Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 385 Han Cheng: I gave you a chance, but you didn’t use it!

Li Dingguo looked at Zhang Xianzhong, looking a little cautious, and said something like this.

Zhang Xianzhong, who was originally smiling, looking at Li Dingguo and overjoyed with Li Dingguo's achievements, suddenly turned gloomy after hearing what Li Dingguo said.

Of course, Li Dingguo was not called Li Dingguo at this time. His surname was not Li, but Zhang.

He was Zhang Xianzhong's adopted son.

Historically, it was only after Zhang Xianzhong's death that he changed his surname back to his original name.

"What are you talking about? Why did this idea suddenly arise?

It’s not like you don’t know how despicable and shameless that bitch Li Zicheng is!
Damn it! In order to compete for territory earlier, that bitch forced us away indiscriminately.

They annexed everything we worked so hard to capture.

Now that this bitch has been beaten, I just want to see his joke.

Why did you suddenly say this now, wanting to help Li Zicheng?
Help him!

What kind of bastard is he?

I would be happy if he was hacked to death by the Tatars as soon as possible!
Mentioning Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong immediately became furious.

He was really angry.

After all, in his opinion, Li Zicheng was really not a human being.

There is no shortage of grievances between him and Li Zicheng.

Seeing Zhang Xianzhong getting angry, Li Dingguo shook his head quickly.

Father, this is not what I mean. I also want to cut Li Zicheng into pieces to avenge him for his rebellion.

But...but the situation now is still different from before.

Now the slaves are becoming invaders, and the country of China is about to fall.

In this case, you can put down some things first and not worry about them too much.

The most urgent task now is for us Han people to unite and work together to drive out the Jian slaves.

At this time, we can't care too much. After we beat out the slaves, we can settle the old accounts with Li Zicheng and others.

Moreover, it seems that this Jiannu is really powerful.

Difficult to deal with.

Under such circumstances, if we all continue to fight on our own and do not work together, in the future, it is very likely that the world will be conquered by Jiannu.

By then, no matter who we are, we will definitely have no means of survival and no way to survive.

They will be defeated by Jiannu one by one.

Father, I know how you feel.

But now, it’s better to put the overall situation first.

When the nest is overturned, how can there be any eggs?
What if all the country in China were lost and acquired by the slaves?

Then, no one among us Han people will be the winner, we will all lose!
Only by working together, temporarily putting aside our prejudices, and working together to expel the Tatars can we have a future. "

Li Dingguo's words can be said to be sincere and thoughtful.

But obviously, Zhang Xianzhong didn't listen.

“I know what you’re thinking about, and I’ve also thought about what you’re thinking about.

But in my opinion, what you are thinking about is completely unnecessary.

We have now taken over Sichuan and Chongqing. Except for a few places, most of them are under our control.

From now on, as long as we stick to the pass and rely on the natural dangers everywhere, we will be in an invincible position.

No matter how strong the wind and waves outside are, we can still live peacefully here.

Now that we have the basic base, we can safely watch Daming and Li Zicheng fight to the death with those people.

When they are almost done fighting, we will take this opportunity to rush out and start picking peaches.

This is the best strategy. "

After listening to Zhang Xianzhong's words, Li Dingguo, who had always been very obedient to Zhang Xianzhong's words, hesitated and spoke again.

"Father, you are right to consider these things, but there is a prerequisite for sitting on a mountain and watching a tiger fight... both sides are tigers, and they can fight equally.

Only in this way can we reap the benefits here.

But now... how could the battle between Jiannu, Daming and Li Zicheng be evenly matched?
Li Zicheng had made a big fuss before, but after meeting the Tatars, he was beaten to a pulp in a short period of time and was completely defeated.

There is no way to fight back.

This shows how strong Jiannu is.

After Li Zicheng was destroyed by Jiannu, Jiannu would definitely raise his troops and go south.

At this time, Jiannu has three options. One is to send troops to attack our side first.

One is to cross the river to attack the Ming Dynasty.

It is possible to send troops to attack our place and Ming Dynasty at the same time.

According to my child, the possibility of the Tatars concentrating all their efforts on attacking the Ming Dynasty first is smaller...

No matter what we say, we here will inevitably end up in a fight with the Jiannu.

Moreover, by that time, the Jiannu people they would have to face would be even more difficult to deal with than they are now.

At that time, can we really be able to defeat the Tatars alone?

The child thinks the possibility is not too great.

So it is better to put aside some prejudices at this time.

Work together to capture it first.

After defeating it, let's differentiate here and decide the winner.

At that time, it doesn't matter whether it is to separate one party or to compete in the world. "

Zhang Xianzhong's brows twitched when he heard Li Dingguo's words.

He wanted to yell at Li Dingguo, but when the words came to his lips, they were suppressed by Zhang Xianzhong.

On the one hand, Li Dingguo was a good fighter.

His four adopted sons are all capable of conquering and fighting.

Li Dingguo, in particular, was the most brave and good at fighting, and he also used strategies when leading troops in battle.

His name is Yizi, but he is actually a particularly important general under him.

At this moment, when he faced such an important general, he naturally could not treat him too harshly.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and said loudly: "Things are indeed not easy to handle, but don't forget it.

We have an advantage here, and the Shu Road has been difficult to travel since ancient times.

What's more, there are many elite soldiers and generals guarding it.

No matter who leads the troops to attack, they will all suffer a bloody blow! "

Hearing this, Li Dingguo was silent for a while, looked at Zhang Xianzhong and said, "Father, I also know that the terrain we occupy is indeed very good.

Absolutely easy to defend and difficult to attack.

In many places, one man is in charge and no one can open it.

But... But think about it carefully, Father, have there been few people who have occupied this place and carried out separatist rule in the past?
Which one can really continue to be divided?
The talented and strategist Liu Huangshu was accompanied by people like Zhuge Liang, but no one after him could hold on here forever.

Instead, the Shu Han became the first to be destroyed among the Three Kingdoms.

The former Shu and later Shu during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period all had the same fate!
And really counting, the Sichuan and Chongqing generation, although the terrain is dangerous and closed, is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

But every time when the world is in chaos and the world is unified again.

Most of the people here will be captured first than the Jiangnan area.

Ordinary people would choose to attack Sichuan and Chongqing first, hold it in their hands, and then go down the river, advancing both by land and water, to capture the south of the Yangtze River.

Although these words said by the child are treasonous.

But father, these are things that happened in history.

We must pay attention to the lessons learned from the past.

From the kid's perspective, the current situation looks even more complicated and dangerous than before.

It's true that one careless move can lead to a loss of everything.

Father, you must think about it carefully..."

Li Dingguo looked at Zhang Xianzhong and spoke very sincerely.

It can be said that it took out all the pits of my heart.

Zhang Xianzhong couldn't help but feel his temples jump after hearing this.

He suppressed his anger, looked at Li Dingguo and said, "There are some things that can't be undone, even if I want to join forces with the emperor to fight against each other.

It's not that simple either.

Don't forget, we went to Fengyang before this and burned all the ancestral tombs of Emperor Zhu Ming.

That Emperor Zhu Ming, I don’t know how much he hates us.

Under such circumstances, how can we really not care about our mistakes?
Just this one thing has completely cut off all possibilities for joint work between me and Emperor Zhu Ming..."

When Li Dingguo heard this, he didn't know what to say.

His adoptive father was right, burning ancestral graves was really a huge sin.

Ordinary people would have to fight for their lives if their ancestral graves were burned or dug up.

What's more, it's the royal ancestral tomb!

Moreover, I heard that Zhu Yuanzhang showed up this time.

The imperial mausoleum over there in Fengyang belongs to Zhu Yuanzhang's parents and others.

Among the emperors of the Ming Dynasty, the one who cared most about what happened to the Fengyang Imperial Mausoleum could be said to be Zhu Yuanzhang.

Now there are rumors that it is Zhu Yuanzhang who has appeared.

So when faced with the fact that Fengyang's ancestral tomb was burned down by himself and others, Zhu Yuanzhang would definitely be furious.

I can't spare myself and others...

This is serious.

But after a moment of silence, Li Dingguo still spoke: "This...Father, it seems that this matter is not without some improvement.

After all, the imperial court had already obtained the edict in advance.

He called on his father to put aside his prejudices and work together to deal with the slave builders.

Since he has sent the edict, it means that he doesn't care about this matter that much.

When the country is destroyed and the aliens invade, joining forces to fight against the aliens is more important than anything else..."

Zhang Xianzhong shook his head and said: "You are too naive.

If this thing were as simple as you think, everything would be easy to handle.

There is no longer so much intrigue in this world.

The imperial court is the most treacherous and dishonest. When dealing with the Ming Dynasty, you need to be careful at all times.

Otherwise, one who is not careful will be tricked to death! "

When Li Dingguo heard what Zhang Xianzhong said, he nodded and said no more.

After Zhang Xianzhong thought for a while, he said to Li Dingguo: "I also know what you are thinking.

At this time, we must really focus on the overall situation, and dealing with the Tatars first is the most important thing to do.

However, this matter requires careful thinking and planning, and one needs to wait for a suitable moment before taking action.

The specific form in which to take action and what kind of opportunity to seize need to be carefully considered.

If the opportunity is right, I will definitely not show any signs of it. "

After listening to what Zhang Xianzhong said, Li Dingguo hurriedly saluted Zhang Xianzhong.

Say you remember it.

My depressed mood has improved a lot.

After Li Dingguo left, Zhang Xianzhong couldn't help but shake his head and sigh. I feel that my adopted son is too naive.

How can you believe the words of the Ming Dog Emperor?

And what he just said to Li Dingguo, that he would take action depending on the situation in the future, was actually just saying it to appease Li Dingguo.

He actually made up his mind to stick to this side.

As long as the Tatars don't come to provoke him, he will not take the initiative to provoke the Tatars, so as to accumulate strength.

Of course, it was not all perfunctory. I really thought about attacking the Tatars when the opportunity was right.

It's just that he has the final say when the opportunity is right, when to take action, and to what extent.

After Li Dingguo left Zhang Xianzhong, he couldn't help but shake his head secretly.

He always felt that at this moment, there was no need to think too much.

The best option is to concentrate all our strength to repel the Tatars.

However, the person who calls the shots here is not him, but his father.

That can only be done by listening to the father.

The efforts he made today are the most benevolent and righteous.

I just hope that my father can do what he said today and that he will really take action against Jiannu when the opportunity is right in the future.

Instead of telling lies and perfunctory yourself...

If that were the case, it would be very disappointing.

Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of a country!

The world is about to be destroyed, so why fight?


"Damn it, this pledge of loyalty is waiting for us to skin him and remove the grass from him!"

In Nanjing City, inside the imperial palace, Zhu Yuanzhang cursed angrily.

“This bitch, damn it, when Jiannu entered the customs, we didn’t even mention the Fengyang ancestral tomb to him, we wanted to give him a chance.

This bitch actually dares to break the imperial edict. He will wait for death from now on!

This piece of shit!

Han Cheng, is this what you said about Zhang Xianzhong killing his son to resist the Qing Dynasty? "

After Zhu Yuanzhang scolded him, he looked at Han Cheng and said.

Han Cheng looked a little embarrassed when he heard this.

"That...Father, that's what I remember."

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head: "After this trial, we have seen that this guy is essentially a selfish person.

There is no big pattern in mind.

Including Li Zicheng.

When you talk about killing your son to resist the Qing Dynasty, to put it bluntly, you are not fighting against the Qing Dynasty for the sake of his family, country and the world, but for himself.

Before the Tatars hit him on the head, he had always thought about reaping the benefits.

The subsequent resistance against the Qing Dynasty was fierce because the Tatars hit him on the head.

If he doesn't resist or do something, nothing will happen next.

You said, in this case, what can he do if he doesn't resist?

Zhang Xianzhong can't stay anymore, let's wait until we kill him! "

When Han Cheng heard this, he said no more.

It can only be said that he has given Zhang Xianzhong a chance here, but he failed!

Whatever happens next is his fault, no one else is to blame.

The struggle in Jiangnan is becoming more and more intense.

However, it was intense, and overall it was one-sided.

Originally, the many rebellious landowners and gentry temporarily stabilized the situation with the help of the article written by Yan Shenggong Kong Yinzhi.

But as Han Cheng exerted his strength, he was quickly defeated.

This kind of powerful propaganda is coupled with Zhu Yuanzhang's growing and stronger troops for protection.

The most important thing is that Zhu Yuanzhang really divided the fields here.

They are also willing to give rewards to those who have made great achievements in war.

Under this situation, it can be said that the situation in Jiangnan is changing with each passing day.

Earth-shaking changes have taken place.

Those landowners, gentry and other people who resisted were all targeted for elimination.

In the beginning, there will still be many people who do not know what is going on and will be confused by the gentry and officials.

Do something stupid.

But later, with the efforts of Han Cheng's Propaganda Department, the news of dividing the fields and dividing the land spread more and more widely.

Many people have become impatient and hope that the government can allocate fields and land to them as soon as possible...

There have even been some incidents, but Zhu Yuanzhang's soldiers and horses have not yet arrived, and the work team responsible for dividing the fields has not yet arrived.

But there were already people who dared to fight and took the lead and tied up the rebellious landlords and gentry in their area.

Solve all difficulties, then welcome the work team and come to them to preside over the distribution of fields and many other matters...

In this process, all levels of yamen in Jiangnan have received a particularly in-depth review.

The implementation of Huohuo Guigong this time has greatly infringed on the interests of many officials.

So there are also many people who oppose it openly or covertly.

If these people are found out, they will not end well.

Zhu Yuanzhang has only one way to deal with these people, and that is to kill!

In troubled times, heavy codes should be used, not to mention this time. Zhu Yuanzhang also intends to take advantage of this special moment to sort out the officialdom in Jiangnan.

A major overhaul of the yamen was carried out.

Arrange people who dare to do things, can do things, are pragmatic and don't talk empty talk.

Many things will be dealt with more severely.

In this case, even more people will be eliminated.

After dealing with these people, not only was there no mess in the cleaned up areas in Jiangnan, but on the contrary, things were done more efficiently.

This operation is like cutting out flesh to treat sores and scraping bones to heal wounds.

Although it is painful, it can really cure the disease.

Zhu Yuanzhang knew very well that Jiangnan was already in ruins.

This shit doesn't just refer to the local gentry.

It also includes local governments.

Whether the government is important or not, Zhu Yuanzhang knows better than anyone else.

This is someone who works for the court.

It is an important institution used by the imperial court to govern local areas.

It is precisely because of the layers of government offices, connected layer by layer, that orders can be uploaded and issued.

Under such circumstances, how could Zhu Yuanzhang not take action and sort out the government?
Jiangnan itself has a prosperous cultural background, and there are not many people who want to be officials.

There are also many scholars who come from bad backgrounds.

Zhu Yuanzhang's various methods, as well as Han Cheng's propaganda, the effect is simply ridiculous!
The combination of various means will produce the result.

The places that Zhu Yuanzhang had sorted out were all very different.

Every place that has been sorted out has a very deep recognition of Ming Dynasty.

And Zhu Yuanzhang can also draw strength from here, he can collect taxes, and he can also obtain sufficient soldiers...

At first, it seemed slow when doing these things.

But as time goes by, the speed of implementation is getting faster and faster.

There is a tendency to gradually cover the entire Jiangnan.

A single spark has turned into a prairie fire!

In this process, the power of the imperial court became stronger and stronger.

Jiangnan here began to gradually become the Jiangnan of the imperial court.

Rather than being controlled by those gentry officials, squire clan elders, and Jiangnan, which belongs to them and not to the Ming Dynasty!
In this series of actions, Zhu Yuanzhang got a lot of money.

After all, there were many gentry who resisted in various forms.

And these people basically have a lot of money.

Many people there are very rich.

Now, all these belong to Zhu Yuanzhang.

The money allowed him to do many things.

As these things progress, it is also announced that Zhu Yuanzhang's power here is getting stronger and stronger.

After almost integrating the forces, he will go all out to start the Northern Expedition and restore the old times...

At this time, it had only been three months since Zhu Yuanzhang led Chongzhen, Zhu Cixiang and others to quickly leave from Peiping City and come to Nanjing.

To be able to achieve this in such a short period of time is really amazing.

Originally, many people did not believe what Zhu Yuanzhang said about fighting back and restoring the old country.

I just feel that in today's situation, it is very rare to be able to rule across the river like in the Southern Song Dynasty and hold half of the country.

There is smoke rising from the ancestral graves!
In fact, to be honest, even Chongzhen and even Zhu Cihong did not believe that Taizu could really lead people to do what he said at the beginning.

Stabilize the Jiangnan side, and eventually return the old capital to rebuild the Ming Dynasty.

But now, looking at this situation, day by day, the influence of the imperial court becomes stronger and stronger.

Seeing that the power that originally belonged to the imperial court but had been stolen by many people quickly returned.

They all began to believe it, and felt more and more that Emperor Taizu Gao could really do what he said!

Although it has not yet returned to the old capital and tidied up the old rivers and mountains.

But they are already full of confidence in it...

The various changes in Jiangnan have caught the attention of many people, and many people believe that Zhu Yuanzhang can accomplish this.

And when many people are optimistic about something, there is a high possibility that it will really happen.

Because there will be many people voluntarily joining in to make it better through various forms.

The common tendency of ordinary people to chase the rise and kill the fall is difficult to change.

It was also at this time that the imperial court sent an envoy to meet Qin Liangyu.

Almost at the same moment, Zheng Zhilong also arrived in Nanjing and was about to meet Zhu Yuanzhang...


Because it is far away from Jiangnan and the news is delayed, Dorgon's understanding of various situations in the south is still limited at this time.

There is far from that much information known.

At this time, he was sitting in the Forbidden City, where Chongzhen went to court, handling government affairs.

After dealing with some government affairs, he would pick up the article written by Kong Yinzhi and read it.

Just look, the happier you are.

Sure enough, after entering the customs, there was a great scholar who defended the scriptures for him.

Zhu Yuanzhang is afraid that he will be mad to death right now, right? (End of chapter)

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