Desert’s Evening Star: The Rise of Lapis D. Hala

Kingdom Construction

After two days of constant fighting, Hala finally figured she sufficient enough to start the construction of her kingdom and walked out of the mouth of the cavern.

The vast and sun-soaked desert, with its golden sands stretched far into the distance greeted her. The sunlight casted a warm, radiant glow, creating a soft haze over the landscape. There were rocky formations to the left of her, their textures weathered by time, contrasting with the smooth dunes that dominated the terrain. In the far distance, mountains or cliffs could be seen, partially obscured by the desert heat. A small oasis glimmered under the sunlight. The sky was bright with a few scattered clouds.

Groaning at the dry humid hitting her face, she requested, "Thoth pull up the blueprints of the Lazurite Kingdom project." Pausing, she looked down and frowned at her ragged attire. Her faded jeans were in tatters. Once ancle length, were now shredded to her upper thighs, strips at the end blowing in the heated wind. Her once purple t-shirt looked like a dysfunctional crop top, with its tattered edges and burnt holes. "Tch. And find suitable clothing for me in the shop, these are done for."

<Confirmed. Displaying blueprints to the Lazurite Kingdom>

Instantly, a radiant, semi-transparent hologram materialized before her—the very image of her thoughts, the grand kingdom blueprint she had envisioned. The luminous pyramid, destined to be her realm's centerpiece, was not alone. It was part of a vast complex, a magnificent expanse of crystal towers, lush aqueducts, and grand promenades, all infused with celestial and otherworldly enchantments. Hala's anticipation for the kingdom's creation grew with each passing moment.

<Confirmed. Acquiring appropriate desert attire for Hala.>

Then Hala found her body glowing a dark blue and amber. When it disappeared, her old clothes were replaced with a black cropped halter-style top adorned with intricate metallic blue detailing, which revealed her midriff and complemented her fit body. Two slits were made in the back for her wings. She wore a long, layered skirt with ornate patterns and metallic blue accents. The skirt flowed around her legs, combining black and white fabrics, giving a sense of movement and elegance. She wore a light, flowing white headscarf that draped gracefully over her black hair. She was adorned with various pieces of gold jewelry, armlets, and chains that accentuated her waist. She wore simple yet stylish black sandals and a white face veil covering her lower face.

Hala nodded in approval. "Nice. Okay, Thoth. Any suggestions on what to start first?"

<Answer. I suggest starting with the pyramid. It will serve as both the magical and physical foundation of your kingdom. Every energy flow and structure will radiate outward from this central point.>

Hala gazed at the far-off location Thoth had indicated—the perfect place to erect the towering pyramid. The desert sun hung low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the vast, open expanse of sand. With a deep breath, she stretched out her hand, and the ground beneath her began to tremble.

Hala started by raising her hands and channeling her magic deep into the ground. The sand shifted beneath her feet, swirling in intricate patterns as it responded to her command. She called forth cursed sand from deep below the earth, shaping it into a solid base. But this wasn’t just ordinary sand—this was sand infused with her infernal powers, molten and glowing, like the fiery heart of a desert sun.

As the cursed sand solidified, Hala summoned Lazurite crystal from the earth. The crystals emerged from the sand like massive blue spires, glimmering in the light of the setting sun. These crystals were the foundation stones, strong and nearly indestructible. They hummed with energy as Hala infused them with her cosmic power, linking them to the celestial ley lines Thoth had helped her locate beneath the desert.

Each crystal was carefully placed, forming the base of the pyramid, their deep blue hue reflecting the boundless sky above. The structure rose slowly at first, but as Hala became more confident in the flow of her power, the crystals shot upward, forming a wide, square foundation that would support the massive structure to come.

With the foundation laid, Hala began constructing the first layers of the pyramid itself. Thoth’s blueprint hovered in front of her, guiding her as she worked.

The pyramid was designed to have seven layers, each representing a different aspect of the cosmos and the balance between creation and destruction. The lower layers were wide and strong, representing the earth and its boundless potential. As the structure rose, the layers became narrower, reaching toward the heavens, representing the infinite power of the stars.

First Layer:
The first layer was built using solid crystal blocks, each one glowing with a soft, blue light. Hala shaped the blocks from the ground using her powers, carefully fitting them together like puzzle pieces. These blocks would form the outer walls of the pyramid, protecting the core within. The surface of each block was etched with cosmic runes, enhancing the flow of energy throughout the structure.

Second Layer:
The second layer was more intricate. Hala combined crystal and molten sand, creating a seamless blend of both elements. The walls of this layer shimmered with a mixture of cosmic energy and the flickering heat of the cursed sand. This layer was designed to act as a conduit, pulling energy from the ley lines below and channeling it upward through the pyramid.

Third and Fourth Layers:
The third and fourth layers of the pyramid were reserved for magical conduits and chambers. These layers housed the energy cores that would power the entire kingdom, linking the pyramid’s magic to the towers, walls, and streets that would surround it. Hala carefully installed crystal veins, thin strands of glowing Lazurite that would carry energy from the pyramid’s core to every corner of the kingdom.

Fifth Layer:
The fifth layer of the pyramid was a ceremonial space—a chamber of starlight, where celestial energy would be concentrated and stored. This chamber would serve as a place of meditation and magic, where Hala and her trusted council could gather to discuss matters of the kingdom. The walls of the chamber were lined with reflective crystals, creating an endless cascade of light that filled the space with a calming, celestial glow.

Sixth and Seventh Layers:
The final two layers of the pyramid were the most sacred. They housed the core crystal—the heart of the pyramid. This crystal was the source of all the energy in the kingdom, a massive, glowing gem that pulsed with cosmic power. The seventh layer was open to the sky, a single point where the energy of the earth met the energy of the stars. This was the apex of power, where the pyramid’s magic was concentrated and amplified.

As the pyramid reached its final height, Hala stepped back to admire her work. The structure was immense, towering over the desert landscape. Its Lazurite walls glowed with an otherworldly light, reflecting the setting sun and casting long shadows across the sands. The pyramid was both a fortress and a temple, a place of power and protection, and the centerpiece of her kingdom.

"And... done. I'm exhausted. I'll start on the construction of the pathways and water Channels tomorrow." Hala announced as she headed into the pyramid to sleep. Then she paused. "Tsk. I forgot about furniture. Thoth, pick furniture and appliances for the fifth layer from the shop."

<Confirmed. Acquiring furniture and appliances for living expenses>

When she arrived at the fifth layer, she was relieved to find cool air and comforters on the floors. She sighed in bliss as she flopped to the nearest bed. "Thoth, wake me up at dawn." 

<Acknowledged. Waking Hala up at dawn>


Meanwhile, far from the safety of Hala’s pyramid, a group of desert brownies—small, nimble desert dwellers—fled across the barren sands. The full moon was their only guide as they ran, their small bodies moving quickly and quietly through the dunes, but the threat behind them was growing closer. A pride of dire lions, their eyes glowing with an unnatural hunger, was hot on their trail, moving with deadly precision through the night.

In the middle of the group, Inna, the orange-haired leader of the brownies, sprinted at the front, her stoic face betraying no fear despite the peril they faced. Behind her, Lardri, another brownie, struggled to keep pace as she carried Ebin, who had been gravely wounded during the escape. The smaller brownie’s leg was wrapped in a torn strip of cloth, but blood continued to seep through, leaving a trail behind them.

Lardri’s voice was shaky as she spoke, her ragged breath barely audible over the sound of her footsteps and the distant growls of the dire lions. "What are we going to do, Inna? Our home is gone..." Her clothing, once vibrant and colorful, was now stained with dirt and Ebin’s blood.

Inna, without breaking stride, glanced back at Lardri. Her sharp, warrior eyes scanned the horizon, but she remained focused, her mind set on their only hope. "Lais and Measiol scouted ahead earlier. They found something… a building, or a structure, something that doesn’t belong here. It’s releasing powerful magic—Diol and the elders think we might be able to find refuge there. If we don’t, then we won’t last long out here." She paused for a moment before asking, "How are you holding up? Need help carrying Ebin?"

Lardri, panting heavily, shook her head, though her exhaustion was evident. "No, I’m good… I can manage. But… what do you mean? This is the Desert of Death… the Barren Lands. No one survives here, let alone builds anything."

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