Demon’s Diary

Chapter 28 - 28: Sect Chores

Chapter 28: Sect Chores

Translator: GGP

“This… well, I suppose you’ll find out sooner or later regardless, let me briefly explain for you.” After some hesitation, Li Zong did not refuse.

“Our sect has always had a minor competition every year, a major one every three years, and a trial every ten years. The minor competition is a matter for the various branches themselves, it’s just a basic test of the disciples’ cultivation and mastery of spells and secret techniques, and based on their performance, they might receive certain rewards from the elders. Though the benefits of such competitions aren’t significant, the atmosphere is generally harmonious. However, the major competition held every three years is completely different, involving all the Spirit disciples of the entire sect. It determines the top one hundred core disciples, and their names will be inscribed on the sect’s Taiyin Stele for all disciples to look up to. What’s more, these core disciples will receive special training from the sect for the next three years. The higher their rank, the more rewards they can receive. Of course, the outcome of the major competition also directly determines the distribution of resources among the branches within the sect for the time to come. Even the esteemed Spirit Masters greatly value the major competition. To my knowledge, the Jiuying lineage has been at the bottom in the major competition for more than a dozen consecutive years. As a result, you Jiuying have naturally always received the least resources from the sect, which makes it even harder to turn the situation around. And although the major competition is presided over by Spirit Masters, the real fights between Spirit disciples are exceedingly dangerous. Accidents that cause injury, or even accidental killing of an opponent, are common occurrences. Hence, this major competition is a matter of life and death, and some also call it the ‘Blood Arena’.’1 Li Zong said a lot in one go, and Liu Ming nodded continuously as he listened.

Hmm, the minor and major competitions are quite similar to what I knew. But what about the life-and-death trial? I’ve only occasionally heard its name mentioned.” Liu Ming asked further.

The life-and-death trial is not just an affair involving our Barbarian Ghost Sect but is a trial jointly held by the Five Great Sects of the Daxuan Kingdom. It is a test to determine the strength between the sects and ultimately decide the rankings of the sects within the Daxuan Kingdom. Therefore, the cruelty and intensity of this trial far exceed anything we disciples could imagine. If the occasional injury or death occurs in the major competition, in the life-and-death trial, often less than half of the participating disciples from each sect make it back alive. It is truly a thin line between life and death. Over the past few hundreds of years, our sect has consistently performed poorly in these trials, usually coming in last,” Li Zong said with a sigh.

“With the trial being so dangerous, how are the participating disciples selected? Ordinary disciples wouldn’t be willing to participate voluntarily, right?” After hearing this, Liu Ming couldn’t help but gasp.

Heh heh, despite the life-and-death trial being extremely perilous, the rewards for those who survive and return are unimaginably great. To my knowledge, most of the Uncle Masters and Elders from the various branches were once disciples who participated in the life-and-death trial. Therefore, even if ordinary disciples wished to participate, they wouldn’t have the qualifications. Only the top ten core disciples inscribed on the Taiyin Stele are eligible for the trial. And anyone who secures a position in the top ten will soar to great heights, receiving the best cultivation the sect can provide at any cost for the remaining year, all to win greater benefits for the entire sect in the Daxuan Kingdom,” Li Zong replied without hesitation.

“I see, thank you for the guidance, Senior Brother Li.” After listening, Liu Ming pondered for a moment before thanking him sincerely.

Haha, it’s nothing, I just took quite a liking to you at first sight, little Junior Brother. Oh, and when you go to receive the sect’s routine tasks later, if you want to pick a good one, just mention my name and discreetly offer a little something to the task administrator. Then you’ll likely get what you wish for.” Li Zong laughed heartily, then gave Liu Ming a knowing wink, showing a trace of humor.

Liu Ming smiled, thanked “Senior Brother Li” once more, and then joined the already long queue without further delay.

Inside the hall, people were constantly entering and exiting, moving the line forward quite rapidly. Soon it was Liu Ming’s turn.

Before him was a middle-aged man in the uniform of an administrator, with a slightly balding crown.

However, Liu Ming had no spirit stones to bribe the administrator before him, and naturally, he did not mention Li Zong’s name. He simply handed over his ’ prepared nameplate and said honestly:

“I am a new disciple here to receive the sect’s routine task.”

Oh, a new Junior Brother, let me see what tasks are still available for you.” The balding administrator was very amiable. He took the nameplate and immediately began to check through a thick book beside him.

“For a new disciple, only woodcutting at Heavenly Bamboo Peak and farming at South Spirit Valley are available at the moment. Which one would you prefer?” The balding administrator paused for a moment as he spoke and looked up to ask.

“What, woodcutting, farming?” Liu Ming almost thought he had heard wrong. In his mind, the supposed sect tasks were likely to be guarding or patrolling, not at all related to what he had just heard!

“I know you might be puzzled, Junior Brother, but once you accept the task, you will soon understand what’s involved,” the bald administrator said, not surprised at all but with a hint of mystery.

“Then I’ll choose farming,” Liu Ming said, still full of questions but suppressing his doubts to make a choice.

After all, back on Savage Island, he had once farmed half an acre of miscellaneous grains.

The farming routine task must be completed within three days; otherwise, it will count as a failure,” the bald administrator informed him, picking up the nameplate, pressing it onto a certain spot in the book, and reciting the instructions with practiced ease.

Liu Ming took his nameplate, left the queue with confusion swirling in his head, and then realized he still had no idea where this supposed South Spirit Valley was located.

He thought about turning back to ask the administrator, but saw that another disciple was already standing in front of him and the queue had grown quite long again, prompting him to shake his head in resignation.

But when his gaze shifted, he suddenly noticed that Li Zong was still lingering near the entrance, his eyes brightened, and he walked straight over.

“Junior Brother Bai, which routine task did you take on? Please don’t tell me it’s feeding spiritual beasts; that’s the most troublesome one!” Li Zong, seeing Liu Ming approaching, immediately greeted him.

“Senior Brother Li, you haven’t left yet, that’s great. The task I took on isn’t feeding spiritual beasts, but farming. However, I’m not sure where the South Spirit Valley, where the farming is to be done, is located.”

Farming! Hmm, that task isn’t particularly good, but it’s not too bad either. South Spirit Valley, you say? Let me see, 1 have a map here drawn by myself in the early years. It’s no use to me now, so I’ll just give it to you, Junior Brother.” After pondering for a moment, Li Zong took out a map drawn on animal hide from his possession and tossed it to Liu Ming.

Thank you, Senior Brother, I won’t stand on ceremony. By the way, Senior Brother Li, what exactly is this farming task about? With the existence of the Pill of Satiety, does our sect still need ordinary food?” Liu Ming caught the map and, with joy in his heart, thanked Li Zong and then asked with some confusion.

“Heh heh, I had the same reaction as you when I first heard about this sect task. Don’t worry, once you get there, you will naturally understand what’s going on, and you might even stumble upon some good fortunes.” Hearing this, Li Zong chuckled and did not directly answer his question.

Seeing this, Liu Ming naturally did not feel it was appropriate to press further. He thanked Li Zong once again and then took his leave.

As soon as he stepped outside, he formed a hand seal and conjured a small cluster of grey clouds. Then, utilizing the Flight Technique, he flew off into the sky.

Following the directions on the newly acquired map, Liu Ming rode the clouds over several mountain peaks and finally descended into a moderately-sized valley.

The place where he landed was not far ahead; it was a vast expanse of square fields, each about an acre in size, with a total of over a hundred acres.

Some people dressed in the attire of the Inner door disciples were busy working on these fields, wielding silver-colored hoes as if they were ordinary farmers.

Liu Ming was staring in astonishment when suddenly a light cough came from behind him.

Although the sound was not loud, there had been no warning at all, startling Liu Ming. He quickly turned around.

Behind him, a dark-skinned old man had appeared at some unknown time, his body slightly stooped, holding a yellowish-brown tobacco pipe in his hand and examining him with an expressionless face.

“A new disciple!”

“Yes, Elder, who might you be?”

Despite the old man’s unremarkable appearance, Liu Ming felt an inexplicable sense of oppression, compelling him to involuntarily address the man as his senior.

“Hmph, those fellows from the Affairs Hall, why do they keep sending novices like you here? What do they take my place for? Never mind, take this and be responsible for one of the fields. Within three days, you must hoe the field over once, half a foot deep into the soil, and not a weed in sight. If you can’t complete it, get out of here immediately, and don’t let this old man see you here a second time,” said the old farmer coldly. He reached into his waist and, in a way that seemed magical, produced a shiny hoe as tall as a person and carelessly threw it before Liu Ming.

This scene left Liu Ming staring in astonishment.

“What are you looking at? Get to work! This is a storage talisman, and without reaching the rank of Spirit Master or above, you can’t use it.” The old farmer said impatiently once more and then turned and walked away without regard. After a few steps, a black cloud appeared beneath him and lifted him up, whisking him away into a nearby dense forest.

“Storage talisman!”

It was only then that Liu Ming realized the man was a Spirit Master. He murmured softly to himself, bent down to pick up the silver hoe from the ground, and without delay, headed towards a nearby unattended field.

The acre-sized field didn’t look very large, but it was filled with wild grass about a foot high, crowding every inch of the space.

Liu Ming warmed up his arms and legs and then lifted the hoe with both hands, bringing it down forcefully..

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