Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 78: A hasty plan will always have small mistakes

"Unexpectedly, inside it was not cold at all."

At the very moment of entering the solitary temple, all the coldness disappeared and was replaced by a pleasant warmth as if it were noon.

"Under the wood, there are magical formations that protect the inside of the temple."

Delia, very accustomed, walked in the darkness and activated the switch. The next second, the luminous stones lit up. We are currently at the reception where the faithful believers make their offerings and recite prayers to the God Solus.

"Follow me; I will show you to your room."

Without waiting for my reply, she walked down an inner hallway.

I quickly approached and took her hand.

"We're a couple now. Isn't it normal for us to sleep in the same room?"

"I... I'm not ready yet..."

Her face blushed at the same time as her cute fox ears drooped slightly. 

'I'd say... 7 points. No, it should be 8 adorableness points, I'm sure.'

I raised my hand and stroked her head, carefully touching her ears and inner fur.

 'Ah, I feel like I'm getting sleepy already.'

"Don't worry, we won't do anything. We'll just sleep cuddling, that's all."


Walking robotically, she guided me to her room.

The inside of her room is too humble. There is only a bed and a closet to store her clothes, but no personal items on the walls or the bedside table.

Noticing my gaze, Delia said, "We must cut all ties with earthly objects. I have very few things, but if tomorrow I lose everything, I won't care because, from the beginning, none of them were necessary... Those were the values I was taught in the Solus temple."

Again, she showed me her serious look, and with that, the whole atmosphere of the room changed. It is no longer a humble room, but one that contains all her aura and will.

"You look beautiful."

Her serious gaze, coupled with the moon reflected in the window, made her look incredibly beautiful.

"Thank you!"

Her adorableness came back, delivering me the same 10-point smile as this afternoon.

"Mmnn lero mnna ahnmn"

Unable to contain myself, I kissed her. Her tongue this time was a little more active, caressing my tongue or my mouth, still not at Alessia's level but with her unique charm.

As we kissed, I began to remove her clothes. I have never removed a priestess' clothes, so I was a little clumsy at first, but slowly I understood which part to remove first before the other.

Without realizing it, all her clothes fell to the floor, leaving her completely naked.

As for breast size… if Alessia has an E cup, then Delia has a C cup. Their size is still considered large. 

'It's just that Alessia is out of the norm.'

Her skin is white and smooth. There is not much difference between the skin that the sun normally touches and that which she hides under her clothes. As for her hips, these are wide, with a nice ass that juts out from her round buttocks.

"D-don't look at me so much." Covering herself with her hands, she tried to hide her embarrassment.

"Husband and wife shouldn't keep secrets from each other. That's what you told me this afternoon, right? Then don't hide your face, that blush makes you look so beautiful."

She shyly removed her hands and showed me her face. Her blush, along with her orange eyes and vertical pupils, make her look adorable and sexy at the same time.

This time, it was my turn. I took off my clothes, and a moment later I was naked, just like her.

Even though it's not my room, I was the one who opened the bed and asked Delia to get in. Since, with her embarrassment and shyness, she practically won't move if I don't ask her to.

Draped in bed, we cuddled.

The body heat and scent of both of us were so soothing that we quickly lost strength, and sleep began to take over both of us.

"Emir, because of everything that happened, I forgot to ask you... How were you able to control your Inventory if you are no longer an [Adventurer]?"

Emir: "!!!!"

'F*ck I forgot!'

"Shh, Shh, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep," I carefully stroked her head to make her sleep before she kept asking.

Once her breathing calmed down and her tails stopped wagging, I was able to relax completely.

I'm so used to the inventory that I completely forgot that when an adventurer changes his class, all the objects must fall to the floor. Luckily, Delia's happiness at the moment I got the class made her forget this fact. Otherwise, my capture plan could have been severely damaged.

In my inventory, I still have some of Alessia's belongings. Specifically speaking, some rings. Since visually they are no different from a man's rings, I equipped them on my fingers.

'If Delia asks again tomorrow, I will tell her that I kept the items in the rings. Urgently, I must urgently go to Danes City and buy real storage rings from Gerald to avoid future problems.'


The next morning.

"What do you normally do at the temple?"

Sitting at the entrance of the temple, I asked Delia who was sweeping the reception area.

"Grooming, repairs, prayers, and going out to hunt for the day's food."

That's why I see some boards plugging the holes in the temple. She must have put a lot of effort into the repairs. The stingy Solus Temple should be spending some of their funds on repairs and not letting their religion become carpenters.

In the reception area of the Solitary Temple stands a large statue of the god Solus, which is completely polished and without a speck of dust. Delia must have been cleaning it all this time. Under the statue is a pedestal where the faithful believers enter their offerings to the god.

By the way, the god Solus is personified as a man in religious garb, in whose hands he holds two spheres. One of them is the sun, and the other one is the moon.

"As for the visit of the believers..."

"I have not had the honor of receiving anyone." Delia shook her head. "This temple is very secluded, so only one day a year do believers come to visit and leave their offerings. I am looking forward to that day, so that I can repair the temple as it deserves."

'There is no greed in her face…  she truly will use all the money for repairs. I wish the upper echelons of Temple Solus were like that.'

"After lunch, would you like to go to a labyrinth?"

"Eh... Mm... I don't know."

She moved from side to side, not knowing how to answer.

I understand her. After all, she doesn't have battle potential. So, she must be wondering if it will be a bother for me or if it will be dangerous for her to enter a labyrinth.

"Don't worry, we won't go too deep."

"Mn, alright then... Let's go!"

Oh, her gaze changed completely.

"You really wanted to go into a labyrinth, didn't you?"

"Huh?!...Yes, but the temple forbade it to us because it's too dangerous."

'True. No one would want to risk the life of a Saint, especially when there are so few of them.'

"But this made me curious; why do you look so happy to enter a labyrinth?"

"Because if my level goes up, I will be able to help more people with my healing." She smiled.'

'Ah, a second sun.'

One it's in the sky, and the other has a broom in her hand.

After sweeping, Delia approached the statue and began to recite her prayers. 

To avoid disturbing her, I moved away from the temple and looked for animals to hunt.

I still have the ingredients I bought in the market with Alessia, but since I am in an uninhabited mountain, I might as well take advantage of stocking my inventory with food. 

'People say wild animals are tastier than farmed ones… it is necessary to corroborate this theory. It is very important. A lovely rabbit.'


'A ferocious bear.'


'A shy deer.'



[Bears] [24]

[Rabbits] [37]

[Deer] [21]

[Wild boars] [34]

Once the indiscriminate hunting of natural resources was happily over, I watched as the food was stocked in my inventory. 

'What shall we eat today? I'm in the mood for bear.'

"A rabbit!" Delia said cheerfully after handing her the rabbit.

After all, foxes catch rabbits. Unfortunately, this fox girl is bad at hunting. Her ancestors will be depressed when they find this out.

I wanted to give her a bear, but then I remembered I don't know how to cook them... Actually, I know almost nothing about cooking. As the saying goes, bad men are the popular ones, and the good ones get netorare. If you learn how to cook, the chances that they will netorare you increase by 30%, and it will be super effective. It's better to be cautious.

Some time later, Delia came back with rabbit soup.

"You're such a good cook; it's delicious. Thank you."

"Hehehehe... I should be the one thanking you! Thanks to your seasonings and vegetables, the soup was able to be made."

She initially smiled at the praise, but quickly remembered to add me to the matter as well. Although I only handed her the ingredients, I didn't do anything really important. But I still nodded and smiled along with her.


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