Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 395 The incomprehensible national spirit of the Tatars! Dorgon was crushed!

"Everyone, Li Zicheng has surrendered!
Submit to my Qing Dynasty!
The hidden danger in the north has been completely resolved!

Now, this vast area has become the territory of my Qing Dynasty!

No more worries!

Next, we will take action here and attack the Ming Dynasty with all our strength and destroy it!

Behead all those who dare to disobey our Qing Dynasty!
Tell the Ming emperors that they are incompetent and should abdicate!

The world from now on is my Qing Dynasty’s world! "

In the Fengtian Hall of the Forbidden City, Dorgon looked at the few close officials and military officers he had summoned.
Said out loud.

There was some unconcealable excitement in his voice.

They have been feeling aggrieved for so long, and now they can feel proud and proud!
You don't have to tie your hands and feet and go all out to fight against the Ming Dynasty.

Let the Ming Dynasty have a good look at the majesty of the Qing Dynasty!

Dorgon was in a very happy mood.

My voice rose a lot when I spoke, and I felt like I was good again.

"The regent is mighty! I know that as soon as the regent takes action, the thief Li Zicheng will naturally surrender!"

Kneel down and lie down! "

As soon as Dorgon's voice fell, Fan Wencheng, the number one licker, immediately flattered him.

That’s called being loyal!
After Fan Wencheng left, the remaining people also started to praise him.

Dorgon himself was in a particularly good mood.

At this time, after listening to the congratulations of these people, my mood became even better.

It feels very proud and proud.

In his opinion, the most important reason why he suffered everywhere before was because of two-sided warfare.

Li Zicheng contained too many troops on his side.

The focus of the battle has not shifted to targeting Mingting.

That's why.

At this time, he has subdued Li Zicheng and is going all out to attack the Ming Dynasty. Naturally, he can erase all the insults he has received before!
And come back with doubled revenge!

Let everyone in the world see the strength of his Qing Dynasty!

Look at what he is capable of as a regent!
He just wants the python to swallow the dragon, replace the Ming Dynasty, and make the Qing Dynasty famous for thousands of miles!
"Prince Regent, how is Zhang Xianzhong doing?

Is there any news coming? "

After the compliment, someone looked at Dorgon and asked.

Dorgon said: "Not yet, but news should come back soon.

Zhang Xianzhong is nothing more than a rogue bandit.

Zhu Yuanzhang issued an imperial edict before, calling on this guy to follow him to deal with the Qing Dynasty.

I heard that Zhang Xianzhong directly tore Zhu Yuanzhang's imperial edict to pieces.

He made it clear that he would never be fooled by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Now, weak people like them have only two choices, one is to submit to the Ming Dynasty, and the other is to submit to the Qing Dynasty.

Since he refused to submit to the Ming Dynasty, he would naturally submit to the Qing Dynasty.

There hasn't been much movement at Zhang Xianzhong's place before, they were just waiting for a price.

Want to sell yourself for a good price.

Now, if I have someone give him the title of King of Zhennan, he will definitely be moved!
Li Zicheng surrendered, not to mention Zhang Xianzhong?
He will definitely submit to my Qing Dynasty! "

When Dorgon said this, he seemed very confident.

In his opinion, this matter is basically a sure thing.

Originally, Dorgon was quite cautious in many things.

Before things come to a concrete conclusion, he rarely speaks so absolutely.

Especially on some more important things.

But this time it was different.

This time, there was good news about Li Zicheng's surrender, which made him feel excited.

There is a feeling of elation that I haven't felt in a long time.

So at this time, I unconsciously said something full.

However, although he was a little full, he felt that there was nothing wrong with him saying so.

Because after weighing the two sides, he felt that this matter could definitely be done!

How much pursuit would a bandit like Zhang Xianzhong have?
At this time, if he surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, he could still be crowned king.

If he doesn't surrender, he will definitely die without a burial place in the future!
Zhang Xianzhong knew exactly what to choose.

You don't have to worry about this at all.

"The Regent is mighty! I, the Qing Dynasty, are mighty!"

After listening to Dorgon's words, Fan Wencheng was the first to flatter him and made Dorgon feel comfortable.

Dorgon decided at that moment that when things were over, he would ask Fan Wencheng to go back and bring his wife over.

Give Fan Wencheng a good reward.

Give his family more glory!

Although he is not doing well now, at this time, he encountered such great news.

The whole person felt very comfortable.

For a moment, I felt like I was ready to make a move, but I could do it again.

In addition, Fan Wencheng's wife is really energetic and has the blessing of a special status.

Naturally, you can show off your talents!
The rest of the people also started to compliment him.

"The regent is mighty! Next, he will break through the Ming court! Behead all those people like Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao, and Zhu Cixiang!

Use their heads as chamber pots! "

"Yes! Yes! Are these people worthy of being compared with my Jurchen warriors? They can only be enslaved by us!

They were so arrogant because they couldn't spare their hands before. Now these people just wait to die! "

"Regent, I request your order. I am willing to lead the troops as the vanguard to flatten the imperial court in the south and destroy the entire Ming Dynasty!
Capture all his concubines! "

Some people could no longer hold themselves back and asked Dorgon to fight on the spot!

Suddenly, these people were excited, as if they had smelled the smell of blood!
I feel that Da Ming is just a piece of meat that exudes an extremely tempting taste.

Then you can let them feast and let them slaughter you.

It seems that as long as they don't fight on both sides and deal with Daming wholeheartedly, they can suppress Daming!
Dorgon smiled even more when he saw everyone looking like this.

Right here, he and his men began to seriously discuss the next battle plan.

Although when I talked about it just now, I didn’t take Daming seriously.

It seems that the Ming Dynasty can be destroyed with a snap of a finger.

But in fact, Dorgon was very careful when he actually started formulating a battle plan.

Didn't dare to be careless at all.

Because he knows that today's Ming Dynasty is really different from before.

This time, he is going to take it seriously!
If they defeat the Ming Dynasty, they will be able to dominate the Qing Dynasty!

Think about it, during the Qing Dynasty, they were not taken seriously by these Ming Dynasty people at all.

Even those damn Li Chengliang, Li Rusong and others regarded them as dogs!
It's too much!

Now, those of them who were treated like this are standing up step by step.

Trampled through the splendid country of Ming Dynasty!

And in the future, he will replace it and toss around in this beautiful country!
Take it, take it!

Have them all!
There will even be many Han people who kneel on the ground and beg to be their slaves.

This feels really good!
After some careful discussions, Dorgon had already formulated some practical combat plans.

He himself had thought about this matter before.

Discussions with people at this time are naturally very quick.

"Okay, let's discuss it here today.

After you go back, think more about it and be sure to make things perfect! "

Dorgon looked at these people and said.

“Regent, it is now perfect.

If we follow the regent's plan here, we can beat the Ming Dynasty to a pulp and chop off all their heads!
From now on I will use their heads to build the Jingguan! "

A Qing general with pigtails spoke arrogantly.

The others also laughed.

It seems that they already feel that victory belongs to their side.

The atmosphere in Fengtian Palace seemed very pleasant.

As a result, it was at this time that the people who had hurriedly reported the news of Li Zicheng's rebellion came back on Azig's orders.

And was led by others, all the way to see Dorgon in a hurry...

Dorgon was a little stunned when he learned that it was Azig's side and sent someone again.

However, he didn't think much about it and simply had the envoy brought in to question him in public.

There was no other reason. He just wanted these people to get first-hand information.

He wanted to use this method to make these people further realize how successful he was in dealing with Li Zicheng this time.

At this time, I didn't think much about it and didn't think it was Li Zicheng's side that caused some trouble.

After all, in his opinion, since Li Zicheng has surrendered, it is true surrender.

Nothing else exists.

Azig sent an envoy back again, and what he said was definitely good news.

He is still very clear about Azig's abilities.

I know this is a man who can take on heavy responsibilities.

But after this person was brought in.

From his expression, Dorgon saw something different.

He felt he was careless!

Why... doesn't this look like reporting good news?
He regretted a little bit what he had done just now.

But at this time, the person had been brought directly here according to his request and met with these people under his command.

Then it would be difficult for him to change it.

We can only ask in front of these people what happened.

Otherwise, such secretiveness will only make people more suspicious.

It caused many people's thoughts to change accordingly.

It's not beautiful.

The people Azig sent back were very tired, and they looked like they had been running around for a long time.

Although I also feel that it is inappropriate to speak at this time,
But Dorgon, as the regent, has already asked.

Then of course he asked and said whatever he asked.

Immediately he said: "Report...report to the regent, that bitch Li Zicheng, he is pretending to surrender! He is not really surrendering!

On the night of the surrender, they suddenly rebelled and killed every one of us who was caught off guard..."

As the man spoke, he told Dorgon everything about the situation there.
Of course, even though it is said to be the same, there are actually many changes.

In the process of telling, he specifically told how cunning and insidious Li Zicheng was, and how vicious his schemes were.

At the same time, I also tried my best to talk about how well Azig and others did in this incident and how fast they responded.

The damage caused was not that serious...

Azig wanted to use this method to show that although they suffered some losses, the losses were not big.

The reason they suffered a loss this time was not that their generals were incompetent, but that Li Zicheng was too cunning.

That's why... After this person finished speaking, the atmosphere in Fengtian Palace suddenly became weird!

Originally, everyone was in high spirits and made many plans.

Even after taking the Ming Dynasty, they even thought about how to deal with Zhu Yuanzhang and how to govern the world.

Some corresponding plans were made.

As a result, now, suddenly...there has been such a big change.

It's okay if Li Zicheng doesn't surrender, but why... he still needs to fake surrender to cause Azig to suffer such a big loss?
Although the situation this person mentioned does not seem to be too serious.

But these people present can also be regarded as human beings.

We can see some of the real situation behind this person's words.

The real situation is definitely more serious than what this person said!

Azig's side should suffer a big loss.

This is awkward!
Just now they were so excited and discussed so much.

Many of the things discussed have a premise.

That is Li Zicheng's side. They surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, and they had no worries.

You can deal with Ming Dynasty wholeheartedly.

Some people even came up with the idea to use some means to consolidate Li Zicheng's troops.

Then let Li Zicheng's soldiers and horses be used as cannon fodder to fight against the Ming Dynasty.

This is their old trick.

As a result, Li Zicheng actually did such a thing now?
Then all their previous discussions were in vain.

No...this thing was going well, why did it suddenly become like this?

The cheerful atmosphere just now was gone.

Everyone looked at their eyes and noses, and their noses and minds, looking like an old monk in meditation.

Even the two fierce generals who seemed to be more violent looked around at this time and wisely lowered their heads.

Pretend you didn't hear anything.

Not to mention Dorgon, the regent.

They were worried that Dorgon would notice any inadvertent actions on their side.

Thus setting yourself on fire!
At this time, Dorgon's face looked as ugly as he could!
How complicated his mood became.

The thoughts that were just about to stir up suddenly became quiet again at this time.

Even Dorgon had no intention of sensing it at this time...

At this time, he only felt his face hurt.

My mind was filled with thunder.

I was crushed!
Especially when I think about what I just said to these people, I feel even more complicated.

My face felt a little feverish.

I just wanted to find a place to get in right away.

Even a person like him has developed a very thick skin.

But now, he was also confused by this sudden change.

did not expect! I never expected it!

Things have suddenly changed so much!
How dare this bitch Li Zicheng tease him like this!

Is it because I sent someone there and the conditions provided were not enough?

Or is it that the people I sent here didn’t analyze it clearly enough for them?

Considering what Li Zicheng did, if the Qing Dynasty is defeated in the future, can people like Zhu Yuanzhang really get around him?
He will definitely try his best to cut him into pieces!

There is no place for him on this earth!

Only by following him to the Qing Dynasty can he have a way to survive!

Only in the future can we enjoy glory and wealth!

What on earth was this guy thinking?

How dare you do this?

He wouldn't naively think that he would be able to defeat Zhu Yuanzhang without his own Qing Dynasty in the future, right?

How can it be!

Since this is not the case, then why would Li Zicheng make this choice?
Isn't he stupid?
At this time, Dorgon was really confused!
In his opinion, the last thing that should happen has happened now.

Although he, a person from outside China, is also working hard to learn Chinese characters and has learned a lot of Chinese knowledge.

But for some fundamental things, we still don’t understand them thoroughly enough.

I don’t understand what is the righteousness of the family and the country, and what is the integrity of the nation.

He just thought that all the people in the Ming Dynasty were like the people he met who were groveling and willing to be slaves.

But little do they know that there is never a shortage of tough-minded people in this land!

The sudden change was like a blow to the head, which immediately stunned Dorgon!
Once again, the defense was broken.

The self-confidence that had only been rising for a short time suddenly disappeared.

There is a feeling of doubting life!

No...how did this happen?

Before that, everything was smooth sailing for them.

How come after entering Beiping City, many things start to become difficult and complicated?
Controlled everywhere!

How could this be?
This was not the most uncomfortable thing for him.

What made him most uncomfortable was what they should do next.

The original plan was to deal with Li Zicheng and deal with Daming together without any worries.

But now, Li Zicheng not only did not surrender, but also killed them for a while.

The situation suddenly became worse!
In this situation, what should they do?
Dorgon looked extremely ugly and felt even more embarrassed.

There is an urge to scold Azig, dismiss him from his post and investigate.

But he finally suppressed it.

He also wanted to drive Fan Wencheng and others away, and then ask the person who came to report the news individually for more specific information.

To avoid further embarrassment.

But there is no point in doing this at this time.

Take a deep breath right now and suppress all the feelings in your heart.

Start in front of these people, then ask for more specific information.

Let the civil and military men under him also listen.

After some questioning, Dorgon asked the reporter to step aside and rest.

Then he looked at Fan Wencheng and the others with a heavy face and said:
"Now the situation has changed, Li Zicheng is so cunning and treacherous, he deserves to die!
What should we do next?
You guys think of a solution together. "

Dorgon's performance at this time can be called a courageous and decisive person, even if he is not a hero.

Ordinary people would never have the determination to do this when they encounter this situation.

After listening to Dorgon's words, someone began to tentatively speak...

In the end, two opinions were formed.

One opinion is that this revenge must be avenged, and we must concentrate our efforts to kill Li Zicheng who went back on his word first!

Just like the previous plan, after destroying Li Zicheng, they would concentrate their efforts to destroy the Ming Dynasty.

Another kind of voice is strong first and then weak.

Leave a certain number of soldiers and horses to suppress Li Zicheng there.

Then more troops and horses were mobilized to the south to fight against the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, there is actually a third voice.

That is, the Qing Dynasty should stop thinking about taking over the Ming Dynasty and occupying the Han people's rivers and mountains.

Just at this time, seize the time to burn, kill, loot and grab more good things.

It would be best to then take these good things and return to their hometown outside the customs to live a stable life.

Originally, they had easily entered the customs before, and entered Peking after defeating Li Zicheng.

It made many Manchu people full of confidence.

I feel that he and the Qing Dynasty will definitely become famous all over the world!

Take possession of this beautiful country!

But now, with successive defeats.

Many confident Manchus had their thoughts changed.

I think they may no longer have such delusions here.

The rivers and mountains of the Ming Dynasty are not so easy to occupy.

Or outside the customs is best for them.

Besides, their decision at the beginning was to take this opportunity to plunder some things from the Ming Dynasty and fight against the autumn wind.

It was the regent who was behind and had some thoughts that shouldn't have arisen, which led to the current situation.

Of course, these thoughts can only be suppressed in my heart.

No one dared to speak out at this time.

At least no one dared to say it in front of Dorgon.

But it is undeniable that with all kinds of things happening.

At this time, many people's hearts also quietly changed.

Many people's feelings towards Dorgon have also changed.

If Dorgon can always lead them to victory, then he can naturally suppress everything.

But once he encountered a setback, his name as regent was not justified, and the Qing Dynasty was also full of contradictions.

But it’s not that simple anymore!

Many things will become complicated.

Listening to the opinions discussed by these people, Dorgon didn't say much.
He frowned and became entangled.

Originally, there was no tangle on his side.

I feel that whether Li Zicheng is eliminated first or Ming Dynasty is eliminated first,
Those are all optional.

No matter which one they choose, they can make it happen.

It's nothing more than a matter of whether the price paid is large or small.

But now, how come it suddenly...has become a feeling that no matter which side they choose at this time, they may not be able to beat them?
Why did this matter suddenly become like this? ?

Dorgon became less confident.

He stayed up all night, discussing things with people and making decisions.

On the second day, Dorgon asked Fan Wencheng and others to go back and rest.

And he himself was still thinking about what to do next.

After thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth secretly and already made a decision in his heart.

However, he was in no rush to act.

But wait.

Look at Zhang Xianzhong's reaction.

He felt that the possibility of Zhang Xianzhong's side turning to his side was very high.

After all, Zhang Xianzhong is different from Li Zicheng.

I haven't fought with Zhang Xianzhong here yet.

On the contrary, there was a deep conflict between Zhang Xianzhong and Zhu Ming.

Therefore, Zhang Xianzhong is still worth looking forward to! (End of chapter)

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