Delayed Transfer

Chapter 25

The next morning, Mark continued his workout for around two hours and after that he weighed himself. He was happily surprised that his weight decreased to two hundred pounds. He lost a whopping thirty pounds in just one day and he was sure it was because of the added points on his stats and the way he balanced it. There was a high chance that it would only take a few weeks to achieve his ideal weight. “And maybe a six-pack.” Mark thought. He did not know if it was good or pathetic that nobody would notice his severe weight loss since he was not really close to anybody except his guild mates in his MMORPG game but only Sam actually knew him personally and with Sam he could just make some bullshit and he really would not care. Sam was just like anybody who was an otaku nerd – Self absorbed. After he was done with his workout, he received a call from Sam that he would be arriving in ten minutes with the two laptops so he can give Mark a progress report on the downloading project. When Sam arrived, he showed Mark his current progress and even though it was just three days, there were a lot of media content downloaded.

“Remember to get more hard drives and they should be high end to prevent data loss. Don’t be concern with the money.” Mark gave Sam an additional five thousand dollars.

Sam excitedly asked while slapping the money on his hand if he was content with the arrangement of the files and Mark replied that he should make sure that the games he downloaded could be played without the internet and again to not worry about additional cost. And to get synopsis and trailers if he could on the movies and animes he had downloaded. He assured Mark that even those games that needed Internet could be cracked so he could play it without being connected to the web and will follow his orders about synopsis and trailers.

Once Sam left, Mark went ahead with his plan to start the Fourth Floor of the dungeon. When he entered the portal, he summoned the Space Floating Disc on his feet and controlled it to hover around three feet and move slowly. The first monsters that he encountered were Kobolds according to Identify and there were three of them. The kobold that was holding a sword ran to him so fast that Mark was a bit surprised. He immediately released a Field of Briar to slow it down followed by Lightning Void. It ripped through space and hit the Kobold, stunning it. He had to admit that even though Lightning Void was gray and translucent, it was still a gorgeous looking spell. He the c it again to kill the sword wielding kobold.

Mark did not noticed that the other two kobold were both long range monsters. One was an archer and the other was a cane holding magician. His floating shield was ripped apart by a fire bolt and arrow that hit it. It was a good thing that Bark Skin allowed him to not receive any damage since the only thing that hit him was a weakened arrow. The fire bolt was nullified entirely by the Space Floating Shield and the arrow from the kobold archer was severely weakened. He cast Thorn Whip near them, as well as Lightning Void and Void Slash one after another and the skills killed both enemies. He immediately refreshed Floating Sunflower to top up his MP and went to get the loot. He received a skill point, a leather pants and a mage robe.

Mark Identified the two items. He noticed that there was something different with the robe since when he identified all the items from the Second and Third Floor, they all had white colored fonts, but the mage robe had green colored font. There was nothing different with the leather pants from what he was wearing. It gave him plus two to Agility but the mage robe had more parameters. It actually has four. The first one was defense which stated that it was ten to fifteen. The next line was plus two to intelligence and both the third and fourth lines were question marks. When he checked the help section in the Skill, it said that he needed to add more points to Identify to identify the remaining parameters and unidentified parameters will not be applied to character.

Since Mark just earned himself a skill point, he added it to Identify which allowed him to view the two remaining parameters. The third parameter was a bummer because it was just durability and it said that the robe has thirty over thirty durability. The fourth parameter was also a bit of a let down because it was plus five to Light Radius. When he equipped the robe to check the effect of the Light Radius, he was glad to see that the robe was actually not glowing and since it was morning, he was unable to see the effect of the parameter. He regretted for a bit because he really wanted to get the Space Wall for added protection.

Mark reviewed his recent combat and he noticed that he forgot to summon his two cute golems. They could have tanked the fire bolt and arrow but instead his floating shield received the hit. He needed to be more focus during combat to avoid injury. He continued moving forward with his disc and the next group that he stumbled upon were a bit large. There were actually four kobolds and five goblins. Two of the kobolds were warrior and two were archers. The goblins looked like just the one from the second floor which was a mixture of knife, spear and sword wielding monsters.

He immediately refreshed his Bark Skin and Floating Sunflower and was re-assured that his Space Floating Shield was active. He summoned his golems then cast Field of Briar. He controlled his disc to hover to six feet then targeted the archer with Lighting Void and Void Slash. He also cast Thorn Whip inside the Field of Briar for it to hit the enemies. His golems arrived inside the Field of Briar to engage the enemies and good thing that they were not affected by the de-buff of the field. When some of the mob was getting near, he cast Void Push to push them back. He stupidly noticed that since he hovered higher, he became a much better target for the long range enemies. He controlled the disc to go down and cast his golem again but decided to put them on defense mode. The archers only manage to shoot him once hitting his shield and then they died. He then focused on the melee mobs, slinging spells at them until all of them were defeated.

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