Demon Dragon

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

The battle was horrific, with many casualties soon after. But overall, the group of Monster Palace is still dominant. After all, although the numbers of the two sides were similar, the Monster Palace group came to attack quickly this time, all of them were elites above the Core Formation Realm, and their average battle strength was much stronger than that of Wanshuimen.

“Zhengning, take someone to support him for a while, and I’ll invite the elder in the door.” Liu Zhengyuan saw that Wanshuimen was becoming more and more unsupportable, and made a decision. He threw this sentence away, left the battlefield in a hurry, and flew directly into the mountainside of Tianshu Island.

There is a Cave Mansion on the mountainside of Tianshu Island, where the elder closed-door cultivation of Wanshuimen was held.

“Wanshuimen’s current sect master Liu Zhengyuan pays respects to all Elders.” Liu Zhengyuan knelt outside the cave door and kowtowed loudly.

“Zhengyuan, what’s the matter?” An old voice came from the cave.

“Great Elder! There are enemies attacking the mountain gate, please all Elders go out.” Liu Zhengyuan respectfully, in the eyes of these elders, he is just a junior.

“I’m waiting here for secluded bitter cultivation, and I don’t want to ask the world, you can solve this problem by yourself.” That voice was ancient well without ripples.

“Great Elder, the Monster Race group from Chixia Island is dispatched to attack my mountain gate. I can’t resist it.” Liu Zhengyuan was extremely anxious.

“What! Demons? You said that demons dared to attack my cultivation Great Sect? Did they reverse it?” Rao was Great Elder cultivation base profound, and his voice was a little surprised.

“It’s too late to say, if all Elders don’t close, Wanshuimen will suffer a sect-destroying disaster today!” Liu Zhengyuan has lost his sense of proportion, and his tone is no longer as respectful as before.

The cave was silent for a while, and then the Great Elder let out a long sigh, “Everyone, come out with me.”

At this time, the battle outside the Wanshui Gate has entered a white-hot, and the battlefield is also in full swing. It has spread from the air to the ground of the island, and some even hit the water and twisted into a ball. In the square outside the great hall of Wanshuimen, there are countless cultivators and monster cultivators fighting each other. For people whose cultivation base is not very high, they don’t need to fly when they land on the ground, reducing some consumption. Of course, there are also some low-level Wanshuimen Disciples that have not yet reached the level of flying in the sky, and can only meet the enemy on the ground, but they really can’t play much role.

“Hahahaha, Palace Lord is really wise. Counterattacking Wanshuimen, I, a black bear, can’t think of a hundred heads. It seems that today, Wanshuimen, we are sure to be destroyed.” Wanshuimen Disciple kicked away, and then fought with another Primordial Spirit Realm Disciple who came up.

Although the battle is still underway, everyone can see that the monster cultivator side has a clear upper hand. If this goes on, Wanshuimen’s downfall is a matter of time.

But at this moment, the situation suddenly changed!

The seven main islands of the Seven Stars suddenly shook violently as if an earthquake had occurred. Under the shaking of the island, the surrounding sea water also tumbled violently, and the air was filled with a strong smell of water vapor. The cultivation base profound, at this time, you can feel the water essence of the surrounding Sea Territory is continuously concentrating on the Seven Star Islands.

“The situation has changed, do it quickly!” Jin Lin shouted. He doesn’t understand this situation, but he doesn’t want any changes when he has the upper hand.

Before his voice could fall, one after another huge column of sea water suddenly rose from the sea, and several monster cultivators couldn’t escape, and were immediately hit by these water columns, making a scream.

In addition to the seven big islands, other small islands also began to shake, and the water column on the sea surface became more and more, and soon the entire Seven Star Islands was surrounded by this water column group.

These dense jets of water block the view of the battlefield, dividing both sides of the battle into small areas. In some places, the water column even becomes a piece of water, becoming one after another water wall, turning the space slash into a cage – a cage formed by water.

Suddenly, the monster cultivators had no time to react, so they were separated by these water cages, unable to communicate with each other, and had to fight each other. In these cages, seawater spewed out from time to time, and these seawaters all had a huge impact. If the weaker were rushed, their internal organs would be shattered immediately, and they would die on the spot. Only Primordial Spirit could barely escape.

But the strange thing is that the Disciple of Wanshuimen does not seem to be affected by these water columns. They seem to have a special secret art. When these water columns are close to their bodies, they actually avoid them. The route of travel even formed an eerie bend in the air. And the Wanshuimen Disciple can even pass through those water walls and go from one cage to another.

But monster cultivators can’t. If they want to break through the water wall, they have to withstand the huge might of the impact of the sea water. Only a few Primordial Spirit Realm monster cultivators can withstand this impact, forcibly breaking the barrier of the boiling water wall. Even so, it brought great inconvenience to their actions.

At this moment, the situation turned, and the monster cultivator had the upper hand just now, and immediately turned into a rout. The monster cultivators who were trapped in the great formation formed by the sea had a hard time dealing with the enemies who suddenly emerged from the water wall. Monster cultivator casualties rise sharply.

“What the hell is going on here?” Jin Lin turned pale in fright, and he couldn’t hold his breath any longer.

“Little golden snake…” The old monster actually let out a long sigh, “How dare you attack Wanshuimen.”

Jin Lin heard that he had hidden meaning, “old Monster, why do you say that?”

The old monster’s tone was a bit bleak, “Maybe we are really going to die here today. Little Golden Snake, do you know that this Wanshuimen is an overseas culture. The first Great Sect. Their protecting sect formation is the Wanshui formation, also known as Wanshuixian formation.”

“Wanshuixian formation?” When Jin Lin heard the name, his heart went cold. Have used Immortal (Xian)’ character, I’m afraid not simple ah.

“Because the legend of this great formation of Wanshui is a fairy formation arranged by immortal to protect the gate of Wanshui. This formation is not easy to open, but if you encounter the life and death of the Sect, if the formation is opened, you can Completely reversed the situation and turned the crisis into a safe place.”

“So powerful?”

“This Great Array of Ten Thousand Waters uses the seven main islands of the Seven Star Islands, the naturally formed Big Dipper orientation, Invoking World’s Essence Qi and combining with the essence of sea water, a water formation is formed, which can not only trap the enemy, but also has a strong lethality. Only those who have passed Wanshuimen Disciple cultivation can move freely in the formation. old man I have been cultivating for two thousand years, but this is known.” said the old monster.

“Since the old monster … Oh, Old Senior, you know the origin of this formation, do you have a way to break the formation?” Jin Lin was so anxious that he changed his name, this time it was Really asking for it.

“I can’t do anything about the immortal formation arranged by immortal, alas…” The old monster’s tone was actually very lonely, which was completely different from his usual arrogance.

Jin Lin was silent, even the old monster couldn’t do anything, which made him feel hopeless. Is my group of Monster Palace going to be destroyed under this Formation today? Should I, Jin Lin, this second life, end here?

No! I do not accept! I cannot accept such a fate.

The Monster Race of Chixia Island, how could it be just like this?

I, Jin Lin, still hope to be able to Dragon Transformation one day, how can I be trapped to death by this sea water!

Even if the chance is very slim, I will not give up, I will fight!

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