Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 69 Who has ever bound me?

Such a straightforward inquiry did not annoy Ma Yang, and the old man slowly replied: "I was sent to the border by the Holy One, and happened to be disturbed by the secular world. I was writing books with peace of mind. It was the same everywhere. I just heard about the chaos in Qingchang City. There are evil spirits running rampant, so I came here in the hope that I can educate the city so that it will not seek evil and do good, or at least not do evil and no longer disturb the peace of the people."

"As expected!"

After hearing this, Qiu Yan felt relieved.

He listened to books at night for three days, and his soul power became more refined and stronger. He felt that the sound of books had a powerful force that could calm people's hearts, eliminate anger, and create peace. If it is continued over many years and subtly changes, even ordinary people who have not embarked on life cultivation can still benefit from it, feel relaxed and healthy, and prolong their lives.

For practitioners, the impact is even greater. Qiu Yan's clone's memory has already accumulated articles, and when it is mobilized by the sound of the book, it feels like a fish in water; while ordinary demons, evil cultivators, and people with evil intentions will inevitably resist The sound of books will naturally be suppressed, but if you are willing to listen and immerse yourself in the sound of books, you will gradually benefit from it and be good at tempting.

"Not only that, since the day he entered the city, he recited articles every night, and the sound of the book echoed in the sky and spread throughout the county. It was similar to a god enveloping the city with its legal domain, making the evildoers feel scrupulous and not dare to be unscrupulous."

Qiu Yan entered Yuanning City that day. As soon as he stepped in, he felt the existence of the City God's Law Domain. However, when he came to Qingchang County, not only did he not feel the Law Domain, but he encountered the Three Souls Old Demon in broad daylight. The monster was completely invisible. Killing people and devouring souls without scruples, and manifesting prototypes is because the city's Shinto has withered, so evil spirits can have no taboos.

Now that Ma Yang is studying, he has vaguely made up for the lack of Shinto, which is also the reason why Qiu Yan is no longer eager to detect the traces of the demon in the Chen family.

"Not only does the Shinto fill the gap, but even the hungry people in the city can benefit. It also makes the evil spirits no longer look down on the people and prevents tragedies like Zuoqu Village from happening again."

Thinking of this, Qiu Yan couldn't help but admire the old man in front of him. The method seemed simple, but its effectiveness was endless.

"I have long heard that the old prime minister cares about all the people, and the rumors are true."

This sentence is not made up by Qiu Yan. Scholars have their own circle. Regardless of whether they are rich or poor, they will pay attention to the rumors of scholars, intentionally or unintentionally. And people like Ma Yang are the protagonists among scholars. Every word and deed is highly regarded. It attracted much attention and spread widely.

Ma Yang shook his head: "The people are the foundation of the country. Doing things for the people is not worthy of praise, but it is the duty of an official. It must be known that the people can carry the country and conquer the world. The people's will is the general trend. There should be no contempt for the people. Related matters, no matter how ordinary, should not be treated as trivial matters.”

"What the old Xiangguo said is thought-provoking, but there are probably only a few people in the world who can think and act like this."

Ma Yang nodded and continued: "So we must try to make this idea deeply rooted in people's hearts. From ancient times to the present, dynasties have changed, and there are not many people who can do this. There are also many counterexamples. If everyone can understand history, use history as a guide A mirror can understand gains and losses, know how to advance and retreat, and understand the truth, and the world will be at peace."

"No wonder the old Xiangguo has been reading sentences and articles from official history these past few days." Qiu Yan also nodded.

Ma Yang responded: "I don't just read history, I also want to review it, reorganize it, reorganize the events from the reign of the emperor to the rule of the country by the late emperor, and write it into a book for the convenience of future generations. reasonable."

After hearing this, Qiu Yan took a breath of cold air.

"No wonder! No wonder! No wonder he uses so many cars to pull books and want to compile history. This man's courage..."

Three "no wonders" in a row completely explained Qiu Yan's surprise.

This is no small matter. Writing history since ancient times is extraordinary. The official history of each generation is compiled by thousands of people. It is a huge work. If you want to read it all, you don’t know how many years it will take. But Ma Yang said that he would Starting from the time of ancient human emperors, the compilation of official history requires not only reading it to the end, but also reading it thoroughly. Only in this way can it be compiled without errors and make it easier for future generations to study.

"Listen to what he means. He also needs to use ancient metaphors to provide guidance to the world. This requires re-editing, adding annotations, cognition, and quotations. How can this... be accomplished by one person? However, , It can be seen from what happened just now that the old prime minister has made great achievements in sexual cultivation, and he may be able to use this to achieve success. "

Thinking of this, Qiu Yan did not hide his thoughts and asked directly. Unexpectedly, Ma Yang shook his head and said: "I know that there is a way of life, but this is a personal way. No matter how advanced you practice, it can only be limited to one person. If you spend time on this, you will have no energy to do things. You are also a practitioner, so you should understand the meaning of my words. "

"Huh?" Qiu Yan was even more confused after hearing this, "Did Old Xiangguo not practice? Then what happened just now..."

"Ahem!" Ma Yang coughed twice more and did not answer, but told a story, "I once had a good friend who wanted to practice Taoism. He was very familiar with Taoist classics, but he had no expert guidance and could never find him. The method of detachment, until one day, he and I were boating on the lake, and suddenly he roared, and then he said, "I want to be detached, but who has given me restraint", and finally drove away in the clouds and disappeared from sight. The villagers said that he had already He is one of the gods."

Once you have an epiphany, you can reach the sky in one step!

After telling such a story, Ma Yang remained silent.

Qiu Yan was deep in thought, chewing on those words.

"'I seek liberation, but who has given me bondage?' The meaning of this sentence is that a person pursues liberation and is not bound, but asks who gave this bondage and where it came from. The implication is, that is……"

Qiu Yan's thoughts turned rapidly, and ripples appeared on the surface of the body transformed by the living soul. The whole person became more and more transparent, and cracks appeared one after another. Finally, with a "snap", the figure shattered and turned into an invisible living soul again.

"Thank you for your advice, Prime Minister," a voice came from the living soul, "Just this one sentence is worth the trip, but I still have one thing I don't understand. Please tell me, Prime Minister, why did you let me in, talk about writing books, and give me advice?"

"You have literature in your soul, which can be regarded as a seed of reading. Although you are on the path of transcendence, you act in a mundane way. There are many rumors about you distributing porridge and food in the past few days. What's the big deal about talking to you?" At this point, he changed the subject, "However, the saints do not talk about strange powers and gods, and they also say to respect ghosts and gods but stay away from them, which is to warn us to be self-reliant and self-reliant. Although you are favored by the gods, it is not a good thing to be involved too much. You should be more careful when you take the imperial examination and become an official in the future. Okay, go, come and listen to me read history tomorrow."

As he said, he waved his hand, and Qiu Yan felt the weightlessness of his living soul, the howling wind, as if he had fallen into a bottomless abyss. He was startled, his thoughts exploded, and his strength surged out.


With the sound of collision, he suddenly stood up from the chair, bumped into the corner of the table, knocked over the pen holder, and several pens immediately rolled to the ground.

But Qiu Yan didn't care at all. He was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses. His eyes moved and he found that there was light outside the window. Then he realized that it was already morning. Thinking back to last night, it was like a dream. He really felt a bit like Zhuang Zhou dreaming of a butterfly.

At this moment, there was a slight sound outside the house, and then the door opened, and Pan Rongniang walked in with a bowl.

PS: Thanks to Dali for the reward!

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