Daomu Biji

Chapter 29 - Seven Star Lu Wang Zijin Box

I was confused, and I did n’t know what was going on outside. I wanted to ask the third uncle, but found that he was also dozing off on the stool beside me. I ran outside the clinic and saw the people in the village pulling the rickshaws of the rickshaws, and the mules’ mules hurried to the mountains. A mountain boy ran and said, “Not good, not good, on the mountain Fire Mountain

I was taken aback, and said to myself, did we just burn the forest and burned the forest, and recall that when we burned the hole, we did not take any measures on the side. If the fire spreads, put The forest is burning, it is really too bad.

I was a little flustered. Once the mountain fire was burning, it was not a matter of dying one or two people. Those of us in the city have no awareness of forest fire prevention. This is a big disaster.

I ran in and awakened my third uncle. The two of them moved out two toilets for urine collection in the hospital. If they couldn’t find anything, they made up and ran to the mountain with the big army. The pallet truck ran over, holding a washbasin in his hand and yelling: “Crash, come up! Go to the fire!” We jumped up together, and the donkey cart crooked out of the village entrance, only to see the mountain in the distance A large piece of black smoke seemed to burn a lot. The third uncle was stupid and said softly, “Looking at the direction, it was really the fire we put on.”

I was busy covering his mouth, there was a village cadre in front of him running back, yelling, “Hurry to call the troops, the mountain in front is falling!”

As soon as I heard it, it might be that the cave was destroyed by fire, and I was worried that if the corpses rushed out of the cave, it would be troublesome. We quickly ran to the mound that the mudslide rushed out. The fat man’s hands were so dark that he swollen his ass.

The villagers usually have been trained in forest fire prevention. Some of them opened the road in the woods. Others started to use the washbasin to carry the water and transport it inside. I saw this pot and pot and returned to the fire at the very least. It took two hours, and it was impossible to hydrolyze my thirst. I hurriedly shouted: “Don’t draw water, this water can’t extinguish the fire. Don’t make unnecessary sacrifices. Wait for the troops to come over!”

Those people looked at me like a neuropathy. An older person said, “Boy, these waters are for drinking. If there is no water in the fire, it will dry out quickly. We will cut a fire on the side. Take it, the fire burns to the point where there is nothing to burn, and it will be extinguished by yourself. If you don’t understand, don’t join in here. “He looked at the toilet in our hand and shook his head.

I was blushed by the faces they saw, and I said that I lost my face so much that I would n’t dare to express my opinions in the future. I hurriedly lowered my head and followed the big troops into the woods hurriedly. It got up a lot faster, and after about an hour, we already felt a significant increase in temperature. The sky ahead was dark.

The villagers took the mouth mask and immersed it in the water and brought it to their faces. I looked at the fat man. There was not much cloth on his clothes. It seemed that he had made up his mind and took out the piece of gold silk. Immersed in water and tied to my face. Picked up the shovel and learned that the villagers dug fire ditches.

Mountain fires spread extremely quickly and are extremely harmful. Large-scale mountain fires must be dispatched by an aircraft to control them. The so-called control is to let him extinguish himself. It is impossible to extinguish them like a city fire. It takes more than 20 years for this tree to grow into wood, but the fire can be completely burned out in ten minutes, which is extremely destructive. And the range of wildfires is very wide. If you only extinguish the fire at one point, he will quickly go behind you from the edge you ca n’t see. When you wake up, you are already in the middle of the fire zone, only waiting to die Share.

I remember an American film about a group of firefighters who were surrounded by fire and had no way to call for help at the end of their lives. Of course, this kind of situation cannot happen to us. The area of ​​the fire is not very large, and the fire canal is dug quickly.

We worked there until more than two o’clock in the afternoon. The helicopter of the ranger team appeared in the sky. Soon a lot of troops assembled in the woods and replaced our tools. I am particularly worried that someone will be sacrificed because of this fire. Fortunately, in the end When counting the number of people, only a few were slightly injured.

We returned to the village, almost shocked. I was hungry and asked a baby to get me two biscuits, one for two. I had never eaten such a fragrant one, and the tears came down. The people in the village party committee also praised us, saying that people from our city have such high consciousness, it is really very rare.

My heart said, don’t exaggerate, and then praise my heart for not feeling good, you have to know that I am the arsonist, I must strangle me.

The nurse changed the bandage for Pan Zi and washed the wound. His breathing has obviously eased, but he has n’t awakened yet. Then the doctor said to rest assured that there is no danger for the time being. If there is an injured person, Pan Zi will be sent to the city Go to the big hospital here. I heard a little bit of anxiety.

My uncle and I went back to the guesthouse and took a good bath. I did n’t know if I did n’t take off the light. From top to bottom, there was almost no place that was good. I was either bruised or broken. I did n’t escape when I escaped. It feels like they have come to remind me now that when I came out of the bathroom, my legs almost couldn’t move.

I went back to bed and fell asleep at once. The feeling was really fragrant. I slept until noon the next day. When I got up, I saw fat men and uncles lying on their beds, snoring like thunder.

I went down for breakfast and asked the waiter. The fire was extinguished. On this scale, it could only be regarded as a small hill fire. The army had already withdrawn. I listened to my heart firmly. After inquiring with the people in that clinic, Pan Zi has been taken to Qianfoshan Hospital in Jinan. I thanked, and felt that I couldn’t stay in this place for a long time, so I prepared to go back.

I do n’t have much gossip. After a few days, we returned to Jinan. My uncle and I went to the hospital where Panzi was admitted for treatment. He is still in danger and still in a coma. My uncle and I decided to stay here. God, the fat man broke up with us anxiously as soon as he came out of the mountain. He only left a phone call and contacted him. He handed over the gold-encrusted silk book to my third uncle for treatment. On that day, I called the hospital and Pan Zi was still awake. He couldn’t help sighing, and at this time, the third uncle walked in with a gloomy face, scolding: “I’m so angry that I was put on a blaze!”

I was surprised that he was deceived in the antiques market and said, “Sir, you have been deceived because of your seniority. That shows that the thing is very good. You will definitely have no problem changing your hands again.”

The third uncle took out the piece of gold-inlaid silk and said to me: “Turn your hand and turn a fart. I’m not talking about antiques, it’s this thing !!”

I almost fell off the bed and yelled, “What! Impossible!”

Uncle said: “The truth is that the gold content in this thing, I sent it for inspection, the purity is too high, it can not be refined at that time, this is an almost perfect fake!”

I could n’t believe it, the third uncle sighed, “I ’ve been wondering for a long time that the young man can clearly defeat the blood corpse. Why did he run away blindly and remove the blood corpse in the end, he must have thought This leaves us free to do something by ourselves. “

I was surprised: “Did he go to that cave and opened the Lusi king’s coffin during the time he and we were separated? Put this fake gold-inlaid silk silk into it? How is it possible, how is it alone? Maybe it can be done? And if the tree hole was torn by those chains, as long as it was opened by someone, we can definitely see the trace. “

The third uncle said, “Have you ever seen the back of the coffin, he was fighting upside down, he probably dug a burrow in the back of the tree, and directly wrapped the gold silk from the back of the coffin!” He sighed: “It’s pity that I have more than ten years of experience in the rivers and lakes, and I don’t see it. This person is really unfathomable. I thought it was just a descendant of General Qiu Zhonglang. It seems that his The origin, I am afraid it is much more than that. “

I don’t understand it very much and said, “Are the things recorded above all false?”

Uncle Nod nodded and said with air: “These stories of Shan Hai Jing are not credible at first, but we were infected by the mysterious atmosphere of the tomb at that time, and we believed it. Now we recall that there are too many flaws. And, if you think about your level, why can you only understand the two most important paragraphs? The other ones do not understand well, indicating that he has done a lot of work on these two paragraphs. “

I opened my mouth wide, and the third uncle sighed greatly: “It seems that the secret of Lu Palace is the only one he knows. Now that the tomb is collapsed, it is impossible to go in and see it.”

I flashed my eyes at this time and said, “Yeah, yes, I almost forgot. It’s not completely unexcited. I brought something out of that hole!” Then I went over my backpack and prayed never to say anything. Lost. Fortunately, the Zijin box is still there. I took it out and said, “This is it, it was taken from the fox corpse.”

At first glance, Uncle San said, “This is a labyrinth box. The main space inside is used to hold the lock. There is not much to hold. This box is difficult to open. Look.” He twisted the top lid of the box. The four corners of the bottom of the box unfolded together, revealing a turntable with eight holes on it, each with a number on it, much like the dial pad of an old telephone. “This box is the oldest password box. You need to know the password to open it.”

I said, “No, you see this is the key I found in the mouth of the female corpse. You see, this key just fits into this keyhole.”

The third uncle took the key and compared it with the keyhole. Oh, he said: “This key is not used to open the box, but to lock the box. The maze box can be opened with a password, but there is no way to use the password. Here’s the lock. When you open the box and want to lock it again, you have to rely on the key. “

I asked him where he could find the expert who opened the box. The third uncle thought for a while and sighed, saying that this kind of person is unavailable. Instead of looking for it, it is better to find a hardware factory to remove the lid. Convenience.

I tried there for a long time, and there was no movement in the box. The turntable had eight holes, arranged in a sequence, and the eight digit combination of decimal digits was the eighth power of ten. .

The third uncle saw that I was playing tricks with this thing there, and greeted me and went back to his room.

I thought, have you seen anything with eight digits in the Lu Palace? There seemed to be a few numbers on the bronze coffin, but it seemed that there were not enough eight digits. Is the other eight-character password the 02200059? How is it possible, this number is printed on the steel belt of an American belt, thinking I tried dialing it, 0─2─2─0─0─0─5─9, the card sounded Leng, the box made a sound similar to a clockwork, and the box lid flipped up automatically.

End of “Tomb Raider Notes: Seven Star King Lu”

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