Demon God

Chapter 56: Wandering around

[The Monster is becoming stronger.]

[The Human is too weak.]

[Rank up the Human rank in one day, or Desire's Vessel will be taken over.]

Desire read again and again what the Unknown has to say and immediately became flabbergasted.

He didn't expect something like this to show up or happen. After all, why should he worry about something like being taken over?

Although he didn't know the Monster or the Human part, it was just a ridiculous notion to be taken over.

However, it's not like Desire could just ignore the Unknown.

" it me?"

What Desire didn't know is what exactly Desire's Vessel was.

Is it his body? Is it his mind? Is it his consciousness? Is it his soul?

If Desire's Vessel were taken over, would Desire die as a result? Would he be lost in the river called death?

Either way, Desire didn't know, and that was the vital point.

"It means...I really have to rank up."

Desire didn't know what would happen to him if he doesn't rank up, and that only increases the chances of him dying if ever the Vessel gets taken over.

And Desire absolutely didn't want to die at his young age. He had so many things to do now after remembering so many things and got himself a recording device.

He also wanted to meet many more monsters and meet Percia again one more time.

He wanted to stay with Jarina and the others and get to know his awkward master too.

That was why dying was never an option for Desire.

Although it may seem shallow, Desire was a baby just recently. Having something that he wants or having a goal is becoming something like a pillar to him.

"Why does it have to happen now that I'm stuck in here?" Desire murmured as he plopped down to the ground.

The problem for Desire is that he was stuck in this mountain called Muscula's nest. He wasn't sure if he could kill a Muscula alone.

Even if he could run from the Muscula before, that doesn't mean he could kill it.

Even Desire didn't know why he said that he would kill it.

"That was probably due to this Monster..."

Well, because of what the Unknown said, he could guess that it was probably thanks to the Monster becoming stronger.

It was a no brainer for Desire as he could remember every detail that transpired if he has his consciousness.

However, Desire didn't have any clue why the Monster is becoming stronger. He didn't even know about the Monster.

"This is weird. Does anyone else have something like this?"

Desire said as he made a promise to himself to ask either Jarina or Lionel about this.

After all, even though he has no knowledge about the Monster, it would be safer for Desire if he has no problems inside of him.

Right, he wanted to experience the thrill of having his life in danger in fighting, not due to some Monster that the Unknown told him.

"Hah. I have no choice but to do it now, do I?"

Desire murmured as he looked at his skills. Although he had the necessary foundation to fight now, he didn't know how to.

He had to know every single skill he has on his arsenal before fighting.

After all, this would be his real fight for the first time ever in his life where he has to put an end to a life, not just run.

However, no matter how much Desire looked at his skills, there was only one conclusion he would get.

"I'm not...suited for fighting."

The skills that he has were not suited for fighting. It was mostly for things that you could not use for fighting.

However, if there were a boon, it would be that he could summon monsters to fight for him.

It's just that Desire didn't want to use it. Desire didn't want to rely on monsters again when he didn't even know anything about them.

And if you took all skills, except for the Authority that Desire has, magic is the only thing Desire can rely on for fighting.

"Magic, huh? How are skills and magic different, anyway?"

Desire shook his head when his thoughts went there. After all, it was not the time to speculate about things like that.

Desire has something that he has to do before the sun goes down again.

And that is to rank up the Human rank that he has.

That was why he looked for ways of how to rank up the Human rank.

He remembered how the Unknown knows how to increase both of the ranks up.

[Human rank: Zero]

Conditions to fulfill to increase Desire's rank:

-Experience points 150/100

-Mastery of the art of running: 1/3 until satisfaction

-Killing various monsters 0/100 (Depending on the strength of the monster, Desire could easily ignore the necessary amount)

After he read it, Desire's eyebrows went up as he spoke, "The details changed? Is it because of what I did earlier?"

Desire assumed that his running from the Muscula gained him some experience points, and even the mastery of the art of running had some progress.

Well, he didn't really plan to master the art of running. He just did it because it was fun.

The last part didn't really change, so Desire didn't mind it.

Desire then looked at the path he took to get here before looking up at the mountain.

He didn't know where the Musculas were stationed or wandering, but Desire thought he would definitely find them if he went up the mountain.

And so, he began climbing the mountain again with a worried look on his face.

"Right, I hope I survive this." Desire murmured as he kept watch of his surroundings.

Desire soon would know the answer to his hope as he took step after step into the mountain to stay alive.


Huff. Puff.

Desire was breathing roughly as he passed tree by tree with great effort.

Desire's body was full of sweat, and his clothes could be seen tainted by it.

Even though the night was cold, Desire's body sure was not as his sweat plopped down to the ground.


Huff. Puff.

Again, Desire breathed roughly as he passed another tree.

However, he soon stopped as he felt his legs give up on him.

"W-why..." He murmured as he sat down on the soil.

"Why can't I find a single Muscula?!" He shouted weakly as he remembered how his body was tired.

Well, it was just because he couldn't find any monsters for fighting and was endlessly wandering around.

Desire couldn't tell how much time has passed, but walking around for many minutes with no food or water has taken its toll on his body.

What's more, he was injured by the Muscula's attack, and he also had body pains just before going here.

It would be absurd if he could endure walking around a mountain for hours straight with no problems.

"Haaah. Isn't this the Muscula's nest?! How come there isn't any?!"

Desire complained a little bit before shaking his head. He didn't have to waste his energy more than he has to.

However, it just wasn't easy to find a monster in here. At least, that's what Desire experienced in the past hour of walking.

He wasn't even confident in beating a monster before he went on this journey, and now, Desire was sure that he wouldn't be beating one even if he meets a Muscula.

It's just that Desire wanted to meet one just for the sake of meeting one. After all, he already traveled a mountain just for meeting and fighting it.

It was then.

As Desire complained in his heart and tried saving energy for himself, a light suddenly intruded his field of vision.

And it was in the direction of the sky. When Desire looked over it, his eyes widened to the brim.

"S-shit. The sun is rising?!"

The sun is rising, and that can only mean one thing. Desire has more or less half a day now to rank up.

The situation was bad, and Desire was in the worst condition possible for a fight.

However, Desire didn't want to be taken over. After all, he didn't know what that would do to him.

And so, with his battered body and energy, he stood up and walked towards the mountain.

His steps were slow, but Desire was sure that he was advancing. Advancing towards the top of the mountain where he thinks the Muscula would be located.

It shouldn't take Desire a long time to reach the top as he was almost there by the time he rested.

Although he was super slow, Desire still did his best in climbing up the mountain.

He went as fast as possible in his condition and always kept looking at his left and right to see any monsters he could kill.

Right now, Desire wanted to kill any monster that he meets.

His mind was focused on that thought as it emerged quite naturally with his mouth.

"I'll sweep this place clean...I'll kill all of you motherfuckers!"

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