Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 30-


<Third Person - POV>

“HAHAHAHA! It's time to rock Chosen Children!”

A shrill, chanting voice echoed throughout the coliseum, causing the Chosen Children to turn their heads in the direction of the voice. They watched as a strange orange-colored monkey wearing sunglasses and smiling arrogantly was projected on the huge screen.

All the children and their respective Digimon quickly stood on guard as they looked at the ridiculous monkey. They didn't know what they were up against, but if it came to a confrontation, they were ready to Digievolve their teammates.

“Finally we see each other's faces Chosen Children!”

“Who are you?!” Mimi exclaimed pointing at Etemon. “And why do you look so ridiculous?!”

“W-W-What!” Etemon fell backwards before jumping up and giving Mimi an offended look. “Girl, I'll let you know, I'm the sexiest Digimon in the world! I'M THE KING OF THE DAMN DIGIMONS!”

“... If you're the King, I don't want to imagine what the Queen is like” Mimi muttered to herself, eliciting a laugh from the group.

A vein formed on Etemon's forehead as he slapped something hard before pointing his finger at the children. “They think they're so funny, don't they?! Good! Good! Then look at the little joke I have here!”

Reaching into his pocket, Etemon quickly pulled out an object extremely familiar to both the children and the Digimons. Silence quickly descended on the group of chosen children as a feeling of apprehension hung in the air.

“They're not so funny anymore, huh?! Hahaha!” Etemon's mocking laughter echoed through the coliseum, along with strange country music.

Snapping out of their shock, each child and Digimon reacted differently before the device was in Etemon's hand.

“Th-That's...” Sora put a hand to his mouth as he looked at Etemon's hand in shock.

“A-A Digivice...” A shaky look appeared on Izzy's face, and his brain gave him the logical answer to that, even if he didn't want to believe in it. “That means-”

Matt's breathing quickened as he stared at the Digivice in Etemon's hand, a myriad of feelings colliding together, leaving him dazed and confused. His mind went completely blank as a single thought popped into his mind.


“However, you are in luck today, kids! As much as I would like to have a personal presentation with you, I can't be present right now. I'm in, ...huh, let's say, a small business meeting” Etemon spoke with irritation as he discreetly glanced behind him.

Tai narrowed his eyes as he looked over Etemon's shoulder, he almost thought he saw a small white cat in the background. 'That's-'

“But just because I'm busy doesn't mean I can't have fun!” Etemon exclaimed with a little dance before looking at someone behind the camera. “Gazimon! I want the kid and his Digimon to watch as my pets slaughter his friends!”

'Kid?' thought all the Digimons at the same time.

With a confirmation in the background, Etemon gave the children a predatory smile before snapping his fingers.

With a loud rumble, one of the coliseum doors slowly opened to reveal three large figures, which quickly entered the coliseum, causing the entire place to rumble.

The first of them appeared to be a gigantic version of Agumon, his skin was blood-red with small black marks around his body. On its back, some kind of greenish spine protruded as if they were some kind of embedded stone, and its fierce blue eyes looked at the children with anger and hunger. Perhaps the most menacing thing about the Digimon were its huge claws on its hands and legs, said claws seemed to be made of pure metal.

“Red always attracts attention, huh? Good! This is Tyranomon! My oldest, most useless and dumbest pet!. Even after all this time, he's barely stronger than an average Digimon Adult... I was going to kill him, but he might as well give me a show before he dies, huh?!”

If Tyranomon heard Etemon's words, he didn't show it, or more likely, he didn't understand them. The big reddish T-Rex let out a roar into the air, making the coliseum floor rumble.

Matt looked at the red dinosaur with unbridled anger, letting out a low growl. The blond quickly pulled out his Digivice squeezing it tightly. Thanks to his connection with Matt, Gabumon felt all the anger Matt was emanating like a fierce waterfall, and even the normally timid Digimon felt every line in his code burn with anger and cold rage.

The second of them was not as intimidating as Tyranomon, but it was much more disturbing for different reasons. This Digimon was bigger than the other two, which was already impressive on its own, it had to be at least as big as Birdramon.

Unlike the other two Digimons, this Digimon was a green colored insect with a strong resemblance to Kuwagamon but with the difference of having large sickles on both arms, giving it the appearance of a praying mantis. It had four large legs that extended behind it, giving room for its large insect wings that grew on its back and stopped at its lower back.

And what made it so unsettling...was that it didn't move an inch.

He was just standing there, staring at the children with a hollow stare.

“Ohohohohoh!” letting out a strange laugh that made Izzy uncomfortable for some reason.

Etemon jumped up and down in excitement as he smiled arrogantly, pointing at the big Green Digimon as if it were a big Christmas present. “I would like to introduce you to... Snimon! He was meticulously created by me and my subordinates from Kuwagamon! It is far more lethal than that Kuwagamon clown! Hahaha!”

Joe couldn't help but think that it reminded him of some sort of praying mantis: patient but lethal and very cunning. A bead of cold sweat ran down his back as he swallowed saliva. You had to be very careful with that Digimon.

And finally...

Mimi let out a shout as she pointed at the third member of the trio. “That's Greymon?!”

Standing in front of them with a crazed look on his face was a familiar dinosaur with large fangs and powerful legs. But his color was different, instead of the usual orange with blue stripes, his skin was a sickly shade of blue, along with more pronounced and larger black stripes running down his back and part of his legs. His helmet, instead of being brown, was a dark grayish color, resembling burnt bone.

“I'm glad you know them!” An exclamation from Etemon turned the group's attention back to the large screen, where Etemon... was filing non-existent fingernails. “You know, it was hard enough to capture a Greymon without it going crazy, and even harder than getting it to obey me like a good little dog! It's my new trophy to show the world! Although Snimon is still my favorite"

“GRAAAAHHHHHH!!!” The huge dinosaur let out a deafening scream as small clouds of smoke began to billow into the air from its mouth. The blue Greymon stayed behind the other two Digimons while Tyranomon and Snimon stayed in the vanguard.

Tai frowned sharply, watching his three opponents quickly. He cursed under his breath. Suddenly, he paused for a moment before a confident smile appeared on his face. Letting out a giggle, the goggle boy pulled out his emblem along with his Digivice.

The other children quickly did the same.

A great flash of light shone throughout the coliseum, enveloping the children and their Digimons.

And all hell broke loose.



<Inverted Pyramid / Main Hall> <POV - Tailmon>

You know, sometimes I wonder if it's really worth it to have such a high rank on the Vamdemon hierarchical ladder. Some Digimons believe that the higher the rank, the greater the luxury they live in, the greater the fear they generate, and the greater the respect they receive.

And I would be lying if I said they were wrong, but they also don't think about the heavy workload of being one of the Vamdemon Commanders. Or, as the newer cadets like to call us: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Pretentious, in my opinion, but does the job,

Back on topic, yes, there were a lot of perks to moving up the corporate hierarchy. But the workload is sometimes too much, even for me.

Training troops, overseeing operations, being a bridge between the other Vamdemon commanders, gathering intelligence, and now... negotiations with a clown.

Holding back a sigh, I looked over at Etemon who was shouting in his annoying voice as he watched a fight between his pets and the Chosen Children.

I'm going to be honest and say that it's pretty amazing that Etemon managed to defeat and capture a Chosen Child on his own. It's even more impressive to know that he possesses precious information about the position of the Chosen Children, so accurate is the information that he managed to catch them in an ambush when they were tired and exhausted from walking through the desert.

Etemon may be... eccentric, but I can't deny that he is quite astute.

He's still a long way from Vamdemon, though.

A distant memory flashed through my mind.

In it, Vamdemon was relentlessly fighting an entire pack of Devidramon as if they were mere cockroaches. The Vampire King had barely moved from his spot as he slaughtered left and right any Devidramon who would not submit to his will.

At the end of that day, a new force was incorporated into the Vampire King's army, with no say or will in the whole affair. Such was the ridiculousness of Vamdemon's strength and insight.

I felt my fur bristle at the memory of that massacre, along with the casual but cruel smile he gave me when he finished with the Devidramon. As if he were saying to me, 'You're nothing to me'

A shiver went up my spine, I looked at Etemon again, and my conclusion about him was only reaffirmed.

Etemon is far, far from being Vamdemon's fingernail.


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