Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 399: Kill the Iron Hat King Duduo!

Dorgon is leading people here.

At this time, he felt confident again.

I feel like I can definitely win this time!
He himself was amazed at the method he came up with.

If it hadn't been for a sudden flash of inspiration, I wouldn't have thought of this brilliant idea.

At this time, Li Zicheng was making a lot of noise.

On the surface, it seemed that he had put all his forces into the battle with Li Zicheng.

But this is not the case.

I have already mobilized elite soldiers and horses to give Zhu Yuanzhang a big one!
Sweep away the previous decline!

Dorgon felt that he did not need to lead the backup troops at all. The people led by Duduo alone were enough to sweep away the Ming army stationed here in a short time.

However, even when a lion fights a rabbit, he also uses all his strength, and he still knows this truth.

He did not miss the Three Kingdoms.

He knew all the things inside.

Moreover, when he came to fight this time, he didn't just give up after eating the soldiers and horses Zhu Yuanzhang sent on the front line.

What he really planned was to defeat these Ming armies and push them southward in one go.

Directly capture many places in Jiangbei.

Let’s fight against the Han people by crossing the river first!

Even if the fight is good, it is possible to break through Zhu Yuanzhang's numerous blockades in one battle, cross the natural dangers of the Yangtze River, and reach Nanjing City!

The capital city was captured in one fell swoop.

By then, the reputation of the Qing Dynasty will surely be famous both inside and outside the Ming Dynasty!

And his own reputation will also be like thunder, resounding throughout this land.

It makes many Han people tremble at the mention of their own names.

Of course, these are all things that will happen later, and we still have to fight the battle in front of us well.

Although he felt that there was no suspense in this battle.

But he was still very fast when urging people to hurry up. He knew that psychologically he could look down on the Ming army, but in actual actions he could not do this.

However, many people under Dorgon's leadership did not think so.

Many of them felt that the regent was making too much fuss.

According to some arrangements made by the regent, I am afraid that the Ming army in front has already suffered a major defeat at this time.

Captured by brave and invincible warriors.

There was definitely a one-sided massacre!

In fact, Dorgon thought so in his heart.

He also felt that by this time, Duduo and others must have succeeded.

But he couldn't say these things.

He is the commander-in-chief of the army and the supreme regent, so it is better to be on the safe side.

To prevent his soldiers from becoming arrogant and underestimating the enemy when they see his reaction.

That would be bad.

While Dorgon was thinking in such a wonderful mood, unilateral massacres were also occurring.

But it was different from what he thought. It was not the people on their side who attacked the Ming army by surprise and overwhelmed the Ming army.

But the people on his side who came for a sneak attack were suppressed and beaten by the Ming army.

It presents a one-sided situation.

At this time, Jin King Zhu Fan was commanding men and cats to play with mice, constantly harvesting the lives of the Tatars.

At this time, Jin Wang Zhu Fan looked excited.

When it comes to fighting, there is nothing wrong with listening to your father!

My father had nothing to say about predicting the enemy's opportunity.

If Zhu Fan hadn't known about his father's abilities, he would have felt angry at his father and Dorgon at this time.

It was discussed that Dorgon's soldiers and horses should come over to cooperate and be beaten.

How come this... seems to fit together so seamlessly?
The Tatars are rushing to send their heads here!
"Steady! Steady! There must be no chaos!

Anyone who dares to retreat will be killed without mercy!

Defend in place immediately!

Hold on, we can win! !

The regent in the rear is leading troops and horses, as well as tens of thousands of Eight Banners warriors to come for support.

You can't wait more than a hundred miles from me!

As long as you hold on for three or four hours, our support here will be in place! "

Kong Youde shouted desperately, trying to stabilize the defense line.

At this time, Kong Youde was really confused by this sudden change.

No matter what he thought, he never expected that when they came to attack the Ming army this time, everything was done so seamlessly.

As a result, as soon as I arrived here, I encountered a blow!
Everything coincidentally looked like they were stupid donkeys who went to the Ming army to get into the trap that had been prepared long ago.

On their side, they obviously made the plan so well.

I feel that the Ming army will definitely be defeated by them in one battle.

But it turned out to be just the opposite.

It was them who were beaten like this by Ming Dynasty!
At this moment, he couldn't help but wonder, was this... the regent had contacted the Ming army and took the initiative to bring them over to die?
Otherwise, how could this top-secret plan turn out like this?
Geng Zhongming and others who rushed in with their men would definitely lose their troops and suffer heavy losses!

Of course, at this time he could no longer care about Geng Zhongming.

At this time, he was like a clay Bodhisattva crossing the river, unable to protect himself.

As Geng Zhongming led people into the Ming army camp, a raging fire burned.

There are also many Ming soldiers and horses coming towards them.

Each of these Ming soldiers looked like wolves and tigers, and they looked particularly energetic.

It was completely different from the Ming army he was familiar with before!
Kong Youde himself was born in the Ming army, and he was also a relatively fierce frontier soldier.

Over the years, I have competed with the Ming army many times, and I know very well what state the Ming army is in.

He looked down upon the Ming army the most.

I feel that they are far inferior to Li Zicheng's old camp soldiers.

It's okay to fight against the wind, but once something else happens, everyone will run faster than anyone else!

It’s not vulnerable at all, so it’s nothing to worry about!
But now, the large Ming army appearing in front of him made him feel dazed.

Are these people who dare to fight and kill really the Ming army?

Could it be that... I was dazzled?
When did the Ming army become like this?

Of course, the more panicked he felt, the more he had to force himself to calm down at this time.

Anyone can mess up at this time, but he, the commander-in-chief, can’t mess up!
Once he panics, it's really over!
It was still dark at this time, and unknown numbers of Ming troops were surrounding them outside.

It seemed that the Ming army had come prepared and was waiting for him and others to take the bait.

At this time, if the troops on our side are in chaos again.

Next, there will only be an ending where the Ming army is defeated one by one and defeated thousands of miles away!

On the contrary, if you can stabilize your position and rely on your formation to fight to the death with the Ming army.

Maybe there will be some miraculous effects.

What he shouted to his men just now was also true.

He knew the regent Dorgon. He brought more Eight Banners warriors behind to act as the second echelon.

As long as they persist a little longer, rescue will definitely arrive!
As long as rescue arrives, everything will be fine for them!

Not to mention that they will turn defeat into victory, at least their lives will not be lost.

Although the incident happened suddenly, in his opinion, as long as he responded properly and defended on the spot, he could still prevent it.

I dare not say for three to five days, but if I defend for a few hours, there is absolutely no problem!

He has great confidence in himself and his soldiers.

Kong Youde's confidence was not groundless. The quality of his troops was indeed very high.

In addition, they knew that the only ones fighting them were the Ming army.

They are very familiar with the Ming Army. They have fought many battles in the past. Even they themselves are from the Ming Army. They know very well how powerful the Ming Army is.

So soon, the formation was stabilized.

Rapidly strengthening defenses.

Of course, the reason why this can be done so quickly.

Also based on Kong Youde's mission at the beginning, which was to watch the enemy plunder the formation here.

The team is still relatively neat.

Otherwise, he would never have this chance.

Seeing the people under his command, they arranged their formation before the charging Ming army arrived.

Kong Youde breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the situation was very urgent at this time, he smiled.

Because he knew that if he stayed here for a few hours, there would be absolutely no problem!
His defensive formation has been rigorously trained.

There are mostly people holding shields on the periphery. In addition to shields, there are also spearmen and matching wolf warriors.

The wolf is really a defensive weapon.

Cooperating with the shield, it is enough to make the opponent's person unable to get close!

In this case, what can the other party do to me?
But what happened next was beyond his expectation.

He soon understood what the Ming army would do!

I saw numerous Ming troops rushing in like a tide.

Just when he thought that the next step would be a brutal hand-to-hand encounter, when the Ming army would hit their heads and bleed bloody at the defense line they had established.

However, they found that the Ming troops who rushed forward stopped one by one.

Then many people started throwing things in their direction.

It was hard to see clearly in the night.

But it can be seen that the thrown thing is sparkling.

Damn it! Something bad happened!
Kong Youde responded instantly.

Thinking of the Ming army, it seems that they have developed a firearm that can be thrown and used to hurt people. It is quite powerful.

Some people have failed at this before and suffered a loss.

Now, these dog Ming army actually have the same tricks up their sleeves!
Kong Youde's heart rose to his throat.

At this moment, I felt regretful and just wanted to slap myself!
Subconsciously, he regarded the Ming army in front of him as the original Ming army.

In many matters, we should proceed as before.

But they forgot that the Ming army had already come up with such a thing!

"Raise your shield! Raise your shield!!"

He shouted, asking the people in front to lift their shields and put them against the door of their heads.

In this case, some of the firearms thrown in can be blown away.

But unfortunately, it is too late to issue such an order at this time.

And even if the people under his command really carried out such an order, it would be impossible for them to have a tight defense on their heads.

Even if a grenade lands on their shield, it will fall on the ground and blow them up.




Earth-shattering grenade explosions sounded one after another.

In this night, it looks really beautiful.

At the same time as every explosion, there will be a bright light flashing.

It's like a bright and fleeting flower blooming.

But for the people led by Kong Youde, that was not beautiful at all.

This is simply the deadly King of Hell!

Deal with bows and arrows, and even fire guns.

They all have enough experience here.

The shield in front is very thick and can block most attacks.

But there was nothing that could be done about the grenade that fell among the crowd.

Soon, many people were blown over!
Jin King Zhu Fan saw this situation and did not let anyone charge. People are still asked to greet them with grenades.

During this period of time, Jiangnan and other places have been making great efforts to speed up the production of this new and easy-to-use firearm developed by the second brother-in-law, Tang Ruowang and others.

Two days ago, 300,000 pills were secretly transferred.

He got 70,000 to 80,000 pieces here.

Zhu Fan suddenly felt extremely wealthy.

Since these firearms are available, why would you use the lives of your own men to fill them?
Be sure to use a lot of grenades to blow them up!

"Fight back! Fight back! Fire gun soldiers and archers fight back immediately!"

When Kong Youde saw this movement, he was shocked and his expression suddenly changed!
He really didn't expect that this new type of firearm of the Ming Army would be so powerful.

He quickly shouted loudly, asking his men to fight back quickly.

But at this time, everything is too late!

If he had set up this defensive formation from the beginning, he would also have fired gunmen and archers to prepare.

Shooting arrows to fight back.

It can also cause a certain amount of damage to the Ming army.

But now, they have all been fooled.

How could they be organized and let the archers and firecrackers shoot at the outside world?

Even at this time, his orders could not be passed down!
Kong Youde made some orders while trying to adjust the formation as much as possible to keep the formation stable.

While letting people publicize it, there will definitely not be too many such powerful and despicable firearms in the Ming army.

As long as they can withstand a wave here, it will be their turn to kill the enemy next!

But who could have imagined that these firearms of the Ming army would explode endlessly!
These thieves just won’t rush up and fight them!
Just blasting all the way over.

I wish I could see a mouse hole and throw a mouse into it first.

Who can bear this?

The soldiers under Kong Youde, who could still be here and defending on the spot, could no longer hold on any longer.

After many people died, some began to escape.

As some people started to escape, a chain reaction immediately started!

More people began to flee quickly.

Kong Youde couldn't stop it at all.

In the end, he lost the courage to fight the Ming army.

Escape with the defeated soldiers.

Zhu Fan, on the other hand, commanded the people to pursue and intercept them.

Greetings to death!

These soldiers and horses of the Ming Dynasty were completely transformed by this time.

At this time, I saw that the people in front of me were not Tatars, but the original Ming people.

And they were so blown away that they fled.

Fight more bravely.

Each and every one of them looks like they are possessed by the God of War!
Howl and charge to kill!

This is not only the convergence of hatred between the country and the family, but also the reason since Taizu and the emperor appeared.

Their treatment has been implemented.

Not only were their food and wages not deducted or in arrears, they were also increased a lot.

Military merit has also become particularly valuable.

Through fighting, you can really gain wealth, get promoted and make a fortune!
Even if you fight well, you may be granted the title of marquis or even the title of Duke in the future!
Under such circumstances, how could these Ming soldiers not be brave and good at fighting?

Almost at the same moment, Duduo also encountered an ambush.

It's just that Duduo is still better than Kong Youde after all.

When he attacked the camp here, he did not lead the troops personally.

And only some of them were sent.

And the person who took the lead, while leading the troops, realized something was wrong halfway into the battle.

I hurriedly wanted to exit.

The ambushing Ming army had to light the fire in advance, leaving a small number of people behind.

As for Duduo, he immediately led a series of responses.

Be prepared for the brutal battle that follows.

At this time, Dodo's mind was also buzzing.

I was completely stunned by this unexpected situation.

No matter what he thought, he never expected that things would turn out like this!
They promised that they would definitely win, and could they catch the Ming army by surprise?

What if it was promised that coming here would be a completely destructive war?
Why was he being ambushed like this now?

At a glance, you can tell that the Ming army has been prepared for this.

Having anticipated all their actions here, they were able to accurately lay out similar and corresponding ambush, waiting for them!

If it weren't for his close relationship with Dorgon.

At this time, he couldn't help but wonder if Dorgon had collaborated with the enemy.

Revealed their plan to the Ming army in advance!

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?

On their side, they are really being plotted this time!
He suppressed the panic in his heart and screamed.

Tell your men to stay still and don't panic.

Immediately line up on the spot to meet the enemy, assume a defensive posture, and defend to the death.

Next, the King of Qin, Zhu Xi, and the King of Yan, Zhu Di, came out with their troops.

Their approach to dealing with Duduo was exactly the same as Zhu Fan's.

Also use grenades to carry out carpet bombardment first.

It's just that Duduo's situation is more difficult than what Kong Youde has to deal with.

He had people make certain arrangements in advance, which resulted in much fewer casualties among his subordinates.

In addition, most of the people he led here were Eight Banners soldiers.

They are all full of Eight Banners.

The combat effectiveness is much higher than that of the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty.

The Eight Banners soldiers at this time were really capable of fighting.

So even though he was in great pain from the grenade, he still persevered.

It was not like Kong Youde, who was blown away and fled...

So hard for a long time.

Seeing the Ming army here, they no longer threw those frightening firearms.

These many Tatars who were stunned by the grenade suddenly felt that they were capable again.

These Ming troops will use these despicable and shameless methods to fight against them.

Fighting with real swords and guns, these Ming troops are nothing!

Nothing to fear at all!

Not only these ordinary Eight Banners soldiers, Duoduo also felt relieved.

Next, many things will be stable!
I won't lose too badly here, and even if I do well, I can take action with the regent who comes from behind.

Eat up these Ming troops and turn defeat into victory.

But then, they soon discovered that they were happy too soon!
After washing the ground with grenades, the Ming army began to baptize them with firecrackers.

Moreover, the Ming army's firecrackers were reloaded very quickly and continuously.

Many Eight Banners soldiers were treated as living targets.
On Duduo's side, naturally there were people to fight back.

Among the people he led, there were also firecrackers and archers.

It's just that one side came prepared, but the other side was calculated.

The gap itself lies here.

The firearms of the Ming army have undergone new transformations.

Faster reloading, more power, and longer range.

Therefore, in this wave of mutual attacks, Duduo did not take advantage at all.

On the contrary, I suffered a big loss.

The number of casualties on his side is constantly increasing.

Duduo's eyes turned red when he saw this scene.

Or the Ming Army?
Why is it completely different from what I originally imagined?
When did the Ming army become so capable?

Also, how did the Ming army’s firearms become so powerful?
It's not that they don't have firearms here, they have arrested many craftsmen from the Ming Dynasty before.

He is also very enthusiastic about firearms, and the army has a lot of them.

But the current firearms of the Ming army were completely beyond his knowledge.

It was already daylight at this time, and they were surrounded by Ming troops.

The fighting in the middle of the night caused heavy casualties on his side.

Many people are already on the verge of collapse at this time.

These Ming troops in front of us are really capable of fighting!

Originally, they all came here with the intention of being weak.

But who would have thought that when I really came here, not only did I not get a soft persimmon, but I kicked the iron plate.

This feeling is really uncomfortable!
Duduo assessed the situation and quickly made a difficult decision.

That is to lead the army to break through.

Can't stay here any longer! !

Originally, he thought that he could pin it here and attract many Ming troops.

When the regent's follow-up troops arrive, they will attack from both inside and outside to turn defeat into victory!
But now, he doesn't think so anymore.

Because if we continue like this, we will face an overwhelming and continuous offensive from the Ming army.

He simply couldn't hold on until Dorgon arrived!
So we can only grit our teeth and make a breakthrough!
If we don't break out, everything will be explained here!

Not long after, the Duduo military formation, which had been on defense, separated into four armies and charged in all directions.

One of them was led by Duduo himself.

How could the Ming Dynasty soldiers and horses allow them to escape?

They were chased and intercepted one by one.

Zhu Di commanded from a high position.

Make everything around you airtight.

Among them, the soldiers and horses who broke through the encirclement in three routes were intercepted sooner or later.

But along the way, the leading general was extremely fierce.

The soldiers and horses under his command are also more elite than others.

It looked like he was going to break out of the blockade all the way.

But Zhu Di was not in a hurry about this.

Because Qin King Zhu Xi quickly brought his people to the scene.

Directly blocking Duduo's path.

"I am Prince Yu Duduo! Anyone who stands in my way will die!!"

Duduo roared in unskilled Chinese.

He pointed the spear in his hand at Zhu Xi and stabbed him!
"I am the King of Qin in the Ming Dynasty! I'm afraid... I'm afraid of you! Die!"

Zhu Ming cursed angrily, and with the bloody mace in his hand, he came straight towards Duduo with overwhelming momentum!

How could Duduo be Qin King Zhu Ping's opponent?
After three or two attempts, he fell behind.

He was suppressed and beaten by Qin King Zhu Ping!
Duduo didn't expect that the man in front of him was so brave!

Seeing more and more Ming troops around him, he was also worried about it, and just wanted to find a way out quickly...

The king of Qin, Zhu Xi, showed his weakness, and Duduo stabbed him with a spear.

Zhu Xi dodged and hit him on the head with the mace in his hand!
He directly smashed Duduo's head into his chest.

I can't live without seeing it!

Dorgon led his troops forward, very calmly, with a smile on his face... (End of this chapter)

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