Demon Dragon

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Although he got the position of the Boss of the Monster King Hall, Jin Lin did not get carried away. His position is not rightly named, and his words are not smooth. Although no one under his command jumped out to object, it does not mean that they will be convinced. Of course, it is not a matter of one or two sentences to make your subordinates return to their hearts, and you have to take your time.

Although the black bear announced that Jin Lin would be the boss, the black bear rarely showed up after that, always looking for familiar little demons each minding their own business, drinking all day and no longer in charge. Perhaps in his heart, he felt some guilt towards Ao Lie. After all, they were brothers, and Ao Lie’s death, although not his own actions, was also related to him.

What’s even weirder is Hu Huahua’s attitude, she seems to support Jin Lin more than anyone else. Whether it’s Jin Lin, Bai Susu, Hu Qi, or Hei Xiong, they don’t understand, what kind of medicine did Hu Huahua take wrong?

Hu Qi privately reminded Jin Lin: “Hu Huahua will never do anything unfavorable to herself, she must think it is profitable to do so, you have to be careful. If one day, she When she encounters a better choice, she may betray you again at any time, just like she turned her back on Ao Lie.”

Jin Lin certainly knows this truth, but at the moment he still needs the support of Hu Huahua, so he doesn’t will not show anything. Although I don’t know why Hu Huahua wants to replace Ao Lie with herself, since she is willing to follow her, that’s always a good thing.

as the saying goes Although this sentence is very old-fashioned, it has been tried and tested.

Jin Lin has no experience as a king of the mountain in this world, but, after all, he has seen a lot of similar things when he was a human, so Jin Lin also plans to come to the office for three fires. Establishing authority should at least initially reverse the hostility of his subordinates to him. So, in his first few days as Boss, he announced three things. These three things are not major events, but they made the group of monsters below him rate him a lot higher:

First, the Monster King Palace was renamed the group Monster Palace. Jin Lin said that we are all brothers in Monster Race, and we are together to not be bullied by cultivators. I’m only the leader, not the Monster King.

Secondly, all of Ao Lie’s personal belongings were taken away, and Jin Lin took nothing.

Third, the group Monster Palace will open a venue and invite monster cultivators from Primordial Spirit Realm and above to explain the experience of cultivation. All groups of Monster Palaces, no matter how big or small, can listen to them; the group Monster Palace also encourages everyone to share their experience in cultivation. . At the same time, Hu Qi also opened a course for reading and literacy. Of course, it is voluntary to listen or not.

The name change was as easy as blowing off dust, and was done as the inscription on the main hall of the Monster King Hall was changed from “Monster King Hall” to “Group Demon Hall”. Anyway, it’s just a name change, everyone naturally doesn’t care, most people don’t feel that way. Only a few interested people vaguely felt some difference and gave Jin Lin a thumbs up in secret.

This financial part is everyone’s favorite. Ao Lie’s original treasure is quite a lot. Although the per capita share is not too much after the division, it is also very good to take these for free.

As for this practice of exchanging cultivation experience, it can be regarded as subversive. Originally, the monster cultivators were all cultivations, and there was little communication. Because the monster cultivator originally only had a racial concept, that is to say, the same type of monster, because the bloodline is the same, the physique is similar, and the cultivation methods are similar, the elders in the clan will teach the younger generation. Interracial communication is very rare, and Jin Lin’s proposal now is equivalent to borrowing the Sect concept of human cultivator. Monster cultivators exchange their experiences with each other. Although the cultivation technique of the other party may not be suitable for them, there are often a lot of experience for reference, which is still very valuable. Of course, due to conceptual problems, it will be difficult for a monster cultivator expert to teach and explain for a while, but at least there is Hu Qi? Hu Qi is also the monster cultivator of Primordial Spirit Realm, and his cultivation experience is very helpful for most Monster Races.

As for reading and literacy, Monster Race isn’t much interested in it. But since the leader said it was completely voluntary, no one would object. Jin Lin didn’t take it seriously. Ordinary demons wouldn’t understand the importance of knowledge, but in the future, they would understand. How can you deal with Heavenly Dragon daoist if you don’t know human language? How can we understand the purpose of those medicine pills and magic weapons in Heavenly Dragon daoist?

The above things are generally not troublesome to do, but there is really one troublesome thing. Ao Lie used to have several beautiful Banshees as favorite princesses. Jin Lin took the place of Ao Lie, and naturally he would also inherit these beautiful Banshees, which made him one big and two big. For the sake of their own future, those Banshees kept flattering him, and some Banshees had a higher cultivation base than Jin Lin, and their grades could be considered as his elders, and they also appeared as if they were being picked by you. Jin Lin is really annoying, my God…

If you are really beautiful girls, I will be reluctant to accept it, whether it is Lolita or Yujie, I like it! But don’t wag your tail in front of me, how scary… Jin Lin slandered to himself.

Unfortunately, Jin Lin had no choice but to persuade these Banshees to keep them in the Monster Palace for the time being.

As soon as these few things were done, the Monster Race of the Monster Palace large and small group suddenly increased their favor towards Jin Lin. And Hu Qi was also treated as a master by many demons.

The past few days, Jin Lin also had a general understanding of the strength of the group Monster Palace. Black Bear and Hu Huahua are both Primordial Spirit Peak cultivation bases. Besides the two of them, there are four Great Commanders in the original Monster King Hall, all of which are cultivation bases from Primordial Spirit Early-Stage to Primordial Spirit Middle Stage. Jin Lin found out that there was an ordinary little boss who had just broken through to Primordial Spirit Early-Stage not long ago. Jin Lin quickly promoted the monster cultivator of Primordial Spirit Early-Stage to the commander, and announced that as long as he reached the Monster of Primordial Spirit Realm cultivation base Race, you can take the leadership position and participate in major event decision-making. And this measure not only made the little leader grateful, but also greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the demons.

The real cohesion cannot be formed in a short time, but the effect of unnoticeable influence will change everything unconsciously.

Although he has become the leader of the Monster Palace, he usually has nothing to do. Jin Lin spends the most important energy on improving his own strength. After all, nothing else is as important as his own strength. His daily cultivation is very hard, sometimes even to the point of perversion.

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