Demon Development System (Study Monster Cultivation System)

Chapter 397 - Three things in life

The news that the operation is progressing smoothly is like a warm stream, gently flowing through those anxious and hard emotions, dissolving many seemingly urgent matters.

Xie Yong was already asleep next to him. Min Jianzhong also went out for a short meal. Anyway, staying here was just frequent phone calls.

Only Li Zheng and Lin Yujing leaned on the seats in front of the operating area, and naturally opened the briefcase.

There are only three envelopes in the bag. Li Zheng first opened the small envelope marked with Li Zheng’s personal letter. Inside was a text message. Compared with the scribbled handwriting on the whiteboard in the past, this letter appeared It’s too neat, every word is an independent italics, not only between words, but also within a word, there is no linking.

However, the beauty of handwriting is not directly proportional to the seriousness…

“It’s so ugly.” Li Zheng smiled and stretched out the paper, “Like a primary school student working hard to complete his homework in Tianzige.”

Next to him, Lin Yujing leaned on Li Zheng’s shoulder, and sighed with the handwriting on the letter: “During lectures, he always thinks that he is not fast enough, so he can jump as fast as he can. When writing this… he was probably afraid of being too fast. Missing something.”

In this soothing atmosphere, they seemed to see a person sitting straight in the study room, surprisingly and seriously solving their disputes——

Li Zheng:

When you read this letter, I may have been speechless.

Even if I could say, my mind should not be able to sober up.

That would probably be dead.

Don’t be sad, I died twenty years ago.

It was you, Lin Yujing, and Gui Jianfeng, who pulled me out of the rotten coffin.

Listen to my lectures, study with me, and listen to my unrealistic fantasies.

You have confirmed for the first time in my life that I am valuable.

Thank you for giving me this short life.

Hmm, what I said is a bit sour, and I respond to it myself…

Hi, this is the time, after all, let me nag.

Let me talk about the most important thing first.

My mother, Zhao Yujie, is the only person besides you who has supported and trusted me for many years.

She is my only support and the only reason for me to live.

She is far greater than Newton and Einstein, and deserves more respect than truth and the universe.

She sacrificed her life, endured verbal abuse and pressure several times that of mine, and brought a life that shouldn’t have come to this world.

But that life did not perform his only duty.

Ashamed, not only did I have no accomplishments in my life, but I didn’t even know a good friend.

I can only ask you.

If you have time, during the holidays, ask a few people to pretend to be leaders of the academy and visit my mother together. They will say that I am conducting closed research on national key scientific research projects and cannot come back temporarily.

I have already laid the groundwork for this, and she will believe it.

As for the content of the research, if she asks, she will say that it is similar to the two bombs and one satellite. Those who are going to study are the most important scientists, and she should not ask again.

If possible, when meeting, let those “leaders” praise me more, saying that I am smart, capable, and promising. I will definitely be an academician in the future.

These words are inevitably a bit vain, but my mother has been looked down upon for so many years. Even if it is only a lie that makes her proud, it is enough for her to be happy for a whole year. I only want her to be healthy and live longer. Don’t be in depression. I suffer from the disease like this.

By the way, she must be told, these are state secrets and cannot be said to the outside world.

In this way, when she chats with the neighbourhood, she won’t be able to wear clothes.

When you go home, you also work hard to rent a more stylish car, change into a more decent suit, and drive into the yard with a big fanfare, so that the neighborhood will take it for real and not make fun of her.

I have all the expenses for these things in my bank card, just in the second envelope, the password will be automatically sent to your mailbox later.

It contains about half of my savings. If my mother is in poor health, I will bother you to find a caregiver for her.

I’m very sorry for asking so much.

It’s hard work.


After saying this, it’s easy.

The rest are less important things.

In my nearly thirty years of career, I have only done three things.

One is the observer equation.

Second, evolutionary physics.

Third, teach you.

I know the third thing is a bit sour, but it is indeed the most important thing I have ever done.

Back to one and two.

The naming of the two is indeed full of folk sciences, but if smart students really learn, they will indeed be stuck in it.

Then, you will think that this is the most correct theory in the world, and all quantum research after the 1990s has gone astray.

Later, they will argue with them, and because their math is really bad, they don’t want to spend time to do the calculations, and the argument will quickly evolve into antithesis.

The more they squirt, the more they are crowded, the more they are bullied, and the more they believe that they are right and that what is wrong is right.

This is the growth path of a Minke, and I am nothing more than that.

So when I saw you, I was determined not to do this. I only taught you to lay a solid foundation in mathematics. By the way, I would teach you some classical parts of the orthodox theory that I can accept. After you are proud, after the loss, after the ups and downs. , When more mature, confide deeper content.

Unfortunately, there is not enough time.

I will only talk about some of the most basic concepts, the specific content is in the envelope labeled “three”.

Please do not open that envelope until “Magic Horn Theory” takes shape and is confirmed by experiments, it will probably delay your life.

If it is confirmed, you can make your own decision.

Here, I only explain the most basic concepts.

Let me talk about the observer equation first.

The most fundamental basis of quantum mechanics, the most incredible fact, is nothing more than “observation changes the result”.

We conducted a series of experiments to find the reason or overturn it, but we all lost.

We have to accept this fact, define this phenomenon as an axiom to apply, and forcibly put together a series of weird theories to explain this matter, from Copenhagen to the multiverse.

As far as I am concerned, the later quantum mechanics is based on such absurdity. Those seemingly profound and profound theories are nothing more than finding a “scientific” destination for this set of “metaphysics.”

In my world, science is only related to mathematics.

Any phenomenon, I mean any phenomenon.

As long as it exists, a mathematical explanation will be found.

If mathematics cannot explain a phenomenon, it can only prove that the phenomenon does not exist at all.

Do you think I want to say that the “observer phenomenon” does not exist?

Relax, I am not crazy enough to deny the results of the experiment.

It must exist, but those people are too stupid to find a mathematical explanation.

Listen clearly, it is a mathematical explanation.

The mainstream doctrine believes that “observation” will “cause” the collapse, allowing photons to collapse from “waves of probability” to “deterministic particles.”

This is a physical explanation, this is nothing, this is bullshit.

I only need mathematical explanations.

This matter troubled me for a long time, until I saw the logic of thinking of another Minke.

Mitchell is a chemistry folk who discovered chemical infiltration that made all the old professors bewildered.

His logic of thinking is exaggerated and fundamental–

[When all other possible answers are eliminated. 】

[Then the remaining possibilities, no matter how impossible it seems, are the correct answers. 】

With this belief, when I deny all possibilities.

There is only one most unlikely possibility left.

The act of “observing” really affects the “photon”.

It’s like in the little man’s cart, the little man’s hand is actually pushed on the cart.

This means that the act of microscopic observation must use a certain force, like a big hand, to shoot the photon there forever.

This is the only way to make probability the only way after all possibilities have been eliminated.

Only today’s human equipment cannot capture this process.

It may be electromagnetic force, it may be a strong interaction force, or it may be a force that we have not yet discovered.

Perhaps through our three-dimensional space, perhaps through the space we cannot perceive.

But this does not prevent me from describing this process in mathematics.

This is the [Observer Equation].

Find it.

Put physics back on track.

This was the only thing I thought at the time.

But soon, I found that finding such an equation is not difficult.

Not only is it not difficult, it is too simple, I can make a set of models to make it self-consistent.

For example, a person asks you, the initial number is 2, how can it be changed to 4 by how to calculate it?

The answer is infinite.

Therefore, I need more knowledge and experimental data to enrich my model.

The “tunneling path” is the hypothesis established in this process, and I myself never thought that it would perfectly explain the “magic angle theory” many years later.

I also realize that I am getting old and cannot keep up with the times. If it were not for you, I am afraid I would never be able to get such a confirmation from superconductivity research.

Hi, these are not too important things, but when I say it, I still wrote so much.

In short, 15 sets of my favorite “Observer Equation” and matching ideas and models are in the third envelope.

You take it.

There is probably no correct answer.

But at least it can help you eliminate some wrong answers, and there should be some value.

As for the more calculation and derivation process, I have packaged it in my bedroom. You can take it away when you visit my mother. It is a national need.

Presumably she would be very happy to see that the draft paper I was wasting day and night was actually carried away by a powerful person and a magnificent car…

Alas…I said that I was confessing things when I was awake, but now I am not awake anymore.


Regarding “evolutionary physics”, this is actually much more important than the “observer equation”, so I can only make a long story short here.

Evolutionary physics is an idea born of my frustration in the study of the observer equation.

I am very confident and each of my equations is self-consistent.

But I am also very clear that there is no experiment that can prove even one symbol.

How did “observation” lead to “collapse”?

I can describe 10,000 ways in mathematics, but our microscope can’t see any of them.

In the end, my results were limited to conjecture.

We all know that the so-called string theory is just an internally self-consistent conjecture.

Let me be arrogant here.

In my mathematical models, at least three sets are much more beautiful than string theory.

But I am a Ph.D., and I haven’t taken a step abroad until I die. It is very difficult to read English papers.

The end result is that these results of mine cannot be understood by people in China, and cannot be seen by people abroad.

You may be able to see it, but because of translation and background issues, it is mostly difficult to understand and hard to be taken seriously.

In this environment, I can only come by myself.

I know very well that it is not my turn to make breakthroughs experimentally, and the resources are too far behind.

A theoretical breakthrough is my only direction.

If the “observer equation” is the key to the ultimate mystery.

Then “evolutionary physics” is the only lock that the key can unlock.

I need it to determine which key is right and which equation is true.

So far, there have been some evidences suggesting one thing for us-the laws of physics are not uniform.

In different places in this universe, the laws of physics are likely to be very different, from the speed of light to the constant of gravity.

Just like your competition experience, physics cannot explain physics at all, only mathematics can explain it.

The “singularity” of the universe has expanded to the present day. These conclusions and processes are not revealed by physics, but by mathematics.

What about the laws of physics?

If you accept the theory of the Big Bang, there must also be a “singularity” in the laws of physics that have evolved to this day.

From the most basic unit to the simplest algorithm, it has evolved step by step.

Just like the evolution of life.

Evolutionary physics aims to restore this process mathematically.

Tell everyone that physics is not monolithic, it is a dynamic, fluid existence.

Among them, the most basic quantum unit, just like the cells in your body, has existed more than a billion years ago.

I want to find it.

Here we need to introduce the concepts of life games and cellular automata, both of which are very interesting mathematical games, and you can search for a lot of information.

Here, one of the simplest mathematical rules is the singularity of the universe, and then repeat the calculation trillion times, there will be various wonderful results.

This is what I’m addicted to after consuming half of my computing power.

Most results will quickly return to nothingness, or an endless loop.

But there are many results, new vitality will appear, and all kinds of incredible pictures will be formed.

Do you know the most amazing thing?

I did not know the hundreds of millions of times in a calculation, in that incalculable number, I randomly changed a 0 to 1.

The subsequent development was completely different from the original picture, and there was no similarity.

I became obsessed with this, hoping to find a set of images that fit our universe…

Just when I felt I was going to iteratively evolve the theory of relativity, the old principal who supported me retired…

The project was immediately stopped, the resources were recovered overnight, and many of them were not backed up.

I fell into madness, and I began to abuse the entire quantum physics world.

Of course I know they are innocent, I am just angry at their mediocrity.

Why does no one understand that I am doing such a great thing?

This group of **** who only knows the sensuality of food and money!

Of course, in retrospect, I was wrong.

I have confirmed in subsequent manual calculations that even if I give me one hundred thousand times more computing power, it will take at least one hundred thousand years for me to evolve a reasonable universe model. This will be right again.

I sincerely apologize to the people I have hurt.

Ah, I have said so much…

In short, the specific ideas and the mid-term picture corresponding to the various initial rules are also in the third envelope.

Maybe there are still some data in the school’s database. It should be stored in a small floppy disk. It’s square. You may not have seen it.

Here, you should be able to find out.

The first two things that I focus on in my life, whether it is the “observer equation” or “evolution physics”, are calculations that are doomed to fail.

It is limited by the technology and computing power of my time. Even if the school fully supports me from beginning to end, there will still be no effective results. At best, it is a set of our domestically produced “string theory”.

It can be said that these two things have almost no value.

But I am quite sure.

At the end of my life, I did the most important thing right.

I let you understand mathematics, let Gui Jianfeng understand physics, and let Lin Yujing understand cat food.

Hey, Lin Yujing is different from you. She needs bait. She needs someone or something that makes her move forward. You are the one who makes her move, and the magic horn gives her energy.

So it was described as cat food, and she would laugh when she saw it.


In short, I am too late and have no conditions to approach the answer.

Wish you guys good luck.

The above is my life.

If you need an epitaph, please write it for me——

[Lecturer, solve their problems. 】

Well, so be it.

Not hypocritical, I have to smoke a cigarette…

Finally, I had to smoke one.

The next page is the will, which can be displayed when needed.

[The following is my will to resolve his dispute. 】

[After my death, all academic research materials, results, copyrights, and reputation rights belong to Li Zheng. 】

[After my death, the assets in the bank card with the number 43XXXXXXXX belong to the student Li Zheng, and all other assets belong to my mother Zhao Yujie. 】

After seeing all this, Li Zheng and Lin Yujing couldn’t say a word.

Even before that, the “Observer Equation” and “Evolutionary Physics” echoed vastly in my mind.

But at this time, it was already empty.

It seems that there is no longer anything without understanding the universe.


See it.


I should be dying…

Old woman…


I am leaving……

That white…

Not white.

It’s the ceiling…

I’m not dead…

Xie Qi opened his eyes in a daze, and his vision gradually recovered in the blur.

“Wake up.” A voice that should be a nurse came. “Leaders…Don’t bother him too much, it’s best to just three minutes.”

Following the nurse’s voice, Jie Qifen twisted his neck hard and looked at the bed.

He saw Li Zheng and Lin Yujing.

I saw Min Jianzhong and Zhong Ping.

There are many people who don’t know…

“Teacher Jie!” Min Jianzhong’s eyes were full of tears.

Maybe it was moved, maybe Ji Da was saved and happy.

But all eyes are full of tears.

Min Jianzhong nodded passionately: “Your “Magic Horn Theory” has been successfully published. Starting today, you are the greatest physicist in the scientific community at home and abroad. Numerous scientists and scientific research institutions are constantly contacting us. Just to listen to your presentation.”

“Please be cured!”

“Teacher Jie Qifen!”

“…” Xie Qi smiled.

This fucking…

Isn’t it still dead? ? ?

Damn, you have to trick me in the end…

This smile, in the eyes of others, was full of a taste of God.

This is a great laugh, a comforting laugh, a divine laugh.

However, this smile that was supposed to be an oil painting was understood by Li Zheng.

“I’m not dead, I’m alive.” Li Zhengnu smirked, “By the way, Ms. Zhao Yujie is now the most powerful old lady in the whole community. The person who is looking for your blind date has been queued until next year. The old lady can’t get rid of it. Open.”

“…” Xie Qi’s face was stern, and he turned to Lin Yujing.

“Um…” Lin Yujing smiled, covering her mouth: “The metaphor of cat food is very bad, spicy chicken writing.”

Xie Qifen stared for a long time before smiling again.

By the way, he waved his hand, then lay on his back and fell asleep with a smile.

Old woman…

This time should be happier than the day I sent Ji Da…

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