Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 13

The next day, Asuka found herself back at Vik’s clinic, lying on the operating chair as he prepped her for a new upgrade. After buying the Yaiba, she still had 20,000 eddies left, and she wasn’t about to let them sit idle. She knew the streets of Night City were brutal, and after the the constant action she was involved in, it was time to invest in her body’s durability. Her chrome limbs were preem, but her ganic body could use a serious boost. That’s where titanium bones cyberware came into play.

“Alright, kid, you ready for this?” Vik asked as he adjusted the settings on his surgical tools, his tone casual but focused. “You’re getting some solid titanium bones here. Lucky for you, with my connections, I was able to find a good set that’s worth every eddie you’ve got left.”

Asuka smirked, leaning back as she relaxed on the table. “I trust you, old man. Figured it was time to make my bones as tough as the rest of me. Besides, after buying that Yaiba, I need something to spend the rest on. Gotta stay sharp in this city, you know?”

Vik chuckled, placing his tools on a tray beside him. “Well, this upgrade’s gonna do more than just make you sharp. You’ll be able to take a hit without breaking a bone.”

Asuka sighed contentedly, closing her eyes. “Good.”

Vik grinned beneath his surgical mask as he began the procedure. “Yeah, you’re not the type to let that happen twice, are you?”

The clinic was filled with the soft hum of machinery as Vik started the implant, expertly working on her skeletal structure. The titanium bones would fuse with her natural ones, making them significantly stronger and more resilient to damage.

As Vik worked, he kept his usual calm demeanor, his hands steady as he inserted the gleaming titanium rods and reinforced key points in her body. “This’ll take a couple of hours to settle in. Once it’s done, though, you’ll feel the difference immediately. Your bones will be tougher, but try not to do anything too crazy until it’s fully integrated.”

Asuka chuckled through the haze of mild sedation. “No promises, Vik. You know me.”

He finished up the last adjustments and closed her up, stepping back to admire his work. “All done, kid. You’re good to go.”

Asuka sat up, feeling the new weight in her bones, a solid strength she hadn’t felt before. She rotated her shoulders, flexing her arms and feeling the stability the titanium implants offered. “Damn, this feels good.”

“Just don’t overdo it right away,” Vik warned, giving her a pointed look. “You’ll need a few days to fully adjust, even if you feel like you can take on the whole city right now.”

Asuka slid off the chair “Got it, old man. Thanks, really. I feel like I just leveled up.”

Vik gave her a nod, cleaning up his tools. “Just doing my job, Asuka. Now, get out there and don’t make me have to patch you up too soon, yeah?”

Asuka grinned, grabbing her jacket as she headed for the door. “No promises, Vik, but I’ll try not to push it too hard. See you around.”

Just as Asuka was about to step out of the clinic, Vik called after her, his voice carrying a hint of concern. "Hey, kid, hold up a sec. I need to ask—do you feel any weight on your nerves? Any discomfort or weird sensations from the implants?"

Asuka paused, rolling her shoulders and flexing her arms again to make sure everything felt right. There was a moment of silence as she checked in with herself, but then she gave Vik a confident smile. "Nah, I feel great, Vik. It’s like it’s always been a part of me—feels natural, you know? No weight, no problems. It’s like these titanium bones were made for me."

Hearing that, Vik let out a long sigh of relief, visibly relaxing. "Good. Really good to hear. Sometimes the body rejects upgrades like this, even when everything goes perfect. But sounds like you're adjusting just fine."

Asuka flashed him a playful grin. "Told you, old man, you’re the best ripperdoc in Night City. I knew you’d get it right."

Vik chuckled, shaking his head but clearly pleased. "Alright, alright. Just keep an eye on it for a few days, okay? Even if you feel like a tank now, you gotta let your body fully adapt."

Asuka gave him a casual salute, the grin never leaving her face. "You got it, Vik. But for real, I feel better than ever."

After leaving Vik's clinic, Asuka felt the new weight of her titanium bones settle in—solid, strong, and almost like they had always been a part of her. The streets of Night City buzzed with their usual chaotic energy, but right outside the clinic, Misty’s new shop, Misty’s Esoterica, provided a rare pocket of peace amidst the neon haze. The shopfront had come together nicely over the past week, its soft glow and eclectic decor a stark contrast to the gritty, chrome-heavy surroundings.

Asuka, curious and looking for a moment to unwind, decided to pay Misty a visit. Stepping inside, she was immediately greeted by the smell of incense, earthy and calming, filling the small but cozy space. Crystals, tarot decks, and strange trinkets lined the shelves, each one seemingly imbued with its own mystique. It felt like stepping into another world, far from the harsh streets outside.

Misty, sitting behind the counter, looked up and smiled warmly when she saw Asuka. “Hey, Asuka. How’s the new chrome treating you?” she asked, her voice soft and comforting, like the atmosphere in her shop.

Asuka grinned, walking over to the counter. “It’s great, honestly. Feels like my bones are made of iron now. Vik’s magic touch, you know?”

Misty nodded, her smile never fading. “That’s good to hear. He always takes care of his own. You’ll be even harder to break now, huh?”

Asuka chuckled, leaning against the counter and glancing around at the various items in the shop. “That’s the plan. But man, your place turned out nice, Misty. It’s got a whole vibe going on. Feels like I stepped into another dimension or something.”

Misty tilted her head slightly, her eyes twinkling. “That’s the idea. I wanted to create a space where people could slow down, reconnect. Night City can take a lot out of you, but places like this can help put a little back.”

Asuka looked around, feeling a sense of calm that she didn’t experience often. “Yeah, I can see why people come here. You always seem so grounded, Misty. It’s rare to meet someone like you in this city.”

Misty smiled again, her tone a bit more serious. “Thanks, Asuka. I try to help people find some balance, even if it’s just for a little while. You ever need that, you’re always welcome here.”

Asuka nodded, appreciating the sentiment. “I might take you up on that. Life’s been pretty crazy lately. Sometimes it’s good to get away from all the chaos.”

Misty reached under the counter and pulled out a small charm, intricately woven with threads of gold and black. “Here, take this. It’s a protection charm. Won’t stop bullets or anything,” she said with a chuckle, “but it might help keep you grounded, even when things get rough.”

Asuka took the charm, holding it between her fingers for a moment before tucking it into her jacket pocket. “Thanks, Misty. You’re a rare gem in this city.”

Misty gave a soft laugh. “Well, we all do what we can, right? Just make sure to take care of yourself. Even with all that chrome, your spirit needs some tending too.”

With that, Asuka felt a sense of calm she hadn’t expected. She gave Misty a quick nod, feeling lighter than she had when she walked in. “I will. Thanks again, Misty. I’ll see you around.”

“Anytime, Asuka,” Misty replied warmly.

As Asuka weaved through the chaotic streets of Watson on her Yaiba Kusanagi, the neon glow of Night City reflecting off her pink chrome bike, she felt alive. Dodging through the traffic, she had to keep her eyes sharp, especially with Maelstrom lurking around the corners of this part of town. The Maelstrom gangoons were always bad news, and she wasn’t in the mood for trouble tonight.

As she sped past a scrapyard, something caught her eye—a figure, small and lithe, working on what looked like an old firetruck. It was an odd sight, especially in this part of Watson, and Asuka’s curiosity got the better of her. She slowed her bike down, rolling to a stop just outside the fence. Kicking the stand down, she swung off her Yaiba and made her way over to the yard.

The girl working on the firetruck looked young, probably no more than a teenager, with short, dark hair and a focused expression as she tinkered with some wiring under the hood. She didn’t even seem to notice Asuka’s approach at first, too absorbed in her work.

“Hey, you need some help with that?” Asuka called out, leaning casually against the fence.

The girl finally looked up, blinking in surprise. Her expression was a mix of curiosity and caution, like she wasn’t used to people randomly stopping by. “Nah, I got it,” she said, her voice sharp but not unfriendly. “It’s just a busted relay. Easy fix.”

Asuka raised an eyebrow, impressed. “You work on these a lot?”

The girl nodded, wiping grease off her hands onto her worn-out coveralls. “Yeah, you could say that. I like to mess around with machines. Easier to deal with than people most of the time.”

Asuka chuckled at that. “I get it. Machines don’t talk back.”

The girl smirked, but her eyes stayed on Asuka’s Yaiba, clearly impressed. “Nice bike,” she said, glancing up at Asuka. “Custom paint job?”

“Yeah,” Asuka said with a grin. “You like it?”

The girl shrugged but couldn’t hide the hint of envy in her eyes. “It’s preem. One day I’ll get something like that. For now, this old junk will have to do.”

“What’s your name, kid?” Asuka asked, stepping a bit closer, intrigued by the girl's determination.

“Judy,” the girl replied, her eyes flicking back to her work. “Judy Alvarez.”

Asuka blinked, the name sparking recognition in her mind. Judy Alvarez—she knew that name from somewhere. In a flash, memories of her player knowledge from Cyberpunk 2077 flooded her mind. This was Judy, the future braindance tech who would become a legend in Night City’s underground. But right now? She was just a kid working on a firetruck in a scrapyard.

“Nice to meet you, Judy. I’m Asuka,” she said, trying to keep her cool despite the weight of what she knew about this girl’s future. “What’s with the firetruck?”

Judy glanced at the rusted vehicle and sighed. “Just something I’m fixing up. Found it here a while back, and it helps me pass the time. Not a lot of people come by Watson to mess with old machines, y’know?”

Asuka nodded, leaning against the hood of the truck. “Seems like you’ve got a knack for this stuff. Ever think about doing more than just fixing up junkers?”

Judy shrugged. “Maybe one day. Right now, I just like figuring out how things work. Not sure where it’ll take me, but I’ll figure it out.”

Asuka smiled, appreciating Judy’s grit and curiosity. “You will, trust me. You’ve got the skill.”

Judy looked at Asuka, a little surprised by the compliment, but she didn’t let it show for long. “Thanks. I don’t hear that a lot.”

Asuka gave her a playful nudge. “Well, you should. Keep at it, and one day, you might just surprise yourself.”

As Asuka was about to leave, she glanced back at Judy and noticed the sun was already dipping below the horizon, casting long shadows over the scrapyard. This part of Watson wasn’t exactly the safest place to be after dark, especially with gangs like Maelstrom lurking nearby.

"Hey, Judy," Asuka called out over the rumble of her Yaiba. "It’s getting late, and this area’s not exactly friendly after nightfall. You want a ride home? Safer than walking."

Judy hesitated, her cautious nature making her consider the offer. Asuka didn’t come off as a kidnapper or anything suspicious, but she still looked her over carefully. Asuka, sitting on her bike, didn’t seem to have any ill intentions, just concern. Plus, a part of her was already admiring the Yaiba and the woman riding it.

With a nod, Judy shrugged. “Yeah, alright. Probably safer than dealing with Maelstrom goons.”

Asuka grinned. “Hop on.”

Judy climbed onto the bike, positioning herself behind Asuka. As soon as she sat down, the reality of the situation hit her—she was pressed up against Asuka, and from this close, she couldn’t help but notice and feel just how curvaceous Asuka really was. The way Asuka’s body was accentuated by her position on the bike—her big bust and thick, shapely butt—caught Judy’s attention in a way she hadn’t expected. It was... distracting.

Trying to shake off the thought, Judy looked away, feeling a little awkward but not uncomfortable. Still, something had sparked in her mind. “Damn, she’s really... something”, Judy thought to herself, realizing she was developing a thing for curvaceous women.

Asuka, completely unaware of Judy’s thoughts, revved the engine and took off smoothly into the night. The streets of Watson zipped by, neon signs flickering overhead as they rode through the city. The wind whipped past them, and for a brief moment, Judy felt a sense of freedom—maybe even excitement—that came from riding on the back of Asuka’s bike.

"So, where am I dropping you?" Asuka called out over the wind.

"Not far," Judy replied, her voice raised to be heard over the sound of the engine. ".I’ll tell you where to turn."

The ride didn’t last long, but it left an impression on Judy. As they pulled up outside her apartment complex, she hopped off the bike, brushing her hands on her coveralls. “Thanks for the ride, Asuka. Appreciate it.”

Asuka smiled, flipping up her visor. “No problem, Judy. Stay safe, alright? Night City can be a real bitch.”

Judy nodded, her eyes lingering on Asuka for just a second longer than necessary. “Yeah... you too. See you around.”

Asuka gave her a nod and then sped off into the night, leaving Judy standing there, watching the pink glow of the Yaiba disappear down the street. As she headed inside her apartment, she couldn’t shake the image of Asuka from her mind—the confidence, the curves, the way she handled herself. From that moment on, Judy found herself drawn to curvaceous women, a newfound preference sparked by that unexpected ride through Night City.

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