Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 3: Unknown Discovery – Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 3: Unknown Discovery - Chapter 1

"I'm glad to see that you're back and have completed your trials." Boss said to me.

Thank you, Boss, and if you don't mind me asking. But how did I complete the trials, and what were those trials?

I can't believe that I somehow passed the trials without even knowing them. However, I have no idea how I ended up in The Room, as I now call it until Boss tells me the actual name of the place.

"Sure, you can call this place The Room. Easy for both of us. Or better for you, Jin. As soon as I tell you the true name of The Room. High chance that you will become a mindless Eldritch being and merge with The Room."

Great, I love not becoming a mindless Eldritch entity that is part of The Room. You won't hear me asking for its true name, Boss!

"Good that you understand, Jin. Now that you have completed the trials, which I don't mind telling you, the first trial is to learn more about the multiverse and what is expected of you in the future as the Caretaker of the Eldritch pantheon. It was not so difficult when I sent Makima to teach you certain things at the best time for explanation. You were supposed to torture the messenger from the Hell pantheon, but you didn't, and it was funny. The Hell Pantheon liked that you didn't, and gave you permission to visit any of their worlds for free. Which is why I sent Makma over as a reward from me."

I wondered why Makima was explaining so much and thought it was just to teach Ruby and Weiss more because they were new. Newer than I am in the Eldritch pantheon. Besides, it looks like I'm not supposed to kill everything that comes my way.

"If you had killed the messenger from the Hell pantheon. Several demons, devils, etc. from the Hell pantheon would be sent to you in waves to test how far you can survive before you die, then to be tortured until you learn a lesson: not everyone can be killed. Of course, this would force my hands to start a new war between the Eldritch pantheon and the Hell pantheon".


"Indeed. Now for the second trial: Adapt. I've already seen you adapt to the changes in your job as a caretaker. But you didn't adapt the way I wanted you to. Fortunately, you did it without being around Nyarla and the others for a while to make it happen. You're learning how to be cruel, and that's something common among those in the Eldritch pantheon. How to solve things by knowing the right thing to say and do and the best time to do it. If, instead of causing the deaths of Yang and Blake, you had taken them under your wing. I would be disappointed that you would follow more with your lower brain. Not that it's wrong to think with your lower brain, but there is time and place for that."

I would like to say that I have some standards, but at this point, I don't even know that I have standards. Anyway, I just go with what my heart...uh, I just go with what I think is best at the time.

"Third and final trial: Kill. And I don't mean kill everyone in sight, that's part of it. You did a good job of killing those who would harm Ruby and Weiss. They both have great potential in the Eldritch pantheon. Not as much as Summer, Willow, and Winter. Those three are just bonuses. Moving on, other than killing fools. You also killed conspiracy, fate, destiny, or whatever you want to call it. You made it so that the original timeline for the worlds you visited was thrown off course, forcing a new timeline to emerge. In contrast, the original timeline is either gone forever or stuck until someone comes to fix it. You made such a mess that it was impossible to fix. And that's how you passed the final trial and that's why you're here before me now."

Huh... I didn't know that.

"Now, I would have sent you back to Nyarla and the others, along with Ruby, Weiss, and Shouko. But, Yor, Takamine, and Yui must return to their duties. So, only Nyarla will be free. Which is fine for everyone, but Yor, Takamine, and Yui have to go back to work so soon."

I wonder how soon is soon.

"Not your definition of soon."

Good to know.

"However, they will visit often whenever they are free. So expect their sudden appearance at any moment. Now, before I send you back with Nyarla and Shu."


"Yes, Shu. Takamine's daughter. She will be under your care. For she has fulfilled many tasks for the Eldritch pantheon. Therefore, she will be rewarded with a vacation, and you are the best option to take care of her while she's on vacation."

Hold up! How does me taking care of her while she is on vacation work?

"It's like this. You're the number one person in the Eldritch pantheon, and a lot of them want you to take care of them when they're off duty. Normally, they go to sleep and wait for their next assignments. But now you're here. Everyone wants to be under your care at least once."

I see? So will there be more trials in the future, or will I go back to my normal job as a caretaker?

"Yes, there will always be more trials in the future. However, that will be in the future. Now, you're going back to take care of Nyarla, Shu, Ruby, Weiss, and even Shouko. The Heaven pantheon has informed me that she will be with you for a long time."

Right. So, is there anything else I should know? And will I be sent to another world again?

"That depends on Nyarla, Shu, and Shouko. But it's mainly up to you to keep them from visiting other worlds. I can't let you all stay in the apartment for too long."

Well... Alright. Oh! What about that high school Makima mentioned before? Are Ruby and Weiss going to attend there? And will I have to go along with them?

"I have yet to decide when those two will attend high school to learn more about the multiverse. And yes, you will go with them. You'll need the knowledge that can be learned there. It would make your life even more difficult over time if you didn't go with them at some point in the future."

What would Nyarla and Shu, as well as the others, do if they returned during the time when Ruby and Weiss were in high school?

"They will go together with you since there is no such thing as graduation at the high school. It's a place of learning; you come and go. All you have to do is pay the tuition fee. You can even work there in exchange for waiving the fee, as long as what you're teaching is worthy enough to be taught there."

All right, I think I've asked enough questions, and I think I may have pushed my luck that you didn't beat me to death and then resurrect me as a warning for asking too much.

"Funny enough, you didn't push your luck as you say. If anything, I have enough time to answer many questions for 24 hours. Unless you have no more questions to ask?"

No, and suddenly, I'm back in Nyarla's apartment.

"Jin!" Both Nyarla and Ruby shouted my name as they tackled me to the ground, both of their breasts thrust in my face.

"Hello to both of you, and especially to you, Nyarla. I see you missed me." I greeted them both, hugging each of them with one arm. While I paid a little more attention to Nyarla, something would have to be done with the way I remembered Nyarla. It would be bad for Ruby and me, but mostly for me, if I didn't pay more attention to her.

"We're here too, Jin." Weiss said from the side, along with Shouko standing beside her.

"Glad to see you as well, Weiss and Shouko." I replied, but my voice was currently being muffled by Nyarla and Ruby's breasts.

It took a bit of effort to get them both off of me so that I could stand up. Although my arms are somewhat unavailable to me as both Nyarla and Ruby use them as hugging objects, not that I mind having my arms sandwiched between a pair of lovely breasts.

"When we saw you suddenly disappear, we panicked a bit, but the next thing we know it; we appeared at Nyarla's apartment, where she explained what was going on." Weiss explains what happened while I was gone.

"Oh, wait. What about Izanami?" I look around for the mentioned goddess.

"Izanami was sent to Makima to be trained before being sent back to work under Ruby." Ghost answers before anyone else can.

"I wondered where she went. I honestly thought whoever dropped us off at Nyarla's apartment had forgotten about her." Ruby blinks, then grins. "Well, never mind. At least I don't have to think about Izanami too much. Besides, I don't know what to do with her anyway. I'm more interested in getting a new type of summoning ability. Even though it's more limited compared to my own summoning."

"So, did you miss me, Jin?" Nyarla stares at me and I notice that her eyes are not glowing, so this is the alter ego and not the eldritch ego that is currently in control.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" I roll my eyes and smile at Nyarla's behavior. "Is everyone getting along?"

This is the part that worries me the most. It's one thing with Nyarla and her family, while Makima and Shouko are her classmates. It's another thing with Ruby and Weiss. They are both in the same situation as me, unable to defend themselves against the dangerous entities of the multiverse.

"Yup, Nyarla and I are best friends!" Ruby giggles and Nyarla giggles as well. "Right?"

"Right!" Nyarla smiled, then gave me a peck on the cheek. "Of course, you're my number one, Jin!"

"And I thought we were best friends, Ruby." Weiss huffs, but has a grin on her face that shows she's not annoyed or jealous.

"You're my best friend too, Weiss!" Ruby lets go of my arm and quickly runs over to Weiss and hugs her, something Weiss didn't expect out of the blue, judging by her shocked face.

"All right, get off me!" Weiss blushed, not sure if she was embarrassed or angry at Ruby's sudden hug. "Besides, I'm pretty sure you can only have one best friend!"

"Nope!" Ruby grinned as she let go of Weiss. "Ha! You haven't read the book on friendship! According to the study books, we have to know. You can have more than one best friend!" She lifts her chin slightly and gives Weiss a smug look.

"Is that true, Jin?" Nyarla whispered to me, and not too far away I could see that Shouko was also interested in the answer to this question.

"Yes, it's true. Having only one best friend would make things complicated for everyone in an overall situation." I replied. Of course, we're talking about friendships here. Being in a relationship between lovers is a completely different story, and I would rather not go into that death trap if possible.

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