Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA’s Powers

Chapter 38: Orario Catch-Up

The Hostess of Fertility.

In the hours of the day when the sun waned over the horizon as the night sky waited to take over.

The pub brimmed with exuberant activity as it usually did, but there was a cheer in the air that stood out amongst the cacophony of noises… the joy of an amazoness who loved heroes too much.


Tiona shouted in drunken cheer as tears of joy fell down her cheeks.


The amazoness shouted towards a group of patrons she had been having constant arguments with.

"Tch… how should I have known the Gray Ghost took a vacation…"

An old adventurer shouted in annoyance at the smug attitude of Tiona. He and the amazoness constantly bickered regarding a certain rumor that went around for the past six months… that being… the death of the Gray Ghost.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing… HOW COULD THE GRAY GHOST HAVE POSSIBLY DIED?!-"

Tiona argued with a drunken rage toward such heretical thoughts regarding her idol.


The old adventurer rebutted, something Tiona wasn't fond of.

She wasn't the best at debating… so she would usually resolve arguments she had in the best way she knew hor.



Tiona, in her stupor, began to wrestle with the old adventurers she was bickering with. Her companions in the Loki familia only stood by as the group tussled their way to the streets in front of the Hostess.

"... Captain Finn… shouldn't we get Tiona?"

Lefiya spoke nervously after seeing Tiona enter a smackdown with people that looked like the grandparents of any regular family.

Finn simply took a small sip of his wine before replying. His eyes and attitude had long gotten used to the behavior of the amazoness.

"It's fine Lefiya… they might not look like it, but those old men and women are high-level fours and veteran fives… so long as Tiona's killing intent doesn't rise, they will be able to walk it off…"

The Pallum captain knew the people Tiona was fighting wouldn't go down so quickly. They were part of the generation that fought on the frontlines alongside him in the dark ages of Orario. He was confident they wouldn't lose to Tiona… or at least not end up on a stretcher.

"There's also no problem right Mama Mia? Tiona remembered to not fight inside the bar this time."

Finn turned his head to the dwarf owner of the Hostess who looked at the group of adventurers drunkenly wrestling by the streets with disappointment.

"... 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝… just order some more wine and I'll look the other way…"

Finn immediately took the offer and ordered himself another round of Soma's wine. A variety he had taken a liking to in recent months.

'It's always best to keep a good relation with Mama Mia whenever possible… and I have grown a certain fondness for Soma varietals when I used to be an enjoyer of Dionysus bottles… has Lord Soma found a new way to improve his wine?'

Finn wondered what spurred such improvements in the quality of Soma's wine, but he had a small idea as to what it might have been.

'If I were a betting man… I would wager it would be due to Liliruca Arde.'

Finn thought as his eyes moved to a certain stool seat that the patrons have now dubbed to the spot of the famous『IgKnight』

"Fuu… another plate please Anya!"

Liliruca Arde spoke as she finished another serving of the meat lover's special. An order she grew extremely fond of due to her teacher, Gray Ghost, expressing his fondness for it.

Handing the cat-girl a few valis, Anya exuberantly replied to Lili with a smile.

"You really like the meat lover's special Lili-nya? Not that I'm one to judge your preference. Thank you for your patronage Nya!"

Lili smiled as she saw Anya trot away happily. She had long taken a liking to the Hostess and its food.

'The atmosphere is really comfortable as well… like when Lord Ghost and I lived together…'

Lili smiled softly as she took gentle sips of the ale she had ordered. She was in a better mood than before. Hearing the stories of her teacher in a land so far away… it strengthened Lili's resolve and wish.

'Wait for me Lord Ghost… I'll make sure you never walk down such a path by yourself ever again…'

The Pallum's eyes glowed a brief red before fading back to their usual color. Lili had gotten better control of her innate skill over the past few months as an adventurer… as well as when she utilized it for other purposes.

"Still… slaying a monster with a goddess in your hands… please don't make things too hard for me, Lord Ghost…"

Lili whispered quietly to herself. She recognized clearly the growing hurdles she would have to surmount to attain her true goal.

The waitress promptly wrote down her order on her notepad as she walked. Ripping the note and hanging it by a revolving hook placed above an opening behind the pub's bar.

"May-nya! A new order!"

Anya spoke once she made her way to the window that peered into the Hostess' kitchen.

The cat-girl May could be seen hard at work preparing numerous orders. Tonight was a busy night for the hostess, and the sole chef of the pub was having trouble keeping up with the stacking orders.

'Nya… come back soon already, Bell… it's getting harder to get by without a sous-chef…'

May thought to herself in sadness… as she manned numerous stoves all at once.


The kitchen was engulfed in intense flames that seared numerous dishes to perfection. The cat-chef hardly broke a sweat as she faced the intense heat and physical strains of constant multi-tasking.

"... May is really impressive nya…"

"I just hope Bell comes back soon… she's been bottling up a lot of frustration lately…"

Chloe and Lunoire commented from the kitchen's entrance. The two waitresses who were high-level adventurers couldn't help but admire the sheer finesse the falna-less chef displayed.

But before the two were sucked in too deeply with the performance, a looming figure shadowed over the two young waitresses.


The pair immediately recognized the silhouette and attempted to explain but Mia wouldn't have it.

"I don't pay you girls by the hour to just stand around, you understand what I'm saying right?"

Mia smiled menacingly at the cat-girl and human. The two trembled in fear at the might of the retired level six adventurer.


Chloe and Lunoire promptly made a mad dash back to the tables, quickly grabbing their notepads and pens to take down the numerous orders. The professionalism of the two kicked in as they began to smile cutely at the patrons. A stark contrast from their fear just then.

"𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝… I thought I could retire peacefully with this pub but it looks like I'm destined to watch over troublesome brats…"

The dwarf said to herself as memories of a young Boaz beast man rushing too far ahead into battle replayed in her mind.

Mia began to walk down her memories of caring for the Freya familia and now her waitresses at the pub.

"Pesky rascals…"

Though she appeared to be annoyed with them, Mia smiled kindly as she watched Chloe, Lunoire, and Anya work the tables with a smile.

She was glad all of them were able to move on from the dark pasts they carried when she first took them under her wing.

"At least they're easier to deal with than that muscle-head brat Ottar…"

But before Mia could continue nagging as befitted her age, Ryuu appeared by her side. Holding a glass of cold water for her.

"Here Mama Mia, it has been a while since you last drank."

The beautiful blonde elf spoke in concern for the dwarf that had housed her for so long. Wanting Mia to be in good health as repayment for what she had done for her.

"... Thanks Ryuu…"

Mia smiled kindly at the soft-spoken elf. The dwarf was very concerned for her. Though she complained about her waitress' rowdiness, she much preferred to see them grow through loud failure than to be distant and silent.

'But Ryuu has been changing slightly… scratch that… all of them have been changing.'

Mia recognized her waitresses began to change from how they had been for so long… and it was all because of a patron that had long been gone from the walls of the Hostess.

'Bell Cranel… that brat might be the most troublesome I met in all my years.'

Mia knew very little of what lay beneath his act as a weak adventurer with no patron god or goddess. The dwarf didn't want to involve herself in the mess that was his existence… but she had her suspicions.

'After all… he got the attention of Lady Freya…'

Mia thought back on how her waitress Syr excitedly brought him in… how he got close to Lunoire, Chloe, and Anya… and even broke the cold exterior of the silent Ryuu.


The dwarf chuckled at the storm that would come alongside Bell… not that she wished to partake in it herself.

"Hm? Is something the matter Mama Mia?"

Ryuu asked in concern from the sudden laughter the dwarf has released, something Mia replied with a tease against the elf.

"Nothing… just wondering when you're going to confess to that white-haired kid you can't stop thinking about, Ryuu."


Ryuu grew flushed with Mia's accusation. The elf for all her hardened experience as a warrior and vigilante, was a total novice when it came to emotions… especially love.

"M-Mama Mia! Me and Be!-... 𝙚𝙝𝙚𝙢… I mean… Mister Cranel and I… aren't like that…"

Ryuu spoke as she tilted her gaze away from Mia, who had the largest shit-eating grin on her expression.

"Is that so? Then it's alright to tell you that he has a girlfriend now."


Ryuu shook in shock at Mia's declaration, The elf struggle to form words to inquire about more information, but Mia just continued speaking to rid the elf of her worries.

"I'm joking Ryuu… you think I can talk with the guy? Haven't seen him since he left all those months ago."

Mia smiled as she calmed Ryuu from her flustered surprise. The elf slowly began to take control of her breath.

"A joke? That's not a very funny joke Mama Mia…"

Ryuu replied to the dwarf with a slight blush on her face. Something she wasn't aware of.

"Oho? I wonder why you might be so invested in the boy's relationship status. Do tell me, Ryuu."

Ryuu remained silent under the scrutinous questioning of Mia. The dwarf wanted to bring out a bit of selfishness within the elf. Seeing Bell as the perfect opportunity to let the reserved elf grow a little.


But it would seem that it was not yet the time for such an event to occur.

"It's because… Syr has a crush on Bell, Mama Mia… I want my friend's romance to go well…"

Ryuu avoided acknowledging her feelings to give priority to the girl who had saved her from dying alone in an alleyway… the gray-haired girl who reached out to her when no one else did.

"... 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝…"

Mia sighed once more. She had been sighing for quite a bit today, but it was far from the most times she had sighed in a single day.

'Looks like I need to cook her pot a little bit more before it comes to a boil… I just hope she isn't like other elves that only realize their love after a decade had passed…'

Mia patted the head of the elf before beckoning her to get back to work. Not being as aggressive as she was with the others due to Ryuu's quick obedience and efficiency.

"Get back to serving tables Ryuu. Syr is out of commission right now, so I hope you can pick up her slack…"

After hearing Mia's orders, Ryuu replied with a curt nod and determined response.

"Leave it to me, Mama Mia."

Having a chance to repay the enormous debt she held in her heart to the gray-haired human, Ryuu willingly carried her burden for her that night.

'Syr had been acting a bit distant for the first few months since Bell left… but she's gotten better… and she suddenly locked herself in her room last night… I wonder what's going on with her?'

Ryuu wondered what could have happened to her friend, but she trusted Syr had everything under control.

Syr had given the elf full reassurance that she was ok, so Ryuu would trust in her.

"... haa… haa…"

As Ryuu accompanied the other waitresses in the busy dining area, upstairs among the rooms of staff.

Behind a door that was decorated with small flowers… Horn clutched her chest as she breathed heavily with a flushed face.

"Damn it…"

Horn couldn't help but curse the emotions that invaded her mind. The consequence of her switching appearances with her goddess Freya was that Horn came to experience everything the goddess had done whilst disguised.

That included the nights of self-comfort Horn had learned to get used to… even relishing it sometimes by herself after a stressful day of work.

But Horn wasn't concerned about another episode of Freya's lust… but something much more troublesome for her…


Horn screamed into her pillow as she began to thrash around. The beating of her heart and the twisting of her stomach were simply too much for her.

"Haa… haa… Lady Freya… please have mercy on me…"

Horn shared every emotion with Freya… even the vast amounts of romance she felt for Bell… and the sheer volume of those emotions began to resound in her mind on repeat.

"I could normally block this off by reminding myself that it wasn't directed towards me but to Lady Freya… but the words Bell said… they apply to me as well…"

The girl who wished to discard her humanity and become an unfeeling perfection of divinity felt a chord strike within her through Bell's conversations with Freya… but…


Horn began to desperately fight back against the love Freya had inadvertently infected her with.



"I lived…'

Tiona spoke tiredly as she raggedly made her way to the table the Loki familia were occupying.


Finn couldn't do anything but wryly smile at the disheveled appearance of the amazoness. Tione grew red with embarrassment for her twin appearing so disorderly in front of her crush.

"I assume you won, Tiona?"

Finn asked with understanding. He had long since grown immune from Tiona's antics.

"Complete victory!"

Tiona replied with a wide smile and a peace sign toward the Pallum captain. The scene further aggravated Tione's embarrassment and sparked laughter in Gareth.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Those old bastards put up a good fight, didn't they? They survived the dark ages of Orario after all! HAHAHAHAAH!"

The dwarf laughed heartily seeing the new generation of adventurers he raised wipe the floor with his old comrades from yesteryear. Chugging down his beer in celebration of Tiona's triumph.

"Cheers to your victory Lass! Not anyone could say they tumbled down with veterans and came out on top! HAHAHAHA!-"

Tiona eagerly accepted the dwarf's suggestion and began to drown herself once more in alcohol.


The two battle junkies laughed heartily.

"Sister… you… you…"

Tione was on the brink of tumbling down with her sister as well, but Finn moved to stop her from causing him to write up another cheque for the Hostess to repair any incurred damages.

"Tione! I've been feeling a bit stiff lately… could you… massage my back?"

Finn tried his best to come up with the best distraction he could to dissuade Tione's anger… and it was super effective against the amazon who immediately forgot her sister had even existed for that moment.

"Of course captain! I, Tione Hiryute, will make sure your back is the most relaxed!"

Thus Finn nervously tried to appear calm as Tione pressed her hands onto his back… the Pallum fearing she might inadvertently break something in the process.

'... Don't worry Finn… if worst comes to worst… I have a few favors I could pull for Airmid to heal you.'

Riveria thought as she pitied her long-time comrade as he began to be fawned over by the bloody amazoness of their familia.

"Let's take this as a learning opportunity Lefiya… you remembered that cleaning spell one of our familia's elves showed you right? Try and cast it under two seconds for Tiona here."

Riveria shifted her attention away from Finn to Lefiya. Choosing to use Tiona as a learning experience for her protege in training.

Hearing her teacher's beckoning, Lefiya eagerly complied and began to activate her magic and recite the spell she recently learned.

"Y-Yes Miss Riveria! I-I'll do my best!"

Lefiya attempted to stir her mind but took a little while to activate her magic 『Elf Ring』

"... mmm…"

The young elf began to grow disheartened and embarrassed for her lackluster display despite all her training so far.

But Riveria looked fondly at Lefiya, she had never placed such strict expectations on her at every turn, but Lefiya wished to do her best.

'For Miss Riveria that taught me so much… I have to do my best… also… for… Miss Ais…'

Lefiya wanted desperately to catch up to her comrades… her teacher… and the idol she admired so much.

"... mmm…"

Lefiya tried concentrating once more and was able to manage to form 『Elf Ring』completely. Beginning the chant, Lefiya began to concentrate deeply… but out of curiosity… the young elf looked toward where her idol sat.

"... 𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙝…"

Ais sat silently by herself as she enjoyed a jagamarukun. The youthful blonde never seemed to grow tired of the potato delicacy.

"... 𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙝… hm?"

Ais noticed a gaze directed towards her and met eyes with Lefiya who was currently chanting her magic.

"... 𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙝…"

Ais began to observe Lefiya as she continued to eat her snack… soon she recognized what was happening and swallowed the jagamarukun she was savoring to speak to her.

Pointing a thumbs up to the elf, Ais spoke.

"Good luck, Lefiya…"

Ais' voice was soft… but to Lefiya… it was a booming burst of encouragement.


Acting reminiscent of her brother of a past life, Lefiya was invigorated with energy as she began to make lightning-fast progress with her chant. Soon casting the spell on Tiona as gentle light began to touch her sun-kissed skin.


"Oh? This feels nice"

Tiona commented fascinated as the magic began to rid her body of the dirt she had accrued on her skin and clothes. The amazoness felt refreshed as the light passed through her.

"Damn, thanks Lefiya!"

The excited Tiona began to thank Lefiya who was catching her breath. Her sudden motivation seemed to be too much for the elf. Riviera chuckled lightly at her student's antics.

"While emotions do serve as an important catalyst for our spell casting, Lefiya. Do keep it in check at times… perhaps it's because you were a bit drunk tonight."

Riveria looked at the glass of beer that didn't seem to have been lowered much… but the high-elf knew her protege was extremely incapable of holding her alcohol.

"... I'll keep that in mind… Miss Riveria…"

Lefiya slowly replied, slightly embarrassed at her blunder. But it was alleviated as she turned back to Ais who continued looking towards her.

"...𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙝… good job, Lefiya"

Ais praised the elf with another thumbs-up directed toward her.


Feeling proud that her idol praised her, Lefiya began to ride on the high of her emotions… which stood in contrast to the redhead goddess a few seats away from her.


Loki wailed as she chugged down on Soma's wine without thinking of the hangover she would experience soon.

"𝙝𝙞𝙘… bastard… I was moving on after you rejected me for the thousandth time for marriage…𝙝𝙞𝙘… then you come out with this new and improved batch of wine?!... 𝙝𝙞𝙘… I JUST KNOW YOU'RE TRYING TO SEDUCE ME WITH THIS SEXY BOTTLE OF ALCOHOL, SOMA!"

Loki lamented her numerous failed attempts to woo the winemaker god.

The trickster goddess had long been a fan of Soma's work. Constantly pestering him to marry her so that she might be able to taste his work every day without needing to pay for it.

"... Loki… please do keep your temper tantrums to a minimum…"

Finn tried to rein in his goddess as he struggled to not offend Tione with her rather intense "massage".


Loki drunkenly turned her face towards the Pallum… Loki opened her eyes slightly. As if in an understanding of Finn's concerns for her… but it all went down the drain as she pushed him further into suffering.

"Shut up Finn. I know you regretted your failed attempts to woo 『IgKnight』over there, just admit you got friend-zoned. You even meet with her for afternoon tea by your office and play chess you bas… tard…"


Finn shook in shock at what his goddess just exposed.


And Lili coughed as she was drinking her ale. Not expecting to have been brought into the conversation so abruptly.


Loki stopped talking as she fell away from consciousness after drinking Soma wine for so long. The goddess crashed onto the floor. Finn looked pale as he realized what she had done.

"... Tione?"

Finn nervously spoke to the amazoness whose hands began to creep closer to his neck. Sweat began to form on his face.

"Yes? Captain Finn?"

Tione replied to the Pallum with a gentle smile… that hid a raging fury she was trying her best to contain.

"Liliruca Arde and I are friends. Do you understand?"

Finn tried his damndest to convey that sentiment to the amazoness. He truly no longer sought to court her. The Braver simply enjoyed the company she brought him.


Tione was quiet as she began to process what Finn had said. Eventually replying back with a cheerful tone.

"Of course! I understand clearly, Captain Finn! Although… would you mind listening to a request of mine?"

The amazoness spoke sultrily as she leaned closer to his ears. Finn became reacquainted with a soft sensation on his back he had long since familiarized himself with much to his dismay.

"Yes? What is it Tione?"

Finn wore a characteristic smile he always wore in diplomatic meetings. Any misstep and it would potentially dig into the finances of the familia to repair the Hostess once more.

Seeing Finn's acceptance of her words, Tione excitedly began to speak her desires.

"Please do teach me about chess captain! All night long… until sunrise!"

Finn tensed as Tione phrased her words in a way that would invite numerous misunderstandings from the other patrons who were locking their gazes onto him and Tione currently.

"Tione… you should phrase your words better-"

But before Finn could do so, Tione continued to dig him and herself further down.

"Even if I beg for you to stop. Keep going. Drive me insane until I fully understand everything. Won't you accept this request of mine? My dearest Captain?"

Tione began to wrap her arms around Finn, the Pallum couldn't do anything but sigh and admit defeat.

'You really are a hassle to deal with Tione…'

Finn would busy himself with consoling the amazoness. But deep down, he was secretly enjoying her adorable behavior.

"𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝… Chess isn't best learned through cramming and it's a bit too late to start… so come by my office whenever we're both free and I'll tutor you in the basics if you want."

Finn said with a kind smile towards the amazoness who wrapped herself around him.


Tione remained dazed in silence as she saw the face she fell in love with when she left Telyskura and traveled to Orario with her sister.

The face of the man that brought her down with ease and led her and her sister to the home they so cherished.

"Of course! I look forward to it, captain!"

Tione tightly hugged Finn as he laughed with some strain.

Some of the patrons in the crowd began praising the Braver for infatuating such a beauty of an amazoness.

But to Gareth and Riveria who knew Finn the longest besides the now asleep Loki who slept on the floor… only one thought ran through their heads.

'Just tie the knot with her already, you forty-two-year-old virgin…'

The long-time comrades of Finn simply couldn't understand how he continues to deny his attraction to the young amazoness.

Riveria even began looking into a way to revert the unique traits of amazonesses so that her friend could finally settle down.

But such things were for a time beyond now. For now, the two continued to stay stuck in mutual pining for one another. Tione showed it at every chance she got… and Finn slowly fell to her charms with each attempt beyond his awareness.


As the crowds watched Finn and Tione eventually reconcile, they eventually turned towards Lili and looked at her with a stare of pity. Believing her to have lost the battle.

'I only have Lord Ghost in my heart, but their stares are annoying me…'

Lili's eyes turned red in response to her growing annoyance with the peanut gallery. The stirring of her mind eventually communicated her intent to the rest of the patrons who promptly looked away with sweat on their brows.

"... Anya, another beer please."

The Pallum spoke to the catgirl waitress who nervously took her order. Despite being at a higher level than Lili…

'She's scary nya…'



"Come on Setanta! We can't keep Lord Lugh waiting for us!"

A young chienthrope girl of red eyes and long purple hair called upon her companion with a hint of annoyance in her cold voice.

The pair had just finished another intense session of training within the tombs of the living dungeon and the girl wished to settle their business so that they may return to the god of their familia.

"Haa… haa… Scaith… the sun hasn't set… Lord Lugh's shift at the stall doesn't end for a few more hours… why the rush?"

Tiredly chasing after the chienthrope was a younger human boy with swept black blue and red eyes just as deeply hued as his companion.

Setanta complained to his familia captain Scaith at her unrelenting attitude despite the two of them fighting monsters non-stop all day for the past few months.

"Quit complaining Setanta, it is better to be punctual than to be late. We also need to maintain our spears…"

Scaith said as she slowed down her pace secretly in consideration for her companion. Clutching at a red spear gifted and crafted for them by the god of their familia. The same was true for Setanta.

They were deep crimson spears with intricate designs that showed the maker's craftsmanship, but they were not designed to be mere ornaments but as weapons to draw blood and ash.

The edge of each spear was meticulously sharpened each day by the pair of adventurers. Treating their weapons as an extension of themselves.


But though Scaith presented her arguments for why she wished to hurry along with their remaining tasks, the boy knew full well why she was rushing so much at this moment and for the past few months.

"... Just admit it Scaith, you want to train to catch up to Gray Ghost"


Scaith shook slightly at the accusation posed by Setanta… because it was true.

Ever since she was saved by the mysterious figure that rescued her and her dear companion from the clutches of criminal adventurers, Scaith wished to grow stronger… to reach the level of strength that brought her such assurance that everything would be fine… in hopes that the road she walked on would lead her to meet her hero again.


Scaith tightened her grip on her spear. The sight led Setanta to sigh internally at how tough his familia captain was on herself.

"Scaith… we've been making good progress. We even leveled up to level two in six months. Lord Lugh says he feels you're close to leveling up again if you stay on a steady pace for another couple of months"

The hound-like young boy tried to reason with Scaith, noting his and her's accomplishments.

The pair of the Lugh familia grew in notoriety for their insanely fast level up's and their reputation spread among the adventurers from the early to middle floors as a pair of spear users that madly pierced through monsters. Covered in blood and ash as if it were normal. 

Their god even celebrated with the two immensely. Laughing endlessly at a goddess named Loki who seemed frustrated that people who broke her favorite child's record kept appearing out of nowhere. Much to the child's excitement at having other peers that she could learn from.


Scaith understood what Setanta was saying… in the eyes of everyone else, she and her companion were adventures with top-class potential…

"But I'm not the best… only the best will be enough to catch up to Gray Ghost… and I was slower than 『IgKnight』..."

Scaith painfully mentioned her frustration with an adventurer she considered her rival despite only meeting in passing. Her crimson eyes glowed faintly in response to her emotions.

"... Scaith…"

Setanta knew how deeply it hurt Scaith. Herself and 『IgKnight』were both spear users. But one progressed significantly faster than the other.

"Scaith.『IgKnight』was a supporter before her level-up record. Though her falna was diminished when she was a supporter, her experience should've helped tremendously when she delved into the dungeon…"

Setanta repeated the same argument he and his god would use to calm down the Chienthrope, but just as usual, it did little to satisfy the desires of the warrior to claim the title of best.


Scaith longed to see what the world was like beside the hero who saved her…she too learned of Gray Ghost's stories outside of Orario, and she desperately wished to travel alongside him.

To never know helplessness again. To understand the back that stood against her despair. There was only one way she could achieve such things… and it required her to be the best spearwoman.

"To become the spear he chooses to rely on…"


Setanta stared quietly at the frustrated girl, before grinning widely.

"You want to become his spear huh? Well… I use a short sword in addition to my spear, so maybe I can become Gray Ghost's sword?"

(E/D: I am gonna let the comments do their work. By the way, I am the storm that is approaching!)

The blue-haired boy wittingly replied to the logic Scaith was using. If only the best weapon could become the companion of the mysterious hero, Setanta would just become his sword rather than his spear.

"I'm quite adept with this sword alongside『Gáe Bolg』so it can work. Don't you think? Hehe~"

Seeing the childish smile of her companion, Scaith was eventually able to break off once again from her introspection.

'Thanks, Setanta…'

The Chienthrope thanked him in her heart but didn't put it into words. She knew full well that he would never stop gloating about it should he learn about her gratitude to him.


But as Scaith began repeatedly calling out to the blue-haired youth, memories unknown to her began to invade her mind.


A deep dark abyss filled her vision. The still musk of a land that knew neither progress nor decay. Still, everything remained deathly still.

A limbo treading not upon the mortal realm nor the reverse side of the world. A land of resentment where no lights shined. Where shadows were free to envelop all. A land of death and resentment… and a single gate standing between their endless hatred from reaching the living.


Red… a pair of deep red eyes were what she was staring at… and they too stared back at her. Tears falling incessantly.

Red… a red spear was held in his hand. The muffled refusal of her pupil reached her ears. She didn't wish to hear his hesitation.

She only wished for one thing… a comfort robbed of her as she lay atop a mountain of bones and a sea of blood.

『I want you to kill me』





Scaith snapped out of the dream she was living through.

Her senses took a moment to readjust themselves to reality.

Setanta breathed out as he realized she was back.

"You okay, Scaith?"

Scaith looked at the red eyes of the boy that was similar to her own. But instead of the desperation she saw before, there was nothing but a shining light reflecting off of them. Both reflect concern but in different shades.

"I'm fine… it's probably just hunger"

Scaith dismissed her sudden dreams and changed the topic of conversation. This wasn't the first time she had seen such a scene in her mind, but her god determined it to be her mind reflecting a certain inlaid desire.

So she simply reasoned… that it was because she was hungry. The girl was quite the sucker for food after delving into the dungeon.

"Huh?... Jeez, no normal person stands in silence because they want food randomly. How will you get Gray Ghost to like you if you're such a brute? ACK?!-"

Setanta was met with a brutal chop to the head by Scaith. A punishment for the boy's insensitivity to more complicated issues, like his captain's love life.

"My problems are my own to deal with. Instead of focusing on that, try and focus on controlling that skill of yours. You still haven't gotten control of 『Warp-Spasm』and I'm getting tired of having to beat you unconscious every time you use it…"

Scaith coldly stated whilst her mind was in turmoil over what the boy had said.

'Gray Ghost wouldn't mind someone like me right?'

Scaith looked down at her body. She was beginning to develop some curves at the young age of seventeen. Her god stated to be wary of any lecherous men that may approach her, but the fourteen-year-old Setanta just called them "lumps of fat".

While Scatih was busying herself with trying to understand what a hero like Gray Ghost would desire in a partner, Setanta began to fume at Scaith's comment about the magic he gained from his level-up.

His progress with it was a topic he was sensitive about. Not being able to make much progress despite their months of training.

"Hey! I'm doing my best as well, you know!"

Scaith snickered as she began to bicker back and forth with Setanta. The two eventually arrived at the entrance of the guild.

But before they began to exchange their magic stones, Setanta suggested something to Scaith.

"Hey. If you're hungry, I know this place that's apparently popular with stronger adventurers like the Loki familia. We might be able to see them if we go there"

Setanta's proposal piqued Scaith's interest. The chienthrope was eager to observe stronger warriors than herself. An interest she always had despite not knowing where or when it started.

"Hmm, is the food good?"

Scaith asked. She was quite particular about where she would eat after delving into the dungeon.

"Yeah. I even heard a few months ago there were some people who left very happy… something about wet pants. Not sure what that meant though…"

Setanta replied. Scaith had a faint understanding of what it meant, but if the food got good reviews among the public, she was sold on it.

"Alright, let's eat there once we're done. What is the place called?"

Seeing his captain's approval of his suggestion, the boy quickly called out the name of the pub.

"The Hostess of Fertility"



"... 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝…"

In the hectic workplace of the guild. As numerous people came and went as they constantly busied themselves with the numerous requests of the coming and going adventurers of the day.

In a room filled to the brim with speaking voices and moving hands… there was a singular oddity that stood out in the sea of hectic activity.

"... 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝…"

A brunette half-elf kept sighing to herself as her eyes looked as if they were devoid of life. Eyes that had the joy in her life robbed from her some time ago… six months ago if she were to be specific.

"... 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙝𝙝𝙝"

But even as she wallowed in a sadness that captured her coworker's attention. It didn't impede the rate at which she tore through her paperwork. It was the combination of her appearance and her actions that fascinated the growing peanut gallery around the girl.

"It's impressive that she works so fast when her mind is somewhere else… no wonder Eina is slated to be the next section chief."

Sophie, a white-haired elf commented as she watched Eina pass through paperwork with ease and efficiency.

The elf's comments gained nods of approval from the other watchers. Something that caught the attention of the passing section chief, Rehmer. Dispersing the crowd and telling them to get back to their jobs.

"Lord Ouranos doesn't pay you by the hour to just gawk and watch. Get back to work!"

The words of the chienthrope brought vigilance to the group who immediately went back to their duties. But Rehmer grabbed a hold of one of the people who were trying to escape the gaze of the chief. Someone he knew could resolve the entire cause of what drew such a crowd.

"And where do you think you're going? Misha Flott."

A short pink-haired girl flinched as her superior called her out by full name. Already knowing what he was about to ask.

"You're good friends with Eina Tulle right? I'm willing to overlook your accruing amounts of "unsanctioned break time" if you cheer up the backbone of our division… understand?"

The chienthrope said with a smile that scared Misha down to her core. The human girl didn't want another pay cut… her rent was coming up in a week.

"... understood, sir…"

Misha relented under the pressure. Earning her a bright smile from Rehmer as well as some thankful nods from the workers nearby. Eina's sighing was affecting them all quite a bit.

"Hey… Eina? What's wrong?"

Misha awkwardly struck up a conversation with her friend. It was not like Misha didn't want to help her friend out… it's because she knew exactly why the half-elf was so sad.

"... Bell… I want to see Bell again…"

Eina sadly mumbled as her hand continued to evaluate numerous adventurer reports and stamp even more numerous requests from adventurers and businesses in Orario corresponding with the guild.

"I got his letter from one month ago… BUT HE HASN'T SENT ME ANY SINCE THEN!"

Eina shouted, concern apparent in her voice.

She and Bell had been exchanging letters on a specific day every month for the duration of his travels.

The postal system of Gekai was rather rudimentary, so it took some time for a non-urgent letters to make their way to their recipient Especially since Bell was traveling. Only able to write while he was in Altena for his studies.

"He never missed a single instance of sending a letter before… did something happen? The postal office in Altena is robust and well-equipped so it can't possibly be an error in the transportation… did… something happen to him?!-"

She was about to request a vacation and use her insane amounts of accrued pay to travel to Altena. But Misha grabbed her friend before their entire section despaired at the disappearance of their best worker.

"Calm down! Calm down Eina! Your precious little brother is alright and fine!"

Misha tried her best to tame the concerned Eina, but her declaration only brought a fierce rebuttal from Eina.

"It's only natural that I'm concerned for him! Now let me go, Misha!"


Thus started the fierce struggle between the half-elf and the 4'9 Misha. A fight so intense it drew another crowd to watch. Rehmer and his co-workers silently cheered on Misha to keep Eina contained.



"Haa… haa… damn it Misha… haa…"

Eina exasperatedly said as she laid to rest in the break room of the guild. Misha lying next to her even more tired than Eina.

"Haa… haa… chief Rehmer promised a bonus if I succeded… haa… sorry Eina… you know my rent is due… haa…"

The two friends continued resting. Eina eventually got her grip back on her senses and apologized to her friend for her behavior.

"I'm sorry for earlier Misha… it just…"

Eina tried to explain herself to her friend, but Misha already knew what she was going to say.

"It's alright Eina. I understand… he's the first adventurer who stuck around with you, right? It's only natural you grow attached to him…"

Misha smiled as she stated what Eina was trying to say. She knew full well how much Eina strove to keep her adventurers alive when everyone else simply decided to not put in as much effort. Choosing to accept their deaths as a natural effect of the profession.

"Bell's kind, understanding, and patient. He even asked me if I had some spare notes I could give for his observations… the boy is cute and endearing. Handsome as well…"

Misha said whilst off-handedly commenting on his looks. Something that earned the ire of Eina who began to pout.

"What? I'm a young girl and he's a young boy. It's only natural!"

Misha tried to defend herself, but Eina wasn't having any of it. The half-elf was extremely protective of her favorite adventurer… even if he wasn't being advised by her anymore.

"I'm not letting Bell be tainted by you Misha. I had to deal with your numerous flings from the academy and even now I had to block them from entering the employee section of the guild in desperation. I won't allow you to pursue him!"

Eina was tired of cleaning up the after-effects of her friend's love life. Something that made Misha quietly comment on it.

"It's not my fault they can't forget me after one night"


Eina was confused as she heard Misha whisper something, but the pink-haired girl simply changed the topic.

"Anyways! Aside from being rejected from pursuing my best friend's little brother~ How about we hang out after work? You and me at a bar, like our senior years in the academy!"

Misha excitedly proposed the idea to Eina. The two had not drunk alcohol together in long while. Eina always said that she didn't want to deal with a hangover by accident as she went to work.

"Alcohol?... I don't know Misha…"

Eina voiced out some reluctance to the idea… but to Misha who would usually only be faced with straight rejection saw a chance to get wasted with her best friend again.

'This is a chance!... I only have to butter her up to the idea, then I'll be golden~"

Knowing her victory was in sight, Misha got up close to Eina and began to seduce her to the sweet temptations of a night out drinking with friends.

"Come on Eina~ It's fine to let loose every once in a while~ Didn't Bell say you should prioritize your health? Relaxing and enjoying the sweeter things in life is the best way to keep your mental health healthy!"

Misha began to bombard Eina with numerous reasons to go out with her for a drink, but Eina seemed to desperately cling to her sensibilities.

'Eina is holding on better than I expected…'

Seeing the half-elf continue to hold strong despite her grip weakening, Misha could only complement such determination… and pay respects to it before it fails.

'Unfortunately you, my dear friend… I'm an expert at coaxing people~"

Misha expertly went up to her friend's ear and whispered something she knew would break the heart of any overly concerned older sister.

"You know~ Bell has been gone for a while traveling… don't you think he might come back with a girlfriend to introduce you to?"


Eina was left unmoving and still at what Misha had said. Her mind raced to simulate the possibilities that may arise.

'Miss Eina… even though we're just advisor and advisee, I see you like the big sister I never had growing up…'

The Bell in Eina's head began to act shy with his cheeks slightly tinged red in a blush.

'So I thought it was only appropriate since you're like family to me… but this is my girlfriend! We met each other while I was traveling!'

Eina's heart began to break as she imagined her little brother slowly growing up without her. She couldn't take it any longer… but her mind made it much worse.

'We even have a kid coming in a few months! I'll be moving back to my hometown to raise my family… so I guess… this is goodbye then, big sis!'

Imaginary Bell said with tears in his eyes.

"... Alright… I need to have a drink tonight…"

Eina said with a hollow voice. It was as if her entire world shattered into a million pieces.

"Come to think of it… my little sister is getting married in a few months, isn't she? So Bell… ha… hahaha-"

Eina began to slowly make her way out of the break room. Scaring a few of her passing co-workers stiff with her dead eyes.

"Forgive me Eina, but you will thank me when you're wrapped in the sweet embrace of alcohol… a young boy going off on his own for six months? There's no way he hasn't had any lucky encounters~"

Misha said knowingly of the current situation of Bell despite not seeing him for so long. Though Misha knew it was only natural, she still held hope for another possibility to occur.

"Although you may get lucky, Bell… I hope you have room in your heart for Eina. Poor girl still blinds herself to her true feelings with sibling love…"

Unaware she had hit another nail on the head regarding Bell, Misha began to make her way to the still-shocked Eina. Making small talk as the half-elf replied weakly.

Disheartened by the revelation Misha had given her, the section chief scolded Misha later for making their star employee's rate of productivity lower.



Within the halls of the Hephaestus familia home, inside the office of the renowned goddess herself, a tense meeting was being held.


Welf waited anxiously, his breath tense and short.

Small sweat drops ran down his face.

This was the most pressure he had ever felt in his entire life.

Not when he was being hounded and chased by Rakia. Not when he was being threatened by their spies as they bounded him. This sole moment surpassed them all.

Because this moment will define the worth of the existence of his life.

Hours upon hours of sweat and pain went into this singular moment in time.


The development of the first magic sword that fit his ideals.

A shortsword constructed from the finest mythril alloys provided to Welf by the Hephaestus familia.

Forged in an intense heat produced from magical catalysts that improved the flame of his forge to easily heat the precious metals Welf had used.

Hammered with a special hammer provided by Tsubaki that conducted a small amount of magical energy upon impact, allowing for easier molding of the mythril blade.

Set in a pristine handle constructed with the horn of a monster from the deep floors that was known among master smiths to be well-paired for mythril weapons.

Inscribed with numerous magic circuits that came naturally to Welf as a result of his hereditary skill 『Crozzo Blood』

Worked to a meticulous scale of precision. Planned for months on end and forged for three straight days and nights. Welf kept himself awake with the assistance of a few specially made potions Hephaestus had commissioned from Airmid of the Dian Cecht familia.

Numerous investments and sacrifices went into the making of this blade. Totaling to an amount that would leave most people in shock to its absurdity.

'It's an insane amount… but it was necessary due to it being the first of its kind. An investment… a bet made by Lady Hephaestus and Captain Tsubaki upon the realization of my dream…'

Welf tightened his fists as he continued to wait, staring at the blade in his goddess' hands. Being scrutinized under the eyes of the goddess and the familia captain.

'Forged to be a gentle orange blade in remembrance of the day my dream was born… the sunrise where I met him…'

Welf reminisced on the inspiration that guided him as he forged the weapon. An orange short sword with a white hilt. To pay homage to that passing moment that left a permanent mark in the smith's heart and soul.

'Gray Ghost… you gave me the strength to challenge what I feared so much… to face the atrocities of the blood that runs in my veins… so I hope this sword will be the start of something more…'

Welf had a terrible naming sense for his weapons. A trait that was intimately known by his goddess, captain, and friend Lili. The Crozzo knew it well despite not wanting to acknowledge it… so he spent a long time thinking of what to name this blade that would make or break his career as a blacksmith.


Such was the name of the sword that Welf ultimately decided upon. A name that didn't meet opposition from Hephaestus and Tsubaki who were expecting something like "Mister Orange".

"... Tsubaki, activate the sword."

Hephaestus said as she finished her assessment of the blade's construction. Her expression not indicating any positive or negative expressions. The goddess wouldn't allow anything to be known until every aspect of the blade was known.

Handing the blade off to her familia captain who stirred its activation with mind, Tsubaki gripped the hilt of the sword tightly. Welf's nervousness peaked as it did.

'There are two effects I constructed the sword with… two effects that I hope will have no problems…'

The room turned even quieter than it already was. Not even the sound of breath could be heard… and then it began.


Tsubaki called out the name of the sword. The blade immediately began to glow a gentle orange hue that began to creep its way up Tsubaki's arm.


She took a few moments to feel the effects of the blade. Closing her eye and focusing on the sensations of her body. After finishing her assessment, Tsubaki began the next part of the test.


Welf drew in a sharp breath at what she was about to do… Tsubaki was going to cut her arm with the blade.


Tsubaki struck at her arm with the strength she accrued as a level-five adventurer.


An immense gust of wind filled Hephaestus' office along with the sound of the blade making contact with skin.


The three stared at what had become of Tsubaki's arm… and there was not a single drop of blood that was spilled.


Welf immediately raised in excitement but struggled to not let any of it show. There was one last test to be done.


Tsubaki breathed in as she picked up a nearby magic stone prepared for this moment.


Throwing the stone into the air, Tsubaki immediately began to swing at it. But with noticeably less force than before.


But despite the noticeable difference in force. The blade tore through the magic stone with ease. Cutting straight through it before the stone crumbled into tinier pieces.

𝙏𝙝𝙪𝙙… 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙙… 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙙...

As the fragments of the stone crashed into the ground, the room remained quiet once more…before Welf broke out into an exuberant cheer.


The Crozzo began to break down in tears. The past six months for him had been filled with countless worries he couldn't drive away. Worries about whether this time he would succeed… if he could truly make his dream a reality.

"𝙝𝙞𝙘… 𝙝𝙞𝙘… sorry Lady Hephaestus… 𝙝𝙞𝙘… Tsubaki… I… 𝙝𝙞𝙘… I…"

Welf's emotions began to flood en masse. He had dealt with his worries by diving incessantly into his work. Flooding any stray thoughts with more and more work.

His eyebags grew significantly more prominent over the past few months. Causing worry to stir within Lili whenever she visited him for a repair of her equipment.

The pallum mentioned that it would be okay if he didn't focus on her requests out of care, but Welf simply accepted every request he got on top of developing his magic sword.

"𝙝𝙞𝙘… haa… 𝙝𝙞𝙘…"

Welf's entire life had been leading up to this sole moment. Though he bordered on falling asleep due to exhaustion numerous times, the smith had never felt more alive. Hammering away at the metal and breathing in the hot air of his forge.

"Haa… haa"

His horror as he realized he made weapons of war that razed innocent villages to the ground with the fire his creations produced. The tears he shed for his first goddess as she sacrificed herself so that he could live. The endless mundane day as he stubbornly refused to accept himself as he forged countless weapons and armor.

Only after he had accepted himself… as he took upon his back the dream Gray Ghost showed to him all those months ago… only then… did Welf feel life course through his veins as he forged.

"It's alright Welf. Let those tears flow… you have finally become a blacksmith of worth… I had only briefly talked to Phobos during my time in Tenkai… but I'm sure she's immensely proud of how far you've come, Welf"

Hephaestus said to Welf as she walked closer to him. Kneeling down to meet the Crozzo as he attempted to gather himself kneeling as well.

"Just as Lady Hephaestus had said. Forging a magic sword that not only buffs the user with enhancement magic that strengthens them and clears their mind… but for it to only threaten monsters…"

Tsubaki said as she admired the sword in her hands. The young smith's creation lit a competitive spark within her. Turning her head to meet his gaze, Tsubaki reminisced on how far he had come.

'All those years ago he was just some haughty self-proclaimed brat going around calling himself a master… but now…'

Tsubaki raised her eyepatch. Opening the eyelid to reveal the white pupil of her blinded eye. A striking difference from her deep red on the other.

"Allow me to acknowledge you Welf Crozzo… you aren't a master smith just yet… but you're damn close to becoming one!"

Tsubaki declared with a wide and wild smile.


Welf felt another surge of tears beginning to form.

"Damn it Tsubaki… 𝙝𝙞𝙘… you just want to see me as a crying mess, don't you?... 𝙝𝙞𝙘"

Welf rebutted against the one-eyed captain of his familia, only to be met with her laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Any man too afraid to cry ain't worth shit!"

"Cry up a storm now Crozzo, 'cause I'm dragging you and Lady Hephaestus out onto the town to celebrate! And you will be crying with hangover pain once I'm finished drinking with you lot HAHAHAHAHA!"

Tsubaki then immediately threw the red-headed blacksmith over her shoulder and dragged the goddess along with him. She was in a festive mood with everything that had just happened, and nothing would stop her from drinking with the two of them.

"Even me?! Tsubaki, calm down and just-"

Hephaestus tried pleading with her familia captain to take a moment to calm down, readjusting the hilt of a sword on her waist due to the sudden movement. Something she began to carry a few months ago by her side at all times.

Many people wondered if the sword was a creation of the goddess that she was particularly fond of, or perhaps a preventative measure after her kidnapping incident. But to the goddess… it was much more than that.


Though Hephaestus appealed to Tsubaki's sensibilities… when it came to celebrating with alcohol, everything was thrown out the window. The goddess was only met with a quick response from Tsubaki.

"If you don't come with me, I'm reporting that little attempt you made to make a "necessary business trip" to Altena in the familia's budget~ Our familia's accountants are still trying to find the reason for the unallocated funds you know~"


Hephaestus flared up with embarrassment at the accusation Tsubaki laid against her… the goddess desperately wanted to see the sword told in the stories she heard. The magnificent giant blade he had used to slay the vicious Leviathan of legend.

"... fine… just please forget that soon, Tsubaki…"

The goddess sheepishly acquiesced to the cyclops of her familia. Tsubaki laughed up a storm as she saw the ruthless goddess of the forge melt into a puddle in her innocent love.

"No, I don't think I will HAHAHAHAHA!"

Welf who was still being hung over Tsubaki's shoulder took a moment to process the entire situation but soon began laughing as he cried out tears.


Somewhere far from Orario, Phobos smiled as she saw the sad child begin to smile once more… as brightly as she remembered. The endearing sight that had made her love him so much.




Inside a room in a large oriental brothel, an area seldom used for its intended purpose but still inhabited for the sake of formality.

A blonde renard could be seen laughing to herself. An innocent joy that didn't fit the house of carnal pleasure it resided in.

"Treasure planet. What a fascinating story… what I would give to ride a ship that sails through a sea of stars…"

Haruhime closed her eyes as she finished reading another story she had been gifted by her mysterious benefactor.

Due to the book she had received all being original stories she had never heard of before in her old resplendent home in the east, Haruhime determined the identity of her benefactor to be the person who penned the stories that had captured her attention with every word.

"Tinker Bell… every word he writes is filled with appreciation for storytelling… it as if he had lived a life dedicated to understanding books thoroughly… haaa~"

The renard sighed in joy as she clutched the book in her hands. Her benefactor had given her a mountain of books. Each one in similar quality to the one she held. Loving and treasuring each page she acquainted herself with.

Whisked away from one fantastic world to another. Wanderlust in her eyes despite being chained in captivity in the brothels of the Ishtar familia.

"I wonder if this was his intention… to let me forget the cruel reality I am in and substitute it for another…"

Haruhime thought as she traced her fingers across the pages of her book. They were mere parchments of paper… but to the girl who only knew captivity in her noble home and captivity in the brothels of her owners… it was the warmest sentiment she had felt in her entire life.


A blush began to slowly take over Haruhime's face. She had never even seen who her benefactor was, never even heard the sound of his voice, nor the contour of his shadow… and yet…

"It's like he's always next to me… through the books and pages he wrote… I feel… so so warm…"

Her tail began to sensually move as the girl began to relish the emotions she had felt. Haruhime would usually admonish any thought of living out a story she so dearly loved. Believing herself unfit to become the heroine of a hero.

"Aladdin… Tangled… Little Mermaid… Mulan… Moana…"

Haruhime began to recount the numerous stories she had read over the past few months.

"Iliad… Aeneid… Bellerophon… Journey to the West…"

Stories that stirred her heart beyond what she thought was possible… beyond what she had felt being confined inside the four walls she met every day.

"Theseus… Argonaut…"

Haruhime turned her head to the night sky beyond her window. The night breeze brushed along her cheek. Leaving a faint but refreshing kiss on her face.

"I wonder… if we are looking at the same starry sky, Tinker Bell…"

As the renard wondered where her benefactor could possibly be, a sound that reached her ears brought Haruhime's attention away from the night sky.


Haruhime called out to the figure she recognized, the amazoness greeting her back with a smile.

"Hey, Haruhime… busy night?"

Aisha joked as her figure soon became illuminated by the sensual glow of the brothel's room.

Her tan skin reflected the warm orange glow of the brothel's lamps. Her toned stomach and bountiful contours became highlighted as the light contrasted her shadow.

"No customers I'm afraid tonight… it would seem customers don't find me desirable…"

Haruhime depressively thought as her tail began to lower from when it wagged in joy previously. Seeing the sight, Aisha couldn't help but find her adorable. Consoling the renard whilst thanking none had their way with the poor girl.

"Don't think that Haruhime… you have that person you like, right? Tinker Bell? That person must have the hots for you. Nobody wouldn't write that many books for someone they didn't like~"

Aisha commented as she noticed the book in Haruhime's hands. As the girl's caretaker, Aisha grew very close to her. To a point that the amazoness now saw the young girl as close as family.

'Lady Ishtar would normally disapprove of Haruhime having any personal belongings… but she can fuck herself senseless… wanting to kill this sweet girl for her petty selfishness…'

Aisha detested her goddess immensely. Wanting to kill an innocent girl to prove she is the better goddess in her one-sided rivalry with Freya. Forcing Aisha to accept and further her plans with her charm despite her disapproval.

'I can't even do anything to save Haruhime now… I have to sit still and watch as she gets killed in cold blood…'

The amazoness' anger stirred within her heart. Aisha desperately tried to find a way to save Haruhime… but then the girl's mysterious benefactor came. Coming to know about him after Haruhime began to show her the books he would leave by her room regularly.

Aisha knew in an instant that this was the way out for Haruhime. The way through which she could be saved.

'No average person can infiltrate the security of this brothel and even that of the Ishtar familia home without notice or leaving a trail… Tinker Bell… he's strong.'

Aisha knew the security detail of the places Haruhime would stay at. She performed the duties of familia's vice-captain with Tammuz being the position holder in name only.

Because of this, she knew exactly how skilled one would have to be to perform such a task.

'Tinker Bell is skilled… immensely skilled. But more important than that, somehow he knows about Haruhime's situation…'

Aisha would normally become suspicious of such an individual to learn about Haruhime. There were no documents nor any rumors outside of Ishtar's inner circle regarding her existence and purpose.

But Aisha pushed those concerns down the road. If this mysterious benefactor could help Haruhime get out of Ishtar's clutches, she could deal with the aftermath that came later.

'The only thing stopping me from killing that bitch is the captain and her charm… if Tinker Bell is some pervert…'

Aisha will make sure he would never have an outlet for his lust to be sated.

"... Aisha?"

Haruhime's soft voice broke Aisha out of her thoughts. With her immense experience as a veteran adventurer and close acquaintance with the darker side of Orario, Aisha had lost herself in simulating the worst-case scenario.

"I don't know what is troubling you… but I'll try my best to help the best I can!"

Haruhime said with a pumped-up voice. Cutely reassuring the amazoness who could tear vicious monsters easily. The sight made Aisha laugh.


Seeing her friend laugh at her determination, Haruhime began to redden up in embarrassment. Her tail tucked into her legs.

"No~ I didn't mean it like that Haruhime~ I really appreciate you wanting to help me,"

Aisha began to gently hug the renard. Comforting the young girl as she blushed heavily.

"I really appreciate it, Haruhime… but these problems are for me to deal with… and seeing you happy is the best way to help me. So… be happy for me, will you?"

Aisha asked as she continued to gently hold the young girl in her arms. Haruhime quietly replied as she continued to process her embarrassment.

"Yes… I'll do my best if it can help you, Aisha… Tinker Bell's books make it quite easy to do that."

Hearing her reply, Aisha changed the subject of her conversation to assist Haruhime in getting over her embarrassment.

"Hey, Haruhime? I have a story to tell you about the Gray Ghost that's going around Orario right now. So how about we exchange stories? You tell me about the book you're reading and I tell you about the story I learned. Deal?"

Haruhime listened to what Aisha had said… and her tail began excitedly wagging in joy.

"This… this is like the book clubs I read about!"

Haruhime read about such a group in one of the stories she read from Tinker Bell. She fell in love with the concept of book lovers meeting and discussing their shared love and interest in stories.

"I always wanted to be in one! So can we make a book club Aisha? Just you and me!"

Haruhime excitedly pleaded with her friend to make a book club with her. Aisha wasn't sure what a book club was, nor did she read much outside of documents for managing the familia… but seeing the innocent starry gaze of Haruhime, Aisha thought it would take an unfeeling monster to not accept the girl's request.

'The only books I read much outside of familia duties are… erotic novels for masturbation… I should probably visit the library… I don't want to talk about those books with Haruhime,'

Promising to herself to read more books for the sake of her adorable little sister, Aisha happily accepted the renard's request.

"Sure Haruhime. I would love to be a part of your book club."

Hearing the amazoness' acceptance, Haruhime was over the moon with joy. The two went deeply into the night as they discussed the stories they knew about.

Though Haruhime did most of the talking, and the contents of their conversation did not deviate much from their usual talks, the fox girl would remember this moment as one of the happiest in her life.

Haruhime's book club would soon grow into a group encompassing her friends and family in a familia that had yet to form… but that's a story for another time.




The sun had set and night fell over Orario.

Though the Hostess was already busy enough, the pub had grown immensely busy as the day waned into night… much to the dismay of May.


The cat-girl chef began to curse incessantly at Bell. The stoves were all filled with pots and pans. Fire blared constantly and the sound of knife chopping was endless.

Inundated with numerous orders with the increase in customers, May began to cook non-stop without rest.

"May… we have a new order…"

Anya sheepishly announced to May, afraid of what had become of her friend. Just as expected, the glare that May gave Anya sent a chill down her spine.


Stiffening under the strict gaze of the chef. Anya straightened her posture and shouted out the order.


Hearing the order, May memorized it in her head along with the ten other orders that were pending.



Anya ran out with tears in her eyes. Usually, such a sight would bring concern among her fellow coworkers, but they were all too busy tending tables to care at that moment.

Even Mia was busying herself with washing the dishes to keep up with the number of orders. Dragging Syr out of her room to help despite the young girl's protests to ease the burden even a little.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! So the famous 『IgKnight』is a customer of this rascal? Try and swing by my workshop every once in a while! I wanna study that famous lance of yours!"

Through a series of stool seats inside the Hostess, Tsubaki began to make conversation with Lili, whom her group was seated next to.

Welf awkwardly watched as his captain intruded upon the meal of her friend, while Hephaestus worryingly inspected the scabbard. Hoping nothing wrong had befallen it after she was grabbed roughly by Tsubaki.

"It's an honor to be offered that by a master smith like you Lady Tsubaki, but I would much rather leave my work to Welf. He's my contracted blacksmith, and I'm sure you are busy enough with commissions"

Lili expertly avoided the insistence of Tsubaki to inspect the lance gifted to her by Gray Ghost. The pallum knew that its construction could only be given to those her teacher trusted, one of those people being Welf.

"Lili, you… 𝙝𝙞𝙘… 𝙝𝙞𝙘"

But to Welf, it seemed more like his friend choosing to believe in his abilities over a master smith. His mind extrapolated from that the pallum believed him to be equal to or better than a master smith like Tsubaki.

"I'll make you proud Lili!... 𝙝𝙞𝙘… UWAAAAAA!!!-"

The once firm Welf had devolved into a sobbing mess. Inebriated after Tsubaki chugged dwarven fire whiskey down his throat, Welf was now extremely susceptible to his emotions. A crying drunk.

"Welf! Stop trying to hug me!"

Lili tried her best to get her sobbing friend off of her. The smell of hard alcohol irritated her senses.

"... must be nice…"

Tsubaki stared longingly at the scene of Welf and Lili for two reasons. One was that Welf got to exclusively handle a piece of equipment she was personally interested in, and the second… was her fetish for hugging people smaller than herself.

"I can't just intrude on a blacksmith contract. I have my pride as a fellow smith… and though I usually prefer small men… I don't think it would be bad to experiment with women every once in a while~"

Unaware of the hidden connotations her words could possibly have meant as she was quite drunk herself. Tsubaki began to drool as she fantasized about hugging Lili. Her fluffy hair being the main drawing point in the half-dwarf's mind.

"𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝… luckily there were no scratches…"

Hephaestus sighed in relief as she finished inspecting the scabbard which carried the sword Gray Ghost had gifted her.

Her eyes carried the professionalism she had whenever she was discussing her familia's affairs or about forging… but after her worries evaporated into nothingness.

"Hehehe~ I'll polish you up when we get back home Lil Gray~ Mama will wash you up real nice while we continue waiting for Papa~"

Hephaestus succumbed to her drunkenness… she too had dwarven fire whiskey chugged down her throat by Tsubaki.

"Don't tell this to the other swords I made… ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ ᵐʸ ᶠᵃᵛᵒʳⁱᵗᵉ ˢʷᵒʳᵈ"

The goddess of the forge whispered her biased preference for the blade. Hephaestus had an embarrassing tendency to treat her creations like people.

Having had little friends until Hestia stepped in for her and allowed herself to become more confident socially, Hephaestus would spend her time in her workshop talking to the creations she had made. Particularly her divine automatons. But her habit applied to weapons as well.

"Hey, Lil Gray~ Do you… perhaps want to have a little brother?~ When Papa gets home… Mama and Papa could make one for you~"

Hephaestus continued whispering her thoughts to the sword she carried. Disguising her desires under the pretext of her child's desire.

"Mama and Papa could go to the forge together… sweating under the heat… pounding away until sunrise… he… hehe… hehehe~"

The goddess began to giggle incessantly to herself.


Lili heard what the goddess had been saying and felt she should be concerned.

'I don't know who she's talking about… but I feel threatened'

But before Lili could connect the goddess to the Gray Ghost. The sound of Chloe rang throughout the noisy pub.

"Two more parties are incoming! Both pairs!"

The waitress' announcement came with a tired groan from Mia who had come out after washing another batch of dirty dishes. Being met with another stack of dirty dishes and the announcement of more customers coming in.

"... 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝… direct the first party by the window… the other can sit beside the stool area…"

The words of Mia were received by Chloe who began to direct the first party to the windows and led the other deeper into the pub.



"Wow. This place usually isn't this packed… but it's good that we got a window seat, right Eina?"

Misha excitedly said to her companion as they seated themselves. Eina only replied with a faint grunt.

"Yeah… I guess"

Misha awkwardly smiled. Though she was successful in dragging Eina out for a drink with her, she was beginning to regret her decision. Not realizing just how much of a brother complex the half-elf had for Bell.

"H-Hey… waitress? Could you give me some juice for my companion? I don't think she will take alcohol well tonight…"

Ryuu picked up the call of Misha and headed over to their table. But as she ordered juice, she regretfully announced the unavailability of the juice.

"I'm most sorry, dear customers. We ran out of juice some time ago. If you do not want alcohol we still have water and some tea if you'd like a pot this late at night…"

Once Misha heard the waitress utter the word "tea", the girl immediately recognized what was about to happen.

'Oh shit-'


Eina spoke softly. Ryuu turned to her and affirmed what she had said.

"Yes, ma'am. We have tea ready to be served if you wish for it… I believe the varietals we have in stock include breakfast, black, and… Alv green"

As Ryuu finished speaking, Misha's worry only began to increase after she had spoken about "Alv green" tea.

'Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit-'


Misha tried to avert disaster… but she was too late.

"Tea?... Alv green tea?... That… that was the tea he used to make for me… 𝙝𝙞𝙘… 𝙝𝙞𝙘… UWAAAAAAAAAAA-"

Eina began crying incessantly. Ryuu was shocked at the sudden outburst of the customer, but Misha immediately moved to handle it.

"Waitress! We will take the strongest wine you have!"

Misha began desperately to try and remedy the heartbroken half-elf. Ryuu clarified more about their order after processing what was happening.

"V-very well, how much would you like?"


"... food?"


"... as you wish"

Thoroughly taken aback by the situation despite her years of experience as a warrior that faced life and death, Ryuu began to make her way to the bar to get the pair their alcohol. Eina cried loudly as she did.




'I feel another feeling from over there… what's happening with me?'

Lili commented in her mind. As though another threat had appeared, but she didn't know why.

"𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝… things are getting too hectic for me to understand…"

Lili said as she began to take a sip of her beer. The sounds of an approaching party reached her ears as she did.

"This place must be really good to have so many patrons, Setanta. For the Loki familia to dine here…"

Scaith commented as she walked along the interior of the pub. Her companion agreed with her observation.

"Yeah. I can't wait to try the food!"

Setanta excitedly ran a bit ahead of his familia captain to head to their seats. Once he arrived, he turned to meet Scaith.

"Hey, Scaith! Over here-"

But his call was cut short as he locked eyes with one of the patrons sitting by the stool seats.


Lili stared back at Setanta in confusion, wondering if she had any relation to the person she was looking at.

'I don't remember talking with a blue-haired kid… wait… blue hair and he seems to be carrying a spear… I think I might've heard of him from somewhere…'

As Lili began to try and remember where she had heard such a description, the voice of his companion began to reach her ears.

"Setanta? What's wrong? Why are you so tense?"

Scaith began to ask in confusion why her companion began to pale tremendously.

"Scaith! On second thought, perhaps it would be better not to eat here! How about we go someplace else?"

Setanta spoke in a hurried tone as he began to nudge Scaith away from their table, much to the chienthrope's added confusion.

"I like the smell of the food here, Setanta. It's fine if you want to go someplace else, but I have decided to try out this pub's food"


Setanta despaired as he realized nothing would stop Scaith once she caught a whiff of a food's aroma that she liked.

"So if you could just move away, I'll go up to the… table…"

Noticing the slowing of his familia captain's words, Setanta looked up and saw where she was looking at… and the person who was looking back at her.


Scaith and Lili entered a staredown. The two of them recognized each other in an instant. Seeing there was no hope left, Setanta began to pray.

"Lord Lugh… please give me strength to survive what is about to come…"

Lili stared at Scaith. Her aggression growing rapidly. She knew full well who exactly she was.

'Scaith… otherwise known as Scathach of the Lugh familia. Holder of the second fastest level-up after me and an adventurer who is renowned for her proficiency with spears…'

Lili began to recite with ease the information she gathered on Scaith. Because for Lili, Scaith was the greatest threat to her strongest desire.

'She's threatening my position as Lord Ghost's spear…'

Lili knew that someone like Gray Ghost could only afford the most capable individuals to accompany him. For someone like Scaith to exist alongside Lili… two women who were rescued by Gray Ghost… striving to become stronger… both using the same category of weapon.

'I can't ignore her…'

Lili's eyes began to glow crimson as she continued staring at Scaith, but this time, the pallum began to analyze her body.

'A mature beautiful face… a bountiful pair and still growing… a curvy butt… and tall on top of all that…'

Lili analyzed Scaith quickly… and came to the conclusion that she was the exact opposite of her and the ideal Lili believed men wanted, based on the words of the drunkards of the Soma familia of the past… the ideal Gray Ghost would want in a potential partner.


As Lili processed her thoughts, Scaith was doing the same.

'Liliruca Arde of the Soma familia. Holder of the fastest level-up record and renowned for her proficiency with her lance and the spell 『Firebolt』...'

Scaith began to recite with ease the information she knew of Lili. Her identity constantly replayed in her head as the chienthrope trained incessantly to reach her savior, Gray Ghost.

'She's the obstacle standing in my path to becoming the strongest spear… to become a person who can reach Gray Ghost…'

Scaith knew that someone like the dungeon vigilante could only be met regularly by people who were strong like him. She harbored the same motivations as Lili.

'This has to end here…'

Scaith's eyes began to glow a similar crimson to Lili's. Though Lili was generally regarded as the stronger of the two, the topic among the public on who was the better spear user was divided along the center.

Those who favored Lili believed her raw strength and magical power was the deciding factor.

Those who favored Scaith believed her immense technique and finesse could counter such things.

Scaith wished to settle the debate once and for all… and the chienthrope was motivated for other reasons as well.

'A cute and adorable face… a petite body that awakens one's desire to protect and nurture… and short enough to be doted on after all of that…'

Lili was the exact opposite of Scaith and the ideal that men wanted, based on the words of her god and companion… the ideal Gray Ghost would want in a potential partner.


Despite the two seeing each other as enemies, they both shared a lot in common.

Lili rose to her feet from her chair and Scaith approached from where she was standing.



The two entered a stare-down. Their bloodlust leaked at that very moment. Their eyes burned a deep red. Both drowning in hatred of the other.

"You trying to start something? Doggy?"

Lili spoke out first. Venom apparent in her words.

"You know full well what we're both thinking, Lilliputian"

Scaith replied with an insult of her own.


Lili smiled in anger as her magic began to take hold of her.

"You talking to a mirror?"

Scaith gripped her spear as the hostility escalated.


Tsubaki intervened before things escalated.


The pair were shocked as they were immediately locked into an embrace by Tsubaki. The half-dwarf towered over them both and slowly descended to meet their heads. Her extroverted smile disappeared as she did. Replaced with a cold expression.

"Listen and listen well rookies… it's all good to be motivated to grow… its good to have rivals… but if a fight breaks out, Mama Mia will close this pub… I happen to be in a festive mood… and you don't want to see what happens when someone separates me from a good time with alcohol…"

The words of Tsubaki seared themselves into Lili and Scaith. Her grip strengthened bit by bit as she continued speaking.

"Now… we wouldn't anything unfortunate to happen, right? For me… and you two especially"

"So when I turn around, we're all smiling and there's no more fighting… do I make myself clear?"

Tsubaki asked the two adventurers in her hands, and they both nodded nervously.

"Good… now in three… one… two… three"

The trio turned around and were met by Mia who was looking at them with a tired expression, the waitresses waiting to see if they should intervene, and some concerned looks from the Loki familia.


Tsubaki took a moment of silence… then shouted out.


Mia sighed then confirmed the order, asking one of the waitresses to begin pouring the shots.

"Honestly you two. Alcohol is something to be enjoyed! If I wanted to debate, I would head over to the nerds of Altena! HAHAHA!"

Tsubaki spoke as she seated Lili and Scaith together. The two only being able to nervously reply to the level five who had threatened them so casually.

"Y-yeah… ha… haha… nerds…"

"I-I know right?... ha… haha…"

Seeing how the two acted, Tsubaki chuckled before heading to a free seat beside Welf. Leaving the pair to themselves.

"Hey… do you think that'll be fine, Tsubaki?"

Welf spoke in worry. Sobering up a bit from her drunken-fueled emotional breakdown, Welf wasn't sure if it was best to leave Lili with Scaith. He knew full well how seriously the pallum strove to become the strongest spear user.

"Heh, you know nothing Welf. People like those become the closest friends over time"

Tsubaki spoke in a tone that seemed to understand the truth of the situation, a truth Welf began to doubt as he watched Lili and Scaith stare daggers at each other.

"Yeah… friends…"

As Welf tried to understand how the pair could possibly become close, Setanta was in the background praying incessantly for the miracle that had occurred.

"Thank you Lord Lugh… thank you…"



"Looks like the crisis was averted…"

Finn said as he relaxed back into his seat. Relieved that Tsubaki was able to mediate a fight between two top rising adventurers.

"HAHAHAHA! You worry too much Finn! Nothing screams youth more than a hot fierce rivalry! We should be assured that Orario's future is in good hands. After all, didn't we grow in the exact same way? HAHAHAHA!"

Gareth replied to the worried captain. Happy that the next generation of adventurers was more promising than them.

"I suppose that is one way to view it… though Tiona and Tione might be miffed if the Hostess closed"

Riviera added to the conversation as she stared at the two drunk amazoness sisters. Both having become plastered after numerous drinks.

"Gray… Gray Ghost… 𝙝𝙞𝙘… I want… 𝙝𝙞𝙘… one boy and two girls… 𝙝𝙞𝙘"

"Captain Finn… 𝙝𝙞𝙘… I want… 𝙝𝙞𝙘… ten… maybe more~"

Finn smiled at the two sisters who were hugging each other affectionately… ignoring the concerning things Tione has said about him.

"That's true… Leifya is quite plastered as well"

Finn said as he observed the drunk elf who passed out after chugging a single glass of beer. Egged on by Tiona.

"Miss Ais… hehehe~"

Lefiya was currently resting her head atop Ais' lap. Ais continuing to chew on a jagamarukun. She had prepared and bought a lot of jagamarukuns for that night, and her appetite for the snack didn't diminish one bit.

"... 𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙝"

Riveria laughed at the nonchalant attitude of their sword princess, while Finn and Gareth chuckled lightly.

"Loki is still sleeping on the floor. Thankfully no one had stepped on her… and Bete is still training in the Twilight Manor… so should we head home for tonight, guys?"

Finn suggested. Something the two other high executives were about to agree with… but something happened before they could speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I am but a humble bard hailing from the sea salt winded lands of Altena! For a price, I will be willing to regale the heroic tale of the Gray Ghost as he fought hordes of mysterious black beasts and the fearsome Leviathan!"

"I assure you of the quality of what I'm offering… for I am the few who laid witness to the heroic vigilante himself!"

The bard's announcement caught the attention of the pub. Mia was about to kick him out due to her policy of not allowing performers in her establishment… but…


Three bags of valis crashed down on the floor in front of the bard. Those bags came from Lili, Scaith, and Tione who had awoken from her drunken stupor with the mention of her idol.

"One order of the meat lover's special with beer please!"

"Venison steak and a glass of Soma wine!"

"Fried Salmon with three beers!"

The trio all resounded their orders. They wanted to thoroughly immerse themselves in the story of the Gray Ghost's battle.

The crowd in the pub was silent, but they all began to follow their lead.

Sounds of coins hitting the floor resounded.

"That story better be good bard! HAHAHA!"

Orders were made to the waitresses.

"Beers for our group! And any snack you guys will have!"

The pub shifted its attention to preparing to listen to the story of Orario's mysterious vigilante.

"... damn it…"

Mia, seeing the immense amounts of profit to be made, decided to let the bard perform. But she would give him hell once his performance was finished.

"Okay, ladies! One last spurt before we finish up! I'm adding a bonus to your pay after we're done with this night"

"Yes… Mama Mia…"

The waitresses responded tiredly, even Ryuu was visibly drained.

"Looks like we're staying for a while then"

Finn commented as he saw Tione begin to excitedly wait in her seat for the performance, his long-time comrades sighing and choosing to enjoy the moment.

"Quiet up with the water works Eina, the show is about to start!"

Misha tried to hush her crying friend. Eina slowly gathered herself to watch the performance like everyone else. The half-elf mysteriously felt that she needed to listen to this story.

"Oho~ Looks like tonight will be interesting"

Tsubaki remarked as Welf relaxed in his seat in anticipation. A still-drunk Hephaestus continued talking softly to her precious sword.

"Look, Lil Gray! They're talking about Papa!"

Hephaestus commented gleefully as she held the sword gently against her chest. The goddess enjoyed any time the vigilante was talked about.

"Lord Ghost… Lord Ghost… Lord Ghost…"

Lili began to repeat her savior's name in a hushed tone. Her eyes glowed a fervent red as she did. Her pent-up frustration against Scaith turned into an obsession for the vigilante.

"Gray Ghost… Gray Ghost… Gray Ghost…"

Scaith began to fervently call out his name alongside Lili. Her ears actively focus to capture every sound of the bard's storytelling. Her tail wagged excitedly.

"Gray Ghost… I hope I meet him one day"

Setanta mentioned as he sat by a chair near a table. The young boy was saved by the figure but was unable to remember what had happened. So he wished to properly thank him if he ever does encounter the vigilante.

The air was tense with anticipation. The bard was overjoyed that he would be performing for such an eager audience.

"Very well! It all began one sunny day by the breezy port… a man and woman chatted amongst themselves as a shadowy figure approached…"

The night was still young for Orario. The figures who would define its future one day relaxed as they all indulged in the retelling of a story far from their home.

Breathing in the peaceful air of the cold night as they did.




Far from Orario, in a distant village that knew little of the happenings of the dungeon city and the world, Asfi stared into the night sky longingly.

"I hope you're alright wherever you are, Ghost…"

The captain of the Hermes familia was currently assigned to investigate a concern that was brought to the attention of their familia by Ouranos. An issue that required the familia's captain to leave Orario.


Asfi breathed out a hot breath that created a mist in the cold air. The cold of the northern regions struck against her clear skin.

"𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝… the cold air… it wasn't as comforting as when I star gazed with you Ghost…"

Asfi pondered on what was so different between the cold air in her memories and that of the present. But before she could introspect any longer, she was rudely disturbed by the burden she was carrying on this trip.

"My my Asfi. If you think so deeply at your age you might develop wrinkles you know? I don't know if your boyfriend will like that very much. HII?!-"

Hermes intruded upon Asfi who was relaxing by herself by a cliff overlooking the village they were currently staying at, the god becoming threatened with a throwing knife that grazed his skin as he spoke.

"Lord Hermes… one more word, and I'm stuffing you inside the suitcase…"

Feeling the animosity in his familia captain's words, Hermes promptly acquiesced and ran away.

"On second thought, it's healthy for people your age to reflect every once in a while. SORRY FOR INTERRUPTING!!-"

Asfi sighed as she saw her goofball of a god run away scared. Turning her head back to the night sky to reminisce on the unforgettable night she shared with the Gray Ghost all those months ago.

"Hmm… perhaps having a companion by your side makes cold nights easier to handle?"

Asfi postulated as she closed her eyes with a light smile. Her bag situated beside her. Containing a document with a title that spurred the calculating god and captain to act themselves.

『Evilus Remnants Spotted in Kaios Desert』



Along the endless sea of sand of the Kaios Desert. Resting on his back beside a flickering campfire, Bell stared into the sky. Resting from the traveling so long.

"Just a few more days of travel…and I'll be where I need to be"

The reincarnator pondered on his progress. His eyelids became heavier as the sweet embrace of sleep began to take over him.


But before he did. He wondered where everyone he knew was…what they were doing…how they were…wishing that he could see them once more, Bell remembered the slogan of a game he once played…the quote resounding heavily in his mind before he fell unconscious in slumber.


No matter the time…no matter the distance…no matter the journey…

"We all walk under the same sky"




The easternmost point of Altena. A cliff that once overlooked the sea, but is now an area that became filled to the brim with locals and tourists for one sole reason.


The sword that was used by the mysterious vigilante of Orario currently rests by this cliffside. Firmly implanted into the ground. Its size and majesty inspired awe among those who witnessed it.


The sword of the hero that saved Altena. The giant-slayer weapon that felled the feared serpent. The sword that currently rested here went by many names… but to the figure who currently stood by themselves on the cliff in the dead of night… there was only one word used to describe it.

"What a horrendous fake"

The figure spoke with malice in their voice. The sheer sight of the sword stirred immense feelings of disgust and anger.

"To think those fools consider this a monument of triumph… what idiocy…"

The figure's red eyes spurred to life. Shining beneath the hood they wore.

"I'll be generous and grant them mercy for being the bumbling fools they are… I'll even grant them magnanimity…"

The figure held their hands forward. Towards the towering sword.

"And rid them of this abomination of a sword"

A golden ripple manifested in the air.

"I would appreciate it if you don't destroy that sword, mercenary… it holds a lot of emotional sentiment for me"

Athena spoke as she walked out of the forest. Her eyes narrowed as she approached the figure.

"Hm? A goddess… I detest your kind quite a fair bit, but I hold some level of respect for your accomplishments Athena… I will allow you to speak"

The figure haughtily replied to Athena. The choice of words amused the goddess of knowledge.

"So I'm beneath you? That's quite new for me… but not unexpected coming from you. Also, the only people I actually like get to drop the formalities with me, so don't overstep your boundaries mortal"

Athena's eyes began to glow. Her distaste for the figure wasn't hidden a single bit.

"I usually prefer to resolve things with diplomacy… but illegally trespassing on Altenian borders and even sinking a patrol boat that approached you to inform of your trespassing… I am afraid such courtesies aren't afforded to criminals"

The figure began to laugh as the goddess spat out their accusations. The figure found her audacity hilarious.

"HAHAHAHA! Me? Becoming apprehended as a criminal? I have a revelation to make myself goddess…"

『Gate of Babylon』

"My patience for you has run dry"

Numerous golden ripples formed around Athena. But in an instant…


Odysseus and Penelope were upon the figure's neck.

"𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙡 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙘"

Penelope spoke with a fierce glow in her eyes. Numerous magic bolts trained themselves at the figure's vitals. Ready to shoot a moment's notice.


Oddyseus quietly aimed his magic at the figure's neck. The familia captain remained silent, but his magic expressed his anger as it resounded in the cold air of the night.

"Oho… looks like I have severely underestimated your little familia, Athena. I suppose it was my fault for trying to compare you to those fools in the countryside… but then again… it's quite hard to distinguish a bug from another of larger size"

Odysseus didn't wish to listen to any more of the figure's words and spoke in a threatening tone.

"No more words "Familia Killer". Leave Altena by choice or by force"


The figure turned to Penelope and began speaking.

"Keep your husband in line, high-elf. I'm disposing upon you an act of mercy for what your ancestors did long ago… stop him before I do this blasted world a favor and rid it of him myself"


Penelope remained quiet as she continued to train her magic on the figure. Knowing that trying to argue with them was a pointless endeavor.

"𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝… stand down you two. No harm will befall me. This bastard simply enjoys riling people up… I'm good friends with Ninsun, so nothing would ever happen to me in the first place"

Athena spoke as she walked through the numerous golden ripples without worry, soon reaching the figure who looked upon her with glowing red eyes.

"It is quite the displeasure to meet you again, Gilgamesh"






Thank you for reading this chapter.

16k words…this is the longest chapter I've written so far. Mainly due to the amount of stuff I wanted to cram into this chapter HAHAHA.

I hope you enjoyed catching up on what's been going on with the characters in Orario. I realized as I wrote this chapter that I enjoyed writing light-hearted scenes more than I did the R-18 ones.

After taking some comments into consideration, I will stray from R-18 scenes until absolutely warranted. I don't generally write them a lot, but it will be a long while until the next one IMO, or at least until I can improve on how to write them.

Moving on from that, I want your opinion on something regarding Gilgamesh…should he be a man or a woman?

I originally intended to make Gilgamesh look like Angelica, but I want your guy's opinion. Because I saw a fair bit of readers looking forward to a male Gilgamesh interacting with Bell. So imma put it to a vote.

(Vote for Male Gil)

(Vote for Female Gil)

May democracy be fair HAHAHA!

No chapters for a while as I'm getting busy with school once more.

Next chapter will be the start of Arry's story.

Thank you again for reading. Hope you look forward to what comes next! And as always, have a nice day.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.