Dad’s Science and Technology Martial Arts Museum

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Bloated middle-aged man

From this moment on, Huo Lingyu had no doubts about the Qingtian Budokan.

In her opinion, this Li Yuan Life Platform alone is enough to attract countless warriors to come to apprentice and be crazy about it.

Not to mention, there are three other devices on the second floor that she has never seen before, but they are bound to be equally magical!

“This, is this all right?” Like Huo Lingyu, Ye Lingwei and others were also unable to conceal the shock at this time, and their hearts jumped.

too fast!

The speed at which Li Yuan Life Station repaired his injuries, in the eyes of a few of them, is really approaching a miraculous point!

In just over 10 seconds, such a long and deep cut can be repaired perfectly, and nothing is unusual.

This is just a miracle!

“Teacher, I want to use the second one!” Not long after, Zhou Hua said with excitement, “I practiced in other martial arts gyms a while ago, and caused a lot of bruises, and it hasn’t been better yet!”

“Well, yes.” Chen Xuan nodded immediately.

“Teacher, I want to use it too.”

“me too!”

Zhang Song and Ye Lingwei, two old guys, naturally want to experience it for themselves.

“You two, it doesn’t seem to be hurt?” Chen Xuan frowned slightly when he heard the words.

“Teacher, didn’t you say that Li Yuan Life Channel can increase vitality?” Ye Lingwei grinned, “Of course we have to use enough good things that can prolong life!”

Hearing this explanation, Chen Xuan slapped his forehead, but he suddenly realized that, at the same time, he felt that he had underestimated the attractiveness of Li Yuan Life Channel.

It is true that the greatest effect of Li Yuan Life Platform is to heal injuries, but it can slowly increase vitality, and it is not to be underestimated!

You know, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat after all!

Old people like Ye Lingwei and Zhang Song are not crazy about things that can improve vitality and prolong life, but they will undoubtedly have great enthusiasm.

The improvement is slower, the effect is weaker, it doesn’t matter!

They are well aware of the principle of gathering arms and sand into towers. They believe that as long as they insist on using the Li Yuan Life Platform for many years, their vitality and physique are bound to improve.

For this, pay a little money, be a fart!

“Alright, Xu Mang?” After half a minute, seeing Xu Mang still lying leisurely in Li Yuan Life Taichung, Ye Lingwei and others couldn’t help but urge.

“Otherwise, do you use the gravity space first? It’s very comfortable, it’s hundreds of times refreshing than hot springs. I want to stay a few more minutes…” Xu Mang looked like he got his head out of Li Yuan’s life spring. An incomparable enjoyment, like the old society with a few maids waiting on their hands and spending their days leisurely.

“Teacher, just take care of him, I think he is like this, he will never come out in a few hours!” Ye Lingwei and the others were suddenly anxious.

Of course, their inference is still correct. Xu Mang really intends to soak in the magical Li Yuan Life Spring for an hour or so.

Because-so comfortable!

Xu Mang only feels that staying in the life spring of Li Yuan is absolutely the supreme physical enjoyment!

Although expensive is “slightly” more expensive, in Xu Mang’s view, it’s worth it!

“I forgot to tell you that this Li Yuan Life Channel can be used at most 10 minutes per person per day, and the total limit is 60 minutes.”

At this time, Chen Xuan said faintly: “So, even if Xu Mang doesn’t want to come out later, he can find it.”

“Huh?” Ye Lingwei and others shouted in unison.

As for Xu Mang, he was naturally bitter and unwilling.

“Ah what, this is the rules of our Budokan, no one wants to violate it.”

“is teacher!”


This morning, Chen Xuan has a good income.

Because of the four major disciples, without exception, Li Yuan’s Life Channel was used for 10 minutes.

When    left, they were all reluctant to let go, their expressions were like lovers who were about to part.

However, they dare not question the rules set by Chen Xuan after all.

So I can only hold back my emotions and prepare to enjoy it tomorrow.

“Tsk tusk, today is really good, earning close to 40,000!” Chen Xuan lying on the rocking chair rested, full of comfort, could not help but start looking forward to the future, “After that, I will have more science and technology and more students. At that time, I’m afraid I would count the money every day and I would get cramps?”

“Brother-in-law, I have already dragged the floor and I can eat lunch!” At this time, Huo Lingyu, who had just finished cleaning, came to the rocking chair with pleasure.

“Okay, brother-in-law will take you to a big meal! Let’s talk, which store do you want to eat?”

stretched, Chen Xuan immediately got up, smiled and said, “Although we are here in the old city, there are still many good restaurants.”

“Brother-in-law, don’t we eat takeaway?” Huo Lingyu’s eyes lit up.

“Take you to take out. If your sister knows, I will definitely be scolded to death.” Chen Xuan said casually, “Let’s go, take you to eat.”

“Then if we are all gone, wouldn’t there be no one in the martial arts hall?” Huo Lingyu asked again.

“Don’t you see it? In our martial arts gym, including Qingqing, there are only 5 students in total!” Chen Xuan said calmly.

“Huh?” Huo Lingyu was perplexed and even said, “Brother-in-law, the equipment on the second floor is so magical. If you just advertise, our martial arts gym will be overcrowded in an instant, right? Or, let me help. You go to our university to promote it?”

“no, I’m fine.”

In line with the philosophy of “maintaining compulsion and never actively propaganda” instilled in the Science and Technology Martial Arts Hall system, Chen Xuan directly rejected it.


“Uh, your brother-in-law likes to be quiet…Let’s say, what do you want to eat today?”

“Sichuan cuisine!”

“Okay, let’s go!”



From    to noon, Chen Xuan returned from lunch happily.

As for Huo Lingyu, Chen Xuan generously allowed her to hang out and relax the whole afternoon.

After all, there is nothing wrong with Huo Lingyu staying in the Qingtian Budokan in the afternoon.

It would be better to let this naughty sister-in-law go out and have a good time.

“This little girl, I’m afraid it is the most relaxed assistant master of the martial arts hall in the world!”

walked slowly into the hall on the first floor, Chen Xuan was in a good mood, ready to start the third day of adaptability training.

At this moment, on Yuanhua Street, a middle-aged man with a slightly bloated figure, but with an extremely majestic expression, came.

This middle-aged man has an erect back, his eyes solemn, and there seems to be murderousness between his eyebrows, which makes people afraid to face him.

He is wearing a very ordinary shirt and cloth shoes, although his stomach is slightly firm, but judging from his steady pace, he is definitely a warrior!

In other words, a former warrior!

The warrior who neglected to train for a long time!

“That’s it, the sunny martial arts gym that Ye Lao said!”

Soon, the middle-aged man came to the gate of Qingtian Budokan.

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