Death March — Fixed

Vol 10 – Chapter 44 – The Face Under The Mask

Tek here, it’s said that there are 3 people in the world who look like you, and I think it would suck to have the same face as a criminal…I know that there is some basis in fact with this saying--I went to Uni with someone who could be mistaken as my identical twin--I shared a class with my doppelganger.


The next evening, I went to the Royal Capital, to check something with the current King.


“Good evening, your majesty.” I spoke to him while in the disguise of the violet-haired Sine Nomine--my tone as carefree as possible. I’d left a letter in his office, regarding my visit, 2 days ago. But there is no one other than him in this room.


I would have thought that he would have left the body-double in the room, and watch from somewhere else while being surrounded by Holy Knights--but the only people in the nearby room are the Prime Minister and Leader of the Shiga Eight Swords.


It may just be my opinion, but I think that he’s being a bit too careless.


“It’s been a while, Sine Nomine.”


The real King’s voice is identical to that of his body-double; which makes sense, because otherwise the body-double wouldn’t be useful.


“Sorry for taking up some of your time, Your Majesty.”


“I don’t mind at all, I also wanted to meet you.”


Thanks to some rushed instructions from Arisa, I feel that my strange way of speaking is, while odd, is still polite enough that I am unlikely to get charged with Treason.


“Is something wrong, Sine Nomine?” The King asked.


It seems that my thoughts wandered off, and the King noticed.


“Well, the first part of my business is this.”


I present the fake Claiomh Solais to him as I speak.


“You don’t need the Sword of The Sky?”


It seems that returning the Holy Sword is like declaring that I don’t want to protect the Shiga Kingdom from the Demon Lords--let’s quickly clear up the misunderstanding.


“It’s not that, this is a fake that I created. It has a limiter built in so that it only works for people registered to it, but beyond that, the rest of the enchantments are the same.”


Since the fake is created by the same materials as the original, its authenticity cannot be judged by some half-hearted Skill. Due to being comprised of a composite alloy of Orichalcum and True Silver, it is able to use the same floating automatic attacks that the original can; the composite alloy enables automatic attacks, when loaded with Mana, even without any Magic Circuits engraved in it.


However, because I didn’t manage to replicate a few of the Magic Circuits, its attack power is lower than the original.


I had also added the special Magic Circuit that I had learned from Demigod Aze, which bound the sword to a certain owner or two. I had originally used asked for it so that I could stop anyone from stealing the girl’s equipment.


With this function, only the King of the Shiga Kingdom--and people who he explicitly grants permission to--can use Claiomh Solais.


“This one should be much more authentic than the other fake I gave you.”


“Well, it does look exactly like the real thing.” The King said, nodding a few times, after closely inspecting the weapon.


“Well, the details on how to use it are in this.” I tell him, passing him a manual that I had written.


“Creating a Holy Sword like this, in such a short amount of time--” The King speaks with an impressed expression while stroking his long white beard, and looking at the fake Holy Sword, “Oh, Sine Nomine--would you let me see your face, without the mask, once.”




I had expected him to ask, so I had put a fake-face on under mask. This time, I’m using Disguise Mask 2.0; this version has See-Through Inhibition and Recognition Inhibition Magic Circuits installed.


This time, the fake-face is of an acquaintance--the face of the junior who went missing.


“Ooh, God!” The King is so shocked that he almost falls over, “Sine Nomine, would you be willing to show the Prime Minister your face?”


“Well, I don’t want to show too many people, but it’s okay if it’s just the Prime Minister.” I respond to him, though his reactions are quite confusing.


As soon as the King called him, the Prime Minister, who had been waiting in the next room, entered. According to the memo that Toruma left for me, this person is one of the only three Ducal Houses in the Shiga Kingdom--the previous Duke Dukus.


He’s a big man with a lot of muscles, and looks like a military man.


“You called me, Your Majesty?” He bowed to the King, speaking in a polite tone.


“Sine Nomine, please.” The King nodded to the Prime Minister, before asking me.


When I took off the mask, the Prime Minister stiffened--before beginning to break into tears.


I am now incredibly curious as to why you act like this…Junior’s face may be incredibly cute, but it shouldn’t be to the point where people react like this.


“This is enough, right?”


“Yes, thank you.” The King thanked me.


“Dukus’s House has served Ancestor King Yamato since the founding of this Kingdom. They have kept a photograph of the Ancestor King, which was taken during the Kingdom’s founding--it was created using the Figure-Copying Tool.” The King’s voice shook as he spoke.


“Yamatooooo!” The Prime Minister tried to hug me, so I easily evaded him.


The King quickly stopped him before tried again.




My Junior’s face resembles the Ancestor King Yamato?


However, it would be impossible for them to be the same person, right?


Even if there was temporal interference and Junior was summoned--she is quite weak to pressure, and is much more easily influenced by the situation thank even me. She isn’t likely to be the sort who is strong enough, emotionally, to be a King--to stand up to nobles and rule a Kingdom.


But, what if my Junior is a relation to the Ancestor King Yamato? What if she was transferred to Earth, a reverse-summoning; it would explain her disappearance, if she had to return.


“I’m Sine Nomine, you know. I’m not related to the Ancestor King, okay.”


“Aye, understood.”


That’s not the look of someone who understands--it the expression of someone who thinks I am Yamato’s reincarnation or something.


Well, I have a violet wig, and violet hair is usually proof of someone who is reincarnated--I think it’s rather unbecoming of a King and Prime Minister of Shiga Kingdom to jump to a conclusion so quickly.


Well, whatever.


It’s not like they are likely to listen if I try to correct them--when people jump to conclusions or misunderstand…it is incredibly difficult to correct them.



“Well, as for the second reason I am here, I would like to sell Magic Tools in the Shiga Kingdom--so, would you be so kind as to give me the right to do commerce?”


“Very well, I will prepare a license for you.” The King agreed to my request with a nod.


Immediate permission--as expected of Monarchy; no need to wait for days of pointless political arguing.


“What kinds of items are you intending to sell?” The Prime Minister seemed a little more curious.


“Hmm, I’m thinking Magic Equipment, Magic Tools, Weapons and Armour--as well as Potions. I’ve also been considering Airships as my featured product.”


“Airships?!” The King was the one who strongly reacted to the word.


“Yeah, I was thinking of selling large Transport Ships, and smaller carriage-sized ships for private use. But, this is only a plan--it may change.”


My plan was to make private airships popular among the nobles, so that it wouldn’t be too unusual when I have one during our travel between cities.


“Private use?! Using the precious Aerodynamic Engines for private use?”


“That’s why I said that it is currently being worked on--I am trying to find a way to make Aerodynamic Engines easier to produce.” I grin at them with a cocky look.


“Oh, I see.” The King and Prime Minister nodded to each other, and muttered the name ‘Yamato’ under their breathes…I’m not the Ancestor King Yamato.


“Well, Sine Nomine, due to concerns of National Defence, freely selling Airships would probably cause problems.” The King said.


“I intend to only sell them to the Shiga Kingdom for now, is it no good?”


Urgh, I accidentally asked in a cute way--imitating Arisa.


“U-Umm, then--” The King sounded conflicted.


“Please give the preferential right to the Royal Family?” This was the Prime Minister’s condition, “When you manage to sell Airships, please negotiate with the Royal Family, or Royal Army, first?”




After we finished this exchange, I was able to easily get a commercial license--I was also given a medallion, which is proof of a Merchant who deals directly with the Royal Family and Nobles on equal grounds.


The reason I obtained the Commercial License at this time, is for the sake of the auction.

Author's Note:

Since y'all have been waiting so patiently, I will be posting this chapter. However, I am still concentrating on Slave Harem for now.

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