Daily Dog ​​food with Super Sweet Green Plum

Chapter 44

Chapter 44: I Only See Her Brother Ye Chen (One More)

“Brother Ye Chen, look, there is a big supermarket there!”

“This is Lanzhou Ramen!”

Seeing her daughter’s unseen appearance, Lin Wan couldn’t help covering her face.

She also blamed her. After Xiaoxi became sensible, she never took her to the city to see the prosperity of the metropolis.

Looking at this place, Ye Chen was a little dazed. Although it is not as good-looking as the later generations, it is not bad in this era.

The little girl looked left and right.

Everything looks fresh.

“Mom, do we want to go to the supermarket later?” She still watched this kind of big supermarket on TV, and there were a lot of delicious food in it.

Lin Wan gave her an explosive chestnut: “You girl, you know how to eat. Today we are here to sign up for a cram school for you.”

“Oh, okay, can you go after you sign up?”

Ye Chen couldn’t help laughing.

This little greedy cat.

Lin Wan ignored her and let the little girl chatter in her ear.

After a while, she said, “Let’s talk.”

Soon, the car stopped in front of a training center!

This is one of the best training centers in Jiuyang City.

There are many students admitted each summer.

Relatively speaking, the price is also very expensive, and it is not affordable for children in ordinary families.

Of course, the quality of teaching here is also very good.

It is very helpful to improve children’s academic performance.

Gu Wenguo and his wife took out some of their savings and also sent their daughter over for tuition.

It is estimated that the interest class will also cost money.

Raising a child is really hard.

Three, one and one small walked into the training center, and soon a receptionist came over, a very beautiful young lady.

With a smile, he asked, “Are you here to sign up for a cram school for your child?”

“Yes.” Lin Wan smiled.

“Are these two together or is it?” the young lady continued.

Ye Yuanfeng nodded: “Together.”

After the explanation of the young lady, the registration fee is 2,000 yuan per person for two months.

Just can’t live here, and it’s troublesome to pick up and go back and forth, only adults can rent a house nearby and pick up their children.

Two thousand yuan can be said to be very expensive in this day and age. Gu Wenguo and his wife gritted their teeth and paid it for their daughter’s future.

Ye Yuanfeng also quickly paid the money.

After registering, the staff smiled and said: “Several parents, just bring their children to class on time at eight o’clock every day.”

“OK, thanks.”

“You’re welcome!” The staff nodded.

After a few people left the training center, the little girl jumped up excitedly, looked left and right, and felt that everything around her was very fresh.

“Mom, you said that you signed up to take us to the big supermarket. You can’t talk about it.” Gu Nianxi specially reminded.

Lin Wan said helplessly: “You, you know that there are supermarkets and supermarkets, and the interest class has not yet signed up!”

After speaking, she gently bounced the girl’s head.

Gu Nianxi pouted: “Why don’t you go to the supermarket first~”

“You want to stand up again, don’t you?” Lin Wan pulled her face.

This kid is a real bullshit.

Gu Wenguo on the side said: “Anyway, don’t worry, the child will go as soon as he wants.”

As soon as these words came out, Lin Wan glared at him.

“Just get used to her!”

Huh, my wife is not happy.

Gu Wengui immediately closed his mouth.

The hobby class is not far from this place, and there are two classes at once.

Still a little tired, Lin Wan couldn’t bear it: “Xiao Xi, are you really going to sign up for that painting interest class?”

Gu Nianxi nodded: “Well, I like painting the most.”

Lin Wan sighed, since the child likes it, then stagger the class time of the two classes.

Give her a hug.

Two hours of class every day is also fine, which is full of children’s thoughts.

“Let’s go now, it’s nearby anyway.”

Gu Wenguo nodded.

Gu Nianxi and Ye Chen walked together and asked in a low voice, “Brother Ye Chen, when are we going to the supermarket?”

Ye Chen couldn’t help laughing, this girl is still thinking about it.

“Wait until Auntie signs you up, don’t worry.”


to another training center.

This one is similar to the one just now, the difference is that the courses taught are different.

One is primary school curriculum, the other is art, what dance class, painting class, piano class…etc.

I went in and asked about the next class time, explained the situation to the staff, and then registered and paid.

After everything is ready, relax for a day today and come to class tomorrow.

Lin Wan planned to rent a house in this area to take care of her two children.

Shen Yuhua takes care of things in the store all day long and is very busy. As a best friend, she must help her take care of it.

She explained the situation to Gu Wenguo, who had no opinion.

He did what he said, and Gu Wenguo called someone he knew in the city.

There is a suitable house.

Just let them check it out later.

Ye Yuanfeng couldn’t be envious of Gu Wenguo’s connections.

He’s not a sociable person, and he doesn’t have many friends at his age.

Gu Wenguo was different. He made a lot of friends and saved a lot of trouble.

“Mom, you can take us to the supermarket now~” Gu Nianxi shook Lin Wan’s arm and said coquettishly.

Lin Wan really couldn’t do anything about her.

“You girl, really.”

“Hee hee hee…”

So, the group drove to the nearby big supermarket again!

“Wow! It’s so big!”

“It’s beautiful and clean here!”

As soon as the little girl came in, she was jumping and cheering!

Very happy!

Ye Chen pushed a shopping cart over, and Gu Nianxi, who was studying TV series, insisted to sit in it.

Ye Chen pushed her and followed behind the elders: “What do you want to buy?”

“Brother Ye Chen, I just have a look.” The little girl smiled.

Seeing the two children laughing while pushing the car, several adults also smiled.

A certain girl who said she was just looking at it. After a while, the shopping cart was full. She couldn’t put it down before she got out of the shopping cart.

Looking at so many snacks.

“Brother Ye Chen, what is this?” The little girl pointed at a bag with Korean letters written on it, wondering.

Ye Chen rubbed her hair: “This is potato chips.”

“Potato chips? Are they delicious?” She had never eaten them before.

“You’ll know when you go back and eat.”

“OK then.”

It was four or five o’clock in the afternoon when I went home after seeing the house.

Before Shen Yuhua came back from the store, Ye Yuanfeng hurriedly rode an electric bike over to help.

Gu Wenguo and his wife said hello and prepared to go home.

Gu Nianxi didn’t go back with him, but returned with Ye Chen with a whole bag of snacks.

These snacks must be shared with brother Ye Chen.

Several adults were also helpless.

“The daughter has changed, and only her brother Ye Chen is in her eyes.” Looking at the backs of the two children, Lin Wan was sour.

Her little padded jacket was just kidnapped by Xiaochen.

There is delicious food not to share with my mother.

Gu Wenguo said helplessly: “You, you even eat the vinegar of children.”

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