Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 249: This is going to be soooo much fun….

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'If that's the way things are going to be.... there is no more gentleness for you, Missy. Activate Agility Profile!'

And I start fucking her with all the speed my Agility profile gives me.

This decision has caused the strength of my grip on the redhead's neck to diminish enormously, but I'm sure she won't be able to notice it in this state.

A few moments later, Beatrice, who a few moments ago seemed to have regained some composure, is now moaning like mad as her legs and arms lose all strength.

Her eyes are tinged with madness, and her cheeks are incredibly flushed.

' - W-why the hell does he.... It feels so... wellll?! I think I'm going to pass out from the pleasure... No! Wake up, you stupid bitch! You can't faint... My... mind... I... I feel so… strange'

"Ahnnnn... Haa... Nhyyyaah!!! Nhaah!! Mmmphh.... Lyanh"

Since I know there's no point in trying to interrogate her in this state, I continue with my movements, repeatedly drilling at breakneck speed into her back hole while waiting for some sense to return to the beautiful redhead who is breathing heavily in close proximity to me.

After a few minutes, the girl's mind seems to completely break down from pleasure.

She has now begun to hug me tightly and pull me to her with her trembling limbs as she kisses me passionately, invading my mouth with her tongue.

I let her move freely, though, without releasing my grip on her neck.

This new attitude probably means that, after she's done with whatever it is she wants to do to me, she's going to talk.

But I don't intend to trust her, even though she now seems determined to please me.

So I keep penetrating her repeatedly with all the force and speed I can wield with my Agility profile.

A few moments later, her whole body soon looks like a fish out of water again.

' - Haaa... W-what is this? So hot... I never imagined... I love it!'

The young girl howls in pleasure as I feel her asshole begin to convulse violently, and I see her pussy begin to shoot bursts of squirting fluid, slamming into my belly and chest.

Her eyes are crossed in a braindead expression as her tongue sticks out of her mouth, with a trickle of drool coming out of her mouth.

Emir: !!!

The sensation of her asshole walls convulsing violently around my cock.

Plus, the breathtaking sight of her ecstatic face, with the skin of her cheeks colored as deep red as her hair.

Plus, the fact that she keeps hugging me tightly against herself, as if she wants to merge with me.

All that makes it impossible for me to hold back any longer, and I shoot a third load into the girl as I let out a wild roar of pleasure.

*Splurt Splurt Splurt Splurt Splurt Splurt*

'How can her ass be so tight?...

The way she's squeezing every last drop of cum out of me…

It almost feels like she wants to rip my cock off....

This girl is amazing...

The feeling of being inside her while she cums through her ass is even better than the sensations I experienced when she cums through her pussy.'

' - What happened to me just now? For a few moments, I lost myself… This situation is really starting to worry me. I shouldn't feel so... comfortable'

'And what's better....

She's still conscious, and she still doesn't seem to be too exhausted....

It's a shame she's my enemy. She really does have as good a stamina for sex as I'd imagined.'

We're both agitated and enjoying the experience, with our bodies covered in sweat after all that movement.

But neither of us is completely exhausted.

I don't know how I know, but I do.

Despite her exhausted appearance, she still has energy for a while.

"Are you going to talk now?" I say, my breath hitching.

"Kill me if you want, but… I won't tell you anything else. I… admit that you're good at sex… really good... really really good. But that won't get me to… betray my kingdom, no matter how good you make me feel," she says with her voice full of fatigue, while I see several beads of sweat running down her forehead and collarbone.

' - I have to... resist... whatever it takes. Oh, shit. I can't even... I can't even think straight'

This surprises the hell out of me, as I thought I had already managed to convince her to talk.

'She may be right... She's got a lot more control and mental stamina than I thought. Anyway, if pleasure doesn't work.'

Turning around, I leave the girl gently into the chair I was sitting in when she started this.

I have to be especially careful in doing so, as she seems to be having trouble controlling her trembling limbs, which now hang limply, making jerky movements every so often.

' - How... Attentive and delicate he can be when he wants to be.... It seems unbelievable that this is the… same man who a moment ago looked like some kind of… mythological stallion.'

Then, with my free hand, I grab the bottle of wine.

It is a large bottle, and I see that almost the entire container is still filled with a purple liquid with an appetizing aroma.

"Are you going to drink this willingly or will I have to force you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

Then Beatrice lets out a long sigh and says, "At this point, what would be the point of resisting?..."

'That's exactly what I think. And yet, you still refuse to talk.'

"... I'll drink."


I give her the paralyzing and aphrodisiac wine to drink until she drinks more than half of the bottle's contents.

As she said earlier that she had a high resistance to poison, I have to make sure that she drinks a good dose of the liquor mixed with paralyzing poison.

Only then will I have the confidence to let go of her neck.

"Can you move?" I ask after a few minutes.

"Are you going to trust my answer?" she asks in reply, with an incredulous expression.

' - How strange and naive this man is'.

"Yes. I'm going to return your words. At this point, I don't think there's any point in you resisting or lying to me...." I say, amused by the girl's expression.

"... In fact, I've never doubted your word. I can tell when people are trying to trick me."

After those last words, she smiled mysteriously.

' - I knew it! He has a method for detecting lies'

My words have no foundation, but it's better for me if she believes I have some means of detecting lies.

' - But... then how could I have brought him here? Unless... he willingly allowed himself to be deceived.... But that doesn't make sense. .... Agh, why is everything so confusing with this man?'

"I can't move," says Beatrice with irritation.

After the girl's words, I finally let go of her neck and let her rest on the chair.

' - Good! I knew that sooner or later he would let me go. My body has a high resistance to poison. It will probably affect me for a few minutes, but sooner or later, I'll get rid of the paralysis, and that will give me the chance I need to escape.'

Then I kneel down and start rummaging through the small chest she had brought to the chair a while ago, which is full of the things she was planning to use on me.

' - That... That might be a bigger problem than the poison... But as long as it doesn't break my legs bones, I'll be able to run away anyway.... He's probably planning to pull out my fingernails to force me to talk or cut me a bit.... But that's just rookie nonsense. If I was going to be broken just for that, I wouldn't be in this job... Ha! It's not like I'm in this job of my own free will... Where did that come from?... Shit... My mind... I'm having trouble thinking straight'

I stand up with several things in my hands and approach the body of the stubborn redhead with a thoughtful air.

In my arms, I carry several ropes, a sleep mask, a long, thin, dark leather horsewhip, and a long ostrich feather.

' - What a strange choice.... Why didn't he take the tongs or the dagger? Those were the simplest choices, if he's finally going to torture me.'

'This is going to be soooo much fun....

Even though I've only read about this in books, let's see how it goes…

If I do well, Beatrice is probably finally going to agree to talk without me having to resort to more violent and...

Unpleasant methods.'

While I'm thinking, I put down all the items I took out of the chest except for the ropes.

Then I gently but firmly tie the girl's wrists to the arms of the chair.

'But... if after this she still refuses to speak....


I'll have to kill her anyway at the end of all this....

I suppose I can torture her a little before the end....

Fuck… I really hate the idea of killing her.'

When I finish binding her wrists, I bend down to undress her completely, removing her torn trousers.

Then I tie the girl's ankles to the chair's legs.

As I move, Beatrice watches my movements curiously but says nothing about them.

'- Does he really think he can stop me with a few ties? Besides, what is he tying me up for if I'm already paralyzed? .... Haa... Anyway, the more reasons he has to let his guard down, the better for me, but... it's weird... Why are the ropes so warm?'

'I wish there was another way....

I could try to hypnotize her....

But it's ridiculous to think that something so simple could work on a trained spy…

It's true that she's just level 1 now…

But I have to keep in mind that, even though normal people can only have one class active at a time, that doesn't mean they can't have a bunch of high-level classes deactivated...

Which is very likely for her, considering the kind of job she has…

And that would imply that her stats are much higher than those of anyone with a single class at barely level 1, since she also has all the points her other classes gave her in the past...

Haa… But it's probably better this way…

The world would be much more chaotic and crazy if it were possible to manipulate high-level people in such a way.'

I slowly stand up and put the sleep mask on her face, blinding her.

When I block her vision, Beatrice can't stand the silence any longer and decides to finally ask, "What's the sleep mask for? And the ropes? Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

Beatrice's tone of mockery and superiority irritates me, but I don't think much of it.

She'll soon see who has the power here.

"You'll see..." I say with a smile, even though she can no longer see me.

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