Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 58

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 58

"Caretaker, you forgot to pick two of the six godlike items today." Ghost whisper in my right ear, causing me to twitch for a second.

Before I could say anything. Ghost displays the six godlike items for me to pick today.

Option 1: Whip of Domination - Whip that bitch! Whip them real good! Anyone will become submissive upon getting whipped! Warning: Certain levels of entities are immune to the effect of this whip and could lead to the wielder's death. You've been warned.

Danger Level: Extreme

Option 2: Glove of Challenger - You know how in those scenes where the villain/hero would take off their white glove and slap the other person as a sign of a challenge for whatever reason? Yeah, this here will make it so anyone you slap in their face will be forced to face any challenges you make for any reasons you've come up with. Warning: It doesn't make you unbeatable. So you can still lose the challenge.

Danger Level: Extreme

Option 3: Green Hat of Curse - In Chinese culture, wearing a green hat is cause for mockery because of its hidden meaning. When a man "wears a green hat", it signifies his partner is cheating on him. In other words, this particular hat will make any wearer in a relationship become cheated on 100% straight away. No matter how faithful the partner is or how stupid the reason could be. Great for revenge on those you hate, right?!

Danger Level: Extreme

Option 4: Multiverse Basic Guidebook - Ever been in a situation where you have no idea what is happening? Then this is the guidebook for you! By holding the guidebook in the direction of the target, you'll gain essential information on that target! Of course, the level of the data is only basic. HOWEVER! This basic information is guaranteed 100% real! Get it while you still can! Warning: Some entities will detect the scanning, so be careful of being noticed.

Danger Level: Low

Option 5: World's Plot Events Planner - So, the saying of knowledge is power. Well, here is this planner that will tell you the main plot events of the world you're in. And yes, it will update in case of anything changes. Warning: Many entities desire to get their hands on this planner. So be careful of your surrounding.

Danger Level: High

Option 6: List of Outsiders - Want to know if you're not the only one in the world as an outsider? Well, no need to look further as this list will always tell you who is who and won't mistakenly talk to someone that isn't the original entity!

Danger Level: Low

I'm once more speechless upon seeing today's list of godlike items—especially the first three.

Yeah, I'm grabbing List of Outsiders and Multiverse Basic Guidebook. Forget the rest. And no way am I grabbing that World's Plot Events Planner. Since many entities want it, I already have enough other entities coming after me. Then I'm better off without it. After all, I still remember all the anime, manga, novels, etc. I've watched/read in the past. So I have a gist of what kind of plots I might have to deal with.

Although I got the feeling this will bite me in the ass once I come to a world I have zero knowledge.

"Ghost, display the List of Outsiders." I order, preparing for anyone other than that soul from the Eastern pantheon being in this world.

"Displaying List of Outsiders." Ghost announced in the monotone.

List of Outsiders:

1. Background Identity: Eldritch pantheon's Caretaker - Current Identity: Jin Sho

2. Background Identity: Azathoth - Current Identity: Yui Kurata

3. Background Identity: Nyarlathotep - Current Identity: Nyarla

4. Background Identity: The Nameless Mist - Current Identity: Yor

5. Background Identity: Darkness - Current Identity: Takamine Takane

6. Background Identity: Control Devil - Current Identity: Makima

7. Background Identity: Heaven Goddess of Silent Beauty - Current Identity: Shouko Komi

8. Background Identity: Eastern pantheon's Cannon Fodder - Current Identity: Arthur Crypton

9. Background Identity: Western pantheon's Cannon Fodder - Current Identity: Miyabi Kannazuki

...(tap to expand)

Wow, there are more people outside of this world than I thought. Other than my group, there are more people from the Eastern pantheon—also, shit. Even the Western pantheon is here?

"Jin~!" Nyarla calls for my attention, causing me to suppress the urge to sigh and resume giving her a back massage while we were in the middle of class. "Much better. Make sure to get my butt too."

I rolled my eyes at that last part but did it anyway and ignored Nyarla's moan softly. In fact, the whole classroom is ignoring us. Then again, Invasion is a great cheat to make sure everyone minds their own business and focuses on other things.

"Shush, you're ruining my concentration." Takamine whispered, then prepared for the best moment to show off for the fifth time since class period started.

I shake my head at this, then look at Yui and Makima. They sit on a large table with enough space to use together as they work on documents at the back of the room. Right next to the massage bed, Nyarla lies while I'm working on her butt.

Near the front of the classroom is Yor, who is debating about killing the teacher going by the way she is twirling her golden stiletto for nearly half the class period.

Shouko is sitting in the back, reading a book she got somewhere and ignoring everything around her.

The girls are surprisingly peaceful and haven't caused any more deaths since the former Headmistress' death.

Well, maybe not for long with Yor. I wonder what the teacher did to cause Yor to want to stab them, or maybe Yor was just bored out of her mind and decided to twirl her golden stiletto out of boredom is something she does in school. I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.

"Okay-GAK!" The teacher was about to say something before they were nailed to the board behind them via a golden stiletto to the neck.

I sighed, then, with a single thought, all the students about to panic to calm down and began to leave the classroom as the bell rang.

I guessed correctly that Yor was about to kill the teacher. Still have no idea why. Crazy voices, any thoughts?

Anyway, none of the girls bother to leave the classroom, or more like they knew it would be more troublesome doing so without everyone leaving altogether. However, that didn't mean they can't move around in the classroom.

Yor walks back to the classroom after retrieving her golden stiletto and leaves the dead body where it is, with the board splashed with blood.

Takamine groaned; no doubt she was just about to perform some kind of act to show how perfect she was with the right setting and stuff. Sadly, she was interrupted by the teacher's death, which ruined any moment she was about to take.

So other than groaning, Takamine got up from her seat and dragged her feet back to the classroom where everyone was.

"Couldn't you have waited until the bell rang, Yor?" Takamine glares at Yor, who isn't fazed by the malice stares.

"I couldn't hold it in too long before I had enough. My bad." Yor apologized, but everyone could tell she didn't put much effort into apologizing.

"What did the teacher do to make you want to kill them?" Takamine continues to glare at her sister. While everyone stops what they're doing, I'm still massaging Nyarla's butt, but I'm still listening nonetheless.

"They were giving all the female students the bedroom eyes." Yor answered calmly.

"Other than that? I know you won't care if a girl was raped in front of your eyes while you're killing someone." Takamine points out as her rage hasn't lessened by the second. If anything, the way Yor is acting is just making her madder than she already is.

"Alright, it's because I'd looked into their past and didn't like what I found." Yor put on a severe look. "Also, they were part of the group causing other pantheons to come into this world."

"Wait, really?" Yui perked up, quickly leaped over the table, rushed over to the corpse, and did something before she got what she wanted as she lit the body on fire to be burnt to ashes. "Okay, changes of plan. We're going to hunt down a few people. Instead of all just wasting our time in school until the month ends."

"Do we have to?" Takamine pouts. "Can't we just call someone from the Eldritch pantheon to deal with this? It's not like we're part of the group dealing with these problems."

"Wouldn't that just cause this world to crumble if someone powerful without any self-control were to come here?" Makima points out. "No disrespect, but your people aren't well known for control."

"Okay, but I'm sure mom could call specific people that wouldn't outright destroy this world. Right, mom?" Takamine looked at her mother with hopeful eyes.

"I could." Yui nods, causing Takamine's eyes to brighten up. "But I won't."

"Why?" Takamine looks like she is about to cry, but I could be just imagining it.

"Because everyone is currently busy at the moment." Yui replied. "Besides, we can turn this into a game."

"Game?" Nyarla stares at her mother with bright glowing eyes.

"Not now, Nyarla." I gently push Nyarla's head back down as I begin to massage that now.

"Aw..." Nyarla groans softly.

Groan, all you want, Nyarla. At least I won't have to worry about Yui killing everything. Or not in a very short time.

"Anyway, we're going to hunt these people down since I don't want our stay on this planet with no lifeforms after killing everything out for whatever reason for a month until we leave for another world. Unless Ghost here got a mini-task to reduce our time in this world?" Yui looks at Ghost, making everyone do the same.

"None at this moment." Ghost replied as it started rolling on the ceiling.

"So, how are we going to hunt these people?" Yor's eyes glow in excitement. Her bloodlust is showing, literally. I can see reality warping around us again.

Yeah, stop that.

I quickly increase the output in Delayed Effect to stop Yor from making reality more fragile than it already is. More so with this world being Freezing.

"We have many options." Yui smirks, "Even with none of us can leave the group and go solo."

"We do?" Shouko whispered, making me remember she wasn't muted.

"We sure do!" Yui replied. "One of the many easy ones is to have Jin send off his shikigami to bring them here to us, and we have many ways to deal with them before killing them."

I stare at Yui blankly.

"And the other options?" Makima raised an eyebrow while she neatly stacked all the documents in a single pile.

"We can use our own personal methods to bring the targets before us." Yui winks at Makima, causing the latter to continue to keep her eyebrow raised.

"Either way. I want this group to be dead and over with. I want to spend the rest of our month in this world as a student having fun." Takamine put on a determined face.

"Oh, I don't think I have anything that doesn't involve the targets to die." Nyarla said in a bored tone.

Yeah, I figure that's the case, Nyarla. But thanks for trying to think up something, at least.

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