Death March — Fixed

Vol 3 – Chapter 6 – Hero and The Taboo Girl

Tek here, heroes are enough just to be in games and web/light novels--how many of those exist back on Earth?

“I see, so the hero of the Saga Empire is Japanese.”

I really don’t want to get involved with him--if I carelessly got in touch, I would probably end up either entangled in the extermination of the Demon Lord, or he would fight me--saying to release my slaves.

“Yeah, he doesn’t really look his eighteen years of age, like most Japanese people he looks younger. He is fairly handsome, with a rather hairy, macho body.” As Arisa talks, she looks at my exposed stomach and abdomen, a little drool seems to gather at the corner of her lips--before she slurps it up and grins at me.

“No, I don’t really care about how he looks--what’s his personality like?”

“He’s a--gentleman, a lolicon. When we first me, I was with a cute loli, and he suddenly shouted a strange phrase,” There was a slightly strange look on Arisa’s face, “It was ‘Yes, Lolita! No, Touch!’--Then he got smacked in the head by one of his female attendants.”

“The talk is straying a little, I’m not interested in his fetish, but his personality.” I roll my eyes at her.

“Right!” She nods, “He’s a straightforward ‘justice idiot’, I guess? If people said ‘That is evil’, he will directly confront it without a shred of doubt or hesitation.”

Ahh, he is a type that I really dislike.

I once had a friend who was like that, he would drag me into his problems without hearing a word--without even listening to your current circumstances--if you meet them, you will always be involved in annoying things.

“Since he’s a hero, he’s strong, right?”

“Well, it seems like it, but I never did see him fight; he was already level fifty when he got summoned.”

“Didn’t you check his Skills when you met him?”

“Of course I did, his level was sixty-one. Most of his skill points were mostly basic sword and spear skills. If you’re interested, I could write down the ones I remember.”

“Ah, please do--but later.”

Arisa tilts her head in confusion when I say that.

“However, I don’t know what his Unique Skills are, okay?”

“You couldn’t see them, even with Status Check?”

“Yep, I couldn’t. It seems to be one of the abilities of the Holy Armour that he got from the Saga Empire--I don’t understand why he didn’t hide his Skills too.”

Maybe it is a problem of cost, or is it to deliberately make his opponents let their guard’s down?

Well, I guess that the reason doesn’t really matter right now.

“But--the person himself gave me a hint, do you want to hear it?”

“Yes, I do,” I felt a slight twinge of suspicion when I saw the mischievous look in her eyes.

“ ‘My Unique Skills are contradictions’--there” Arisa giggles as she answers me.

Alright, if we get into a situation where it looks like we will get into a fight--let’s run instead.


“Next, tell me the contents of your Item Box. It’s be bad if I was killed while asleep, if you take out a knife or poison from it.”

She rolls her eyes with a sigh as I say this.

“Umm, five Mind Magic related books.”

She sits up and opens her Item Box, placing them on the bed next to us.

“If you sold these books, couldn’t you make enough money to buy your freedom?”

“If a slaves belongings are taken, it’s the end--besides, if they knew that the books are about the detested Mind Magic, I don’t know what they’d do to me--”

“So, isn’t it better to learn another Magic?”

“Only this was available--if there was a Magic that I wanted to know, I had to learn it by myself.”

I know that feeling well.

“The remaining ones are just the water bottle from a while ago, and various sets of clothes, do I have to take them out too?” She seems strangely embarrassed as she speaks.

“Yeah, take them out--you don’t have to remove the water bottle though.”

When I see the clothes that Arisa removes with a slight blush, I get a bit of a headache. There is a sailor uniform, a Japanese school girl outfit, maid clothing--and all see hand-made. She doesn’t have the Tailoring skill, but apparently she was good at sewing before she died.

I quickly write some Memos to remind me to take a look at the Mind Magic books, and allowed her to place them all back into her Item Box.

“You won’t take them?”

“I want to read the Magic Books some other time, but I have no intentions of taking them,”

Arisa smiles at my words, looking at the books with an expression of fondness, and slight nostalgia--maybe she got them from the now destroyed Kubooku Kingdom--remainders from a lost home, I can understand why she would wish to keep them.

“Thank you,” She whisperers so quietly that I can barely hear her words.


With a smile at her, I glance over at the ‘sleeping’ form of Lulu, “Why did you suggest that I buy Lulu as well?”

“Well, she’s my younger sister--half-sister.”

“So that’s why you want to be together, huh--”

Arisa looks slightly sad as she talks, “It’s not just that, master won’t hate Lulu because of how she looks, right? Even in our hometown, the servants would constantly talk about how ugly she is, behind her back.”

“Even though she’s beautiful--”

Lulu twitched at my words, shifting her head slightly to hide her face with her hair, still pretending to be asleep.

“I think so too. Moreover, I was in the same situation--don’t you think my violet hair and eyes are unusual?” Arisa lifts some of her hair, even though she’s still sitting on my lap.

“Ah, well, I haven’t seen hair like that, except on some punk’s head--”

Arisa giggles at my words, before continuing, “Violet hair and eyes are considered to be very bad omens, although there are very few people who know the reason--and if anything were to go wrong, they people with them will be accused of being responsible for everything.”

Is that why she hadn’t been sold?

Is her Witch of the Lost Kingdom title also due to this?

“Could you tell me why you became a slave? This isn’t an order--if you don’t want to, you don’t have to.”

Arisa seems to be at a bit of a loss for a second, before she slowly begins talking again.

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