Demon School

Chapter 52 - Half problem

铃铃 铃 ~~ Teaching assistant’s cell phone rang, Lv Qiujian frowned and raised his head. Being interrupted while thinking was a very big thing! Since she is working in a university, she should not be unaware of this. How can she not turn off her cell phone when she is invigilating?

The teaching assistant didn’t have any expression of regret, picked up the phone and shook at Lu Qiujian, “Sorry, the test time is up, I’m afraid I will take your test papers!”

“Can’t wait any longer? I just found the idea of ​​the third question from Professor Thurston’s geometric structure method!”, Lv Qiujian cried irritably.

“Sorry!”, The teaching assistant was indifferent. “This is not homework. Since it has been stipulated that these topics must be completed within two hours, then there is only two hours. Now please stand up and put down the test paper!”

This kind of student assistant who tried to procrastinate at the end of the exam was much more common, and naturally would not give Lu Qiujian a chance. She stood up decisively and walked to Lu Qiujian, slowly but firmly pulling the test paper and answer sheet.

She glanced at Lu Qiujian’s answer sheet. There are about two and a half pages of answer sheets filled with various mathematical symbols. Unfortunately, these are only one problem solving process, and he has not yet completed it completely.

The teaching assistant shrugged, “Ah, it seems that you are in trouble. Seven questions, two hours, but you have only half of the answers.”

“If you are among the students in the Mathematics Department … No, even if the entire Princeton finds a person who can complete any of these seven questions in two hours, I will give you a million dollars!” , Lu Qiujian said angrily, he vaguely remembered several questions during the problem-solving process that he had seen many times before in various magazines and professional books. It seems that Professor Nan collected these specifically this time. Difficult problems to make him succumb.

“It’s really a shame, Princeton prohibits staff from participating in any gambling activities, otherwise I really want to find someone to try!”, The teaching assistant used Lu Qiujian’s words as a vent of emotional control after the blow.

“Is it worthwhile to resign for a million dollars?”, Lu Qiujian said angrily, “What is your annual salary in Princeton? This is at least your salary for more than a decade. Why not try it?”

“Unfortunately, my professional ethics do not allow me to do this!”, The teaching assistant slowly organized the test papers and answer sheets in the file bag, “Now you can go back, I will send you an email after the results are out! “

“I will also protest to the school that Professor Nan deliberately made things difficult for students!” If only the difficulty of the exam questions of classmates is exceeded, Lu Qiujian can accept it, but he believes that even Professor Nan will do this kind of problem. Indefinitely, “I believe that principal Shirley Tillman will not sit idly by!”

Shirley Tillman is a world-renowned molecular biologist. She has participated in the formulation of the blueprint for the development of human genetic engineering in the United States, participated in the world ’s first mammalian gene cloning experiment, and has been working in Princeton for 15 years. Only last year became the 19th principal of this famous Ivy League school.

President Tilman is famous for his passion for creating opportunities for young scientists. It must be known that the unfair treatment suffered by Lu Qiujian will not fail to interfere.

“This is your right!”, The teaching assistant replied in formulaic language, “But now, I will hand over your test paper to Professor Nan, you can leave!”

Lu Qiujian snorted and left the office, thinking about the next steps while walking to the dormitory. If Professor Nan wants to use these problems to sharpen his sharpness, that ’s okay, he can handle it with a soft talk. In the past, presumably he would not take this exam seriously?

If you really want to use this exam as the basis for your own score in this course, then you will definitely hang up this course. Not only will you have to waste time to retake, but you ca n’t continue to participate in the NCAA competition. This is no matter for Lu Qiujian. Not acceptable!

If this is the case, I am afraid that I have to go to Professor Wiles and even President Tillman to preside for himself. One of Professor Henan will definitely leave Princeton with an infamous reputation.

I hope that things will not go to this point, and Lu Qiujian is also very puzzled. From the usual contacts, Professor Nan has no other problems except that he is particularly strict about his study tube because he is also Chinese. How could this unreasonable move be made?

Forget it, or wait for the news? In terms of time, he will probably see his test paper tonight, and I will send an email tomorrow to ask him to make a decision.

As Lu Qiujian struggled, Professor Nan also said goodbye to Dyson and Witten, and returned to the office building of the Department of Mathematics, just walked to the door of his office, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Teaching Assistant greeted him, “Professor Nan, this is Lu Qiujian’s test paper!”

“Oh? Let me guess first. How long did it take him to finish the test? Forty minutes? An hour?” Professor Nan made a rare joke. Hey, this kid is good, just outside of studying Too much distraction, just play basketball occasionally, too much time is wasted! It would be great if he would devote all his energy to mathematics!

“Yeah, he spent two full hours not answering any of the questions! Only half of the questions were answered until the end of the exam.” The teaching assistant looked at Professor Nan, your own student, How can a test question that I have made have such a big misunderstanding of the students’ ability?

“What? Didn’t you make any question for two hours?” Professor Nan’s face suddenly pulled down, which is impossible! Judging from the usual homework, this student’s level has far exceeded the classmates. Although the question I made is a little more difficult, it is not so!

Is his usual homework done by others? But where can the whole class find students who can achieve the same level? Professor Nan frowned and opened the bag.

I want to take a good look at what you have written. If I find out that you are cheating in your usual homework … Professor Nan picked up Lu Qiujian’s answer sheet without looking at the test questions.

Ok? this is? When Professor Nan saw the problem-solving process of Lu Qiujian, he found that something was wrong. He looked at the teaching assistant with a strange expression, and then looked carefully at the problem-solving process of Lu Qiujian.

There is one more change at nine o’clock.

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