Custom monster system


'I did that after my latest transformation so you can just ignore it.' Alex explained to them calmly and they understood what he was talking about. The way Alex's elder dragon ability worked was to effectively accelerate the effect of evolutionary factors and time on those subjected to it to rapidly cause evolution in them. For simple things like these mosses and vines that reproduced extremely fast under this effect and had plenty of room for improvement it was the greatest possible boon. For complex creatures like say people however it caused them to barely change at all other than subjecting them to rapid aging and eventually death.-

It was for this reason that Alex made sure to keep his ability in check at all times since it basically killed those around him in a rather unpleasant manner. Thankfully even when he was unconscious his body didn't release the restrictions he had placed on the ability unless he was undergoing some sort of fundamental change. "Alright Sid the first test is with each of the pure elements so start with fire since that is what the other elder used." the admiral said once everyone was settled far from the testing sight but still within view of it.-

Alex nodded and flew over to the testing area and drew on his fire energy alone while also using the [star] trait. 'The system wasn't joking when it said most of my energy I think I have maybe seven percent left.' he thought seriously as the bundle of highly compressed fire energy slowly rose from his throat before being spat out and falling slowly towards the ground below. Alex immediately flew far into the sky to escape the damage radius of the star and watched carefully.-

Upon impact with the ground there was a blinding flash of light as the star detonated and a wave of hot air shot so high into the sky that Alex could clearly feel it pressing against him. When the light vanished it revealed a crater filled with lava easily the length of five football fields end to end. Compared to safi jiiva's attack it was pretty clear that Alex's star was much stronger but he considered that a matter of course since his energy pool was also much larger. Meeting up with the other they discussed this outcome between them seriously as they waited for Alex's energy stores to refill themselves.-

This didn't take every long thanks to the world crystals Alex had hauled along for precisely this purpose. The highly energy packed crystals could be unraveled and devoured by Alex completely thanks to him having a perfect mix of every element and thus allowing him to break apart pretty much anything into energy. To put it simply the energy made of every element made Alex about as close to a god ability wise as possible as he could break down or create things using pure energy alone. Though this was just as difficult to actually put off as one would assume.-

Breaking things down into energy was easy but turning energy into things was eluding him entirely. The reason for this was that he lacked the ability to understand a material from a atomic level and as a result couldn't guide the energy into it. His best attempt so far had created a strange mix of multiple atomic elements through brute forcing the issue. Needless to say this was entirely useless to him so he could only helplessly leave the aspect of his power alone for now.-

The tests on each pure element star went smoothly with nothing strange happening beside the ice star creating an artificial glacier upon detonation. If it wasn't because of way that elemental powers worked in this world Alex may have questioned where the water to create the thing came from but since he was very aware of the elements abilities he found nothing strange about it. The next step of testing however was with fused elements and first up was the mist element. This unfortunately turned out to be a bust as all it did was create a massive cloud of fog over the entire island and then some of the surrounding sea.

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