Demon Dragon

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

After the black bear left Hu Qi, he kept silent, drank a jug of wine each minding their own business, and then went to his practice room and closed the door.

“Second brother.” Hu Huahua shouted from outside the door. Seeing that the black bear’s expression was a little different from usual, she thought that something might be wrong.

“Third Sister, I want secluded cultivation. If you have nothing to do, please come back.” The voice of the black bear came from the secret room.

What kind of closed door is it good to keep…Hu Huahua is suspicious. She soon found out that the black bear had just returned from Hu Qi. Hu Qi is Hu Huahua’s cousin, and the relationship with her is not very good. In Hu Huahua’s eyes, the old fogey pretends to be aloof because of his knowledge.

“Cousin’s old fogey has a lot of slickness in his stomach. Could it be that he said something to the black bear?” Thinking of this, Hu Huahua was full of curiosity and decided to go to Hu Qi’s to find out.

There are several dozen li from the Temple of Monster King to the place where Hu Qi lives. It only takes a moment for the fox demon of Primordial Spirit Realm, and soon Hu Huahua arrives at Hu Qi’s house. She was lying secretly outside the window, watching the movement in the room. At this time, Jin Lin had already left, and only Hu Qi and Hu Xue were in the room.

“Grandpa, you said that Jin Lin big brother would be in danger if he went to deal with that bad guy Ao Lie.” Hu Xue was a little nervous about Jin Lin.

“The danger is definitely there, but I believe he can get through it.” Hu Qi said, “Why, little girl, you care about your Jin Lin big brother?”


“Grandpa~~~” Hu Xue said coquettishly, “Jin Lin big brother is very good to me, shouldn’t I care about him?”

“Tell me, what a good way What?” Hu Qichu said with a smile.

“Grandpa, you are also laughing at others.”

Hu Huahua didn’t pay attention to the frolic in the room, but Jin Lin’s news made her startled.

Jin Lin is not dead? Is he going to deal with Ao Lie? This is big news, Hu Huahua immediately thought of it, and hurried back to tell the big brother the news. But… she thought about it, the black bear had been here before. Could it be that Hu Qi and the black bear discussed this matter? So speaking of which, the black bear probably knew about Jin Lin. The usually impulsive and reckless black bear was so calm this time, pretending to be nothing, and didn’t reveal the news. Could it be that the black bear also intends to deal with the big brother?

Hu Huahua’s mind was thinking very fast. After spending so many years with the black bear, Hu Huahua still clearly recognizes the character of the black bear. Although the stupid big fellow is often dissatisfied with the big brother, he should not betray the big brother. Maybe he wants to let go, so he said he wants secluded cultivation?

However, how could Jin Lin, the little golden snake, be able to deal with the big brother? Could it be that he has had any fortuitous encounters in the past six months? The more Hu Huahua thought about it, the more likely it became. She felt that bringing about one’s own destruction was difficult to understand, so the little golden snake probably had some support. Moreover, the black bear will choose not to help each other, which shows that the black bear also knows that the outcome between the little golden snake and Ao Lie is unpredictable, so it is simply neutral!

“It turns out that black bear, that stupid big fellow, already knew Jin Lin’s secret. But I was kept in the dark, hmph!” Hu Huahua was a little annoyed. In fact, this is because Hu Huahua is too smart, so she thinks too much. Hei Xiong didn’t think much about who is more powerful, Jin Lin or Ao Lie, he only thought about whose side he should be on.

But Hu Huahua is different. For her, who is more powerful is very important, which is related to the final outcome. Since the little golden snake didn’t die and came back, it’s better to check his situation. Thinking like this, Hu Huahua wanted to go to Jin Lin’s house. But she didn’t know Jin Lin’s home, she only knew the area closer to the south.

In order to deal with Ao Lie, Jin Lin is taking every opportunity to improve his strength. At this time, he is meditating on cultivation. The cultivation of the demon is usually absorbing the power of the stars. Tonight happens to be the night of the full moon, which is a good time for cultivation. Of course, Jin Lin will not just waste it.

Jin Lin is quietly cultivating in his yard.

The moonlight is like water.

The moon and the stars in the sky, their star power, is being continuously absorbed by Jin Lin, and a faint silver light appears on the surface of his body.

Jin Lin felt that the demon Essence Power in his body was much stronger than before, surging constantly in the meridian, and almost felt like he was going to break through the meridian. His cultivation base has reached the peak of his metamorphosis and is moving towards the Core Formation Realm. From the metamorphosis period to the Core Formation Realm, this is a big hurdle. It is not easy to break through, and it often requires opportunities, which cannot be forced.

The demon Essence Power has gradually become thick and almost liquid. Jin Lin knew that once the demon Essence Power materialized, it would condense into an inner core. The so-called “refining essence into qi, Qi Refinement Divine Transformation, Refining Spirit back to Void, practicing virtual and combining Tao”, for Monster Race, this “essence” includes the essence of Sun, Moon, and Stars, and its own blood essence two aspects. “Qi Refinement” is the process of refining essence into Essence Power. At the same time as Qi Refinement, its own spirit strength will continue to grow. When the spirit strength grows to a certain extent, the combination of the demon Essence Power and the spirit strength will form a substantial Primordial Spirit, which is Refining Qi, Transforming Spirit.

At this time, a part of Jin Lin’s spirit strength was released and spread continuously, and everything around him could be very keenly felt. In this near-empty state, his sensing ability is also much sharper than usual.

Hu Huahua has noticed that Jin Lin’s backyard is a little unusual. The quintessential energy of moonlight and stars is converging there continuously, and it almost forms an energy vortex. And there is a silhouette sitting in the middle of vortex, that is Jin Lin!

“Why does a little snake demon in the late transformation stage have such a strong innate talent?” Hu Huahua was very surprised. The stronger the Monster Race innate talent, the stronger the ability to absorb Sun and Moon Essence. . Judging from Jin Lin’s current state, his ability to absorb demons is stronger than that of many Core Formation Realm’s, and he is about to catch up with Primordial Spirit Realm. Is this still the transformation period? Only those Monster Races with noble bloodline can achieve this level. Could it be that this little golden snake has those noble bloodlines?

Hu Huahua, as a member of the demon fox family with seven-tailed fox bloodline, has a very good innate talent. Now that she has reached the middle stage of Primordial Spirit, she can be regarded as an expert in the monster cultivator of Cabernet Xia Island. But she found that compared to Jin Lin, her seven-tailed fox bloodline was not worth mentioning.

Hu Huahua, who was surprised, even temporarily forgot the purpose of her trip, she just stared blankly at the silhouette in the yard. The silver light around Jin Lin’s body became denser and denser, almost becoming a ball of light.

Suddenly, the rays of light on Jin Lin were flourishing, and behind him, a golden illusory shadow emerged. That’s the shape of a dragon! Golden Dragon! That’s the phantom of the Golden Dragon!

Hu Huahua almost thought she had an illusion, she wiped her eyes. That Golden Dragon’s phantom is so clear, impossible is an illusion.

Hu Huahua stared blankly at the Golden Dragon phantom, filled with shock.

Not very long, the phantom behind Jin Lin gradually dimmed, obviously he was about to finish his work.

Seeing this, Hu Huahua held her breath and left cautiously. Originally based on her cultivation base of Primordial Spirit Realm, there is absolutely no need to be so careful, Jin Lin impossible found her. But she has no confidence at all now, and her mind is completely occupied by the shadow of the Golden Dragon.

“Golden Dragon! It’s actually the Golden Dragon bloodline!” Hu Huahua returned to the Monster King’s hall, and plunged into her own practice room, closing the door, “The black bear must know this secret! No wonder He is so optimistic about the little golden snake. It turns out that he has the Golden Dragon bloodline, and his future is boundless! That silly bear is so tight-lipped. Hmph, fortunately, I was smart and found this secret. Well, since the black bear can keep it a secret, of course I can keep it a secret. , just leave that idiot Ao Lie in the dark. Hahaha, Ao Lie also claims to own the Dragon Clan Bloodline, which is a million miles apart compared to the Golden Dragon bloodline of Little Golden Snake.” Hu Huahua pretended to be smart again. Now, she has made a decision in her heart.

And Jin Lin didn’t know yet, not only did Black Bear choose to be neutral, but Hu Huahua unexpectedly chose not to help Ao Lie. Anyway, that’s a good thing, isn’t it?

Jin Lin slowly stopped his work, the Golden Dragon phantom automatically returned to his body, and the demon Essence Power in his body instantly rose sharply. These demon Essence Power run around in the body, and a large part of them gradually converges at the lower abdomen, and a small round thing condenses.

This is the inner core! With the mysterious state just now, Jin Lin successfully completed the Core Formation and entered the Core Formation Early-Stage.

“Is this the inner core?” Jin Lin was very curious when he felt the magical ball in his body.

This sphere clearly exists, but there is no discomfort in the body. Thoughts move, Jin Lin opened his mouth to spit, and the inner core spit out from his mouth. Only the size of a ping pong ball, crystal clear and near-transparent. After spitting out the inner core, he felt as if all the strength in his body had been taken away, and his body was very uncomfortable. He hurriedly swallowed the inner core back, and the power suddenly returned to his body.

Jin Lin stuck out his tongue. It seems that the inner core needs to be protected and cannot be used indiscriminately. The inner core of the dragon is also called the dragon ball. Is this the inner core of the snake or the dragon ball? Jin Lin is a little cranky.

Jin Lin himself did not notice the Golden Dragon phantom behind him. After all, it was just an occasional commotion from the Golden Dragon bloodline hidden in the body when the qigong practice entered a perfect state. Calm again.

He spat out the Storage Bracelet hidden in his stomach. I have scoured the Heavenly Dragon daoist before, but I haven’t studied it carefully, what is it. This time, in order to deal with Ao Lie, we must study it carefully.

A Flying Sword should be the weapon of the Heavenly Dragon daoist. The quality is far higher than the general Magical Artifact. I don’t know what grade it is. It is estimated that it has reached the level of Treasure Item, right? This is good stuff! Monster Race’s body will increase with the improvement of the cultivation base, so the body cultivator is the king, and it is not good to rely too much on the Flying Sword. Although Monster Race prefers to use the strength of the body to solve problems, Jin Lin’s current body strength is far less than the Flying Sword. He won’t have good weapons to use and waste them.

A few pots of medicine pills. Among these medicine pills, there are two types of poisons, a small bottle of Jue Xin Dan, and a relatively inferior bottle of Broken Heart Pill. There are many other Spirit Pills.

A feather coat, it should be a defensive magic weapon, it looks like a human Taoist wears it.

There are several books, one of which is the cultivation technique of Heavenly Dragon. For the time being, Jin Lin doesn’t plan to cultivate human cultivator’s mind, so he didn’t pay much attention.

The quality of a few spirit stones seems to be pretty good, but Jin Lin also lacks the relevant identification knowledge, so he will ignore them for the time being.

“It seems that this Heavenly Dragon daoist is quite poor, that’s all.” Jin Lin took other people’s things and did not forget to despise them. He didn’t know, how could a small Sect like Heavenly Dragon Sect have too many resources, and the limited resources are almost used by the Heavenly Dragon daoist, and there are so many things left, which is also because it is usually used, Useless things have long been exchanged for cultivation things, such as this medicine pill, Heavenly Dragon daoist is not too small.

After thinking about it, Jin Lin chose Flying Sword, medicine pill, and Yu Yi. The Flying Sword has no master. It is easy to recognize the Master with just a drop of blood, but Jin Lin does not know the sword art of the cultivator. The Flying Sword is intended to be used to cut people. Jin Lin also remembered the uses of medicine pills by category, especially focusing on the poisons in them. As for this feather coat, although it’s ugly, it’s a bit ugly, but when you’re fighting with others, more defense is better than nothing, so I’d better wear it. Fortunately, in normal times, the magic weapon can be put into the body, and the feather clothing cannot be seen when it is not in use. It will only appear when it is used.

After finishing the outfit, Jin Lin thought that even if he faced Ao Lie, he should be able to fight.

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