Demon School

Chapter 56 - Thurston\\\'s thesis writing

“Oh? What’s the way? Let’s hear it?” Professor Nan also got interested, shaking the wine glass gently, and turned his head to look at Thurston, if it could save a little time to let this great achievement come out earlier. He would also be very happy when he went out.

“Assume that our paper needs seven steps to make it clear to everyone!” Thurston pinched seven peanuts to make a geometric shape on an empty plate, then set aside another peanut, and then changed these The arrangement of peanuts, the figure of the remaining six peanuts is still similar to the geometric shape just now.

“Did you see it? It’s not a fatal thing to omit one step!” Thurston smiled, removed one peanut, and put the remaining five into the original geometric shape.

“We can continue to reduce the steps!”, Peanuts changed from five to four, four to three, if the first seven geometric shapes are realistic paintings, then Thurston now shows This is an abstract painting! Deep geometric thinking skills are needed to unify this shape with his original version.

“Okay, no less!” Seeing that Thurston seems to be reducing the number of peanuts, Professor Nan hurriedly stopped, “You shouldn’t be able to see the styling when you get less!”

Hey, it’s a man who can see the Eightfold Path! Lu Qiujian secretly praised, Thurston pointed out that after the compact three-dimensional manifold after several previous operations, each remaining small piece can be given a geometric structure, a total of eight kinds of geometric structures. But his proof is quite difficult, and it relies heavily on geometric intuition, which most people cannot understand. Even so, after he gave a speech at Princeton, more than a thousand people directly asked him for handouts, and even more indirect copies, showing the great influence of his work.

Hearing Professor Nan ’s different opinions, Thurston shrugged indifferently. “The discussion between me and Lu just touched on a few key points in the proof process, but it did not affect me and his final inference at all. “

Chatting with you geniuses is the most annoying. I have the ability to talk to me about applied mathematics. I can do it to this degree! Professor Nan secretly slandered, “William, you also have to take care of the opinions of other mathematicians, they do not have such a keen intuition!”

“Chess masters can see the changes after seven steps in one step, and those at the forefront of mathematics can also infer all the processes from the short proof!” Thurston still insists on his own views, “As for those who can’t see , I do n’t think they need to cling to the research of Poincaré conjecture! “

This is Hongguo ’s discrimination and hatred! Is it all about bullying people with IQ? However, Thurston also made some sense. After writing according to his method, people who can understand can naturally understand, and people who can’t understand need not waste too much time on this kind of problem.

“People who are slightly inferior in chess may only see 2 steps, and the remaining 5 steps are loopholes. Only by completely writing down each step can it be considered a complete proof.” Professor Nan shook his head He has stricter requirements for this paper destined to increase the influence of Chinese numerologists in the world of mathematics.

“Well, did you ever think about a question, how long will it take to complete all the papers? How long will the papers be after they are written?” Thurston decided to convince him from another angle, “How do you guarantee During this period, no one made a part of it and then submitted it to a journal for publication? How can Lu’s originality be guaranteed? “

Professor Xia Nan is completely miserable, yeah, although the genius in this world is scarce, it is not without it. It seems that Grisha is just doing research in this area and made a big breakthrough, in case Did Lu Qiujian make achievements while writing his paper?

The competition in academia is exactly the same as in the sports world. People usually remember who is the first, but who cares about the second person who makes the achievement?

“Wyers wrote more than two hundred pages about Fermat’s theorem!” Thurston continued to add weights to the balance when he saw him. “If you follow your plan, Lu’s thesis No less than this number of pages, but according to my plan, I am afraid that only one third, or even one quarter of the pages can be done! This will save a lot of time, as for those omitted steps, you also You have to leave some work for other mathematicians! “

This means that I will formulate the grand strategy. Those tedious and uninteresting tactical tasks will be handed over to the mortalists. Professor Nan weighed the gains and losses and nodded in agreement with Thurston ’s proposal, turning to Say, “Okay, just follow Professor Thurston’s advice, but after the paper is published, if you have time for the follow-up vulnerability supplement work, you’d better do it yourself!”

“Yes!”, Lu Qiujian also did not have much interest in physical work. Since the first problem was solved, then it was the second problem ~ ~ The paper I published in that journal? Or “Annual Mathematics”? “

“Are you going to return to the country in the future?” Professor Nan did not answer directly but asked him a question that was not related to the matter.

“Of course!”, Lu Qiujian seemed to understand what he meant.

After hearing Lu Qiujian’s answer, Professor Nan gave a different opinion, “If you plan to stay in the United States, it doesn’t matter if you continue to publish in the” Annual Mathematics “. If you plan to go back, it is best to choose” “Science” or “Nature” published, be aware that the domestic evaluation of these journals is completely different! “

“Yes, this is an epoch-making mathematics paper, and it should be published in a journal with greater influence!” The four major mathematics journals are only the top journals in the mathematics world, and “Science” and “Nature” are all top scientists. The influence of the two publications is not at the same level.

Thurston agreed with Professor Nan ’s suggestion, and then put forward his own opinion, “You can contribute to Science directly! I am their reviewer, maybe your article will be submitted to me for review!”

“Come on, the editor will not hand over the manuscript to see the paper from Princeton!” Professor Nan laughed, but did not oppose Thurston’s proposal.

Hearing the light in Prince Lu Qiujian ’s mind, he asked, “Professor Nan, you see that it ’s a holiday now. Can I make the achievements made during the holiday instead of Princeton ’s name instead of Peking University? ? “

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