Demon Dragon

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

After working for a long time, the old monster gave up. The soul of this golden snake is actually so strong, even a bit stronger than his current state. Although he said that his Primordial Spirit has been severely damaged, he still You can’t beat a Core Formation Realm snake. No, there must be something wrong… Zhang Baichi began to investigate the cause, and he really found something.

“Boy, aren’t you a snake?” The old monster’s voice still couldn’t hide his surprise.

“Of course I am a snake.”

“No…your soul is much stronger than a snake. You are definitely not a snake! You are a dragon!” the old monster’s tone Pretty sure.

“Old monster, how did you know?” Jin Lin was secretly surprised, and probably only Bai Susu and himself knew about the fact that he owns Dragon Clan Bloodline. Heavenly Dragon daoist is dead, right Others Jin Lin didn’t say it, so no one should know about it.

“Hahahaha, old man, I’ve been cultivating for two thousand years, and I haven’t seen anything? I still have this vision.” The old monster was very proud, “However, your bloodline seems to be sealed by some kind of power. That’s why you can’t have the power of a dragon, but you’re like a snake.”

“So it really is!” Jin Lin finally understood, “I said old monster…”

“The old man’s name is Zhang Baichi! Don’t be an old monster old monster, the old man’s seniority is higher than yours. I don’t know how many generations.” The old monster said angrily.

“What? Cecilia Cheung?” Jin Lin was stunned, you are an old monster, why did you choose this name.

“It’s Zhang Baichi!”

“It’s not Cecilia Cheung, so I heard it wrong.” Jin Lin thought about it for a while and then understood that since it is octopus essence, this chapter Hundred feet probably means that his arm is very long… It seems that it is almost a hundred feet long. However, the name Zhang Baichi sounds like an idiot Zhang…

“Boy, what are you thinking about!” The old monster was furious.

“Oops, it knows everything I’m thinking, that’s not good.” Jin Lin found a serious problem.

However…this might be a way to deal with old monsters. Jin Lin began to think about it deliberately, and all of a sudden, Gundam and Doraemon were flying together, and Loli was a royal sister… A lot of information that modern people are familiar with immediately bombarded Zhang Baichi’s Primordial Spirit. The poor old monster, although the culture is profound, has never seen so many things.

“Enough, you are a little snake of cultivation, you don’t do cultivation well, you think about these things all day long.” Zhang Baichi felt that he was going crazy.

hehe, the old monster was really afraid of this, Jin Lin couldn’t help but feel a little proud. I think, I think, I keep thinking…

Brain teasers, I miss you!

The alien image will scare you to death!

When the alien creature battleship occupied Jin Lin’s mind, the old monster couldn’t help shouting, “Those, what are those? Great Desolate Giant Beast?”

“How is it, old monster, afraid right??” Jin Lin was very proud and fought with Young Master? You are far from it.

Apparently, “Great Desolate Giant Beast” terrified Zhang Baichi, which is Monster Race’s natural fear when confronting more powerful, bloodline older creatures. Although Zhang Baichi knew that it was just an image in Jin Lin’s mind, not really in front of him, but he couldn’t stand it.

This is like an ordinary person class. You see zombies and other horrible things all day long, and you can’t stand it. Even more how, Monster Race feels much stronger than humans for the coercion of superiors and subordinates.

So the old monster surrendered, he said sweetly like a strange Uncle seduce little loli, “Little golden snake, do you want to be separated from my thoughts? That is to say, from now on, what you think, Won’t I know?”

“Oh? Is there a way to do it?” Jin Lin snickered, the old monster seemed to be overwhelmed.

“Of course, I will teach you a mind trick.” The old monster couldn’t wait, and immediately put a mind trick into Jin Lin’s mind, and Jin Lin learned it directly.

“The effect of this mental method can open up a space in the Sea of Consciousness.” old monster explained.

As soon as Jin Lin operated according to his mental method, he really felt that his mind—that is, Sea of Consciousness, which the old monster said, seemed to open up a space, which was a very strange feeling. . And the Primordial Spirit of the old monster saw that space and immediately got into it, and refused to come out again.

“I don’t know what you want in the future. If you want to tell me, your mind can take the initiative to enter this space and tell me.” no longer paid attention to Jin Lin, each minding their own business and cultivation resumed.

This feeling is really amazing, there is space in my mind, but this space seems to exist only in the consciousness, and there is no uncomfortable feeling in the body. However, Primordial Spirit is originally an energy body. Since it is a pure energy body, of course, it can be large or small, and its form can be Myriad Transformations. It is not impossible to exist in a certain point in the mind.

When Jin Lin dared to curse “Zhang Idiot” in his heart, sure enough, the old monster didn’t respond.

“Hahaha, this mental method is really effective.” Jin Lin is very happy, what is thinking now, and finally no need to be known by the old monster.

It’s not good to be spied on, if it’s your thoughts being spied on, it’s even worse…

Jin Lin is relieved after not having to be spied on by an old monster He started to think about how to deal with this monster “parasitic” in his mind.

As for Zhang Baichi, he also began to think about how to truly complete body possession and control Jin Lin’s body?

Two demons, one old and one young, each played selfish calculations.

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