Daomu Biji

Chapter 54 - Anger in the sea

As soon as the lid of the coffin was opened, I felt a smelly smell coming up. I looked up and saw that the coffin was full of black water, and the water was misty and moist, and the limbs could be seen vaguely below. I don’t know how many corpses are in it, they have been waxed and stuck together, and they become a huge corpse. I can count twelve in bare hands, not to mention how disgusting this scene is.

The oil bottle frowned when he saw this scene, but his expression had loosened, and the gun in his hand had dropped down. Looking at his changes, I guess there should be no danger in this thing. I do n’t know what he was nervous about.

Inside the coffin, there are a few dark golden round nails. Every few centimeters, there is a row of nails from top to bottom. It is not clear whether it is pure gold or gold in the water. There is a strange thing under the corpse. , The fat man took an inch by inch flashlight from bottom to top, looking at what seemed to be a slate with inscriptions on it. There are jade and ivory objects between the corpses and on the hands. This kind of thing is valuable and easy to carry.

The fat man looked itchy, but the corpse was too disgusting, no matter how arrogant he was, he dared not reach into his coffin with a layer of human oil, and he pondered for a long time. To study the corpse inside, he shook his head while looking at it: “This **** thing is too miserable. He also said that the owner of this tomb is a monk, and all such evil things are displayed. How could it be possible that we should come and deserve it? Upside down. “

I haven’t been able to figure it out, but just seeing the scene inside, I feel that my nerves can’t be stimulated. I dare not look at it again and ask, “Why is this burial coffin so disgusting.”

The fat man smiled: “Little comrade, are you stupid? Who do you see who is buried like a twist? This thing is obviously buried alive. These people piled up together and were suffocated with medicine and water. This is called Keep qi and hide the corpse. “

When I heard him talk about the twist, I felt that my throat was itchy straight. At this time, my stomach was very hungry. The body and marijuana flower overlapped, and I felt that all the bile was flushed out, but listening to him, I seem to know this thing. Background, I settled down and asked for details.

The fat man did n’t understand me, and he was showing off, saying, “You do n’t even know this? That ’s because the child has no mother, so it ’s a long story, and I ’m still in the high mountains of Changbai Mountain at that time-”

I heard him start **** again, and said, “You don’t have to **** me to pull these on me, and don’t look at when, this corpse care is related to Changbai Mountain, don’t **** if you don’t know!”

People like fat people are afraid of being irritated by others, and they say, “Who says I don’t know, I just want to start from the big place, you don’t want to hear it. This thing is called a corpse coffin, it’s feng shui Knowledge, generally used in what mountain tomb, if there is this coffin, it means that there are two Feng Shui coffins in this ancient tomb. If you do n’t put coffins on the coffins, the empty coffins will gather in Haichuan The spirit of the spirit will provoke those with demonishness, so put a corpse coffin here, and a blood related person buried in the tomb owner is considered a joint burial. This coffin must be exactly the same as the main burial chamber. It ’s called Yang Qi on Feng Shui, do n’t you know? ”

The fat man finished speaking in one breath, and I could not understand half of it. I could n’t help but say: “Then there are so many people here are–“

The fat man slapped his thigh: “So say, this man, his mother, might have stuffed his whole family, it’s awful!”

I yelled, “How could there be such a thing? The selected Feng Shui was originally for the sake of future generations. Now we bury the whole family together. Feng Shui has a fart!”

The fat man regarded me as serious and said, “What do you believe in what you say, and those rich people are so stupid. They must have found the poor nephews of several relatives to be buried with them. This thing is the most in the Ming Tomb. I have seen it. Many, but I have never seen such a big one. “

I looked at the corpse, thinking about the scene of the burial, and I couldn’t help but feel it. It was Grandpa’s words, the heart was the most unpredictable. For a little bit of facts, these people’s lives are like grass and mustard. Was taken away.

But since the lid of the coffin had already been opened, the fat man would not have stopped so easily. He scratched his head and said, “Look at these people so pitiful, I think if we go to the next door and take a few jars to scoop all the water out, The water in the coffin is the most unlucky. “

I know what he wants to do, and said, “Look at you like a thief, you know that you are still playing with these bright objects. You can’t calm down. I will have something for you in the palace.”

The fat man blushed and scolded: “Is this my kind of fat man?”

I was too lazy to talk nonchalantly to him, saying: “Now it’s not time for this business, just wait for us to get out and suffocate here. I’m afraid there isn’t even a coffin. No one will come to pity us by then.”

Mentioning this matter, we immediately got nervous again. Without saying anything, the fat man first found a circle in this ear room, but unfortunately there was nothing other than a cat corpse that could be used.

The oil bottle has been staring blankly at the pile of corpses. He looked at it for a long time, and suddenly seemed to see something, and took a breath.

This person is usually very calm. Once nervous, there must be big things happening, so I was shocked by this action, and I was busy raising my gun.

He still stood there with his brow furrowed, staring at the coffin, and silent for five minutes before turning his head and saying to us: “Inside, there is actually only one person–“

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