Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 101: Better The Devil, You Know

Having just finished crushing the final boss shortly after jumping through a crack through the realms that had suddenly appeared; she hoisted her kanabo upon her shoulder while letting out a snort. By now the weaker combatants (those of {Orchid} who sadly weren’t on the level of gods… yet) had also managed to catch up to the two angelic figures. Getting left behind quickly due to the pace the fight was occurring at leading to them not really being able to follow along let alone follow the battlefield as it shifted.

“Where i- Ahh~!” <Slate>

Slate’s question should have been obvious to all however she didn’t get a chance to finish it as the little mischievous hand came up to clasp her well shaped butt. Getting lost within its toned yet fatty form with clear experience and longing that could only come from a long held desire. Feeling the butt grope didn’t even make the samurai mad but an uncharacteristic beaming smile formed on her face.

“Violet ojou-sama!” <Slate>

Sounding like a lost little girl having found her parents - something that caused those around to look at her with a mixture of different expressions. She didn’t really care though. Happily receiving those gazes if it meant her precious master had once again returned and it was taking her years of training to stop her from hugging the little purple haired oni.

*snort* Violet my ass…” <Vibrant>

“Seeing you troubled brings me great relief.” <Archangel of Life>

There was an overall feeling of relief now that “the master was back in her seat” with many of those from {Orchid} (Ashue) breaking out into tears at the reunion… As if it hadn’t just been a day or so.

The person in question had managed to go through quite the transformation during that time, her body adorned in various hides that extended their demonic strength, as her clothes were all but tatters. She was even wearing various enchanted rings that served to make the proud swordswoman wiggle her hips as they pressed against her buns.  Even her hair seemed to have grown quite a bit during the time they had grown apart; being tied in a very low pony-tail while looking more like something you’d expect from a hedgehog-kin than a little princess.


Just when Kitty was about to ask about the drastic changes the sounds of a very Viv-like warcry echoed from the quickly repairing crack in the space-time wall. Diving through it one by one were… Oni? Their skin was certainly red like an male oni’s most common of appearances. They even had the towering height of 15 feet that you could expect from those older & stronger of the warrior race.

There were even a pair of mighty horns that sprouted from their forehead similar in location and shape as that most defining of an oni’s lineage. Yet unlike the flesh to white (other colours are available) that one would see from the horns of an oni - those horns were instead black like the night. Strangely they also had a pair of bat-like wings on their back which had spikes upon the ends. Having a crimson ‘frame’ and black webbing that made those wings very striking and especially intimidating.

They also possessed a crimson tail that came from their back - with an iconic appearance anyone would recognise - fitting their appearance as stereotypically demonic.

Just like the oni princess who came before them; they charged into the mortal realm with their metal clubs held high before they promptly slammed down. Intimidating when the first one did it but, considering they were all landing in the same place, soon resulted in the second “oni” clobbering the first on the back of his head where his shady mane-like hair acted to soften the blow. Other than in colour their hair may as well have been the exact same style as Vivi’s.

“For the ancestor!” <Second>


Meanwhile the third was approaching and seemed to want to say something only to trip and fall halfway through the crack. An unfortunate event as it closed around him. Resulting in his torso being removed from his hips. Which also meant removing his only armour as the three only had various demonic hides (similar as Vivi) around their waist.

“BROTHER!” <Second + First>

Seeing their ally getting chopped in half - the two who came in first finally stopped their arguing to run to his aid as they each held one of his hands as all their weapons fell to the side. Vivi also gazed over to the bisected “oni” who radiated demonic energy from his open wound. Showing all three of them to actually be powerful demonic entities. Although that didn’t stop her from groping the very happy Slate who always felt rather inferior due to not being stacked with huge milky filled tits thus loved this was the first thing Vivi did.

“I… Am sorry brothers, anenki, they got me…” <Third>

Those watching wanted to ask who “they” were since he obviously tripped but the people concerned didn’t seem to notice anything wrong. Their bodies radiating an unquellable wrath that destroyed the area around them with a fiery aura.

“Go on… Without… Me…” <Third>

“Nn.” <Second + First>

Their nods were solemn as tears trailed visible down their crimson cheeks; the refracted light making theme seem more like tears of blood. Both of them grasped their brother's hand so quickly that it appeared as if their veins would explode out with their fiery blood. They just silently waited by their brother's side so they could be there when he finally took his final breath…

And they waited.

Waited some more.

Then proceeded to… Wait even longer.

After a while they looked at each other only to look down at their third brother who had long ago actually healed his legs.

“I’m alive!” <Third>

““RAWR!”” <Second + First>

Both of the previously mourning demons rammed their firsts into the face of their jolly brother - resulting in a miniature explosion of debris as they sent his head through the roof.

“So where is the enemy?” <Slate>

Questioned the oni who was in a very good mood (especially considering the battle they just went through) with a bashful blush upon her face. Not that that stopped her from shaking her butt; doing her best to keep her ojou-sama amused. Something that she was quite successful at as she was giggling while playing with her jiggly rump like it was putty.

Seeing that Vivi wasn’t in the “right mind” to give an answer, and with the Archangels alliance being shaky at best,  it was clear that it should be Vibrant to step up and give answers. Something she intended to do until suddenly turning her head with clear panic. Stepping backwards and opening her mouth to give warning… Only to be too late.

A black beam exploded through the group and required Vivi to push Slate aside only to receive the blow straight through her shoulder. Her kanabo fell to the ground with a *BANG* as she clutched the open wound as she turned to the source with a growl. An abyssal energy radiating from the open hole on her shoulder that put her arm out of commission.

“What a great stroke of luck.” <Munzumira>

Standing on the roof across from them as if nothing had happened.

Shock was visible across all three of the ‘heavy hitters’ faces; not even Vivi understood what was happening despite being the one to crush her moments ago. Seeing their faces made the little girl cloaked in shadows tilt her head to the side. The frown on her face expanded to the point it almost fell off her face yet also moved her hands to grapple her sleeves with the opposite hands.

“I suppose it would be easy for a humble singularity to understand this but… We never expected zero losses from our numbers even if you do not understand the vastness that is Munumzira. Once upon a time there was a cat who taught a young dragon goddess, that cat shunned by her radiant kind due to only being able to whisper through shadows, guiding that goddess to understand herself.” <Munzumira>

So she said only to tear the sleeves from her arms to reveal a set of unusual scars all the way along her arms going even past her shoulders; at the same time that cosmic-flame like hair flared violently.

“But from teaching the goddess she also learned much herself - from what she learned she did what she does best. She extrapolated then theorised based on the divinity. Using the wisdom she gained that little whisper became an infinite cacophony of voices. Each voice the same yet slightly different until the first created a realm for all children to safely grow then in turn let the whispers from the newly formed abyss came mighty and numerous girls in shadow.” <Munzumira>

All the scars upon her arms began to bleed black blood as she lifted them into the air, the sound of flesh tearing audibly to all those listening, as the tolling of a bell caused their minds to ring. Soon those scars tore open to reveal more of Munzumira’s iconic eyes yet it didn’t end there. The stars and galaxies within her hair also did the exact same as the scars…

Then the cosmos in the eyes opened wide and then the eyes within the eyes opened and then the eyes within the eyes within the eyes opened…

Even the shadowy abyss began to grow turbulent for the first time ever as multiple voices echoed throughout the entire city. A cold sweat down everyones, even Vivi’s, back as they all carefully lifted their weapons ton face the oncoming monsoon of shadow. Out from the abyss slowly rose countless eyes that had more Munzumira jumping out as if tears from the abyss itself.

“We are Munzumira, we are as countless as the stars in the sky, we are the girls cloaked in shadow so can you hear it?” <Munzumira>

““““““““““““““““““““““““Do you hear the whispers over the bell?”””””””””””””””””””””””” <Munzumira>

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