Delayed Transfer

Chapter 7

     Mark continued reviewing the available skills for the Space and Void Chancellor and he noticed that there were no max skill level. Upon reading on it, it stated that there was no maximum level limit for any of the skills and it was the System Holder decision to assign the skill points on the Skills that he wanted. He worried for a bit regarding wasting his skill points but was informed by the System through the help section that a button for a skill reset will be available on the Skill Tree tab one month after assigning a skill point. This was to make sure that the System Holder will be fully adjusted on the absence of the skill when the points were reduced or totally removed. It was a bit long in Mark’s opinion but he can avoid the inconvenience by being careful on where to put the points.

     “Well that’s a load off my mind.” Mark thought He knew that he needed to use the first skill point wisely due to the fact that he needed the first skill for levelling up. He collapsed the first line and studied the second section. It stated “Rune Engineer.” On its description, it said that the rune Engineer has the ability to create and inscribe rune on items. Checking the skills available, the first section again has two part. Fire Rune on the left part and Inscribing on the right part. Under Fire Rune, there were two skill root available and those were Water Rune on its lower left and Air Rune on the right. Further down, the skills were grayed out, again due to level restriction. Under Inscribing, Mark can see the skill, Mapping. Based on the description, Inscribing is the ability to inscribe learned rune on qualified materials and Mapping was the ability to combine rune to form a Rune Map, basically like a circuit board. He was not sure if he would be able to use the rune without Inscribing but he put it at the back of his mind since what he needed right now were active skills. “So this is for crafting! Nice.” Mark thought.

     On the third section, “Gaia’s Disciple” was written. The description said that the job pertains to plant and earth skills. Mark wondered about the disparity of the three jobs but then again it really did not matter to him, and on what he can see, he did not have to choose any single job. He can put skill points on all of them because it said that these three jobs were assigned to him. He also noticed that there were no such thing as job evolution and according to the help section, the three jobs will continue to expand based on his level. Since there was no maximum level limit for the skills, and upon double checking, Mark also learned that there was no maximum limit for his leveling up.

     Looking at the third job Gaia’s Disciple, it also had two parts. The skill on the left stated Plant Mage which based on the description, will allow him to have affinity with plant magic. On the right it stated Earth Mage, again, for him to have an affinity with earth magic. The first two skill branch for Plant Mage were Thorn Whip and Goodberry. Thorn Whip will allow him to grow a long whip like plant and use it to strike enemies. Goodberry on the other hand will let him grow a plant that would give him berries for healing and sustenance. “Ooh maybe I can sell those!” Mark thought, but on the description, it said that the existence of the berry has a time limit. On the Earth Mage part, the two skills available were Earth Mold which will allow him to manipulate earth based on skill point level and Earth Bind which will allow him to bind enemies using earth. Mark thought the skills seemed redundant since if he can manipulate earth, he can do all sorts of things with it like earth bind but upon checking, the required number of skill points, Intelligence and Wisdom Stats to be able to reach that power using basic skills were astronomical compared to using specialized skills.

     Mark also noticed on the description, that skills further down required a certain amount of Skill Points on the prior skill connected to it, aside from level requirement, for him to be able to learn the said skill but it was different for every skills. For example, he will need to have three points on Telekinesis to be able to put points on Void Bolt but only one point on Plant Mage to be able to learn Thorn Whip. There was also synergy between connected skills, meaning not only Void Bolt will get stronger the more points he has on it, it will also get stronger the more points he has on Telekinesis. So basically, the prior skill was the foundation and the stronger the foundation, the stronger the skill, Mark thought.

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