Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 26 – Level 50

Several minutes later, Gerhart and Hope embarrassedly sat on the bed, now clean thanks to Havre's magic.

"Jeez. I get you had your moment, but couldn't you do it in the other room?" Havre muttered.

"Sorry..." Gerhart and Hope apologized in sync.

"Also, it is irresponsible to do it without protection. I get you had your moment, but what if I didn't know the Contraception spell? Were you trying to make a child for real? How would you raise it? Where? Please think carefully before doing something with such long-term consequences." Havre chastised.

The Contraception Spell's function was essentially spermicide. Once fertilization happens, it is too late, and only herbal medicines can prevent implantation. And, of course, unplanned pregnancy was a bad thing, especially for a demi-human slave.

"Sorry..." The pair apologized again.

"Hah..." Havre rubbed her head and turned more serious. "So, what the heck happened while I was sleeping?"

"Well..." Hope began explaining.

"Ah. So Annabelle came over to check because I was gone for too long, so you turned Annabelle into a Thrall, hah? And then you had a passionate moment, and it escalated. It seems like a lot happened while I was sleeping." Havre muttered and looked at Gerhart. "So, they now think I had sex with you?"

"That's the gist of it," Gerhart said, scratching his cheek.

"Hm... Okay. It might even be convenient." Havre nodded.

"Convenient?" Gerhart and Hope asked.

"Yes. I can now openly stay in your house. The village rules allow women seeking to conceive to share a Stud's guesthouse as long as both parties agree." Havre confirmed.

"Why does everyone say Stud..." Gerhart complained.

"I'm not sure. I heard we were more discreet at first, but then one of the guests jokingly called himself a Stud, and we found it funny, so it stuck. But that was from several generations ago, so nobody knows the authenticity of that tale." Havre said after some thinking.

"Ah... So it wasn't derisive, but just a local thing." Gerhart warily thought.

"By the way, Havre, how do you feel?" Hope asked.

"I feel slightly better, but it is far from enough to satisfy me. Even if I reach lvl 50, I fear it wouldn't be enough." Havre explained with a helpless look.

"Will you regress to your previous state without Gerhart present?" Hope worriedly asked.

"I fear so. The voices have dimmed slightly but are not gone, merely overpowered by a more powerful presence. They still torment me at the back of my mind, like needles under my fingernails. I could barely hold myself together in the past, but I can't now that I let myself slip. If I leave Gerhart's side, I will gradually regress to my previous shameful display." Havre bitterly said.

"What if I give you a lower position and place you under someone else?" Gerhart suggested.

"Unfortunately, that wouldn't work." Hope shook her head. "Positions give Authority, not Power. Thralls are the lowest on the power hierarchy, and Positions are the only roles arranged for us. Except for absolute loyalty and the ability to receive blessings and healing, we are pawns without Power. A pawn with a higher Authority can command one of lower Authority, but if you strip their positions, just like a king and a slave, they are both equal."

"Wait, you said Thralls are the lowest on the power hierarchy. Doesn't that mean there are higher positions?" Gerhart pointed out.

"I... Don't know? I only have partial information." Hope said, appearing confused.

"Hm... Raise Hope's Power." Gerhart said.


Error - The Power Elevation Function is locked.


"Hah... So it IS possible." Gerhart muttered.

"So there is such a thing?!" Hope widened her eyes.

"Yes, but it is locked," Gerhart replied. "Do you know how to unlock it?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know." Hope shook her head.

"Hm... Unlock Power Elevation." Gerhart said.


Denied - Requirements not met.


Gerhart frowned and spoke again. "What are the requirements?"


Reach 10,000 accumulated Energy to reveal requirements.


"Hah... It shouldn't be a problem." Gerhart muttered and looked at his chest of Magic Stones.

He barely used the lowest quality ones. If he used all the stones, he would effortlessly gather over 80,000.

"What is it?" Hope asked.

"I need to gather 10,000 Eneragy Points to reveal the first requirement," Gerhart said.

"Then that would be simple." Hope nodded.

"My apologies, but how much is a point of Energy?" Havre asked.

"I am unsure about that myself. I only know that the pile over there is worth over 100,000." Gerhart pointed at the Magic Stone chest. "And that converting you cost 120 points."

"How much did it cost to convert my sister?" Havre asked. "Although she is not a combatant, her stats are comparable to a D-rank adventurer, and her level is about 20."

"Ah, right..." Gerhart remembered and checked his remaining Energy.

Energy: 76

"So around 24 points? Cheap. That's less than a fifth of the Energy to convert you. And she was resisting, even if subconsciously." Gerhart raised an eyebrow.

"I am unsure of the reasoning myself, but I assume the quality of Havre's talent was just that overwhelmingly high. If she had the full talent and resisted, I am unsure how much Energy we would need." Hope said.

"Makes sense. By the way, what is Annabelle's talent?" Gerhart asked.

"She has Cooking, which is why she is one of the village cooks," Havre said.

"Uwa... I want that talent..." Hope had an envious look.

"I know, right~?" Havre agreed.

Any girl who had to cook herself would want that talent if only to make cooking more efficient and the result tastier.

"Ah, speaking of which, I should head back soon," Havre said.

"Right. Will you be okay?" Gerhart asked.

"As long as you are in the village, your presence will be close enough. But things might get troublesome when you go hunting monsters later on." Havre had a troubled look. "When the time comes, I will stay in the village. You, on the other hand, might be gone for days."

"Hm. If you feel bad, please return." Gerhart said.

"Okay. I will come back to call for you when dinner is ready." Havre said and left.

"Hm. Let's continue absorbing stones for now." Gerhart said and walked to the Magic Stone chest.

Gerhart absorbed 300 more Magic Stones and checked his Energy.

Energy: 6,898

"Hm. Two more will be enough." Gerhart muttered.

He was about to continue when Havre arrived with Hope. "Gerhart, dinner is ready."

"Ah, alright." Gerhart nodded.

Closing the chest, the trio went to Havre's house and had a pleasant dinner. Annabelle did as ordered, pretending she didn't know anything. She only informed Asher in private about Gerhart and Havre allegedly having intercourse. Asher approved and didn't make things difficult or awkward, giving his unsaid consent.

And so, Havre found herself in the guesthouse along with some necessities.

"So, where should Havre stay?" Gerhart asked Hope.

"Hm... I look forward to performing night service for my lord~." Havre suggestively leaned over, flirtatiously touching Gerhart's chest.

"Where did you learn to seduce me like that." Gerhart nervously asked.

"All the girls here are taught these lessons. Although we lack practice, we know all the basics of night service and child-making." Havre seductively said. "I couldn't help but think about your hot coupling with Hope a while ago... Want to try it with me?"

"I... Eh..." Gerhart didn't know how to answer that.

If Hope was innocently beautiful, like a charming girl next door, Havre had rustic beauty and a sexy body. She was also more assertive, making it harder to resist.

However, Gerhart now had Hope as his lover. And, most importantly, Havre was not sane. Even if she is his loyal Thrall now, he didn't dare sleep with her until she was stable.

Luckily, Hope intervened. "Havre, you and I are sleeping in the other room."

"Eh... I thought you would want to service Gerhart together with me..." Havre said with a disappointed look.

"If Gerhart requests it, w-we will s-service Gerhart when needed. But now, let him rest." Hope said with a red face.

"I am tempted to take her up on that offer..." Gerhart thought.

"Tsk... Fine." Havre clicked her tongue and stepped away from Gerhart. "Gerhart, whenever you can, please level me up. Although it isn't much, it still helped me a bit. If I can reach lvl 50, I think I will be somewhat calmer."

"I know. I'm going to continue absorbing stones now." Gerhart said and walked to the Magic Stone chest.

Gerhart continued absorbing Magic Stones while Havre put her belongings in the other room.

After absorbing 122 Magic Stones, Gerhart received a series of mental messages.


You have reached the 10,000 Energy Points Milestone. Unlocked Stage 1 Ascension.

Stage 1 Ascension Requirements: 10,000 Energy Points, All Basic Stats D or above, Level 30 or above.

Conditions Met. Proceed with Stage 1 Ascension?


"Wow. I think that's the longest message it gave me." Gerhart thought as he looked at the messages. "Seems like I can do an Ascension thing... Sounds like religious tomfoolery to me, though."

He then looked at the requirements and grimaced. "Yikes... if I didn't absorb all those people, I wouldn't meet the conditions for a long time. And what will happen to the Energy? Is it consumed? Rather, what would happen to me?"

While thinking that, Hope entered the room. "Gerhart, I felt it just now. I got new information in my head. You unlocked Stage 1 Ascension, right?"

"Yes. Can you explain to me what it is?" Gerhart asked.

"The so-called Ascension is to integrate with the Power within you. By doing so, you will unlock new functions." Hope explained.

"Wait, what? Is it not already part of me?" Gerhart asked, confused.

"It is, but it isn't. You need to baptize your body with Energy to unlock more powers. However, this baptism is demanding, so you need high enough Basic Stats and Levels." Hope said.

"Do you think it is a bad thing?" Gerhart asked.

"No, I feel it is a good thing. It gave you freedom of choice, so it shouldn't hurt you. Just be warned that you will become unconscious for a duration." Hope said.

"How long?" Gerhart asked.

"A night's sleep will suffice, but being stronger can greatly reduce the time," Hope said.

"Well, that is manageable." Gerhart nodded. "I will continue absorbing more energy and then think about it."

After Hope left, Gerhart continued absorbing Magic Stones, stopping once he finished the 40th-floor box.

Energy: 23,693

Gerhart reached lvl 40, and he felt Power flowing within him, around 60% overall stronger than when he was lvl 30.

"Just ten more levels, and I would reach lvl 50. Even if it hurts, it is too easy." Gerhart thought.

"Hm... going up to level 50 might not be a bad idea. Who knows what can happen." Gerhart muttered and eyed the remaining stones.

After making up his mind, Gerhart began absorbing stones from the other boxes. However, he only absorbed 11 from each box to raise his level.

By the time he finished, Gerhart felt he was overflowing with Power. He was comparable to a lvl 40 B-rank adventurer now. Of course, this didn't factor in his many absorbed talents. Or his lack of experience and skills.

"This should be enough. I am probably one of the strongest in the village." Gerhart muttered.

Closing the boxes, Gerhart walked out and saw that the living room was empty, so he went to the other bedroom and knocked on the door. Several moments later, Hope opened the door, only in her loincloth.

"Yes, Gerhart? We are going to sleep now." Hope said and then blushed. "D-Do you need night service?"

"I would lie if I said I didn't want it... But I shouldn't now." Gerhart thought.

"I want to raise Havre's level a bit more," Gerhart replied, resisting the urge to take Hope for another round.

"Ah! Please do, Gerhart!" Havre excitedly said, popping up behind Hope, also wearing only underwear.

"Okay. Will we receive another visitor again?" Gerhart asked.

"Unlikely. It is after dark now, and everyone is sleeping at this hour." Havre shook her head.

"Alright, then we can level you up. But just in case, let's do it in smaller portions." Gerhart said, afraid someone would walk in again.

"Okay." Havre nodded.

"Gerhart, you can also absorb some Magic Stones on the side to increase efficiency," Hope said.

"Ah, good point." Gerhart nodded. "I will also bless you while I am at it."

"Thank you!" Hope smiled.

Gerhart then did a triple operation. First, he blessed Hope with 13,000 points while she was on the bed, and after bringing three boxes of Magic Stones, he started blessing Havre in 100-point intervals while absorbing stones. At first, each interval lasted a minute, but by the 101st cycle, it lasted less than ten seconds. And finally, he hit the limit.


Level Limit Reached. Raise the Level of Self to continue.


Or so it said.

Gerhart also finished absorbing the three boxes and looked at the Energy he had.

Energy: 15,270

"Havre consumed a bit less than me. Is it because of her talent?" Gerhart thought.

While thinking that, Havre opened her eyes, a light of joy within.

"Ah... The voices are more bearable now. I haven't felt so relaxed in a long time." Havre said with a comfy look.

"I am just glad you feel better." Gerhart smiled.

At the same time, Hope also woke up. "I feel so much stronger now~." Hope got up cheerfully.

"I know, right~?" Havre nodded, sharing Hope's joy.

"I am glad you are both happy. But now, I need your help. Can you two watch over me while I do the Ascension thing?" Gerhart requested.

During this time, he decided to try it. The relic indirectly saved his life on multiple occasions and changed his fate, so he didn't think it would harm him. It was capable of advanced mind control, so if it wanted to hurt him, he would have already lost his sense of self.

"Yes!" "We will guard you with our lives!" Hope and Havre enthusiastically replied.

"With you two here, I feel safe already." Gerhart smiled.

Gerhart then returned to his room with Hope and Havre watching over him, lay on the bed, and mentally commanded, "Begin Stage 1 Ascension."


Affirmative. Stage 1 Ascension initiated.


The next moment, Gerhart felt his vision tunnel before losing consciousness.

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