks into her eyes with boredom and impatience, colder than Minglang, there is no sun.

Ming Lang couldn’t even figure out Ji Chenli’s mood now, she was so much older than Ji Chenli, she wanted so much to celebrate her birthday, Ming Lang did so, but Ji Chenli’s expression seemed to be mocking , Ming Lang didn’t even know what she was mocking.

“You love me a little too, okay?”

Ming Lang heard Ji Chenli say this in his dream.

She sighed and smiled bitterly, “Chenli, now you don’t want to love me anymore.”

“Not at all.”

“I asked for it.”

This time, Ji Chenli was very tired from sleeping, and she dreamed repeatedly, probably because she was forced to celebrate her birthday for no reason, and the dreams were all about what happened on her birthday. The stupid woman in the dream pulled her out and slapped her hard twice.

Please, please, please, if people don’t love you, they don’t love you, so it’s useless for you to rush to post it.

I was still too young back then… Ji Chenli sighed, don’t say, love can’t be eaten as a meal, I really can’t comprehend it without any life experience, but fortunately, I learned a lot from it, and now she knows it.

What’s more, the relationship between her and Minghong is not love at all, it’s just wishful thinking.

It was just such a nightmare that made people vomit blood, and it was a hangover. Ji Chenli was in a bad mood. When she woke up in the morning, her head felt like it exploded. She looked at the clean pajamas she was wearing, and thought that It was Feng Cai who put it on for her. She didn’t pay much attention to it. She walked into the bathroom with bare feet and looked in the mirror. As expected, the person inside had two big dark circles and a face full of unlucky indulgence. Ji Chenli compared it to the mirror. With a middle finger, he secretly scolded Ming Lang several times in his heart.

After washing her face and brushing her teeth in the bathroom, she was planning to make a facial mask to see if it could save the dark circles under her eyes, when someone knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” Ji Chenli shouted after washing his face and wiping it clean with a towel.

“Sister Chenli, are you awake? I’ll bring you breakfast!”

When Ji Chenli heard that it was Feng Cai, he said, “Wait a minute!” Wiping his hands, he strode to the door to open it for her.

“Hey sister Chenli, how was your day last night?” Feng Cai winked at Ji Chenli as soon as he entered the door. Thank you, you brought me back yesterday, right?”

“It’s true that I brought you back, but…”

Ji Chenli’s expression changed, “But what? Did someone else enter my room?”

Seeing Ji Chenli’s face, Feng Cai knew something was going to go wrong, so she nodded awkwardly, almost negligibly, “Yes…”

Ji Chenli frowned and asked, “Who?”

“Who else? Of course it’s Mr. Ming! Do I dare to let outsiders into your room? Am I such an unreliable person?”

Ji Chenli was so angry that he slapped Feng Cai on the forehead, “I’ve never seen someone more unreliable than you! You’re still my manager! How could I have a manager like you…”

Feng Cai clutched his forehead and felt aggrieved, “I don’t know, Miss Chenli, you are not the wife of the president, besides you used to like Mr. Ming so much, now Mr. Ming is finally interested in you, you two haven’t seen each other for a day If it’s been three autumns, how many autumns have it been since we haven’t seen each other for so many days! I… I’m also doing it for your own good…”

“You!” Ji Chenli was so angry that he wanted to knock on Feng Cai again, Feng Cai hurriedly jumped back a few steps with his head in his arms, and almost jumped out of the door, Ji Chenli could only sigh , and asked: “Then you always change the clothes on me, right?”

“What… what clothes?” Feng Cai looked blank.

“It’s pajamas! This is on me!” Ji Chenli growled.

“It’s not me, it’s not me!” Feng Cai repeatedly waved his hands to deny, “A lesson to be learned from heaven and earth! Sister Chenli and you are absolutely innocent! How dare I do such a thing? The president will have to pick my skin off when he finds out…”

“Seal, pick.” Ji Chenli gritted his teeth.


“I probably encountered a fake agent.”

Feng Cai hugged Ji Chenli’s thigh as soon as she heard it, “Sister Chenli, I was wrong! Please don’t leave me, I’m not easy to eat, there are old people waiting for me to do it It’s a big deal…”

“That’s enough, stop talking nonsense.” Ji Chenli’s brain hurts from Feng Cai’s nagging, “Quickly disappear from my eyes, I feel dizzy when I see you now.”

“Okay, okay! I’ll disappear right away!” Feng Cai scrambled and ran away, feeling puzzled while running, why did she feel that she had done a good thing, and sister Chenli didn’t seem very happy?

Ji Chenli sat on the bed with a headache, the clothes on her body were not changed by Feng Cai, then Ming Lang could only change them.

“My God…” Ji Chenli wailed.

It was the friendship between her and Minghong when they had the best relationship, and they just had a meal together. Why are they still facing each other naked for no reason? How will you meet people after this?

Ji Chenli was bored for a while, and didn’t bother to apply the mask, so she went out with two dark circles under her eyes, looking at everyone as if someone owed her two hundred dollars.

Ji Chenli forgot, there is only such a star-rated hotel nearby, and important figures such as the director and leading actors in the film crew live here, and Ming Lang is an investor, so naturally he also lives here.

So when she went to the restaurant for breakfast, she happened to meet two sisters, Minghong and Mingyan, who were eating. Mingyan had sharp eyes, and when she saw Ji Chenli, she immediately waved, “Sister-in-law! This way!”

The few people in the restaurant looked sideways, in order not to attract more onlookers, Ji Chenli hurriedly grabbed two plates of food and walked over.

“Mingyan, good morning.” Ji Chenli sat down and smiled awkwardly.

Mingyan also smiled when she saw her, “Oh, sister-in-law, what’s wrong with your eyes? Didn’t you sleep well?”

“Ah?…Ah! Insomnia last night.”

“Coincidentally, my sister didn’t know where she went last night. When she came back, there was a slap mark on her face. Sister-in-law, you said that you had insomnia last night… This…” Mingyan propped her chin, her eyes were on Ji Chen’s face. Li and Ming Lang turned back and forth, their gossiping moods could be seen at a glance.

“Go to the set when you’re full.” Ming Lang said flatly.

Mingyan is a coward in front of her sister, and as soon as Minghong said something, she quickly grabbed a snack and fled, “Then you talk slowly, sister, sister-in-law, I’m leaving!”

Ji Chenli took the opportunity to glance at Ming Lang, there was indeed a slap mark on his face, it was not as exaggerated as Ming Yan said, it was very shallow, you have to look carefully to see it, but it was scary enough to appear on Ming Lang’s face.

Could it be… when I was dreaming, I called it?

Ji Chenli didn’t know what to do, who did he turn to to reason with this matter?

After much deliberation, Ji Chenli thought angrily again, it’s all A Cai’s fault, the yellow-haired girl can’t do things well!

Feng Cai was hiding in an unknown corner, eating steamed buns and drinking soy milk, when he sneezed suddenly.

She blew her nose and shivered. Being a manager is hard, being the manager of the president’s wife is even more difficult, and being the manager of the moody president’s wife is really hard…

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