Devouring the Starry Sky Beyond Reincarnation

v2 Chapter 62 - Human must win [2 in 1 big

“I will find out all the people who make troubles, make troubles, and beat people in the base, and send them to the front line. If they resist, they will be killed without mercy!”

After Liu Hai fell, Wei Wen took over the control of the Yangzhou Corps. Now that he has returned to the defense base, he has also let him know that someone is making trouble in the base. How could he let these people go?

Although direct execution is extremely harsh, it is indifferent and ruthless.

But Wei Wen still made up his mind!

If he dares not to obey, Wei Wen can kill him, and even if he kills him, he will be dragged out to feed the mice!

Although it is extremely unkind to use human life to fill in and use corpses to delay time, and even provoke a great counterattack from the entire Yangzhou city and the entire human society, Wei Wen still did it.

He was already angry, so he could just kill him to vent his anger.

And this is not a chance for these people to make changes. If they can survive, Wei Wen will not pursue them again, and even if they perform well, the Yangzhou Legion will give medals and confer the title of hero of the city…

If unfortunately die in battle, [True] feeds the mice, that is also life, and it can be regarded as a contribution to Yangzhou City.

Following Wei Wen’s order, the people in the Yangzhou Legion who maintained the basic order of the base immediately acted. Although these people were not warriors, after all stood Wei Wen, Hua Mulan and others behind their backs. A peerless female general will not be soft-hearted.

The war has continued until now, and Yangzhou City has lost too many people. It doesn’t matter if dozens or hundreds are killed.

Now it is time for a crisis that concerns the survival of Yangzhou City, the hope of more than 30 million people and the future. Once the last Yangzhou Defense Corps falls, the hundreds of millions of rats will cross the border, and the base city of Yangzhou will be doomed to perish!

“Everyone, I’m Wei Wen, I believe everyone has seen what I did in the supply base. I killed a lot of people, and many who resisted and refused to obey were killed by me and the people around me.

You can tell you that I have no psychological pressure to kill them, and I will not feel that I have done something wrong.

As for forcing hundreds of thousands of warriors to die on the battlefield and feed the mice, I have no psychological burden.

Even I can tell you very bluntly that when these people went to the battlefield, almost no one came back alive. It can be said that I forced them to death and directly fed them to mice and mice.

Also, I don’t have any psychological pressure. “

Wei Wen stood on the square of the supply base. After he was ordered, almost all the warriors in the supply base were gathered. Except for those who were sent to feed the mice, the last remaining force in the entire defense base was here. of.

These people are not members of the legion, and a small number are free adventure warriors. They are completely hopeless in the face of the black rat tide, and they have lost the mind to resist. Some of them are warriors in the martial arts hall. Come to help, looking forward to them being able to live…

Of course, most of them are warriors in the mall!

These warriors are the least ambitious and have the least energy!

HR Alliance Mall is the largest business alliance in the world. It is composed of the most powerful and terrifying families and consortiums in the world. Its members cover almost all powerful forces, which can directly lead the economic trend and rise and fall of major base cities. very powerful.

In the same way, the huge wealth of the mall has also attracted a large number of warriors. The mall decided that most of the clans have strong God of War and even strong members of parliament. Even if there is no direct affiliation, they have extremely close ties.

It is precisely because of the intricate relationships and protection of these powerhouses that the HR alliance can grow bigger and bigger, directly controlling almost all large-scale businesses in the world.

Moreover, the shopping malls hardly directly enter the wilderness area. They rely on huge wealth to directly purchase monster materials, treasures and ancient relics from the warriors, and continue to grow their own strength and power.

In other words, the relatively safe attribute of the mall also attracted a large number of low-level warriors to work for them.

These warriors hardly ever face danger to their lives, let alone enter the wilderness on their own initiative. Their fighting ability is limited, and they are pampered and always superior to others, but they hardly make any contribution or role in the war between humans and monsters.

In addition, these people enjoy the privileges of warriors in the base city, and they often oppress ordinary people. Many forces are very dissatisfied with the mall.

Unfortunately, dissatisfaction is just dissatisfaction, with limited strength and limited ability, and almost nothing can be done.

There are also some reasons for the plight of the Yangzhou Defense Corps today.

These things don’t matter if they don’t help fight monsters, and even take away the **** of war in Yangzhou city, in order to **** the business jet away…

It can be said that Wei Wen is very angry!

Now, the high-level executives of the supply base mall have escaped, and valuable and powerful people have also been taken away, leaving some **** here to affect the order of the base, [True Help] The rat tide swallowed mankind.

This is also one of the main reasons why Wei Wen sent them directly to feed the mice!

The mall, or HR alliance, is the cancer of human society. It earns the money of human heroes and enjoys the superior life and lofty social status brought by wealth, but when it comes to the life and death of human beings, it makes no contribution at all. .

No contribution or assistance is enough, and it will even cause trouble and create chaos everywhere, which greatly hinders the further development of human society.

Of course, many people in the square are still sensible, aware of right and wrong, and well-versed.

Although they were extremely disgusted by Wei Wen’s behavior of directly sending warriors to feed the mice, and even felt disgusted in their hearts, but considering the Legion’s major contribution to Yangzhou Base City and the reason why Wei Wen had to do this, they were all silent!

Lu Gang, the **** of war, was dead. He used his body to attract thunder, turned into light, and sacrificed himself to the Xia clan.

He is a strong God of War. If he wants to escape, how many people in the Yangzhou Defense Corps will escape faster than him?

But why is he still dead?

Isn’t it just for these cowardly warriors, for the base city of Yangzhou where thousands of human beings live behind them?

More than just Lu Gang, the **** of war alone!

The Yangzhou legion was almost dead and wounded. Why didn’t these people sacrifice their lives to the Xia clan and resist the rat tide with their flesh and blood?

The bones of these heroes of Yangzhou are now being swallowed up by mice, and even hundreds of thousands of people have lost their bones. These people have “fed the mice”, why can’t others “feed”?

“I believe everyone has seen it. The rat tide is just outside the wall. If we can’t stop it, everyone will die, not only me, but you, and even the thousands of people living in Yangzhou behind you. also die.

I sent those who made mistakes to feed the mice, which was also buying time for Yangzhou City and delaying time for Yangzhou Base.

You are also wrong. I originally wanted you all to feed the mice, but you don’t seem to be so wrong, you shouldn’t be.

To tell you the truth, the Yangzhou Legion will be unable to defend, and the base may be breached in the next moment, and those dirty things will occupy the entire Yangzhou Legion base and the entire Yangzhou base city.

I want to defend Yangzhou, but my strength is not enough. The strength of the Yangzhou Corps is not enough. I need everyone’s strength. The Yangzhou Army Corps and Yangzhou Base City also need everyone’s strength.

I beg you, help, fight the rat tide and kill those filthy things. “

Wei Wen’s injuries are far from recovered, and his voice is not loud, but he is extremely determined and infectious.

“I know you have worries, you are afraid of death, you are afraid that the elderly and children at home will be helpless~

I can promise you now that anyone, as long as you pick up a sword to fight, kill mice, and protect Yangzhou, you will be a hero.

Even if you die unfortunately, it is for Yangzhou and the Xia people. You are heroes and martyrs. Your old people and children will enjoy the treatment of martyrs’ families. They will be raised by the army, the base city of Yangzhou, and the Xia people.

I believe that mankind will win! “

Wei Wen did not continue to talk about those sensational words, saying that they could return triumphantly, that they could glorify their ancestors and shade their younger generations…

It doesn’t make sense, nor is it necessary!

It’s almost doomed to be gone and never come back. These people also understand.

“I won’t say anything else, there are weapons and equipment still in the base, you can choose,

Whether to fight for a future for yourself and your family, or continue to be weak, be buried with Yangzhou City, and be eaten by mice together with the thousands of folks behind you, you choose. “

Wei Wen did not stay here any longer. Mobilizing these people to fight and fight for a future for Yangzhou City was only part of the plan.

These people’s strength is also very limited, and it is basically impossible to rely on them to resist the rat tide.

If you want to resist the rat tide and protect Yangzhou City, this little bit of strength is just a drop in the bucket, and you need to continue to mobilize the strength in Yangzhou City.

The rat tide is very terrifying, especially when hundreds of millions of rats cross the border, and the overwhelming darkness is such that even the strong God of War might not be able to escape from the center of the rat tide.

Especially in this catastrophe-level rat tide, in addition to the two king-level beast emperors, there are also dozens of lord monsters.

Although he was killed by Lu Gang, he was killed by three family slaves, and more than ten were killed by the explosion, and more than ten were killed by the base using laser weapons…

But there are still more than 20 lord rats in the rat tide army. It can be said that the **** of war is deep, and he will surely die!

“My friends and compatriots in front of the screen, I’m Wei Wen, I’m sorry to meet you on behalf of the Yangzhou Legion in this way.

I believe everyone already knows that an hour and fifty-eight minutes ago, a third-level rat tide appeared in the county town of No. 0231 outside the Defense Corps. The Yangzhou Corps actively rescued the warriors and prepared for the rat tide.

We have established three major lines of defense, but before the construction of the first line of defense, I, General Lu Gang, the heroic and invincible **** of war in Yangzhou, died in the line of duty, and together with tens of thousands of legion warriors, delayed the process of the rat tide, serving Yangzhou and Xia Clan, and make unworldly contributions to mankind.

Unfortunately, the third-level rat tide changed into a first-level rat tide, and now it has become a disaster-level rat tide.

The first line of defense was completely occupied. Before that, our Yangzhou Corps killed nearly 400 million rats.

In order to kill the enemy and to better stop the rat tide in the second line of defense, more than 300,000 soldiers of the Yangzhou Army Corps, together with the other 100,000 volunteer soldiers, bleed outside the line of defense.

They are heroes, the backbone of our Xia clan and our humanity.

And the second line of defense has also fallen. It was defeated by the rat emperor, and the whole line was broken. Now the rat tide is outside the Yangzhou defensive army. Our Yangzhou army is still doing our best to resist. The warriors and soldiers in the joint base are killing the enemy together. .

I tell you all this, just to tell you that our Yangzhou Corps did our best.

So far, more than 500,000 soldiers of the Yangzhou Army have been killed, and the number of casualties is still increasing. We no longer have the strength to protect everyone and the base city of Yangzhou.

Next, it’s up to you to protect yourself, your family and friends, and your home! “

Wei Wen felt extremely sad in his heart. He fought on the front line himself, and experienced the cruelty of this war. There were almost no corpses left behind for those who died in the battle!

The rat tide crossed the border, and no grass grew. Now that almost all the members of the Yangzhou Legion are buried, they really can only rely on the strength of the human beings in the Yangzhou base city.

There are more than 30 million human beings living in the base city of Yangzhou. Although the proportion of warriors is extremely rare, less than 1%, it is still possible to gather some warriors under the huge base.

Moreover, not all of these mice are high-level beast soldiers, high-level generals, and many mice have not reached the level of beast soldiers.

The reason why it can cause so much damage is only because the number is too large.

The combat power of these mice alone is not even the level of the senior students of the martial arts hall. The strength of the base city in Yangzhou may not be impossible to reverse the situation.

Perhaps the human casualties will be extremely heavy, but as long as the war can be won, the city of Yangzhou can be preserved, and more ordinary people can be spared from the rat tide, it is all worth it!

“I hope everyone can take up arms and fight for themselves!

I always believed that Yangzhou would win this war!

Humans, must win! “

Wei Wen did not continue to say more. The matter has come to this point, and the people in Yangzhou City have long known the urgency of the situation.

Those who were able to escape and leave have already escaped and left, and those who are still in the city are those who have been rooted in this place all their lives.

In the face of this life-and-death crisis, they know how to choose!

Indeed, after a brief period of calm, Yangzhou fell into a kind of madness.

This is a war for survival. If you don’t fight, you will die. Not only will you die, but your parents and children will also die!

For a while, there was an endless stream of people shouting that they wanted to go to the front line, and they spontaneously walked towards the defensive base.

Mingyue District.

“Wei Yuan, come back~”

Wei Wen’s mother ran out of the villa crying and wanted to hold her husband. Now her son is killing the enemy on the front line, and his life and death are unknown. If Wei Yuan also goes to the battlefield, she will not have to live alone if she is left alone.

“I’m his father. He’s alone now, and he’s defending Yangzhou City. If I don’t help him, who else will help him?”

Wei Yuan roared, ignoring his wife’s pull, and rushed out of the community with all his might.

As he said, Wei Wen is the son. Now that the rat tide is coming, the Yangzhou Army is defending the base with heavy casualties. The entire Yangzhou defensive base is destined to be broken. time.

If he doesn’t help him as an old man, who else will help him?

Once the defensive base is breached, the entire city of Yangzhou will be exposed to the sight of the rat tide. When the rat tide crosses the border, where is the pure land of Yangzhou City? Where is Taoyuan?


“Zhang Ke~”

Also in Mingyue Community, a young woman hugged her one-armed husband and said goodbye in tears.

She really didn’t want her husband to go to the wilderness area again, but she knew that she couldn’t stop it.

In this war concerning the life and death of Yangzhou, only by uniting every living force in Yangzhou city can we stop the rat tide, and even slaughter the rat tide!

“Take care of Xiaobao, wait for me to come back~”

Zhang Ke waved one arm, wiped away his wife’s tears, and resolutely walked out of the community.

He is a warrior, even if he breaks a hand, he is still a warrior. Even if he can’t kill millions or tens of millions of mice, he can still kill hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands.

As Wei Wen said, he also believed that in this war, Yangzhou will win, and mankind will win!

Scenes like this are staged everywhere in Yangzhou City. Everyone has a smile on their face, saying goodbye to the elderly and children at home, but deep in their eyes is something called seeing death as home.

Going here is destined to die without life, destined to go and never return!

However, there will always be someone going, and someone will have to carry the sky for the thousands of people behind.

In the past, the sky in Yangzhou was carried by Liu Hai, Lu Gang, and Yangzhou cash] Follow the vx public account [Book Friends Base You can also get cash !

Now that Liu Hai is in a coma, Lu Gang died in battle, and the Yangzhou Army Corps is dead and wounded, these days, they have to carry it themselves.

Yangzhou Defense Corps, Wei Wen dismembered and returned to the conference room after finishing his speech, where another Yangzhou city hope was waiting for him.

In fact, Wei Wen had already prepared for the fall of the defensive base.

In other words, this defensive base is doomed to fall.

But why did he make a speech to mobilize the living forces in Yangzhou?

Because he wants to make the last effort for Yangzhou, so that these living forces have time to gather and continue to protect Yangzhou City.

After all, the base city of Yangzhou is not small, and it is basically impossible to gather all the forces to defend the army in a short period of time.

And Wei Wen’s current purpose is to use the Yangzhou defensive base to hold back the tide of rats and buy time for that force to gather.

Perhaps the Yangzhou Legion will perish, but the city of Yangzhou will not be destroyed!



When Wei Wen walked into the conference room, Luo Feng shouted eagerly, he was far less aware of the situation than Wei Wen, and he thought the Yangzhou Army Corps would be able to defend the base.

However, after seeing Wei Wen’s series of actions, he knew that the Yangzhou Defense Corps base was really about to fall.

“Afeng, time is running out, I won’t say anything else, General Liu Hai wanted to leave hope and sparks for Yangzhou City, so he left a fighter plane, and now I’ll give you this fighter plane, you must Live!”

Wei Wen interrupted Luo Feng’s words, the time was really urgent.

Didn’t Liu Hai want Yangzhou to have heroes, peerless powerhouses, and people who could end this war between humans and monsters?

Alright, Wei Wen will find it for him!

And the target Wei Wen found was Luo Feng.

He came back from his rebirth and knew very well Luo Feng’s potential and future. As long as Luo Feng could survive, he would definitely be able to change the entire human society and the destiny of mankind in the future.

In fact, Liu Hai’s purpose was to keep Wei Wen alive.

But Wei Wen can’t get over the hurdle in his heart, he will never go!

Die, all die here!

What’s more, Wei Wen still has a big secret, and he won’t necessarily die.

Such a terrifying existence in the Temple of Reincarnation may not fail to protect him in a crisis!

“Awen, you…”

Luo Feng was shocked. He also heard rumors that Liu Hai kept a fighter plane. He thought that this fighter plane was reserved for Wei Wen, but now Wei Wen actually wants to give it to him, so that he can survive as a young boy?

“Time is running out, you hurry up…”

Wei Wen urged that it was time for him to go to the front line.

Now he is the only one who can deal with the lord monster in the entire Yangzhou city. If he does not delay for a second, countless war generals will die under the lord’s mouth, and the delay is unbearable.

But before Wei Wen finished speaking, Luo Feng punched Wei in the face.

“Wei Wen, who do you think I am, Luo Feng? If you go to battle to kill the enemy, I will escape under your protection and live?”

Luo Feng was extremely angry. He and Wei Wen grew up together. Does Wei Wen still not understand his character?

It is impossible for him to escape from this situation.

“Afeng, don’t be too arrogant, you can only take care of your parents if you survive, and only then can Ahua stand up, and you can also take care of my parents by the way…”

There was blood on Wei Wen’s mouth. He was neither angry nor angry.

Of course he expected Luo Feng’s reaction, but it didn’t matter, Luo Feng had to live!

“Fuck off, your own parents take care of yourself. I’m not in the mood to take care of the lonely old man.”

Luo Feng punched Wei Wen in the face again. He was really angry and angry.

“Who do you think of me, Luo Feng?

You have already died a hundred times yourself, and you have also fallen behind the glorious title of hero and guarding the entire city of Yangzhou…

And me? I’m going to live as a deserter, ashamed, and in the shadow of guilt, all my life?

Wei Wen, Wei Wen, why didn’t I find out before that you are such a vicious person?

Even if you die, you still miss me and let me remember you for the rest of your life? “

Luo Feng was addicted to punching, punching punch after punch, but he was also measured and didn’t use too much force.

After punching several times, Luo Feng seemed to be tired from fighting, so he hugged Wei Wen and hugged his good brother tightly.

Ever since Wei Wen came to his house that night and told him about the water of life, Luo Feng discovered that his good brother had changed.

It was also from that night that Wei Wen’s talent was revealed, and he was improving every day. In the end, he won the title of the No. 1 Talented Martial Artist in Jiangnan Base City.

Later, Luo Feng joined the Extreme Martial Arts Academy, and Wei Wen joined the Yangzhou Army Corps. The time to meet each other gradually decreased, but the relationship was still close.

Wei Wen did not ignore their relationship and friendship because of his extraordinary achievements. Now that the crisis is on the horizon, Wei Wen still thinks of him and hopes that he can survive.

In his whole life, to have such a good brother, Luo Feng’s life is not in vain.



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