Dark Phoenix Prince

Chapter 146: Road intercepted

Right after the spirit said he could be his eyes, he suddenly felt something connect with his brain.

Right after that happened, Alu's always dark vision suddenly became bright.

"This." He couldn't help but be stunned when he was finally able to see the scene before him without using any sense of soul.

However, the vision didn't come from his eye, but from the earring in his left ear. At this moment, he felt as if the earring was his other eye.

"How, young master. Are you satisfied?" The spirit's voice echoed in Alu's mind.

"Madame Jasmine added this ability to me so that she could see dangerous places that she couldn't enter. In this entire world, only Madame Jasmine could create this kind of ability."

It took some time before Alu calmed down.

Can make blind people see again through an artifact! Such an ability really took him by surprise.

But as he thought about what the spirit had said, he couldn't help but feel suspicious.

"You said that you were used by my mother to see. Then can she still see, through you?" He asked.

If hks mother could still see, through that earring, didn't that mean she could keep an eye on him all this time.

The artifact spirit seemed to understand what Alu was worried about. So she quickly answered. "Don't worry, young master. I can only have one master, and now I am only attached to you."

Alu fell silent. He didn't believe the spirit's words enough. But he also couldn't bear to throw away the artifact.

"What's the matter, little brother Alu?" Chelsea suddenly spoke up as she watched Alu daydream.

"No, I'm fine." Replied Alu.

Now that he could see, he wanted to immediately observe the environment around him. Of course, he still pretended to be blind.

He then looked up at the majestic city in the distance.

Even from above, he could not see the end of the city.

The aura emitting from the city made him feel like he wanted to prostrate himself to the city.

When he looked around the ship, he found many ships flying towards the city.

Those ships looked smaller than the Five Elements sect's ship, and they also flew lower.

When the Five Elements sect's ship passed by, the ships immediately paved the way.

As the second strongest faction, it was clear that no one dared disrespect them.

As the Five Elements sect's ship drew closer to the city, a majestic voice suddenly resounded from within the city.

"Ha-ha-ha, friends from the Five Elements sect, welcome to our city." Said the voice.


After that, an old man's figure suddenly flew from within the city, and it only took an instant before the old man arrived in front of the Five Elements sect's ship.

All the ships behind immediately stopped moving when the old man appeared.

Just by feeling his aura, everyone could tell at once that the old man was an expert at the Earthly Nirvana stage.

"Please..." The old man gave directions to the Five Elements sect ship.

The Five Elements sect ship then flew in the direction that the old man was pointing at.

The ship flew directly into the city.

In a certain place in the city, there was a place that could be said to be a city within a city.

It had a large wall surrounding it, and on that wall were several symbols of the Five Elements sect.

There were many people around the wall, but they couldn't get inside. They just stood outside.

At this time, the Five Elements sect's ship descended on the place.

Alu and the others had gathered in a certain place when the ship got down.

A portal appeared where they were after the ship landed.

Before they walked into the portal, five figures suddenly appeared before them.

Four of the five figures were old people wearing red, blue, yellow, and purple robes, respectively. And the last figure is a middle-aged man wearing a green robe with the symbol of the wind.

The middle aged man stood in front of the other four figures. From his position, it was clear that he was the leader of the five.

"That middle aged man is the master Aratohrn. He is one of the masters of the temple of wind." Chelsea tells the identity of the middle-aged man to Alu. She spoke via voice transmission.

"Oh." Alu then looked at the middle aged man with a serious expression.

From what he could tell, every Five Elements sect master had a Middle Stage Cultivation of Earthly Nirvana.

Apart from Old Egan, he was the second he had ever seen.

Even though he had never seen their strength before, he knew that they could easily destroy the entire Holy Light continent.

As he stared at the middle aged man, he was also looking up at him.

When he felt his gaze, he felt as if he was being stared at by a giant. It made his back sweat.

But the middle aged man only smiled as he looked at him.

And he didn't stare at him for too long. He then looked at the disciples lined up in front of him.

"Very well, I'm sure all of you already know what tasks you have to do when you go to the lower realms." He started talking.

"First, I want to remind all of you. Going to the lower realms is not easy. By using the ancient teleportation formation in this city, we will have to pay a very high price."

"In order to activate the formation, it would take a lot of resources."

"Therefore, I want to remind you not to do anything strange when you arrive at the lower realms. I want you all to cooperate well to complete your mission."

"Of course, if you run into other sect disciples, you can fight to mess with them." He said with an evil smile.

"All right, now let's talk about conquering the world in the lower realms."

Master Aratohrn then explained various things about how to conquer the world.

According to master Aratohrn, the main requirement in order to successfully conquer the world is to conquer its inhabitants first. As long as someone has the support of the inhabitants of a world, they can usually conquer that world more easily.

After that, master Aratohrn then waved his hand towards the disciples in front of him.

A token then appears in each disciple's hand.

"When you become masters of a world, the tokens will later connect your world to the formation in this place."

"I remind you, the lower realms are also not a safe place for you. Even though their strength is much weaker than ours, there are still some experts in each world."

"If you are careless, you can be killed. In the lower realms, nothing can save you."

"Sometimes there are even young geniuses who are very talented. If you meet such geniuses, I suggest you leave that world."

"Well, now you can go out. We'll wait for the formation to activate. Before that, you guys can go around the city to have a look."

"I just hope that each main disciple can also conquer one world."

After saying that, he then turned towards the portal. He then entered the portal. The other four elders followed behind him.

Shua... Shua... Shua...

They appeared outside the ship, and after that, they immediately flew in different directions. It wasn't just the disciples who wanted to take a walk, but the elders too.

After they disappeared, the disciples in that place immediately got out of the ship.

"Whew, the spiritual energy in this place is really extremely dense." Alu said as he got out of the ship.

He took a deep breath as he finally set foot in the city.

Although the spiritual energy there wasn't as much as in the fire temple mountain, it wasn't a special place in the end.

"This must be the first time you've seen a place like this, right?" He suddenly heard Beck's voice.

Looking to the side, he found Beck walking toward him.

"Oh, looks like you can't even see." Beck laughed softly.

The fire temple disciples' faces turned green when they heard Beck's words.

"Don't listen to his words, little brother Alu. Shall we go around." Chelsea spoke to calm him down.

When Chelsea wanted to grab Alu's hand, Beck suddenly stepped in their way.

"Want to go! Unfortunately now is not the time for you to go." He said with a playful smile.

"What do you mean, Beck?" Chelsea looked at him with an expression of displeasure.

"Do you want to cause trouble for us?"

"Make trouble for you! No!" Beck shook his head.

"But Darien just contacted me. He asked me to intercept someone who had seized his position." He then looked at Alu with a sinister smile.

"You." Chelsea's pretty face turned red when she heard Beck's words.

But after that, she then said with a mocking expression. "Are you now Darien's dog?"

"I didn't think that someone else would become Darien's dog. And it was a holy son. What an honorable act."

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