Lucifer strolled out of the opulent building. The night had been dramatic, even by his standards. 

the past few hours had been spent as he used his charm to extract information from Gamora, a lady who, for some mysterious reason, bore an uncanny resemblance to his demon companion, Mazekeen. if one were to take Maze and give her a refreshing coat of green paint, they would end up with identical twins. 

Of course, Lucifer couldn't forget that Maze, in reality, was a demon – but then, maybe they could do something to help Gamora with that; he was the devil after all.

Setting aside his entertaining musings, the revelations from Gamora during the interrogation held significant weight for this group that Lucifer now understood to be the Avengers. 

 Even for someone who had encountered his fair share of deranged psychopaths while assisting Chloe, Thanos's intentions, as recounted by Gamora, managed to elevate the scale of madness to a whole new level. The audacity to address the issue of starvation by advocating for the indiscriminate slaughter of half the population – truly, a stroke of genius, if you asked the devil.

Things, however, quickly escalated to another level when Gamora revealed that the Titan was after what she referred to as the Infinity Stones. 

Lucifer, initially skeptical, had thought his charm was failing, and Gamora was merely feeding them misinformation. But as she continued to divulge details, including the fact that the scepter, thought to belong to Loki, originally belonged to Thanos and housed one of the stones, a wave of concern swept through the Avengers. 

According to Gamora, despite the Tesseract being taken by her fellow warriors, two of the six Infinity Stones that her adopted father sought were still here on Earth. The rest were scattered between Asgard, Morag, and Vormir – places that, except for Thor and her, no one in the room knew about.

At this revelation, Steve, the unspoken leader of the Avengers, promptly phoned someone he referred to as Fury, apparently a figure of authority within the group. 

Lucifer's perception of the team underwent a shift. While he couldn't blame them for seeking guidance, his role for the night seemed done. He excused himself from the intense discussion. The group tried to persuade him to stay, at least until Nick Fury arrived, but not everyone. The green guy with anger issues seemed indifferent, and Natasha appeared almost eager for him to leave. Lucifer couldn't help but wonder if there was something more between them.

 The thought annoyed him. "What in the hell happened to the 'never screw the crew' maxim?" Regardless, he excused himself, claiming it was almost dawn and that he had other commitments.

In truth, Lucifer hated the idea that his actions were being manipulated by someone sitting in the shadows. It reminded him of his strained relationship with his father, and the feeling of being a pawn in someone else's game was something he found distasteful.

Lucifer, however, had his own devilish schemes swirling in his mind — plans that, if he dared to admit, would likely clash with the newfound camaraderie he shared with the group he now considered, against his better judgment, friends.

A sleek Porsche glided up tearing him from his thoughts, the driver's window rolled down with a smooth purr. 

"Lucifer?" a man's voice inquired. "Yes, that would be yours truly," Lucifer replied, descending the last flight of stairs.

 "Your ride sir," the driver said with a respectful nod.

"Have a splendid time, Luce!, It's on the house!" someone shouted from a nearby window.

Lucifer chuckled in amusement, turning to find Tony's head poking out. When the man had mentioned he'd arranged a ride, Lucifer had assumed it was a run-of-the-mill Uber, something he could have easily handled himself. Nonetheless, he had thanked Tony for the gesture. 

now staring at the sleek babe in front of him filled his head with memories of his convertible in LA.

"A Porsche for an Uber — Tony, you're really showing off!" Lucifer playfully yelled back, to which Tony waved off the comment. 

"Drive safe," Tony said, retracting his head into the room.

As Lucifer approached the passenger seat, the driver had already stepped out, presenting him with the car keys. "Here you go, sir. Mr. Stark says you can return the car at your convenience." 

The Devil arched an eyebrow at this unexpected extravagance. "Well, well, well, he did, didn't he? The guy's stealing all my moves," Lucifer remarked to the bewildered driver. "Normally, I'm the philanthropist." 

However, he couldn't deny the allure of a free night ride in a Porsche. especially if he was the one on the wheels. time to let off some steam.

Lucifer entered the car with wicked thoughts swirling in his mind, adjusting the sleek leather driver's seat and slightly rolling down the window. He buckled up and went through the radio, searching for something with the 'right music.' He settled on a track that began playing.

 If anyone familiar with him, especially Chloe, had been present in the car, she would have noticed the ritual. This was where you had to hold on for dear life.

 Vuum... vuum, up went the roar of the powerful engine as it came to life. In a show of crazy prowess, Lucifer reversed at top speed until he was almost two meters from the entrance barrier.

The guard present at the gate screamed, but seconds later, the car had spun, and two red ember-like eyes from the steering wheel were staring at him as he lifted the barrier. 

The Porsche cut through the city's night like a sleek shadow, and Lucifer couldn't resist the call of high-adrenaline rock music resonating through the car's speakers. 

AC/DC's "Highway to Hell" blared through the car, and with a wicked smile, he began to sing along with gusto, his voice melding seamlessly with the electrifying guitar riffs.

🎶 "I'm on the highway to hell!

Highway to hell!

I'm on the highway to hell!

Highway to hell!" 🎶

his mischievous grin widened as he belted out the lyrics, seemingly relating and feeling every word.

what was going through his mind however were the memories of the late 70s and early 80s when he had helped Angus Young with the lyrics of this song... "oh good old memories" Lucifer yelled to the wind. 

 the few late-night Pedestrians on the sidewalks turned their heads in surprise at the roaring Porsche, some capturing the moment on their phones, unknowingly documenting the Devil's joyride through the city.

As the iconic guitar riff of Bon Jovi's "You Give Love a Bad Name" started playing(a song he had also contributed), Lucifer seamlessly continued his enthusiastic serenade

🎶 "Shot through the heart, and you're to blame!

Darlin', you give love a bad name!

An angel's smile is what you sell!

You promised me heaven, then put me through hell!" 🎶

The city lights and buildings were a mere blur as he continued his journey, finally, after a deliberately prolonged joyride, Lucifer approached his hotel, the adrenaline-fueled concert coming to an end. 

The valet, wide-eyed but professional, awaited the arrival of the strange Porsche.

 Lucifer stepped out of the car and handed the keys to the valet with a casual smile. "Take good care of her, won't you?" he said, winking "She is a loan from Tony Stark."

 The valet, stared at Lucifer wide-eyed...the guy seemed wealthy but to claim he was riding one of Iron Man's cars was just pushing it. however, he nodded in agreement. No need to argue with a drunk client.

Lucifer disappeared into the hotel, still humming rock melodies. what he now needed was a cold shower to calm down the wild thoughts. pat.reon.com/realmsinus to read chapters ahead

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