Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 61: God, what more do you want from me?!

[Black Widow Lvl9]

This time, I let the monster approach close range with Alessia.

When they were within 2 meters of each other, the spider flexed its legs and ferociously jumped towards her.

"Wow!" Very scared, Alessia pierced her spear through the body of the spider, killing it instantly.

Emir: "…"

'Since when is my Alessia so delicate?'

"It caught me off guard! I swear it won't happen again!" She looked at me with moist eyes.

'Ah, too cute.'

I quickly moved closer to kiss her.

"You look so cute with those teary eyes."

"H- Hmph, it was because of that spider. It scared me for a second!" She said it with 10 cuteness points. I must save this image forever.

'Well, it's time to search for a group of four monsters. I am praying for them to be all spiders.'

[Black Widow Lvl9]

[Black Widow Lvl9]

[Black Widow Lvl9]

[Fire Ant Lvl9]

'Damn, only one spider was missing. I didn't try hard enough. Well, let's see how Alessia reacts.'

[Poison bag]

[Poison bag]

[Poison bag]


'Nooo! She got used to it too quickly! Uh-huh. I wanted to see that 10-point cuteness again. God! Why is this happening?!'

The fighting style of the black widow relies mainly on its long legs, which have very sharp ends. Allowing them to get through the skin of their enemies quite easily.

As for the poison, it can only be injected through its jaw, and for this reason, the spiders are constantly trying to get closer to the enemy. But as long as you manage to get the spider as far away as possible, it will be impossible for the monster to inflict poison.

Once I put the last item in the inventory, I checked the map to look for the next monster. Upon seeing it, I remembered to check if there were any other adventurers near us. If that is the case, I will approach them to ask about what is happening with the knights.

Emir: "!!!"

'No, it can't be… it’s impossible… What is happening to me today?! Did I see a black cat? Did I go under a ladder? First my penis, and now this!! God, what more do you want from me?!'

On the map, there is a custom marker. It has a blue dot, so it's a friend. 'Friend' is an ambiguous word, especially when I talk about that marker. Does the word 'stupid' ring a bell? Because it’s a synonym, it's Yair!

'Stupid Yair is in a trap room! Ah, I have a headache… We should leave the labyrinth for today.'

I was about to make my excuse to Alessia for leaving this place when I saw that there were strange movements in the blue dots that accompanied Yair.

A blue dot came out of the trap room, followed by several red dots. At some point, it was surrounded and... disappeared from the map.

In other words, he's dead.

"Why are we running, master?"

"Haa… even I don't know."

Running through the corridors less crowded by monsters, we came across a group of 5 black widows who blocked the way.

"A group of 5 monsters? Someone must have triggered a trap room"

"Yes, let's eliminate the monster if we can. If we don't have confidence, we can run away at any time," I replied.

'— This is the second time that master guides us to an activated trap room. I don't know how he can do it, but…'

"Your will is my will, master."

Even if she hadn't said anything, I'm sure Alessia would want to save them. Seeing how she acted last time with the three annoying beauties, one can assume how she behaved with her previous team. I imagine her bravely running to save those in need.

Those kinds of people are the ones who die first. I'm not like that, and I don't plan to be like that.

I stretched the rope and kept it taut for a few seconds. Once I entered the state of total concentration, I released it. Smooth and, at the same time, fierce, the arrow flew towards one of the spiders.

[Poison bag]

killing it on the spot.

I shot a second arrow, and again, another spider fell. When I defeated the fourth spider, Alessia approached the last one and killed it with her spear.

Without even collecting the loot, we approach the entrance of the trap room, and halfway there, we manage to see countless objects lying on the floor.

"This… An adventurer must have died…  Here's his remnant. I'll keep it in inventory for now" She said with a sad tone.

While Alessia put the remnant in her inventory, I looked around. Specifically, to a certain very conspicuous object.

[Identifier Tablet]

'Let's be honest: it is impossible for such a magic item to be in the hands of a simple adventurer. So, it is most likely that this person was a pack mule for Yair. In other words, finders keepers, losers weepers.'

I put it in my inventory.

Being careful not to step on the adventurer's belongings and ruthlessly stepping on those that must belong to Yair, we arrived in front of the entrance to the trap room. As with the previous room, four monsters act as gatekeepers, preventing outside help.

"I'll lure them; wait here."

While I fired the arrows, Alessia stayed by my side, on guard in case a spider managed to evade my attacks. Luckily, I only missed one arrow, and the fifth arrow killed the last monster.

With the corridor already cleared, only the trap room remains.

"Our armor prevents them from inflicting poison on us, so don't be afraid of them when they get close! If any of them jump, block them with your shields!"

"Yes, captain"

Being curious about the long speech, I peeked through the doorway. I then watched as the spiders surrounded Yair's group, constantly attacking them from all directions. Thanks to their armor, they can talk and fight at the same time without problems. Very different from the three annoying beauties, who coordinated the times to be able to do it.

The group consists of five people, including him. They are all knights in full armor, with Yair having a more extravagant armor than the rest. However, their armor has deteriorated due to the long fight they have been in. It seems that, if they do not manage to get out of this fight quickly, their armor will be destroyed.

"Are they acquaintances, master?"

"No. I don't know anyone who is a knight. That being the case, we will fight from the entrance. You will eliminate any monster who manages to get through the door while I lure them out, alright?"

"Yes, I agree."

With the plan ready to follow, all that remains is to carry it out.

After the door, 10 meters away, are the spiders huddled very close to each other. At first glance, it only seems to be the shadow of the room. But a more detailed look would result in the sight of dozens of spiders together, all of them poisonous! 

'I'm a little afraid of them… and Alessia is afraid too! I know by the look on her face.'

Swallowing and concentrating more than ever, I shot the first arrow. The moment it damaged one of the spiders, the others immediately reacted.

Running in mass, they approached us.

I quickly pull arrow after arrow from my inventory and shoot them at the spiders. Because of the sheer number of them, they can't all go out the door at the same time.

Thanks to this, all the spiders that I neglected, or that dodged my attacks, fell prey to Alessia's fierce attacks, which seemed to exert more strength than usual on them.

"Captain! There are movements at the entrance; it seems that adventurers without names, who aren't recognized even by their parents, are approaching to help." Knight 1 said.

'Be more respectful! I'm helping you, damn it!'

"Hmph, they are meddling where they shouldn't be," said Knight 2.

"Keep quiet and focus on the battle in front of you." Yair said.

"Such unseemly tactics can never compare with ours," said Knight 3.

'Unseemly your grandmother! Since when is a guerrilla tactic frowned upon? Is Knight3 stupid?'

Although I have never activated a trap room, I do know that in the center of the room there is a bait to attract adventurers. What better bait than rare loot? The moment the loot is taken, holes are created in the walls, and monsters begin to emerge in mass.

The normal thing is to quickly escape to the entrance and fight from there. The three annoying beauties didn't do it because that risk was controlled for them. In other words, they were in training.

But these guys proudly stood in the center of the room, hoping they could get out of trouble without any thought behind it.

'If I am wrong, then deny it to me, Yair!'

"Silence! Because of our bad decisions, a companion has already died at our hands. Now that people are coming voluntarily to help, the best thing we can do now is to remain silent and not waste time!"

'You are not Yair!'


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