Daqin: Zulong Asked Me to Be the Prince

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 You Let The Widow’S Eldest Son Be A Craftsman? ! No Reason! (55)

Ying Zheng waved his hand impatiently and said:

“You are dead! But now is not the time to plead guilty to the widow!”

“Answer the widow’s question! The widow may still spare you!”

‘stand up!”

Xia Wuqi was trembling, and with the help of the palace maid, he just got up and lowered his head and said:

“Your Majesty… When Ah Fang committed suicide, he did entrust his son Qin Feng to the old minister.”

“But the old minister… I couldn’t save the child at that time! If those people were to know that Ah Fang and the king had a child alive, maybe…”,

He raised his head slightly and glanced at Ying Zheng before continuing:

“Therefore, in desperation, the old minister had no choice but to entrust the child and let him be taken away from the Qin state. In this way… maybe he can still be a peaceful ordinary person…”

Ying Zheng’s expression softened a little and motioned for him to continue.

“What the old minister has entrusted is Yunlin, the descendant of the Mo Family Xianglizi, who is known as the clever son of craftsmanship.”

Xia Wu and said,

“The old minister and Yunlin have been friends for 20 years, and he is the most trusted person by the old minister.”

“And the Mo family is the most practical school. He leads the young master to teach some ingenious skills, regardless of wealth and honor, at least they can live on their own.”

“The old minister just hoped that… the young master would follow Yunlin to practice, and in the future, when he grows up, he can find a place to settle down and become an ordinary craftsman.”

Ying Zheng sneered.

“The son of the widow, how dare you let him be a craftsman?!”

He said angrily,

“Old thing! You think it’s too long to live!”

The eldest son of King Qin, finally became a tinkerer?

If this spread out, it will not only disgrace his Ying Zheng’s face, but also Qin’s face, and he will be ridiculed by the world!

“Stop your anger, Your Majesty!”

Xia Wuqi hurriedly said,

“At that time, the situation was urgent, and the old minister also made this decision to protect the son!”

“Life is alive, as long as there is life, everything is easy to talk about, but if life is gone, then there is nothing to talk about!”

Ying Zheng snorted and said with a swirl of sleeves:

“Where did Yunlin take him!”

Xia Wuqi shook his head in embarrassment and said:

“Since that parting, the old minister has never seen Yunlin again, and he doesn’t know any news about him…”

“At that time, the old minister instructed him to stay as far away from Qin as possible. Perhaps… he went to Qi State? Chu State…”

“Old minister… I really don’t know!”

After being frightened by King Qin, he really didn’t dare to hide anything, and told everything he knew!

After that, he couldn’t stop kowtow, trying to relieve the King Qin’s anger.

“neat and smart……”

Ying Zheng’s face was icy cold.

This is similar to Zhang Han’s guess…

Could it be that he and Ah Fang’s children are really living abroad?

Now, Ying Zheng’s mood has been completely mobilized, even if the “Qin Feng” in Xianyang is not his son, he has to find the real Qin Feng!

“The imperial doctor’s order, are you convicted!”

Ying Zheng looked at Xia Wuju, indifferently.

“Your Majesty! The old minister has difficulties! The old minister was unable to protect himself…”

Xia Wuqi said excitedly, he still wanted to try his best to defend himself!

“Hehe, back then?”

Ying Zheng sneered,

“Yes! Back then, you were just a little boss, and anyone who is afraid of this and that is capable of killing you and killing you!”

“But now? You are the imperial doctor’s order, and the most trusted person by the widow. In this world, who would dare not let you speak, and who would dare to harm you?”

“But you still hide it from the widow, you haven’t revealed a word for so many years!”

“If it wasn’t for the widow who suddenly remembered the matter and started investigating, I’m afraid you wouldn’t confess even if you died! You just let the widow’s children live in exile for the rest of their lives!”

“This is the crime of deceiving the king and humiliating the country, your heart can be punished!”

Xia Wuqi’s face turned pale.

He opened his mouth, but couldn’t say a word.

It was true that he could later confess to King Qin, but in the end he chose to hide it.

Because he felt that this matter was over, and the King of Qin didn’t know about it anyway, so many things are worse than less…

Human nature is complicated. Cowardly, he does not want to be involved in the political struggle of the court, he just wants to spend his old age in peace…

“Xia Wuqi, do you plead guilty!”

Ying Zheng shouted.

“Old minister… plead guilty to the law.” Xia Wuqi fell to the ground in despair, tremblingly said.

Bully the king and humiliate the country!

These four words are enough to annihilate his nine clans!

Inside the hall, there was silence.

Only Xia Wuqi’s low breathing sound, and the sound of his trembling body rubbing against the ground.

“You are a death sentence!”

Ying Zheng still said coldly,

“But remembering that you have been successful in escorting you. When Jing Ke assassinated the widow, you waved the medicine bag and blocked the fatal blow. The widow will miss you for a lifetime!”

“Therefore, the death penalty can be forgiven!”

“But, there is no escape from sin!”

“Come on!”

Outside the hall, two guards walked in.

“Remove Xia Wuqi’s position as imperial physician, deprive him of all titles and land, and put him in prison!”

Ying Zheng ordered.

“Yes!” The two guards got the order and supported the limp white-haired old man on the ground.

At this moment, Xia Wuqi’s mind was a little more calm, and there was a burst of happiness for no reason.

Fortunately, it is not to destroy the nine clans! No harm to the family!

Just being in jail is a blessing in misfortune…

“Xia Wuju, the widow is definitely not a mean and unkind person.”

Ying Zheng said lightly,

“You are the initiator of this matter, so what is the cause, what is the fruit!”

“It’s justified to put you in jail today!”

“As for when to let you out, the widow can also tell you clearly-”

“One day I find the son, and one day I will release you! Do you understand?”

Xia Wuqi nodded like pounding garlic, and said gratefully: “Thank you, King, thank you for not killing!”

With repeated thanks, he was dragged down by the guards.


Ying Zheng frowned, sighed, and said softly,

“Mo Family? Ranger? Artisan…”

“It’s getting more and more confusing… Could it be that my son is really in the land of Qichu, to be an ordinary tinker?”

That was definitely not what he wanted!

What he wants is an excellent heir with potential, not a craftsman farmer without ambition and talent!

Just when he sighed, a temple person sent a memorial:

“Your Majesty! General Li Xin’s memorial, the 200,000-strong army has been assembled and ready to go!”

Ying Zheng’s expression changed, and he restrained his emotions.

“Well, good! Li Xin is resolute, and his efficiency is so high, he is indeed a tiger general!”

He praised,

“Go and tell Li Xin, tell him to stay calm, the widow will practice it for him outside Xianyang City, and wish him victory in defeating Chu!”

“I, Da Qin, will definitely destroy Chu!!”

All the people and maids around the temple knelt down and worshipped, shouting:

“The Qin state has a thousand victories, and the king has a thousand years!”*

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