Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 3: Unknown Discovery – Chapter 20

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 3: Unknown Discovery - Chapter 20

In a soft, pastel world, gentle lights fill every corner, and pretty flowers line the hallways. Each classroom is cozy and warm, with soft music in the background. There's a magical feeling all around, with love in the air.

"Huh, looks like we've landed right in the Romance Genre section of the high school." Alma said to everyone as we emerged through the portal Takamine had conjured for us before heading off to work.

"Romance Genre section?" I ask, giving Alma a quick look and then scanning the hallway. "Also, why is it called as such?"

"It's probably better if neither Shiki nor I attempt to explain it. There's a risk of misunderstanding, so it's best for you to learn directly from the staff here. Come on, let's head to the auditorium." Alma suggested, leading the way to a nearby poster board covered in various ads. "Ah, here it is." She tore down a poster written in an unfamiliar language.

Suddenly, everything around us starts flickering like a glitchy screen, making it feel like reality itself is going wonky. But before we can make sense of it, we're suddenly in the auditorium.

Sunlight streams through tall windows, casting long golden rays illuminating the rows of plush red seats. The room is alive with a buzz of excitement, voices echoing softly against the high ceiling decorated with intricate molding.

"Come on, our seats are over there." Shiki leads everyone to the stairs to the second floor, where many tables are set up like those in a fancy restaurant. In the center of those tables are holographic projections of the front stage of the auditorium.

As the people begin to filter in, friends chat excitedly, their laughter mixed among the conversations. People clutch cameras of various eras as they eagerly capture the moment, taking in everything around them.

"Is it just me, or are the walls getting farther away?" Weiss asks, puzzled as she notices the walls shrinking in her view.

"That's because the auditorium is expanding to accommodate all the new people coming in, and it's creating everything else for them too." Alma explained. "You can even summon food. Watch." She tapped the holographic projection, and a mini holographic keyboard popped up for her to type in her desired food. Moments later, it appeared in front of her. "So, whatever you're craving, just type it in. And don't worry; these types of food are free to eat."

"Now, that's cool." Ruby smiles as she orders her own food, leading everyone else to do the same.

"Indeed." Shiki said calmly, her gaze steady despite the curious glances from nearby members of the Heaven pantheon.

"Yeah, for the first time. Just wait. Later, you'll see more amazing things. I know I did back then." Alma giggles mischievously before playfully winking at those from the Hell pantheon seated on her left. This gesture prompts some of them to gulp nervously and maintain their fixed gaze on her.

Crazy voices, I'm seeing a lot of familiar characters from other series. Some look like regular students straight from those comedy school-setting anime. For fuck sake, there are some characters from hentai! Then again, Alma is from an eroge visual novel game. I shouldn't be that surprised.

As the lights slowly dim, the chatter fades to a hush, replaced by a tranquil silence that fills the room. A gentle glow washes over the stage, drawing all attention to its center.

Out of nowhere, a spooky voice echoes from the stage, its eerie resonance filling the auditorium. However, as the newcomers to the high school glance around, they find no source for the mysterious sound, deepening their confusion.

"Greetings." A genderless voice resonated throughout the auditorium. "I have been chosen to represent the voice of the high school." A moment of silence followed before the voice continued. "You may temporarily call me Rob." The audience exchanged puzzled glances, trying to decipher the mysterious message.

Crazy voices... Why do I get the feeling the reason why this voice called itself Rob would be like ROB, a Random Omnipotent Being from all those types of fanfics?

"Welcome to those attending the high school. Some might know, some do, but I will say it anyway." Rob addressed everyone. "The whole reason why you're attending here is that those who have been chosen by their pantheon to come here to become stronger than it's normally possible, even gaining the chance to become a pantheon. Now, for those who came here by luck without a pantheon, you are sent here by an ancient relic, which is just an invitation to attend high school. You'll gain the status of something more than what you could gain normally by joining a pantheon."

The audience muttered amongst themselves before falling silent after a minute, prompting Rob to resume speaking.

"You'll discover that the things you learn in classes will be bizarre, unbelievable, nonsense, and so much more. However, this is commonly known among those in power among pantheons. So be aware that the knowledge you gain can be shared, but it won't be the same as learning here at the high school. The high school has a unique ability to enhance those attending here beyond natural limits." Rob explained.

It must be something very powerful. Huh, crazy voices?

"However, there is a downside to attending here. If, after trying all methods to the best of your abilities, you still lose your life here, it will lead to erasing your existence from the multiverse, and a brand new you will be born to take your place, making the you as you are now forever disappear. In fact, some of you might not have realized it. But you have come here before and have died, being reborn as new. You will not gain back the memories or any experience from that lifetime. You have been warned." Rob said to everyone, pausing for a moment to let the words sink in.

Well, damn. So the high school can resurrect people back to life, but at the cost of losing their identity as who they are.

"There is no such thing as graduation, as high school is an endless time of studying. You may leave the high school at any time; however, returning here will be impossible until the next batch of new students arrives." Rob announced, prompting whispers among the audience.

"Huh, so we will stay until we've had enough and just leave whenever we want to? Wow." Weiss whispered in awe, her eyes widening with excitement as if she had stumbled upon a hidden treasure.

"Now, if you haven't been told beforehand, the subjects for all classes are called genres. An example is the Action Genre. Exciting action sequences take priority, and significant conflicts between two sides are usually resolved with physical power. While the overarching plot may involve one group against another, the narrative in action stories always focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of individual characters and the effort they put into their personal battles with members of the opposing group," Rob explained. "You'll learn more about the Action Genre if you take the class along with the benefits to match with anything related to fights itself."

I raise an eyebrow at this, then recall how Alma mentioned the Romance Genre section when we appeared in those hallways with a few classrooms within our sight.

"So that being said, most students will be assigned a list of recommended genres due to being in a specific pantheon specializing more in certain genres. Those who aren't part of a pantheon will be allowed to try any genre freely. However, be warned, if you fail a number of times in a particular genre, access to it will be blocked, and you won't have access until the next batch of students arrives to retry again." Rob finished, and then the light came back on. "As before, welcome to those attending the high school. I hope you have a great time here."

Everyone began talking among themselves, louder than when they first entered the auditorium. After hearing about what high school has in store and getting a glimpse of what to expect, excitement bubbled up in the audience. They started chatting among themselves, their voices growing louder than when they first entered the auditorium.

The holographic projections reappear among the tables and ground floor seats, displaying a list of genres with the students' names beside them.

Student Name: Ruby Rose
Non-Canon Home World: RWBY (Hentai)
Unique Ability: Equivalent Exchange (Summoning Version)
Pantheon: Eldritch
Contractor: Sho Jin (The Caretaker/The Home of Eldritch Pantheon)
Recommend Genres: Hentai, Horror, Isekai, Erotica, Ecchi, Action, Fantasy, Supernatural, Slice of Life, and Comedy.

Student Name: Weiss Schnee
Non-Canon Home World: RWBY (Hentai)
Unique Ability: Customization (Semblance Version)
Pantheon: Eldritch
Contractor: Sho Jin (The Caretaker/The Home of Eldritch Pantheon)
Recommend Genres: Hentai, Horror, Fantasy, Ecchi, Erotica, Action, Supernatural, Isekai, Slice of Life, and Comedy.

Of course, these two would have hentai, erotica, and ecchi among their recommended genres.

I rub my forehead upon seeing that both Ruby and Weiss have the same list of recommended genres to take.

"Oh, wow...!" Alma's eyes widened, and then she smiled brightly at Ruby and Weiss, her excitement obvious to everyone. "I was right; you two are naturally born succubi."

"Even if you did manage to turn them into a succubus, remember their second genre is horror. That means they'd lure victims in, but instead of seduction, it's more like a deadly trap as they murder them." Shiki points out.

Alma hums thoughtfully, "True... So, what do you girls have in mind for your first class?"

"Action for me, and the second being the Horror Genre. Since the others won't help me much in getting more sacrifices." Ruby answered.

"Action and Fantasy for me." Weiss answered next, her gaze thoughtful. "Although, would it be possible for us to have two different classes? Since we will need Jin with us." She looks at Alma and Shiki.

"One unique thing about the high school." Shiki began. "It is the fact that space and time are easily manipulated here, which means both of you can attend each other's class simultaneously; however, I wouldn't recommend it as it could place a massive stress on your mind. So, just focus on one genre at a time."

"Action it is then. We can decide on the second genre after we're done." Ruby said to Weiss, who nodded in agreement.

"Quick question." I glance between Alma and Shiki. "Does the order of the recommended genres mean something, or is it just a random order?" I ask as I look back at the holographic projection. My eyes scanned the list once more.

"Yup, from the first to last are the best ones to take based on who you are and your background." Alma explained, her grin widening as she looked at Ruby and Weiss. "I think it's best for you two to take the Hentai Genre since it's listed as the first out of the others."

"No thanks." Ruby replied firmly, her tone serious as she directed a glare at Alma. "I don't want to have sex with anyone other than Jin here."

"Same here." Weiss frowns at Alma.

"Relax, that isn't what I meant. The Hentai Genre will give you the knowledge to please Jin more than it should be possible. Not to mention, knowing what you need to deal with others who are also learning in the Hentai Genre. It will help you defend against those people as well." Alma rolled her eyes, huffing. "Trust me; you should never underestimate the Hentai Genre or any genre in general."

It sounds like there is more to the eyes just because it's called genre. Any guesses, crazy voices?

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