Demon School

Chapter 36 - Top club

“Professor Wiles!”, Lu Qiujian beckoned and responded, every time he saw his awkward hairstyle Lu Qiujian wanted to laugh.

“I work here today, do you want to come in and visit?” Wiles glanced at Yangyang and others next to him, “Your friends can also be together!”

“Okay! Promise!” Yang Yang immediately took Lu Qiujian’s arm and shook it for a while. Even Fu Wei, who had been extremely vigilant to Lu Qiujian, echoed, “Yes, since you said Then it ’s awesome, so it ’s going to take us to gain insights! ”

Looking at their enthusiasm, Lu Qiujian was not easy to refuse, and took two steps forward, “Thank you, Professor Wiles, I hope our visit will not affect your work!”

“No, wait a minute, I’ll call the guard; after you come in, you’ll come to the second floor to find me!” After finishing the words, Wyles closed the window. After a while, the door of the institute slowly opened, and the guard gave them The three beckoned.

After confirming that they did not carry contraband, the doorman gave them the path to Wyeth’s office. As soon as he walked up to the second floor, Professor Wyeth was already waiting here. Lv Qiujian quickly greeted him and began to give after shaking hands. They made referrals, “This is Professor Wyeth of our Mathematics Department, the prover of Fermat ’s Theorem, the winner of the Fields Special Contribution Award, and the Wolf Prize. This is Patrice of the Political Department. Coming from Congo, these two are my compatriots, Yang Yang and Fu Wei of the Albany College of State University of New York. “

“Professor Wiles!”, Patrice, who has always been stern, also learned to hold back at this time.

“Hello, Mr. Professor!”, Yang Yang looked at Wyeth with an admiring look.

“Teacher … Professor, it is an honor to see you!” Fu Wei shook his hands while shaking his hands. Those fox friends at home could brag about seeing a little star for a long time. I have to show off this time for the first half of this month! This is the best person in a unit with Einstein!

“Relax, boys!”, Wiles patted their shoulders, “To be honest, I’m really jealous of you, so young, so energetic!”

“Mr. Professor, if you are as young as we are now, other mathematicians in the world will cry to death!” Lv Qiujian made a joke, “It won’t take long for them to find out, Goldbach’s conjecture, Poincaré Guess waiting to be overcome one by one, for those of us who can find a job in the future, you still leave us some blanks! “

“Hahahaha, the world of mathematics is so vast. When you solve a problem, you will find that there are ten more problems waiting for you! This road will never end!” Wiles said with a smile. “Come on, I will take you around, where do you want to see first?”

“You have arranged it!”, Lu Qiujian looked at Patrice and others and replied.

“Then let’s go!”, Professor Wiles walked them through the rooms one by one, explaining the history of this office while talking about which gentleman in that year won the Nobel Prize for what he did that year. Or Fields Award.

There is no need to mention it in the School of Mathematics. The School of Natural Sciences also has masters such as Edward Witten and Freeman-Dyson. Freeman-Dyson is the author of the “Dyson Sphere” theory that often appears in science fiction. He has been from 1960. Just thinking about wrapping the star, using the star as a power source to build a super large nuclear fusion reactor.

The School of History Research is led by various researchers to conduct research on art history, ancient history, Near East and Islamic history, East Asian history, medieval history and modern European history. These researchers are also authoritative persons in the above fields.

The Institute of Sociology is also conducting research in areas such as organization, which is also well-funded and luxurious.

After all the rounds, Professor Wiles took them to the cafe in the forest in the back. After ordering their favorite drinks, he asked, “How are you feeling?”

“To be honest, it’s a little surprising. I didn’t expect such a famous place to be so small. It’s not yet a middle school where I studied!” Fu Wei scratched his head and said, “It’s not the same as the high-end research institution I imagined!”

“Here we mainly conduct some theoretical research, and we will go to other institutions for cooperation when we need experimental verification! And the most important thing here is this!”, Professor Wiles drew a circle on the forehead. “So We have these researchers, and it is enough to provide them with sufficient funds, and it does not need to be too large. “

“Professor, is there any pressure to work here?” Yang Yang asked curiously.

“Stress? No!” Professor Wiles shook his head. “No one here will put pressure on them except the researchers themselves; everyone is engaged in their own research, there is no formal guidance, no reporting, and no assessment, The motivation for these people to concentrate on research is only to be curious about the unknown! “

“In this case, wouldn’t the school have an opinion? Will investors not have an opinion?” Yang Yang couldn’t understand this model.

“Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies and Princeton University are two completely independent institutions ~ ~ Professor Wiles went on to explain,” Although we are close, we usually cooperate with each other in research, but the Institute does not It belongs to the jurisdiction of the university; as for investors, the first dean Mr. Flaxner refused to accept all utilitarian and purposeful funding from the beginning of the establishment of the institute. We always find the top scholars in the world first , And then they determine the direction of the research, and we will provide him with all the resources needed for the research. “

This is different from finding a research direction before finding a person in China. It is like a team looking for a head coach. Some teams first determine the tactics and introduce players based on the tactics, and then find a head coach who can carry forward this set of tactics; Princeton first looks at who is the best head coach in the world, is Mourinho or Guardiola, then introduces them, and then they determine the tactics and form the team; for the researchers, there is no doubt This model is more popular.

This reminds Lu Qiujian of a science fiction writer’s evaluation of scientists. Scientists claim to study for the benefit of all mankind. In fact, they only use the wealth of society to satisfy their desires. What is the difference between using public funds to protect the misstep? If you compare scientific research to carelessness, then the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study must be one of the top clubs in the world.

Just as Lu Qiujian thought, Professor Wiles turned his head and looked at him sincerely, “Lu, your second article will be published in the next issue. Have you ever thought of coming here to work in the future?”

Thanks to Tiantianyun’s 1888 reward, thank you Rui Ruiol’s reward, it seems to be clicked to 10,000, today it is better to continue three.

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