Devil’s Advent

Chapter 41 Genius


A Ming took off his clothes.

Lie down.

A Ming lay down on the board.

Blind Bei turned his head at this moment, looked at Ding Hao, and asked:

Do you need to prepare the skin?

Ding Hao who was sitting on the chair asked with some doubts:

What is skin preparation?

Ding Hao felt that this group of people was very strange, both in character and behavior.

But right now, people treat others as knives and I treat others as fish, so he can only try his best to blend in with them, not wanting to be out of place.

Skin preparation means to clean the skin and shave off some unsightly and troublesome hairs.

A Ming, who was lying on the wooden board, silently raised his middle finger to the blind man:


Uh... no need no need.

Ding Hao shook his head immediately.

Well, don't you need it?

There was a hint of loss in Blind Bei's tone.


Blind Bei should have sensed the angry stare from A Ming lying on the bed beside him,

He pressed his hand,


This is for the Lord to understand and learn better. We must eliminate all interference and make it perfect. Please understand.

I understand.

That's right, I've always believed in your enlightenment. Okay, Si Niang, are you ready for sewing?


Choose a thicker needle so that the Lord can see it more clearly.


... A Ming.

Okay, Mr. Ding, you can tell the story now.

Ding Hao pushed his neck forward, wanting to reach out to point, but because of the severed tendon in his hand, it was difficult to play.

It's okay, just dictate.

Blind Bei spread out his palms, and a silver coin from a western caravan floated up and began to spin on A Ming.

Mr. Bei, are you a magician?

Ding Hao was shocked when he saw this scene.

Mr. Ding, you can understand it this way. However, the few of us here are actually a little special. You may not be used to it at first, but please rest assured that you will become numb after a long time.

Oh... well, all right.

Mr. Ding, can we start now? Please describe your method of body training and luck again, and we will mark it here.

Okay, I'll just say what I can understand.

That would be the best.

After all, you can change. After you have finished teaching those levels, and after the master has also entered the class, after the tide rises, everyone can happily go to Yangcun to catch a sheep.

The first step for a warrior is to train his body. When he was young, he first practiced the basics.

When Siniang heard this, she immediately lost interest and said:

Yes, my lord, isn't this unsaved?

Let's not say that the master is so old, just say that if you want to exercise your muscles and bones from an early age, how many years does it take?

No, no, that's not what I mean, because when I was young, I was just laying a foundation, and I didn't do too much training. After all, when I was young, my bones were not fully developed, so I could practice boxing. , but if you start to forcibly start cultivation at that time, except for those outstanding children in the big clan who have enough natural treasures to supplement, for most warriors, this is an act of killing chickens and taking eggs.

Did you hear what the teacher said? Listen to the class carefully and don't interrupt.

Blind Bei warns Si Niang.

I know. Siniang made a blessing in a perfunctory manner.

The essence of human beings lies in qi and blood, the ninth rank of warriors, this rank is to refine qi and blood.

Each family has its own martial arts training method, and the way of luck is also different. What I will talk about below is mine.

First of all, Qi gathers in the empty valley.

Konggu, is it here? Or here?

What the other party said was different from the acupuncture points of Chinese medicine in the world where Blind Bei lived, so Blind Bei could only use silver coins to try one location at a time.

A little higher, yes, here, right here.

Oh, here.

The location of the hollow valley is a little above the navel of a person.

Under the control of Blind Bei's mind, the silver coin landed there.

Si Niang, do it.


Siniang picked up a needle strung with thread, and stabbed it directly at that spot on A Ming's body.

... Ding Hao.

How do you feel? Blind Bei asked A Ming.

What do you want to feel? A Ming asked back.

Do you have a little, hot feeling?

My blood is cold.

Oh, sorry, I forgot. Immediately afterwards, the blind man looked at Ding Hao again, and said, Sir, what's next?

This... this, Mr. Bei, we can draw pictures, there is no need for this...

Such a large silver needle pierces directly, as if using the human body as an embroidery cloth.

Even Ding Hao, who has experienced a lot of wind and waves, still feels that his eyelids are twitching.

This is the same as the heroic police uncle will be afraid of toothache.

On the other hand, the man lying on the bed seemed to be okay, letting them toss about.

It's okay, the drawing is not three-dimensional enough, if you use a model, it will waste time on the one hand, and on the other hand, there is no more suitable specimen reference than the living body.

You go on.

Oh, well, after gathering Qi in the empty valley, the Qi is divided into five paths, going to the limbs and head of the person respectively, entering the left secluded, right secluded, left sinking, right sinking, and altar.

Here? Then here, and after that, here?

Yes, these five acupuncture points.

Well, that's it, Si Niang, do it.


On A Ming's body, there were five more needle holes.

When Siniang embroidered to the position between A Ming's eyebrows, A Ming looked at Siniang and reminded:

My head is broken, and I will die.

It can be used anywhere else, but the brain is relatively fragile.

Okay, I know. Si Niang was very dissatisfied that Ah Ming didn't believe in his own craftsmanship.

Ding Hao was already a little numb to embroidering on living people, but after the embroidery was finished there, without waiting for the blind man Bei to ask again, he took the initiative to say:

Afterwards, the qi and blood flow back into the heart and lungs!

The blind man Bei heard the words, and asked Siniang to continue embroidering the road map while asking:

This is to gather all the qi and blood in the body, and then stimulate the heart and lung function?

After the stimulation is over, the remaining qi will gather in the empty valley, and then be redistributed to start a new cycle?

Ding Hao understood Blind Bei's words, nodded and said:


Blind Bei stretched out his hand and pushed the non-existent mirror frame on his face,

Continue to analyze and understand:

This is a way of concentrating the strength in the body, using the heart and lungs as an accelerator, and then accelerating the speed again. After repeated cycles, it can double the speed and enhance the functions of this body.

Is that what you mean, Mr. Ding?

Eh... Although I don't know what the accelerator Mr. Bei is talking about, I feel that Mr. Bei is right.

Well, then it's understandable. Those warriors who can glow are a manifestation of the acceleration of Qi and blood. What is the basis for this luster? Is it the attribute of strength?

Everyone is different, but the color is distinguished according to the five elements and other characteristics of strength.

Well, in this way, those who can only release the light on their bodies and then disappear, it means that their acceleration is only a short-term speed increase, and it cannot last;

And the kind that can maintain the luminous state during the battle is to melt the circulation of this kind of blood to a dynamic balance position, as long as the blood in the body is not exhausted, it can continue to run.

Yes, generally speaking, if you can shine, it proves that you have touched the threshold of the warrior realm. In some small families, you can also be a priest, and in the army, you can also be a small leader. Ninth rank of martial arts, just like a literati, can be regarded as entering the hall, and can be regarded as the number one person in the local area.

I joined the army back then and practiced martial arts in the army. After five years, I was halfway to the ninth rank, and after another ten years, I finally entered the ranks of the ninth rank warriors.

However, when ordinary people talk about their past glorious deeds, there will always be a kind of brilliance on their faces.

Blind Bei is too lazy to co-operate with Ding Hao,

Instead, he reached out and patted Ah Ming's shoulder,


Come on, give it a try, anyway, the route of luck has been embroidered on you, just follow the route map.

A Ming frowned slightly, and said, I haven't understood what the qi of qi and blood means.

Blind Bei said indifferently: When you come across a rare word, just pick up the word you know to the left or right of it and pronounce it, there is a high probability that you will not make a mistake.

You don’t know what qi is, but you know how to control the blood, so just control the blood and walk for a while. If the blood goes fast, it should be able to bring wind, that is, qi.

You are so reasonable, I can't even refute it.

Try it.

You can't try it lightly, you have to do it bit by bit, first start with gathering Qi, and then slowly distribute it all the way, practice martial arts, you have to proceed step by step.

First build up your body, have a strong physique, and then be lucky to minimize the risk. You can't get fat all at once... This... How is this possible!

Ding Hao's words were stuck,

because he saw

A Ming lying on the bed,

its body,

A red light bloomed!

This... this... this...

Ding Hao's mouth was wide open. This man in the army has never been as flustered as he is now after encountering so many things, because the things he encountered before are still within the scope of his understanding.

But the scene in front of him has somewhat subverted his cognition.

Just laying on the bed and being embroidered with flowers,

Then immediately... just... just...

This is... half-step ninth grade?

Ah Ming looked at the shocked Ding Hao with a smile on his face,

raise your hand

flicked his wrist,

As if nothing happened,


It's pretty simple.

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