DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Chapter 63: A Dangerous Proposition


"If we were normal, we might not be alive today. And that, my friend, is what gives us the edge we need." 

- Shishio Makoto, (Rurouni Kenshin)


<(Bruce Wayne POV)> 

"I admit I did not expect your father to attempt something like taking over my body." I was lying, I completely expected something like that from him although the forcibly making me a servant or a so-called 'shade' was a surprise. "But, I don't understand why 'you' are telling me this. Did you suddenly get a flash of conscience in you or maybe did you start believing in the concept of karma?" I joked.

Talia Al Ghul was as dangerous as her father, actually, in some areas, she was even more dangerous. She could do anything to get what she wanted and was an extreme expert in manipulation, even manipulating the original Batman to a certain extent. She had inherited her manipulation and leadership skills from her father but by combining them with her womanly charms, she could use them much better than the centuries-old old man.

"No, I don't hate what I do. I am very proud of what I am capable of and of the skills I possess... But my skillset isn't the most important thing in my current life, my family is..., my sister is. And from what I have seen till now, it looks like my sister is infatuated with you, she thinks that she is in love.

She doesn't seem to remember that us... demons can't love. That's why we are what we are, we do what we do. But, one thing I do know is that if my father... the Demon's Head tries to enslave you or take over your body, she will most definitely try to save you, something that will cosh Nyssa her life. Because my father isn't known for being forgiving, even if it is to his own daughters. I don't want to see my sister burning on a stake on grounds of betrayal." Talia completed as she coldly looked at my face, driving home the point that whatever she was telling me was only to help her sister and not to help me. 

"I see. So I guess you want me to run away from here in the hopes that Nyssa won't have to do something stupid to save me, thus in return saving her from your father's possible wrath?" 

"I am glad we are on the same page." She shrugged.

I don't know if she was lying or not since regretfully I never learned any lie detection skills but judging from her body language, her words most probably seemed genuine. So, I chose to believe her for now even though she could have easily faked her emotions and body language with her years of training.

But still, I should try to pick a few of those useful skills like lock picking and lie detection or maybe even knitting. They could prove pretty useful for me down the line by increasing my versatility. Who knows when you have to knit a beautiful sweater for an alien lord to save the day?

"It sounds like a good plan but sadly it's half-baked and has a huge chance of failing. You see your father isn't just some local warlord, he is an extremely long-lived assassin who runs an international secret organization, an organization that spans the entire globe through which he can find me anywhere I go anytime he wants. So, he will find me no matter how far I run away from here. Now, I know that there is quite a big chance that you already thought about that but just didn't care and wanted me to run anyway without taking your sister so that she could continue to live her 'normal' life here. But, let's face it, even if I do not take her with me, she will probably go into depression and might even kill herself or maybe even revolt against your father. Who knows?" I bluffed shamelessly.

I knew that Nyssa liked me but not enough to kill herself over me and I am also pretty sure that she would not be stupid enough to rebel against her father. She could be sad over me leaving but she wouldn't become batshit crazy. No, the most probable thing that would happen was that she would try to find me herself a few years later and kill me due to some comic-book plot misunderstanding, thinking that I abandoned her and left her to fend for herself or something along those lines. Hell, maybe even her sister or father could be the ones to instigate her against me. I didn't want any of that stupid bullshit plot to happen here.

"Are you trying to blackmail me?" Talia frowned as she scrunched her eyebrows.

"What? Of course not, what do you take me for? I'm only telling you about different possibilities. I care about your sister as much as you do and as long as I am with her, I'll never let anything happen to her... But what if I am not with her? I mean, let's face it. Your father is getting more and more unhinged by the day. I had heard about how he started this entire League of Assassins. To maintain balance, to make sure that the world doesn't become so toxic that it destroys itself, but can you honestly tell me that he is still the same as before, that he hasn't changed?" I asked, making an innocent expression at which Talia seemed to grow more unsure of herself.

"How do you know...?" Talia looked confused and upset at what I was hinting at, yet a part of her expression also slightly hinted that she was scared of what the future could hold.

"I have heard the rumors. How he has stayed alive for all these years as well as how he has 'changed'. Who knows, maybe a couple of years later, you and your sister might even see him slip even deeper into... the pit that he has dug for himself. Maybe he will be so disappointed at your performance in the next mission that he will decide to dispose of you permanently or make you give him a 'worthy heir' by forcing you to copulate with a stranger. Let's face it, there will never be a happy ending for any of you, neither you nor Nyssa." I whispered like the devil trying to sway a pious man.

Even though I was not sure before, I was now. Talia was immensely vulnerable for some reason, most probably because she had lost faith in her father after his recent stunt with Nyssa and me. She was worried for her sister, maybe even for her father. And this was potentially an opportunity for me, a chance to get what I needed. I didn't want to hurt her or her sister but their father needed to be out of the picture for me to move ahead with my plans. And if I could take advantage of Talia's lover for her sister to achieve this, I would. I know this would make me a scum but it was better than letting the 'plot' unfold and force everyone here to live a sad life full of hatred.

"..." Talia was mostly silent, her eyes staring blankly in front of her like she was contemplating something deep.

"You still there?" I asked.

"And how do you think that... we could have... a so-called happy ending?" She asked, her voice barely audible from her parched throat.

"That would be tough. It's a road filled with all types of harsh difficulties but the answer remains simple." I said slowly like a wise old man giving advice. "Take over the League of Assassins. Defeat Ra's Al Ghul, take over your father's position, make the League yours, and show him that you are better than he could ever be. Show him that he already has an heir worthy of inheriting his name." I said as I walked up closer to her.

I was walking on a really thin wire right now. I would have to choose my next words very carefully or this entire thing could collapse on itself and all my plans would be ruined. 

"Your father has borne the burden of being the balance keeper of the world for far too long. He has worked too hard. He has lost too much and slowly because of that he has changed, corrupted into something else... There is no more of your father in him, now there is only Ra's Al Ghul. So, give your father the rest he deserves. Free him from his duty, this curse of a life, and just be yourself. That would be the happy ending for all of us, I promise." I whispered with a small smile as I saw Talia's eyes slightly enlarging as she realized the gravity of my words.

Even though Talia pretended not to understand, she knew somewhat that I was mostly bullshitting to get her to oppose her father, to force her to 'change camps' but she still chose not to run away or declare me a traitor. She just stared at me with a powerless expression. Her cold eyes despite having a hint of redness and tears in them were glittering with resolution.

I knew those eyes. I had once seen them on myself during Joe Chill's trial. They spoke volumes of the love, anger, hatred, and fear hidden in them yet what they screamed the most was determination, not determination to do what was right or what she wanted but to do what needed to be done.

"My sister doesn't need to know this right now, she is too weak... I'll be the one to end my father when the time comes. She should hate and despise me if she wants but not herself for taking the life of her own family." Talia whispered resolutely. 

'She thinks too highly of her little sister's love for her father. But still, this entire situation strangely seems familiar somehow. The bigger sibling who is a ninja ready to spill the blood of family while shouldering all the burden and hate to protect the younger one.' I thought to myself as I started to ponder the most efficient way to break apart the League of Assassins brick by brick.

But still, I have to say that fate works in mysterious ways. I am currently dating the younger sister, yet the elder sister who is supposed to be one of the best manipulators got ready to betray and kill her father for me just after after meeting me once. 

'I wonder if I secretly possess Johan Liebert's talents inside me or maybe I actually do have some sort of protagonist halo where I can convince people of stuff by my 'talk no jutsu'. Well, whatever it is, I am just happy that I don't have to do all this alone. Taking over an assassin organization is no small job after all.' 


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