Dad’s Science and Technology Martial Arts Museum

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Warrior Forum

On the right side of the screen, there are several lines of eye-catching golden data—

Power: 1.3

Physique: 1.3

Agility: 1.3

“Huh? My agility has been directly improved by 0.2!” After reading it, Chen Xuan was immediately pleased and asked repeatedly, “What’s going on? Gravity space works?”

“Host, you must understand that this gravitational space has a very strong effect on agility and body skills.” The system calmly explained, “Of course, because the host’s body skills are too poor, so just use your Shenfa didn’t improve much, but agility was obviously strengthened.”

“Uh, can you explain it to me a little bit?” Chen Xuan, who turned anger into joy, immediately said curiously.

“I believe the host must still remember that when he first entered the gravitational space, there was a fragrance, right?” the system asked.

“Well, I feel comfortable after I smell it.” Chen Xuan nodded slowly.

“This fragrance is derived from the inner gas of the Nine Dreams Sacred Dragon of the higher life in the universe.” The system continues to explain, “Smelling it can stimulate your cerebral cortex nerves, greatly improving its operational efficiency and comprehensive analysis capabilities.”

“In this way, your movement speed and neural response speed will naturally increase.”

“This is the root of the host’s 0.2 agility improvement!”

After listening to this explanation, Chen Xuan suddenly realized, but then asked: “So, how can it improve the body? It depends on the mercury impact?”

“I think the host must know that the so-called body technique is actually the ability of the human body to complete movements quickly, accurately, coordinately, and flexibly under various conditions.” The system explained again, “and to improve this ability, As far as you humans are concerned, there is no other way but to rely on long-term continuous physical training!”

“Only in this way, you humans can gradually form a special and perfect conditioned reflex, and the mastery of countless movements and the ability to control and command the muscles of the movement will be improved.”

“In short, it is extremely difficult to improve your physical fitness, because according to your understanding, it must be built on the basis of massive training!”

After listening patiently, Chen Xuan couldn’t help but ask: “Listen to what you mean, it seems that gravitational space can help me quickly form that kind of conditioned reflex?”

“This is natural. The host, you have to know that the gravitational space is very special. As long as you enter, the user’s brain will be invisibly connected to it.” The system leisurely said, “That is to say, the host you are in any gravitational space A dodge will be directly remembered by the brain, forming a perfect conditioned reflex.”

“So magical? In this way, this gravitational space is simply an artifact for improving body stature and agility!” Chen Xuan was suddenly shocked, and he was amazed.

“Now, does the host plan to tear down the gravitational space?”

“When did I say I was going to tear it down?”


The setting sun is slanting, and the sky is full of glow.

At this time, Chen Xuan had already taken his baby girl home and was busy in the kitchen for a while.

As for Qingqing, naturally she squatted in front of the TV and watched cartoons attentively.

The life of the father and daughter is very simple, but for Chen Xuan, this is the greatest happiness!

In Chen Xuan’s heart, taking good care of her daughter and allowing her to grow up happily and happily is always the first place. Nothing can compare with it.

“Qingqing, come here, Baba made you Coke chicken wings.”

“You can’t just eat meat, but also more vegetables.”

“It’s so good, have some more fish soup.”


After having dinner with his daughter, and after simply taking care of the housework, Chen Xuan leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest, and he was thinking about it.

“Now I have two major artifacts in the town hall-the booster ray meter and the gravity space, but it has been open for almost 10 days, but there is only one student.”

Eyebrows narrowed slightly, and Chen Xuan thought to himself: “Isn’t it okay to wait for the rabbit to go down like this, my second student just appeared in the year of the monkey?”

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Xuan began to wonder how he should develop new students without losing his compulsion.


After a long time, Chen Xuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, obviously thinking of a good idea.

“Since I want to maintain a compulsive pattern and cannot make publicity, then…I can always invite others to fight, right? This does not lose my compelling pattern at all!”

Thinking like this in his heart, Chen Xuan’s mood can be said to be instantly good, and he can’t wait to find someone to make an appointment immediately.

Of course, he is not really itchy, and he wants to find someone to fight.

He is still very self-aware, and he deeply understands that with his physical fitness of an amateur mid-range warrior, if he really fights against others, he will basically inevitably end up being ravaged.

And the reason why he was looking for someone to make an appointment, in fact, to put it bluntly, is to use this method to lead people to his Sunny Budokan!

Chen Xuan believes that as long as he comes to his sunny martial arts gym and sees the magic of the booster ray instrument and the gravitational space, then the other party will definitely choose to apprentice and become a loyal student like Ye Lingwei, who will come every day.

“It shouldn’t be too late, I will now start looking for someone to ‘make a fight’!”

After getting upright, Chen Xuan turned on his phone without hesitation, and then logged on to the Jiangzhou Martial Arts Forum. UU reading

This warrior forum gathers all kinds of information and materials from the Jiangzhou martial arts world, so Chen Xuan intends to find suitable candidates here.

“Benlei Martial Arts Museum is scheduled to have an exchange battle with Jiujiang Martial Arts Museum in Nancheng Square on the 20th of this month. Welcome everyone to come and join us.”

“I want to learn the stick method, which martial arts gym is better?”

“Is there a martial arts gym specializing in training children’s physique in Jiangzhou? Wait online, urgent!”


After entering the most popular Jiangzhou teahouse area in the forum, Chen Xuan saw a variety of posts.

There are many of them, and he is still quite interested.

“My power booster and gravitational space are undoubtedly the most suitable for those who are pursuing martial arts and have good financial strength.” Chen Xuan browsed and analyzed, “So, from this point of view, our Jiangzhou martial arts Genius best meets the requirements!”

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan didn’t hesitate at all, and immediately began to look for posts about Jiangzhou martial arts geniuses in the forum.

“This genius seems to be good, lacking in strength… Hey, no, this guy actually went to Yangcheng for further studies!”

“Well, it doesn’t seem to work. His biggest flaw is that his tactics are too poor. I can’t attract him for the time being.”

“This doesn’t seem appropriate either.”


After picking it for a long time, Chen Xuan never found his favorite target.

However, he was not in a hurry.

Because he believes that there are so many geniuses in a big Jiangzhou, as long as he has patience, he can always find the right one!

So, with patience, he slowly browsed through the posts one by one.

After half an hour, the effort paid off, and he finally found a very suitable target candidate!

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